Applications :: Firefox With Spinning Beachball - Safari Working Fine
Nov 29, 2009
I don't know what my wife did to her 13" white MacBook, but Firefox is slow as molasses. Safari is working perfectly, but all of her bookmarks are in Firefox. I made sure she was on the correct network, than added opendns settings to DNS. I downloaded and installed the most recent Firefox and repaired permissions on the drive. I rebooted - same problem. Random beachballs causing the app to be useless. Safari works perfectly, so it's not an Internet issue. I haven't tried other apps to be sure but right now it seems confined to Firefox.
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Apr 27, 2009
I have both Safari and Firefox browsers. I prefer Firefox, but for downloading stuff I use Safari, but my question is, Why does the spinning beach ball of death keeps on popping up throughout the whole time I use Safari? Does this happen to all of you?
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Mar 17, 2009
Quite a while back, I switched from Firefox back to Safari, because Firefox was driving me crazy with it's intermittent freezes and whatnot. Safari was so much faster and allowed tabbing to menu form fields (which I think Firefox still does not do). But lately, it seems like Safari just slogs through everything it tries to do. Google maps is painful. Loading up the CBS website earlier took over a minute, and not because of a slow connection.
The spinning beachball now appears on every click it seems. This is was Safari 3, so I updated to Safari 4 beta, and it doesn't seem much better. It's odd because it didn't used to be like this...It just sort of started out of nowhere. One thing I do notice is that my hard drive is just churning away with activity at these times. Any ideas what could cause such random slowdowns? Restarting does not help. It's just as slow afterward.
MacBook Pro 17" 2.0 Ghz, 2GB Ram, 160GB HD
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Jun 16, 2012
Lately (last few weeks) Safari has been really sluggish loading pages. Any pages. I've used 5.1.7, downgraded to 5.1.5 which helped for a few days only. Pages do eventually load. Other apps seem fine. I've repaired permissions with Disk Utility, which didn't help. Chrome works fine, other apps work fine.
iMac 2 GB, 250 GB disk (150 GB free). Â
I recently had to initialize the HD and restore from Time Machine, so I'm thinking I screwed something up then. what piece of Safari-related software could be missing or misplaced that would make pages load VERY slowly in Safari, but eventually load?
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Aug 8, 2009
I have a late 2009 mac mini - 2.26 ghz, 2gb ram, 160gb hdd yadda yadda.
It was working fine until this morning. Whenever I click on an application in the dock, it opens up the applications folder. And whenever I click a link in firefox, it opens in a new tab, and is incredibly annoying!
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May 26, 2012
Since last night's Mac OS upgrade (I use Lion), the cursor in Safari is a constantly spinning beachball. How can I turn it back into an arrow? Safari is still working, by the way--but the beachball keeps spinning.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Aug 31, 2009
Like the title says since Snow Leopard when I go to websites with a flash video player built in it beachballs my internet browser endlessly until I force quit. It is very frustrating. I have reinstalled flash player many times. Youtube works fine, but Hulu is impossible to watch. This makes a good portion of websites I visit not even functional.
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Jul 2, 2010
I put off doing the software update on Safari... I just HAD a feeling something would go wrong and I didn't have time to mess with it if it did.
So today I ran and update. And it messed up.
Now Safari will "open"... it looks like it is open and I have access to all the menus. But a Safari window will not open.
I am surprised that I haven't seen others with this problem. I have tried deleting the cache and deleting the preferences file. Neither seem to have made ANY difference.
I'm at a loss as to what to do. And I am feeling like I'm missing a body part. I need my Safari back!
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Jun 6, 2008
When I wake from sleep, my mouse cursor is a beachball that is NOT spinning. I can use my mouse like normal, move it, and click on things, but its still a beachball. I beleive it stays like this until the mouse is actually supposed to be a beachball (when I open a few programs at the same time and the computer starts "thinking"), then it starts spinning and after that it goes back to the normal black arror cursor.
Might be a problem from the 10.5.3 update? anyone else experience this?
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Nov 27, 2009
When I try to open a new tab it leaves the new tab blank and changes the tab I'm already working on...doesn't do this all the time, but enough to make it irritating. Basically it makes additional tabs uselesss
Also, if I am working successfully in 2 or more tabs for a while it will freeze on the last URL I used on the newest tab and not allow me to go to any new pages on any of the tabs...the only solution to this seems to be quitting Safari and restarting..PITA
I really like Safari, but it's been doing this to me for a few weeks now. Gonna go back to Firefox for the time being and hope that a future update fixes it.
