Applications :: Install Secrets Pref Pane And TinkerTool On Same System?
Dec 8, 2010
Since the Secrets preference pane and TinkerTool programs both unearth many of the same hidden OSX settings, is it safe to install both on the same system?
There are some configurable settings unique to both, so it would be beneficial to have both. However, I wonder, would there be any conflict: for example, if you choose to display hidden/system files in TinkerTool, but forget to also enable that setting in Secrets, what would happen?
Since the Secrets preference pane and TinkerTool programs both unearth many of the same hidden OSX settings, is it safe to install both on the same system?There are some configurable settings unique to both, so it would be beneficial to have both. However, I wonder, would there be any conflict: for example, if you choose to display hidden/system files in TinkerTool, but forget to also enable that setting in Secrets, what would happen?
Secrets is a Blacktree developed preference pane with tons of hidden options (you usually needed Terminal) for OSX and some apps [URL]. Its been really good for me, and I've changed a few things.
I don't use a graphics tablet, so I don't need the functionality, but all the same it bothers me when I do something like this. Any way to make Ink work again short of reinstalling OS X?
i was attempting to change the icon of my system pref. the way I have in past OS. This was the first time I had attempted to do it in Snow Lep. Well my method is make a copy duplicate of the system pref application change the icon delete the original remove the word copy from the new one and viola it works perfect. However this time it did not work and now my system pref application will not open at all it says "it is damaged or incomplete"
I downloaded some wave sounds that I like to a folder on my HD, but can't figure out how to add them to the 'sound effects' folder in my System Preferences. What's the procedure or am I going about this all wrong.
I'm trying to get a copy of Acrobat Pro (CS3 version--I think it's 8) to stop crashing on an Intel iMac and I cannot for the life of me figure out where the corrupt pref is.
The crashes started after upgrading to 10.5, and happen about 20 seconds after opening it, regardless of what you're doing; the report appears to point to the update checker causing the crash, which would make sense based on the timing.
Now, if I create a clean account on the same machine, Acrobat runs fine, so it's got to be a pref issue of some sort. The Adobe Updater run manually also works, as do the other CS3 apps installed. I did also try completely reinstalling CS3, which didn't fix it.
Thing is, I've searched for every single user pref with "Adobe" or "Acrobat" in the filename, visible or invisible, folders and files both, and deleted ALL of them, regardless of the app they specify. Caches, plists, user Library application support files (not the root /Library ones, of course), and even after a restart it STILL crashes in exactly the same way.
I was going through my files and accidently clicked on ink because I was curious. Now I have an ink pane on my system preference. Can you please tell me how to remove it. Please also check out my video to see what I am talking about
In System Preferences | Security | General, I have un-ticked the box for 'Require password to unlock each System Preference pane'.The lock still appears on the bottom left and it still prompts me for a password when I try to unlock it in any pref pane.In the pic you can see the box is un-ticked.I'm running 10.5.5
Alright, this is possibly the strangest bug I've ever encountered on my mac. Right now, in my System Preferences, the Accounts pane won't load. Every other pane, including custom ones, works fine. But if I click on the Accounts pane, it chills there saying "Loading Accounts". If I click it again, it pulls up an empty pane. Also, under the Sharing pane, if I go to SMB sharing and click "configure accounts", nothing happens. I assumed it was permissions, but that didn't fix it. I did a full disk verification too, and that didn't help. The pref pane is there, I have read permission for everything, and the .nibs all open up in Interface Builder fine.
Has anyone else found that their screensaver system preferences pane crashes to the desktop when you try to access it? Ever since I upgraded to 10.5.6 I have had this problem. My screensaver is now just a black screen and I can't change it because the preference pane crashes everytime. Spaces, expose and dashboard seem to now only work when they want and its not very often. I have reinstalled 10.5.6 using the combo update to see if that fixes things but it doesnt. I have been send all the crash reports to Apple. This is REALLY getting me mad now! Im on a PMG5 dual 1.8. Never had any problems with it until 10.5.6 came along. I have an ATI X800XT could the update of the ATI stuff in 10.5.6 be causing all this crap? I am reluctant to do a clean install because it will take me days to get all my apps back and how I have them set up now plus I don't think it will make the slightest bit of difference as the combo update hasn't.
When I choose the Desktop/screensaver option in the system pane, it unexpectedly quits. I can see that my screensaver is set to "Never". It will not let me click on "Desktop". To help trouble shoot the issue, I made another login account with the default settings - and the system pane works. I am able to test the screen savers, ect.Is there a way to copy the files/setting from the new login in to the old?
I've cleared the preference file and system prefs/spotlight caches with no luck. Repaired permissions. It seems the Music icon is holding up the others. If I re-arrange them they break only after "Music." This is in the console after opening the preference pane:
3/8/12 1:18:15.593 PM System Preferences: Missing icon for Music 3/8/12 1:18:15.594 PM System Preferences: Rebuilding icon cache. 3/8/12 1:18:15.773 PM System Preferences: Missing icon for Music
and earlier,
3/8/12 12:33:33.922 PM System Preferences: Missing icon for Applications 3/8/12 12:33:33.922 PM System Preferences: Rebuilding icon cache. 3/8/12 12:33:34.111 PM System Preferences: Missing icon for Music
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Whenever I try and open up my energy saver preferences a pop up appears "Could not install (null) preferences pane". The energy saver preferences is not in my system preferences anymore I have to spotlight search to try and open it. I have the highest update on all of my settings for my macbook pro (one of the original 13" pros from when they changed the macbook unibody to the macbook pro). I've tried googling and nothing really substantial comes up or I just cannot understand it. I've tried repairing disk permissions etc.
