OS X :: Slowdowns / Spinning Circle Every 5 Minutes Or So?

Sep 3, 2009

After updating to Snow Leopard, I get the spinning circle thingy no matter WHAT apps I'm running every 5 mins or so. I've tried rebooting and everything - anyone else having this problem? If so is there a solution?

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PowerPC :: Boot Up With No Spinning Circle - Have Apple Change To A Circle With A Slash

May 6, 2009

i tried several things like zapping the PRAM, open firmware, and taking out RAM. also took out my pci wireless card and usb card. nothing helped, but eventually it booted up. i thought that the hard drive was probably dead but i couldnt boot off a tiger install disc when i tried.its been having problems starting up everyday since then. sometimes it will boot with the circle spinning and just stay there. other times it will boot with some junk on the screen and the restart message underneath, boot up with no spinning circle, or have the apple change to a circle with a slash through it

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Applications :: Random Slowdowns In Safari - Spinning Beachball

Mar 17, 2009

Quite a while back, I switched from Firefox back to Safari, because Firefox was driving me crazy with it's intermittent freezes and whatnot. Safari was so much faster and allowed tabbing to menu form fields (which I think Firefox still does not do). But lately, it seems like Safari just slogs through everything it tries to do. Google maps is painful. Loading up the CBS website earlier took over a minute, and not because of a slow connection.

The spinning beachball now appears on every click it seems. This is was Safari 3, so I updated to Safari 4 beta, and it doesn't seem much better. It's odd because it didn't used to be like this...It just sort of started out of nowhere. One thing I do notice is that my hard drive is just churning away with activity at these times. Any ideas what could cause such random slowdowns? Restarting does not help. It's just as slow afterward.

MacBook Pro 17" 2.0 Ghz, 2GB Ram, 160GB HD

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MacBook Pro :: Hard Crashes Along With A Lot Of Slowdowns And Spinning Discs While Using Browsers?

Feb 11, 2012

Howdy -- I've been having some problems with a 2010 MBP. Some very hard crashes along with a lot of slowdowns and spinning discs while using the various browsers (usually some combination of Safari, Chrome & Firefox)... I ofren have M'soft Word open as well.  

In some crashes, the cursor still works but that's it. Nothing else on the screen responds or reacts and I eventually have to hold down the power button. I'm using Lion, but I did exeperience some of these problems before ugrading. 


Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: Gets Stuck On Spinning Circle When Shutting Down

Jun 8, 2012

I have had my mac for only 1 year and still getting use to the troubleshooting. My Imac keeps getting stucking on spinning circle when I shut down or reboot. I have unplugged all my external hard drives and printer. Nothing seemed to work. Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 (11E53), 4gb Ram, Processor 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5.

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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IMac PPC :: Screen Just Has The Apple Icon And The Spinning Circle But Nothing Is Happening?

May 3, 2012

My screen just has the apple icon and the spinning circle - wont log on.    Lost power without shutting down

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OS X Mavericks :: MacBook Pro Very Slow Wait Spinning Circle / Cursor Appears Too Often

Jul 1, 2014

My macbook pro 15 (early 2011) running Mavericks is very slow wait spinning circle/cursor appears way too often.  

Any configuration changes or other actions I could take to speed it up. I took the following EtreCheck after boot up before launching Word, Excel, Adobe Acrobat Pro and Safari (I have stopped using Chrome). 

EtreCheck version: 1.9.12 (48)Report generated July 1, 2014 at 10:13:27 AM EDT Hardware Information:  MacBook Pro (15-inch, Early 2011) (Verified)  MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro8,2  1 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU: 4 cores  8 GB RAM Video Information:  Intel HD Graphics 3000

[Code] .....

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PowerPC :: White Screen With The Apple Logo And Spinning Circle / Large Fan Not Working

Dec 13, 2009

I just acquired a G4 MDD Power Mac. Dual 1 Ghz processors.I pulled the HD out of my older g4, connected it, and powered the machine up. The HD has OSX 10.5 and works fine in the older G4.