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Nov 1, 2007
I'm having a strange issue after upgrading to Leopard. When I try to open certain pages in Safari it instantly gives me the "Safari can?t find the server" message. When I try to open the same page in Firefox at the same time it opens normally. For many pages (like this one) Safari is working fine. My connection seems good and this is happening on reliable sites (currently Safari won't open
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Mar 31, 2012
After restarting, Safari suddenly doesn't load any webpages. It shows all the top sites in the favorites area and actually updates some to the most recent versions, but when you try to get to the site it shows the loading bar to about an 1/8th of the way and then just pin wheels. Firefox works fine. I have used the reset to no avail. Have the current version and have been running it for a while with no problems. Â
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 24, 2009
2 yr old Macbook Pro boots up to the point where wallpaper appears - then its solid spinning. I've tied restarting a number of time same thing. I really don't have time for this.
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Jan 17, 2008
Is anyone else getting spinning beachball in xTorrent lately?
Everytime I have fired it up over the last few days I get the spinning beachball after a few minutes.
And it'll just sit there spinning for hours until I Force Kill the application.
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Nov 13, 2008
i have just installed a new hard drive and since i have done this, i keep getting a spinning beachball, which sometimes doesn't go off and i have to manually switch off the computer, and i know this cant be good for the hard drive. i am running tiger 10.4 on a powermac g4.
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May 4, 2012
I have a 27 " IMac, version 10.7.3 and downloaded iTunes 10.6.1 (7) loads but does not respond. The deadly beachball just keeps spinning. I have restarted computer, reloaded profram, tried several times. Any ideas?
Info:iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3), Familiar with ITunes
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Jun 17, 2012
What to do when wheel won't stop spinning
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Sep 5, 2014
I've got 500mb of RAM available for OSX to use the spinning beachball comes up every now and again and when it appears I’m unable to do anything other than move my mouse. I’m running latest version of OSX Mavericks.
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Aug 27, 2008
Running 10.3.9 on a G4 iBook, suddenly started getting a verrrrry slow start up. Everyting fine up to the log in screen, choose user, enter passw, go through bits of blue screen right up until the wallpaper loads then, bam, on with the brakes. Spinning beachball, plus date, time, battery, language, volume, intnet connect, applescript and network icons all appearing one by one, very lazily, with no menu bar behind them. Takes a good couple of minues, thereafter everything ok. This doesn't happen when I reboot in safe mode. I've got about 30pc hard drive available, run a few bits of basic maintenance, but so far nothing.
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Mar 23, 2012
I would like to know if anyone is having trouble with Safari 5.0.6 on 10.5.8. I have a habit of walking away from my Mac with the browser still open. 9/10 when I return I get spinning pinwheels, no response period, or scripting errors. Thinking maybe my system was bogged down, I did a fresh install of the OS. That did not fix the problem. Then I made sure 10% of my 2TB drive was free and that also did not fix it.
Now I realize I can use other browsers but I prefer Safari. I was wondering if this is an isolated issue or something everyone else is experiencing since Apple no longer provides core updates to Power PCs. If its the latter then I finally got my first taste of Apple has no problem leaving you behind, starting with your Internet viewing experience.
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Sep 30, 2009
What's happening is a class can be running and without warning all of them (or seemingly all of them) will get the spinning beach ball and won't be able to do any work for the 2 or so minutes before things return.
Here's what I currently know
- OS X version is 10.5 and is on the april (? around there) bug fixes
- Users are authenticating with Active Directory
- Users are using Network Home Directories with the files stored on a Server 2003 share
- I'm assured the network connection is fine but this hasn't been ruled out
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Feb 20, 2009
I got this iBook about 6 months ago for free from my sister. I love it, but recently, I have had the worst time with Mac. I wanted to install Xcode for my Mac, and I installed it. The only problem is that it said it couldn't run due to some bogus error... Later that night, I was just browsing the internet and my browser (Safari) crashed. I went to open it again and it just kept crashing. Then, when I went to switch to Firefox, it also crashed. I tried to go into my HDD or Applications folder and it crashed.
