Desktops :: Mac Attempts To Start Up And Automatically Shuts Down?
Aug 13, 2009
My Mac attempts to start up and automatically shuts down on it's own. It continues to start and stop for several minutes and finally boots up. Once it's up it works OK. I've had it in to the Mac store and they tell me it's probably the power supply, but after leaving it on all weekend it seemed to work OK so they didn't do anything. After I brought it home it is still acting in the same way. It's only on trying to start up that it cycles through the start - stop action. Once I turn it off it's the same problem on trying to start again. Does this sound like a power supply problem?
Have a 17" G5 iMac iSight (OS 10.5.8) that works normally for several hours and then the CPU temperature suddenly spikes and the computer shuts itself down. When I check the Temperature Monitor (application) history graph, it shows normal temperatures and then a spike. There are 3 fans and I don't know which is failing or whether there's something in the temperature sensing that's gone haywire. My only solution is to do a forced restart. By this time, things have cooled and it will work for several hours.
I have a G5 dual processor ((I think its a 2.5) running Tiger. I had it stored for several months and when I brought it out it won't start.. No response at all to pushing button..
Current status is...Cannot turn on, screen is dark. Blue light on power button stays on. Can't restart after holding it down...Red light inside box is on. Read that it might be air deflector trouble, but that's not it. Opened box removed plastic and returned it...another red light lit , then turned off. 1st red light stays on.
Before the above began, a restart would end up in a hang at the end of the progress bar. Ran Disk Util from Install CD which showed errors: "Volume Chk failed...HFS Volume needs repair". Ran FSCK whick said it fixed all. Ran Disk Warrior afterward b/c still would hang at startup. Says all now OK...but NOT! Have tried saving files thru Disk Warrior...but now, as per above, cannot get it to start up. Or turn off...
Would like to get it lit to save any additional files if drive is near the end...
[G5; 2GHz CPU speed; 6.5 GB RAM; Boot ROM version: 5.2.f1; Serial no. G8544RF6U
I'm new here, but not new to the Mac world. I own an intel iMac and while I was attempting to restart it on Sunday night it went into a gray screen with the box asking me to shut and restart in several languages. I did and still get stuck on that page. I did a PRAM reset and that didn't work. So I used my start up disk to get to the disk utility and my HD is fine so I used an external drive to install the OS on it and reboot from and reinstalled from TimeMachine (only problem is the last time I backed up was 5 months ago)Again I checked my internal drive and everything seems okay, but I cannot reboot from it. BTW, I've OS 10.6.2,
I have a late 2010 MacBook Air.Unfortunately, I'm in a country without an Apple store or any kind of official Apple support (no phone number to call).
2 days ago, I plugged in a little USB modem device (wireless is rare here) and my laptop shut down suddenly. It refused to restart at all until I did an SMC reset and then it was working fine (including with the USB modem plugged in).
However, the next day, the same shut-down occurred (when I plugged in the modem again) and now SMC reset is not doing anything. I've held down the start button for a very long time and there aren't any signs of life. The light on the charger shows that it is charging when I plug it in.
I am using Mac 0S X Leopard, mac mini and facing the following problem:
1) System is taking too long time(10 - 15 min ) for start up and shut down. 2) It is asking every time to set up the current time as and when the system starts every time. 3) When accesing the system preferences , it gets crashed when using index Spotlight. 4) Finder gets relaunched itself for every 60-90 seconds when accessing folder Applications or Utilities etc.. 5) The Spotlight is indexing itself, When i tried to stop the indexing of the spotlight using system preference, it gets crashed.
My system got its logic board replaced by the apple once.
I've got a strange issue with my PowerMac dual 1.8GhZ and I can't figure out where it's coming from.Last Saturday I experienced a Kernell Panic while using Safari and the Dictionary (MacOS 10.5.1).Since then, whenever I try to start my computer, it shuts itself down while the grey screen with the Apple logo is on screen. However, this isn't always the case:I can use my computer 'normally' if I press the option key at start-up and manually choose my startup disk.
I can boot from a Panther or Tiger installation disk, but not Leopard.If I try the hardware test the computer shuts itself down in the middle of the test.TechTool works and didn't find any issues with my computer. Nor did Disk Utility.I tried to erase both my internal hard-drives and do a clean install of Tiger, but the problem is still there (I have to press option at startup).I tried to reset the PRAM and Cuda/PMA. Doesn't resolve the issue.When I tick 'Restart automatically after power failure' in Energy Saver my Mac will indeed restart, meaning it thinks there was a power failure.Any idea what it might be? And why it only happens in certain situations?Do you think it's a hardware or a software issue?