The first thing I notice is that the Small fan (in the door) is spinning, but the Large fan under the Power Supply is NOT. The red light on the Motherboard is on.

What happens is that all I get is a white screen, with the Apple Logo, and the spinning circle. it never acceses the hard drive and boots into 10.5 What does this point to? I hope the Dual processors are not the problem here. But that large fan not spinning worries me.

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MacBook Air :: Cannot Delete Item In Junk Mail - Just Get Spinning Colored Circle And Force Quit To Continue

Nov 30, 2014

I have an item in my junk mail which I cannot delete. I just get a spinning colored circle and must resort to force quit my mail to continue. How do I delete this problematic junk email

MacBook Air

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Applications :: Mail Program Will Open And The Circle Will Start Spinning / Trying To "get Mail?

Oct 6, 2009

I have a Macbook Pro. It has OS 10.4 The mail program will open and the circle will start spinning like it is trying to "get mail." it will spin and spin and eventually close. It will pop up and say mail quit unexpectedly will show that report and reopen box. hen mail is open and the circle is spinning, you can send mail and it works fine. It just will not load new mail.aNy ideas? The mail is version 2.1.3

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Software :: IBook G4 Freezing Before Login Screen / Grey Screen With The Apple And The Spinning Circle?

May 20, 2009

before I went to bed, I was playing the Sims 2, when my iBook G4 crashed. Our power cord can be a bit dodgy, so sometimes that happens. I didn't really think about it much, just closed the laptop and went to sleep.Last Monday morning, I opened it and pressed the power button. It began turning on, and got as far as the grey screen with the apple and the spinning circle. And then it just froze. The circle stopped turning.

I freaked out a bit, and restarted it a bunch of times, each time with the same result. (One time it stopped spinning, and then told me a restart was required. Huh. The rest of the times the exact same thing happened though.) I even tried unplugging and removing the battery, but it made no difference. So eventually I just shut it and decided to try again later.Last Tuesday I opened it and pressed the power button without much hope, and again the apple and circle came up just fine, then stopped, but then a bunch of words and numbers popped up.I'm a complete computer noob, but they don't look good to me... or are they good?

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 7.9.0:
Wed Mar 30 20:11:17 PST 2005; root:xnu/xnu-517.12.7.obj~1/REEASE_PPC

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Intel Mac :: Get The Spinning Beach Ball (SBBOD) After A Few Minutes Of Operation?

Mar 26, 2012

I get the spinning beach ball (SBBOD) after a few minutes of operation. The hard drive is indexing as well.  I tried booting the computer in Safe Mode and I get NO beach ball and the computer seems to be perfectly fine.  I recently upgraded my hard drive about 6 months ago.  I am not sure if this is a hardware or software problem.  I also tried running the hardware test, but I downloaded lion via the App Store and pressing "D" at boot up doesn't do anything.  I am about ready to erase my hard drive and try to re-install my info from time machine.  Unfortunately, I haven't done a back up in quite a while.

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MacBook Pro :: Grey Screen With Apple Logo And Spinning Wheel Which Freezes After Few Minutes

Jun 3, 2014

My Macbook with 4 gb RAM won't boot standard, safe, or Recovery.. All three results in grey screen with apple logo and spinning wheel which freezes after a few minutes. It also won't boot a bootable Mavericks usb with install package. I can boot single user mode and also view whats going on in verbose.. I am including a photo of where the script stops. PS: I've already tried resetting PRAM and the SMC has been reset as well.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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OS X :: Safari Taking Long Time To Load Pages / Spinning Beach Ball For Several Minutes

Jan 17, 2011

I am running a MacPro 2.66 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon with 8 GB RAM and OS 10.6.6 that is connected to an AirPort Extreme connected to a Westell DSL modem. Lately I have been experiencing strange behavior that I can not solve. When I first start up, Safari and Mail generally launch and work properly. But after a while, from 10 minutes to an hour, I get strange behavior. In Safari, pages take a long time to load- with a spinning beach ball for several minutes. Or they don't load at all. In Mail, I can't get new mail- a get a message that I'm not connected to the internet. When I go to System Preferences and check the Network, it says I am connected.