Everything would crash as soon as I tried to open. I tried rebooting. I was stuck at they grey screen with an apple and spinning wheel for half an hour, then gave up. I took out my system restore disks and checked the hardware first. Everything was intact. Then I tried Disk Utility from the System Restore disk and all it said was that it couldn't repair the volume. So I remembered that you could reinstall the operating system without reinstalling user settings. I ran it. It was the worst mistake I could make. It turns out that I got 10.3.3 System Restore disks and a separate 10.4 disk. When I tried reinstalling the Tiger disk, it just kept shooting it back out at me. I couldn't even open the internet as all of my applications were written for Tiger. I asked a friend to do some research for me and she found that the disk included was 'part of a hardware bundle' and was not bootable or even readable by the computer. I ask you, if it's not bootable or readable, why even incude it?! So now I'm trying to find a decent deal on a bootable disk on eBay. If anybody knows anything that might help, it would be aprreciated.
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Jun 26, 2012
I haven't been able to get Safari to load any page for hours now. My internet works fine because I can get email and load Firefox but Safari is my primary browser. I have restarted Safari, my wifi and the MacBook but still will not work.
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jul 4, 2008
Ever since upgrading to Firefox 3 on both my Mac Pro and my Mac Book Pro I am repeatedly getting a rainbow spinning pinwheel. Firefox will work for 2-5 minutes and then I get the rainbow spinning pinwheel for about a minute then Firefox will work for 2-5 minutes then the spinning wheel again. This is how its been since I upgraded to Firefox 3. I never had this problem with Firefox 2. This is very frustrating because Firefox is my preferred browser.
The extensions I have installed are:
AdBlock Plus
Foxmarks Bookmark Synchronizer
Tab Mix Plus
PDF Download
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May 10, 2009
past week firefox has been running slow, ill click or try to scroll down ap age and i get a few seconds of the spinning beachball. I have 4 gb of ram, so this kind of slow program shouldnt be happening, the other programs open are ichat and mail.
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Nov 22, 2009
I switched from PC to iMac last week . I am very excited by the performance of Mac OSX and display of the new 21.5" iMac. The only problem I face is that quicktime movies are not played in safari/firefox. Safari waits indefinitely for loading the quicktime movie , firefox shows a big 'Q ?'. Don't know what that means.
This frustrating because I can't view any of the tutorial movies in the apple website. It is ironic that apple's own format is not playing on the new iMac.
The OS is Mac OSX 10.6.2 . Flash is playing well in the same machine. I am new to mac .
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Nov 12, 2010
I have tried google, but I'm now resorting to macrumors.
Basically the I updated to 10.6.5 and updated to the latest Java. The problem I now have is with some statistics software called SPSS, it can't render graphs anymore because of the java update.
I've been struggling trying to fix the problem and I can't get it to work.
If I revert back in time machine will it change the system files back so that my software will work again??
Would it be better to do a clean erase and restore from time machine, do I need to use my SL disk for this?
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Jan 16, 2008
Is anyone else having this issue. Always in the middle of a call it just cuts off. It always happens.
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Apr 16, 2010
So I haven't used Pandora in a while, and just started again last week. I figured I would grab one of the third party apps, so I didn't have to use Safari to listen. I tried PandoraJam, PandoraBoy, and PandoraMan, and none of them work right. I can listen to stations that I have already created, but I can not create a new station. Every time I try to type an artist or song in the box, it doubles every letter. For example say I wanted to search for "Train" If I try to type that in the search box it comes out "Ttrraaiinn." I know Pandora recently released their own App, so did they break 3rd Party apps, to promote Pandora ONE?
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Sep 2, 2010
I think what I'm talking about are javascript links...when you go to, for example, [URL] I'm talking about the links in the box on the right labeled "Most Watched Video." None of the links IN THAT BOX work for me. By "work" of course I mean go anywhere or do anything. It's as if I'm clicking in an area of a page without links.
This happens for me in other sites with similar links. What gives?!
I've checked Firefox and am running the latest version of javascript. I'm also running the latest version of Firefox 3.6.8. I'm on a Mac OSX 10.4.11 - old system software, I realize, but I simply haven't been able to afford moving beyond this (plus my Mac is a Macbook, 2GB RAM, 80GB HD - old unit).
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