Information: PowerMac G5 dual 1.8GhZ Mac OS X (10.5.1)
This is a new problem, started immediately after moving the computer gently a foot to the left...
When computer goes to sleep it shuts down.
Then when I press the power button I hear the mechanical click but it doesn't power back up.
Then if I unplug and re-plug it'll start back up. Happens every time like this.
I've, reseated the RAM chips, repaired permissions and reset SDC (SMC? whatever you call it when you hold the power button in for five seconds after unplugging).
My comp. has worked perfectly, Then I installed some updates, Itunes i think? And the comp. Shut down, and when it restarts it works for a min or two, then freezes, and i get the beach ball, that just spins around and around forever.
if I don't try to open anything, or do anything when i restart it, it will just shut down, and restart, then when it comes to the Grey screen with the apple and the little circle below it, the circle looks all pixilated, and just freezes
that is the version its on (Taken two days ago, and sent to a buddy for other reasons completely)
This has been a great computer - bought new in 2004. Recently started to click "off" as it was just powering up. I thought there was a bug - so did a clean and install for OS X - but still does it. The only way to start computer is to hold the Options & Alt key and P and R key at start up until I hear 6 dinging noises of start up (why six is the magic number I don't know. But it is the only combo that works!). Once it is up and running no problems.
I have a 20" Intel based iMac (model A1224) running Snow Leopard. It is just over a year old and only had the original Apple keyboard and mouse plugged into it. Today when I tried to start it I got only a blank gray screen. I tried all the keyboard combo start-up suggestions in the Apple help screens, unplugging/replugging everything, and booting with the Original disk and the Snow Leopard disk. A couple of those attempts produced a minute of the gray apple logo screen, then back to blank. While the disks were in it did sound like it was trying to read them, but spit out the disks after about 5 minutes.
when i start my imac it shows the apple logo, then the circle starts spinning and after a couple minutes it just shuts off. BTW i have windows on it as well so when i hold option it lets me open windows but not os
Recently my macbook pro battery stopped working, i took it to the apple service and battery has to be replaced which they will do so soon. They told me i can still use it on the power cord. However when i started it up the screen has a spinning wheel and a loading bar underneath the apple logo, which it never had before, and when the bar is 1/3 done the computer just shuts down every single time at the exact same place.
I have an iMac G5 iSight. When the power button is pressed there is no sound and a white light flashes, but nothing else happens. I tried the power reset method and replaced the power supply, but the same thing happens. The white light just keeps flashing.
Fairly new MacBook Pro with OXLion. When I try to turn on the computer, the startup noise and screen appear (grey loading screenwith apple icon). A loading bar at the bottom of the screen fills about a third up, then the computer shuts down again.
How do you make an application automatically load upon logon? I would like ByteController (the iTunes controller that loads in the menu bar) to automatically start when I login.
My system drive recently failed and so I installed on a another drive in my mac pro. I've taken the other (failed) drive out. My current system drive which works great so far when my computer is booted up and running, is not found automatically during start up. For example, if I restart the computer it will either show me a blank screen forever, sometimes a missing folder, sometimes nothing. But if I hold option during start up, sure enough the system drive will show up and I can go on my way with no problems.
Just an FYI, CS5 will install Growl automatically and start it. Yet the only app that it lists in the Growl config for Adobe is the Adobe Application Manager?
When I plug an iPod Touch into my MBP or a PC, iTunes starts automatically. Is there way to make it such that iTunes doesn't automatically but rather, when I say to start it?
So i downloaded macoffice on the new macbook air using the internet and the code on the box as per the instructions of the guys at apple. The problem is everytime I start up the macbook, both word, excel and my mail automatically opens up. And when i close excel, he spreadsheet opens up again. How do I stop this?
my safari and firefox wouldnt start download some links automatically. for examples some megaupload links and some website like this one [URL]. when u click on 'UNSUPPORTED TETHERED REDSN0W - REDSN0W LITE' firefox or safari should start the download automatically, put mine wouldnt. i have to right click and choose 'save file as' to download the file. i have a friend, she's using the same spec macbook as me and she also uses the same wifi as me, when i gave her the megaupload link which i can't download and also the website [URL], she didnt have any problem downloading them.