Safari :: Unable To Work For Admin User - Fine For Others?
Feb 18, 2012
When I open Safari no page opens - I am the administrator. The pull down commands are at the top, but most of them are in gray and don't work, even the quit command. Safari appears to work fine when I log in as a different user. I have done a disk repair and verify and have had no luck. I also downloaded OnyX and did a system clean - still no change. One of the other Apple groups said to empty my cache and last few internet plug ins. None of this has worked. I would like to continue using Safari as I am very comfortable with it.
When I purchased my iMac a few years ago, I created one user account and just started using my computer. I am trying to implement a few Safe Computing practices by creating a new Admin user account and changing my original user account to a Standard user. Â
For some reason, I cannot change either of the accounts to a standard user after I type in the password. I've logged in as both and tried to change the other user profile to a standard user, but the checkbox is greyed out on both of the Admin User accounts.  Â
I can create a new standard user, but I have everyting set the way I like it on my current Admin user account. It would be much easier to have a new Admin User account and "Downgrade" my original Admin account to a standard user account. Â
why the option to change from an Admin user to a standard user would be "Greyed Out"? The support articles walk me through, what should be a few simple steps, but I can not change the settings because the checkbox is greyed out. Â
I put off doing the software update on Safari... I just HAD a feeling something would go wrong and I didn't have time to mess with it if it did.
So today I ran and update. And it messed up.
Now Safari will "open"... it looks like it is open and I have access to all the menus. But a Safari window will not open.
I am surprised that I haven't seen others with this problem. I have tried deleting the cache and deleting the preferences file. Neither seem to have made ANY difference.
I'm at a loss as to what to do. And I am feeling like I'm missing a body part. I need my Safari back!
Four days ago i left my Mac at my office, because it had to be set up for being compatible with Active Directory. Now, i have got it back, but unfortunately my Mac was not able to connect with Active Directory.But even worse: My Mac is now completely out of order.When i turn my Mac on, the only profil available is called Admin (i later found out that this profile was created by the guy who tried to set up the AD). I can't find my own account in the "users" part of the system utilities, but when i search for my name in finder my whole profile shows up. Unfortunately, i can not enter the folders with my name on, because i have to type the admin code. When i do that, however, it does not work. I checked with the Mac guy and he assured me that he had not changed the password.How can i exit this stupid Admin user and enter my own? Would it help to reset the admin password (My DVD drive is broke, so i can not insert the mac os x cd)?
I have always run under admin, ever since jumping into Mac's. Want to know how I gain access to everything that I have ever used as admin on my new user name?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7), MacBook Pro (2007) (2010)
I am upgrading my MBP and want to use Migration Assistant. The question I have is. I have been negligent and using my current MBP logged on as Admin. I want to create a user profile separate from Admin on my new MBP. Will I be able to migrate all my apps and settings from my old MBP Admin account to the new MBP user profile without issue?
Like many users, I have set up my only user account as Admin, which I share with my wife. I would now like to duplicate that user account (so as to keep all the settings, etc.) and convert the new account to Standard, and rename the Admin account to a new name.
I have an imac running Leopard which is my son's machine.
All his music and Office are sitting on the admin account, not him and I want to transfer it all to his account, but cannot find any clues in the help menu.
Also when logged on as him, I can't access the internet, even though I can when logged in as administrator - any clues?
I have tried installing Office when logged on as him but it won't recognise the admin log in details required during the install. My log in details are first name and last name but once I have entered my first name it won't allow me to enter any more characters. I've tried entering "admin" and "administrator" at this point but no dice.
My iMac (10.5.7) is currently set up with me as the Admin user. I know that this is not recommended but it's been like this for a while and I'm considering setting up an Admin user and dropping my account down to a standard account. Is this likely to cause me any problems with the applications that have been installed over the months or is there anything I need to watch out for when doing this?
I migrated my macbook pro over to my imac successfully. The weird thing was, when it asked about users, i didnt have the opportunity to overwrite (or merge) the mbp user with the existing imac user. That option was greyed out and the only option was to create a NEW user.. Not the best
None the less, i created the new user from my MBP and figured i would just move a few files over from the other user that I wanted and delete the old existing user.. but i cant!!!
I made sure to give full access to all admins and moved the files with no problem.. (p.s. both accounts are admin users with full permissions)
The problem is when I go into the system preferences, and click on users and then unlock the preferences, I can click on '-' to remove the old user and it asks if i want to create a disk image, just delete it, or remove just the user and keep the home folder.. I chose to create a disk image and delete the user
This is when it gets stuck. I click continue and i get the spinning pinwheel of death.
rebooted and still the same thing.
whats going on?? I dont know how to check if the computer is just not creating the disk image and there is something wrong with that, or if there is something seriously wrong with how the users/files are linked.
I tried to install Type to Learn (a learning to type program) under my daughter's account. This is what it said: "The software to be installed requires Administrator or higher level access privileges." I went to my account and successfully installed it. I went back to my daughter's and got the same message. I tried a google search and came up with things 6 years old...mostly dealing with printers.
I bought this Macbook Pro (10.6.3) second hand and the user account was the name of the guy I bought it from. I'm tired of always seeing his name pop up when I have to access my Home folder and since the only way to change that is to create another admin profile thats what I'm going to do. Once mine is up and running I will delete the old account but first I have a question. Is there a way I can transfer over things like my Admin accounts and History, My Applemail email addresses and history and my Firefox settings, plugins etc., without having to duplicate them?
