Applications :: Secrets OS X Tweaking Pane - Hidden Options
Mar 1, 2008
Secrets is a Blacktree developed preference pane with tons of hidden options (you usually needed Terminal) for OSX and some apps [URL]. Its been really good for me, and I've changed a few things.
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Dec 8, 2010
Since the Secrets preference pane and TinkerTool programs both unearth many of the same hidden OSX settings, is it safe to install both on the same system?
There are some configurable settings unique to both, so it would be beneficial to have both. However, I wonder, would there be any conflict: for example, if you choose to display hidden/system files in TinkerTool, but forget to also enable that setting in Secrets, what would happen?
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Apr 4, 2010
Since the Secrets preference pane and TinkerTool programs both unearth many of the same hidden OSX settings, is it safe to install both on the same system?There are some configurable settings unique to both, so it would be beneficial to have both. However, I wonder, would there be any conflict: for example, if you choose to display hidden/system files in TinkerTool, but forget to also enable that setting in Secrets, what would happen?
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Nov 7, 2008
In System Preferences | Security | General, I have un-ticked the box for 'Require password to unlock each System Preference pane'.The lock still appears on the bottom left and it still prompts me for a password when I try to unlock it in any pref pane.In the pic you can see the box is un-ticked.I'm running 10.5.5
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Mar 4, 2009
I use Thunderbird as my preferred mail client. However, one thing I don't like is how when I am in the inbox, anytime I click on a message it always opens beneath. This is not that big of a deal, but what bugs me is that the message is then counted as a "read message." Therefore, like I'm sure many of you do as well, I constantly have to secondary click --- drag cursor down to "mark" --- then click "as read".
I have to do this in order to mark it as "unread" so I remember to reply to it later. If I single click (or tap) the cursor over and email in my inbox, it will either not open up beneath and not be marked as read, or still be opened up beneath (in the inbox) but not be marked as read? The second option would be preferred, but either would be better than the current default setting I have.
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Jan 1, 2009
Is it possible to tweak the minimize to the dock to auto hide the window instead?
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Nov 4, 2009
I recently installed the new OS X on my MacBook 13" (the 2Ghz Dual Core white one) hoping it would increase the performance of the system, and specifically iTunes. [URL]. My iTunes library, like many out there, is large, but not overly large and definitely not to the point where it should be a problem. It's now at (I would guess) about 30 or so gigs, filled with mostly large MP3 files (70-200Mb).
- It's got to the point where I wait 3-4 seconds to go to the 'next' song when I press the 'right' arrow. This is (obviously) unacceptably slow. I thought about upgrading the RAM of the machine since it only has 1Gb I think. Now can anyone guarantee that doubling the RAM will properly increase performance again up to the point where I don't want to throw the machine out of the window? Yes, of course it will increase performance, that's obvious. But will it be enough, if not, I'll wait until it's completely unworkable and buy one of those new babyproof MacBooks (Edit: Or 4Gb?)
- The library is on an external 1Tb USB2 drive, but I could easily move it to the MacBook's HD but that's slower than the USB2 drive. Would this help any bit?
- Would removing all CD covers and images I have in there significantly increase performance?
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Mar 25, 2009
Isn't there meant to be something in this pane? Icons for Example Ringtone, loops and Voice? I've reinstalled Garageband twice and on not one of the three installs did anything show up in this pane. Each time I've installed everything like the loops and extras. I don't get it.
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Jul 29, 2008
Somehow, I accidentally removed the Preview Pane in iMail. How do I get it back?
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Nov 1, 2010
Why is it that sometimes when I go to finder that all my music will have artwork but it will not embed in the preview pane. Or sometimes it won't show up in the little icon next to the file. I use column view in finder. There are times when album cover art doesn't show next to the song but I do in fact have album art for those files. Does it only work in the preview pane if it was actually added by itunes? I add some from iTunes and some of it manually. I would really like the cover art to be encoded and embedded as part of the file.
I have been spending a lot of time going over my music collection trying to get things in order. It will happen in windows also. I have been managing all my music on the mac (because it's much easier than doing it on the windows machine) and finding correct artwork and making all the id3 tags correct. When I transfer those files to the windows machine there will still be some songs that don't show the cover art on the icons when I do in fact have cover art for those files. Most of them show up correctly, but maybe 10-20% don't show the associated artwork.