Rebooting usually solves the problem, but I am forced to reboot once an hour or so. Also, other programs show strange behavior- either failing to launch or crashing. This happens frequently with Photoshop Elements 9 and occasionally with Pages. I am also running a PowerPC Dual 2.3 GHz using OS 10.5.8 off the AirPort Extreme that runs fine and experiences none of these problems. Both machines are connected by ethernet cables to the AirPort Extreme.

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OS X :: Starting To See Random Slowdowns?

Apr 23, 2009

I have had my first Mac for about a month now (iMac 24" 2.8, 4GB). I have started noticing in the last few days, a somewhat frequently appearing "spinning disk" (don't know what it is called, but in Windows-land they call it "clocking"). In any case, I never saw this when I only had 2GB of RAM. Nor after I upgraded to 4GB which was a couple weeks ago. But lately this is occuring enough to be a bit annoying.

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Mac Pro :: Handbrake Encoding Slowdowns - Unresponsive

Oct 18, 2010

I ran into a bit of weirdness last night when converting a bunch of Xvid encoded AVI's over to H.264 m4v's using Handbrake. The reason I'm posting here is I think there might be an issue with the hard disk. To begin with, it ran (using 2-pass, turbo first pass) fine, up to finishing the turbo first pass, then it'd hang for about a minute, then carry on with the 2nd pass, running at around 300-400fps (not bad eh!). At around 40-50%, the hard disk starts sounding like it's performing a lot of tasks, even if nothing else is running. fps drops to around 100, then dips down to 30 or so and stays there. Entire system becomes slow / unresponsive. Seeing as the source files and destination for the output were on the same 2Tb drive (25% full), I wondered if perhaps this was too much for one drive to cope with (I'd previously been ripping videos / DVDs to an External drive, and never had this issue). I wiped an external drive, loaded the AVI's, and used it as a source drive, so all my main OS drive had to do was write the file, rather than both read and write at the same time. Same issue, but only for the first file. After this, the whole process ran smoothly. I'm not sure if the issue might have been that I was also copying different files as well as using handbrake, but despite stopping all other activities, this problem persisted, despite reboots, for a while.

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Mac Pro :: Snow Leopard Sudden Slowdowns

Apr 8, 2010

Over the last three months, the OSX side of my Mac Pro has been a pain to use. I say � OSX side � because my Bootcamp partition which is running Windows 7 on a dedicated Intel X-25M is running very smooth and is a pleasure to use. However, on the Mac side, the system is simply unusable. I have been getting endless beachballs and constant freezes when launching Safari, iPhoto and iMovie 09� (the latter is the worst). I�ve tried resetting my PRAM, resetting the video management controller and doing an archive install of Snow Leopard and nothing has helped. I�ve followed previous advice and tried cloning my SSD Boot Drive onto another HDD which was completely free in my system. Booting from the cloned HDD showed better performance i.e. no beachballs. However with time, the issue has started again. So it seems it is not related to the SSD but rather to the OS which makes me think that I will have to do a clean install of Snow Leopard. Now, my Mac HDD�s are set up as follows:

1: Intel X-25M 80GB G2 SSD Boot Drive
2: Hitachi 640GB Apple Stock HDD (clone of SSD Boot Drive)
3: Western Digital 1.5TB (Home folder located on this disk)

*Note: I�ve also tried creating other user accounts but it seems the problem persists on all user accounts. The problem is I will be starting a very important project with Photoshop next month and I want this problem to be solved. So I�m thinking this is my best option:

Secure erase my SSD with instructions from Macforums
Reinstall Snow Leopard onto this drive
Clone the Hitachi Drive onto the SSD

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MacBook Pro :: Slowdowns When Hard Drive Activity

Nov 22, 2009

I noticed lately that my Macbook Pro (late 2008) can get pretty slow because of hard drive activity. Strange this is, there seems to be quite a lot of activity from time to time even when I'm doing next to nothing (but surfing and mailing). how I can diagnose/fix this? Or do I need more memory (got 2gb).