I've noticed in different threads around here that some folks talk about having an admin acct while setting up a user account for person use. What's the advantage to doing that vs just using the admin account for everything? Since wife and I now use separate computers, I'm trying to do everything possible to keep this thing running as smoothly and efficiently as possible for as long as possible!
After updating from 10.5.1 to 10.5.5, my account changed from Admin access to Standard. The problem is, I never had Root enabled and I also do not have Netinfo manager on my computer. The login screen only shows my account... no Guest or anything else. I keep going in circles as everything comes down to having to type in an admin name and password, but there are no admin accounts on the computer. I've been working on this for hours now and I'm about to just set up a new HD and transfer my files, but I'd like to figure this out before surrendering to that.
I was working to erase extra users to free up space on my iMac. I mistakenly threw away the admin. now the computer is locked up and I am unable to take the content off the machine for a clean reinstall. Is there a way to access the machine threw the Root User or Super Administer to recover control of the machine and make another user the admin of the machine? I am able to login and logout out to different users.
iMac 2.16 GHZ IntelCore 2 Duo with 2GB RAM running OS 10.5.8. After switching from one user account to the Admin User Account the kernel panic message 'You need to restart you computer' appeared. After holding down the power button and restarting, I tried to login to the same account but got the same error message. Tried again and still same message. I then restarted using the install disk and used Disk Utility to repair the disk. Â
Disk Utility reported missing thread record, incorrect number of threads,invalid volume file count (It should be 823873 instead of 823874) incorrect number of extended attributres and missing directory record and then it continuted to repair the disk and then showed invalid volume file count error again but this time it displayed (It should be 823874 instead of 823873) For some reason the numbers were swapped round from the earlier message. It continued to repair and reported that the Volume Macintosh HD appears to be OK.Â
I restarted the mac and logged into Admin User Account and got the 'You need to restart your computer' message again. After restarting I logged into the other 3 user accounts and they all work perfectly but each time I log onto the Admin User Account the 'restart computer' message appears. Is there any way to repair the Admin User Account without having to re-format the hard drive and re-install everything from scratch?
Trying to delete a surplus user admin account. Chose delete securely. It has been running for 24 hours and hence can't close system preferences. Should I leave it or try and force quit the process ..This is a new IMac running osx Mavericks
I'm running Mavericks on a MacBook Pro. Right now I operate everything under the admin user profile. It has been suggested that I should not be operating all of my daily work using the admin account, I should be using a standard user account, and the admin should remain for admin purposes only. Is it possible to switch the admin rights to a different user account, and then I keep the account I've been working in, have all software and preferences loaded in and make it a standard account? Or can I duplicate my admin account and use the duplicated user account for working in, and the original as the admin? Trying to keep from having to reload all software, passwords, copy work, etc. Since I don't understand this fully, not sure how to accomplish this.
I updated my adobe reader yesterday and the new update is horrible. When I view an adobe document in safari it is slow and sometimes unresponsive. I can no longer use my magic trackpad in order to zoom in and out. I cannot even print the document I am viewing.Â
Recently I lost my admin identity password and consequently I was unable to trash applications or any file requiring the admin password. And so I reset this by reinstalling the setup (this is a bit of a hack I learned about through Youtube). After rebooting the system I was asked to create a new admin which I did and then I was asked whether I wanted to transfer the data � I answered no to this option.
All my data (files, folders, photos, music, etc. now resides in an identity called Main User. How do I import all this material into my new admin identity or manage this such that all the preferences, bookmarks, Microsoft email user identity and all privileges are restored to how they were before?
Unfortunately, I got hit with Flashback on my imac. I've removed it with ClamAV and now I'm trying to clean things up and learn from my own mistakes. I've disabled Java and I am in the process of changing all my passwords everywhere I can. One mistake I had made was to use myself as administrator as my only account. I would like to change that, but one reason I hadn't done so earlier is that everything I've done and set up for the last 10 years is in my administrator account.
Is there a simple way to transfer everything over to the user account, rather than starting with a blank slate and trying to set things up from memory? And if so, should I then erase or delete things from my admin account? Which things and how do I do that quickly? I know I shouldn't have been using my admin account as user, but it didn't seem like a big deal back in 2002. Now I've been burned, and I want to get this fixed.
Someone gave me a terminal command that allowed my OS X Admin user permission to make an application alias without having to enter my user password. I've since forgotten the command and wish to use it for a new admin user since my old admin has gremlins on a number of apps but new users are not troubled in same way. I can't beleive Apple would default to requiring a password to make/edit an alias but there you go the distrurbing trend towards their total control of my desktop advances… not to mention User SysPrefs leaking over from another user for keyboard shortcuts and sounds?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 10.7.4 actually Wacom 6x11
Is there any such thing as a tool or utility that allow a logged in networked admin user to restart/sleep or shut down a server from another terminal or workstation? It'll be kinda useful at times.. I ain't so much bothered about starting a remote system.
I wanted to get a webcam for my Mac mini and noticed that this one is going on sale tomorrow:[URL]. I remember reading a while back that the camera must have auto-focus built in to the lens, as iChat does not adjust the picture. I am unsure if it is built into this one.