Applications :: Zshare Audio Streaming Not Working With Firefox 3
Sep 2, 2008
hopefully this is the right place to ask this. my audio streaming doesnt work with firefox 3 but it works with safari on my macbook pro running 10.4.11. firefox 3 will stream video but not audio and it still downloads everything correctly. it was working perfect for a while and then all of the sudden boom no audio streaming. let me give you all a link to a zshare audio file so you can get an idea whats going on
this song will not stream for me. anyone know how i can get firefox to stream?
My sound doesn't work when streaming radio, but only for radio! I usually listen to BBC Radio 1 via their homepage, but suddenly yesterday, the sound disappeared. I tried various other radio streams and they all failed too. All other sound output, ie. youtube, Itunes, DVD player, online games etc work fine.
Would anybody know what's going on?
iMac 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 duo with latest Snowleopardversion.
When using either Firefox or Safari, recently, to watch instant movies via Netflix, the browser unexpectedly closes. Sometimes it gets to the buffering stage. I've cleared all my private data (history, caches, cookies...) and redownloaded flash/shockwave. I have the most current Silverlight too.
Any ideas? It worked perfectly since I've had it (about a month or two), up until today.
It seems to me that Quicktime is losing out, big time, versus Flash for video streaming. Even the venerable BBC is proposing to use Flash for all its services for internet TV and most streamed audio is on Real Player.
So what do you all think Apple needs to do to get Quicktime back in the mainstream as a leading platform for DRM (of necessity) protected TV & Video?
Can anyone offer advice on how to capture streaming audio with VLC?
Preferably in mp3 format, but ogg would be ok, too.
I've tried just about every configuration option I can find, but although the stream plays (RealAudio), VLC fails to capture it.
BTW - the VLC site says that if VLC can play it, it can capture. It's a shame it doesn't go on to say how (well, other than via come pretty hair-raising command line stuff that I really don't think applies to what I'm trying to get).
I have a first gen MBA. It is 1.6Ghz with 2GB of Ram. I am trying to watch the NCAA tournament on MMOD and the quality is terrible. It gets so choppy and I often have to quit Safari or Firefox and even restart the computer. It usually starts off ok but after a few minutes it becomes unwatchable.
What is wrong? I am not running anything by the OS and the browser. It isn't my internet as it makes no difference if I use wireless or ethernet and my download speeds are about 10-15Mbps. I don't have any problems watching streaming on my 5 yr old Dell.
Aa above, Firefox has stopped loading pages. Any pages.
All I get is a white box with 'Search Bookmarks & History' in the search box. (see pic)
I deleted everything FF related from my drive, as well as the app & started from scratch. Downloaded a fresh version from their website, installed, and still nothing. Tried the obvious & rebooted - nothing.
I've been having this problem in 3.5 and 3.6...any time I mouse over text or an image that has a tooltip (the little yellow text box), I just get a blank yellow box. Take xkcd, for example. The main comic (image) always pops up a text box. But all I see is a small blank box, like it's displaying a space or something.
I've got an old eMac in my den and I'd like to stream videos to the TV ( Toshiba 20" CRT ) in my living room.
I purchased the Apple video adapter, 24 feet of s-video cable and 20 feet of rca ( left & right ) cable with an adapter on one end to fit into the headphone jack on the computer. I hooked it up and there's no picture or sound on the tv when I stream a video.
Also, the icons on my desktop get larger once I plug the video adapter into the eMac.
I just recently got my new Imac and am trying to nail down what my options are for streaming music throughout my apt.
The ideal setup for me would be to have my mac run my music/audio from the bedroom and have airport express stream the audio to a Tivoli model 2 (it only has one aux input) in the living room. If I just use itunes it should be a pretty simple setup, but I have one dilemma.
I listen to a lot of Sirius radio and would like to stream Sirius internet radio to the same speakers. Is this possible with airport xpress?? If not what are some of my other options? If possible I want to avoid buying another receiver and using its fm xmiter, this would probably work fine due to the close proximity to the speakers but not a very ideal set-up.
Any advice/experience anyone has to share would be great, also if there are any issue with airtunes I should know.
I don't know what my wife did to her 13" white MacBook, but Firefox is slow as molasses. Safari is working perfectly, but all of her bookmarks are in Firefox. I made sure she was on the correct network, than added opendns settings to DNS. I downloaded and installed the most recent Firefox and repaired permissions on the drive. I rebooted - same problem. Random beachballs causing the app to be useless. Safari works perfectly, so it's not an Internet issue. I haven't tried other apps to be sure but right now it seems confined to Firefox.
I have a late 2009 mac mini - 2.26 ghz, 2gb ram, 160gb hdd yadda yadda.
It was working fine until this morning. Whenever I click on an application in the dock, it opens up the applications folder. And whenever I click a link in firefox, it opens in a new tab, and is incredibly annoying!
When downloading avi files quicktime is selected and although there is video there is no audio. I've downloaded every version of VLC but the computer doesn't seem to recognise it - even when hitting on the vlc cone icon the top menu bar doesn't alter i.e go from finder to VLC. I've never had a problem with vlc before however my mac recently crashed and am currently operating out of the root system administrator so don't know if I'm missing some plug in that I might have had before.
when im using mozilla, and i wanna preview to a file which has been uploaded on, it doesn't appear. only happens to me with mozilla, with safari i can preview it. can someone give me a solution plz? i have flip4mac installed.
- Volume is at max - System Prefs>Sound>External Speakers>Volume Max>Not Muted - No red light coming from the headphone jack - Tried inserting and removing headphones, no sound in speakers or headphones - Restarted computer while holding down ⌘ + OPT + P + R , no sound made - A very very faint feedback, like when you plug an electric guitar in to an amp, can be heard when the first sound (the mac start up chime) is supposed to play on restart - USB headphones work
the Firefox addons on Mozilla's website work on OSX when using Firefox? I just wanted to make sure since I like using all of the apps on my firefox configuration and was thinking about buying a mac. I know a lot of 3rd party apps that aren't specifically made for Mac at times will not work
I just got a new mbp. (old one's logic board and cpu died)
With my old mbp(leopard) everything flash related was working perfectly fine.
The new mbp, Flash works with every other browsers such as Safari and Opera.
However, when using Firefox to watch videos or browse websites, Flash thinks my left mouse click is my right click. So whenever I try to pause a video or play it, flash opens up "About Flash Player 10"
When I use some powerpoint presentation containing audio-visual info keynote always seems to prematurely end the audio part. Have tinkered with it a little, but can't seem to sort it out
I want to convert some video files (specifically swf in this case) to audio files so I can listen on my iPod. I looked everywhere and can't find some free software that does that. There are tons that have trial periods with lots of limitations (like it won't convert anything larger than a 5k size file) so I don't want those because I won't know if the thing works well unless I pay for it. I'm not opposed to paying for a converter IF I know it works awesome on a Mac.
I have searched a lot for this question and have not found an answer.
I am trying to play a .avi video on my MAC that was originally in .rar compressed format. I opened it in VLC, and the audio wont play.. so i checked the info and saw that:
video codec: XVID
audio codec: mpga
I have perian downloaded.. it doesnt seem to be doing anyting. I dont know if i've missed something in my extracting process of the .rar file.