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OS X :: .cpgz File Just Keeps Going In A Circle?

Feb 5, 2006

I was mailed a .sitx package with a font-testing app (I�m having trouble getting certain fonts going in order to use a Norwegian-Chinese dictionary on my PB, and one of the people involved in the project mailed me the .sitx and asked me to check out the fonts and mail him a screenshot).

I unstuff, then get a new icon on my desktop, called FontTest.sitx.cpgz. The icon is a white sheet of paper with a zipper.

When I then double-click on this new icon, it just unarchives to give me a new sitx - a sort of version II of the original file, this time called FontTest 2.sitx.

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MacBook Pro :: Get Rid Of Red Circle Around Cursor

Feb 15, 2012

How do I get rid of the red circle around my cursor?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: What Does Circle With Line Through Mean

Jun 9, 2012

My Mac wont log on.  I just get the apple symbol and the wheel eventually it goes to a circle with a diagonal line through it. 

I know this is bad, I have tried starting with the shift key held down but no good. 

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Mac Pro :: What Does The Little Revolving Blue Circle Mean

Jun 30, 2014

What does the little revolving blue circle mean?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Add Red Circle To Movie On MacBook Pro

May 14, 2012

How to add a red circle to a movie? MacBook Pro late 2011 - 10.7.4. Video type .M4V (but I can convert it to anything else). I'm open to any video editor, but free. I've never done this on any computer.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)

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MacBook Pro :: Get A Circle With Line On Startup?

May 30, 2012

Get a circle with a line through it on startup?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.5)

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MacBook Pro :: Circle With Slash Error?

Dec 7, 2014

My small diary falls on the right hand bottom corner of the macbook pro 13inch laptop. Everything on screen freezes. After waiting for some time I press and hold shut down button. Since then grey screen loading icon loads halfway and then grey screen with circle and slash appear. I tried booting up by pressing command and r .. same process repeats. I then tried alt boot up... the screen shows mac hd and network connection dropdown. I choose the network and press on upward key.. nothing happens. When I tried a safe mode using shift key it shows the error ....

error detected for LVG Macintosh HD

disk1:I/O error

hfs_mounthfsplus:encountered error/failure 5

hfs_mountrot failed =5

BSD root:disk1,major 1, minor 4

Cannot mount root,errno=19

... same keeps repeating 

I do not have a disc.. none came in the pack.

MacBook Pro, iOS 8.1.1

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MacBook Pro :: Get Circle With Slash Through It When Starting Up

Nov 30, 2014

Get a circle with slash through it when trying to startup. My macbookpro laptop can't remember my password ...

MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.2.x) , sign on flashing file with ?

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OS X :: Safari Won't Load Pages And Gives Me Blue Circle?

May 28, 2009

just wondering, my safari is refusing to load certain internet poges. The best example i can give is when i try to log into facebook, i click the "log in" button after entering my details and it doesnt load and then gives me the Blue circle underneath the cursor and stays like this until safari is quit.

ive tried resetting safari and even restarting the macbook but i dont know what can be causing it.

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MacBook Pro :: Circle Of Wear Showing On Touchpad?

Oct 29, 2009

I've just started really using my laptop and I've noticed when I look at certain angles I can see a circle of wear showing on the touchpad - normal. My fingers are always clean.

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MacBook :: Display On New - Circle In The Middle Of Screen

Mar 22, 2010

I recently just purchased a new macbook less than a week ago. This is also my first mac that I have ever owned. I just noticed today that when I turn the brightness all the way down, or when I go away from my computer and my screen turns black that there is a circle in the middle of my screen which I can still see what is going on in the background. Its not like its bright but you can still notice it.

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App Store :: Why Does App Symbol On Desktop Show A Red Circle With 4 In It

Apr 17, 2012

clicking on the APP desktop symbol brings me to a app page but no way of knowing the meaning of the 4 in red circle....Hmmm  =WHAT GIVES?

Power Mac G4, Mac OS X (10.4.2)

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