When I open system preferences pane, desktop and screen saver, it freezes and I get the spinning beachball. This does not happen with any of the other system preferences.
Info: MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 1.8 Ghz Intel Core i7 late 2011
Isn't there meant to be something in this pane? Icons for Example Ringtone, loops and Voice? I've reinstalled Garageband twice and on not one of the three installs did anything show up in this pane. Each time I've installed everything like the loops and extras. I don't get it.
Why is it that sometimes when I go to finder that all my music will have artwork but it will not embed in the preview pane. Or sometimes it won't show up in the little icon next to the file. I use column view in finder. There are times when album cover art doesn't show next to the song but I do in fact have album art for those files. Does it only work in the preview pane if it was actually added by itunes? I add some from iTunes and some of it manually. I would really like the cover art to be encoded and embedded as part of the file.
I have been spending a lot of time going over my music collection trying to get things in order. It will happen in windows also. I have been managing all my music on the mac (because it's much easier than doing it on the windows machine) and finding correct artwork and making all the id3 tags correct. When I transfer those files to the windows machine there will still be some songs that don't show the cover art on the icons when I do in fact have cover art for those files. Most of them show up correctly, but maybe 10-20% don't show the associated artwork.
I have been editing a movie for hours, now, and iMovie has decided to stop working. I am able to skim the raw video that is displayed on the bottom, but my edited video on top does nothing. I can't play it back in the preview window, either while skimming or selecting whole clips to play. It will not open in full screen, either. I have restarted my computer, and I have repaired disk permissions. This is a very important movie, and I do not want to start over. What steps can I take to fix this problem and, more importantly, make sure that it doesn't happen again?
I have iPhoto 09 running on Snow Leopard and a Canon 50D DSLR. When I connect it to the computer using the USB cable, it does not show up under the devices item on the left side pane of iPhoto. I've tried changing USB cables as well as the USB slot to which the cable is plugged, but to no effect. The funny thing is if I select the option to automatically start iPhoto when a camera is connected, then iPhoto starts automatically when I connect the camera, but still the camera does not show up under devices. Occasionally, it does show up when I connect it, usually taking a long time to appear.
Is there an app that cleans up old uninstalled apps preferences from the system and User Library's? I already use OnyX, MainMenu, XSlimmer and other various apps to keep my MAC running at best performance. But when I browse my Library's I see preferences for apps I don't have anymore. Instead of manually going through them all is there an automated app that looks in my Applications folder and then my Library and figures out what should stay and what should go. Also looking in /Library/Receipts/ there are also pkg files left by uninstalled apps. I know CCleaner does something similar with the Windows Registry. What MAC App will clean these left behind files?
I just bought a 2.4 MBP model a1260. When I got home i noticed the volume keys were not working, and then i noticed none of the function keys were working properly. (example, f12 shows an eject CD symbol). So, the keys are working but not doing the standard functions such as volume and brightness. I have check and unchecked (and restarted) the "use all f1, f2 as standard function keys" to no result.Some other wierd things that seem to be related are:
1. In the SOUND window in SYS PREFS all sound effects are greyed out. Under OUTPUT and INPUT it says no devices found.
2. When i go to the itunes store in itunes and i double click on a song, it wont play. Not only is there no volume, but song wont play. Its the same with my own music from my cds.
3. When i insert a DVD no volume control shows up.
And the last superwierd thing (haha) is that I reloaded leopard and when the computer restarted up after install there was no OSX music that normally plays as the video flys thru the starfield.
I noticed yesterday and today, after replacing my TimeMachine with a new one, that even though I had temporarily turned off the Time Machine backup in my system prefs because I didn't want it running while I was editing a video, it will still backing up. And backing up a huge amount of data. A Google search using "time machine backs up when turned off" as the search phrase led me to:[URL] in which I learned that TM is doing local backups to my laptops' hard drive. Don't want this, but as usual Apple is assuming most people would welcome this safety feature and so don't offer (a) information on it or (b) the option in system prefs to turn it off. Anyway, on that page there is a command for the Terminal which will turn off this feature:
sudo tmutil disablelocal
One could easily be fooled into thinking your computer had less disc space than you actually have due to this feature. Pretty well everytime there is a "smart" application within the ever expanding OS, there is a downside to it. If only there was an "I'm no dummy" mode which would allow users to tailor various features without mucking about in the Terminal, which I know little about and try to stay away from, except for the occasional "fsck -fy" command at startup.
Info: MacBook Pro 13-inch, 2.26 GHz, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
How do I install MAC OSX on an iMac that does not have any system installed on it? How to insert the install DVD ( after turning it on)? I have iMac G4
I can't install the bundled software, such as iphoto and so on. It says something about installation failed, without a fail code? the Mac has i completly reinstalled MAC OSX on!
I have a Macbook Pro Intel Core Duo (first generation of MacBook Pro released). I run OSX 10.6.5. My disk utility has detected a problem and says I need the install disks that came with the computer. Called apple and they said I could reboot from snow leopard or the upgrade.** Problem is that I don't have any disks with me except those that came with my brand new iMac. Can I use those to reinstall the system? Is there any other way?
**They also said that after 2007, the install disks that come with computers are keyed to that specific computer so I "might" not be able to use the disk to repair.
Additionally, and I don't know if this makes a difference but I have the airport/time capsule which backs up my computer for easy restore.