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Sep 17, 2009
I have been editing a movie for hours, now, and iMovie has decided to stop working. I am able to skim the raw video that is displayed on the bottom, but my edited video on top does nothing. I can't play it back in the preview window, either while skimming or selecting whole clips to play. It will not open in full screen, either. I have restarted my computer, and I have repaired disk permissions. This is a very important movie, and I do not want to start over. What steps can I take to fix this problem and, more importantly, make sure that it doesn't happen again?
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Oct 30, 2009
I have iPhoto 09 running on Snow Leopard and a Canon 50D DSLR. When I connect it to the computer using the USB cable, it does not show up under the devices item on the left side pane of iPhoto. I've tried changing USB cables as well as the USB slot to which the cable is plugged, but to no effect. The funny thing is if I select the option to automatically start iPhoto when a camera is connected, then iPhoto starts automatically when I connect the camera, but still the camera does not show up under devices. Occasionally, it does show up when I connect it, usually taking a long time to appear.
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Jun 11, 2009
lets say i hide an app and then i want to go back to it i click on the icon right?
well when i do that SOMETIMES nothing happensis the point of hidding apps just so they start up faster or is it for another reason and also when i command tab to that app nothing happens either
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Nov 17, 2009
since yesterday I guess, I've got this weird problem with Preview (5.0.1) on 10.6.2 these problems weren't there just after I updated to 10.6.2what happens is when I open a PDF file it actually shows the file including hidden layersSame counts for previewing files in finderwhen I open it in Acrobat it shows up like it has to (without hidden layers)(I've added some attachments to try to make it clear)Hope anyone here can help me out as I like Preview more than Acrobat for the quick viewing
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Apr 13, 2010
I have just acquired an external enclosure for my 160GB 2.5 HDD, and I have it formatted as NTFS on a MBR partition table. I use NTFS-3G on OSX, and it's, of course, natively supported by windows. Well, I am having problems with hidden files between them. In OSX, the .DS_Store files, .Trashes and ._*name* files are hidden, but I can see windows' hidden files (RECYCLER, RECYCLE BIN, and System Volume Information). In Windows, I can see .DS_Store, .Trashes and ._*name* files from OSX, but not Windows' hidden files. I am looking for a way to solve this, or not have the files created on the disks.
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Apr 24, 2009
title says it all im looking for a good app to clean inside mac. i tried cleanmymac it was ok but i think there are better apps out there that i dont know about.
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May 13, 2009
I realize the answer to this question may be pretty obvious to some, but I've read the TrueCrypt user manual, and I've searched these forums, TrueCrypt's forums, and google for the answer to my question but I still can't figure this out...
I've created an encrypted file container with a hidden volume using the setup wizard. After completing the wizard, I can't figure out how to properly write data to the hidden volume.
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Feb 21, 2010
Is there a way to have a cell display text, but behind the text is actually a number figure that I can ask Excel to use in calculations? I'll explain what I mean to give you a visual so you'll understand what I'm trying to do. I want to create a monthly budget in an Excel spreadsheet. I'll have one row for each day of the month, and maybe 3 or 4 columns for in which to put expenditures for each day.
Let's say on the 4th of the month I have a Visa bill due, I usually put gas in my car and I pick up some Dry Cleaning. I'd like to be able to type Visa, Gas and Dry Cleaning within the row of cells for the 4th, and have the dollar amounts for those expenditures hidden beneath the text. Then I'd do a summation formula in the last column to tabulate all of the hidden dollar amounts to give me a total for that day. This way, I can see a total expenditure figures for that day (in the summation column) and what the money went to, without having to do the spreadsheet the old-fashioned way of putting the Text in one cell and the dollar figures in an adjoining cell (which in this case wouldn't work in a columnar sense since the text cell would have to be either above the dollar cell, thus making the text cell in the previous day's row...or, putting the text in say, cell B2, and the dollars in row B3, and doing the same for multiple charges per day, which would make for a very wide spreadsheet.
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Dec 26, 2009
Any idea how to do the above? I have it set up on my mac mini but cant remember how I did it to set it up on my new MBP? Its def not a mail rule.
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Dec 25, 2010
i'm using unrarx but when i'm trying to add another rar archive to extract its just work on all of them together and not making a queue, its slow down my comp really bad and i think its kinda faster to do rar-by-rar and not few together...
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Jun 18, 2008
I've been having problems with VLC. When I watch fullscreen movies on my external display (24", plugged via DVI), the picture (along with the sound) occasionally skips just little a bit. This happens about once every minute or two and isn't really that bad
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Jun 20, 2008
I see that in the month view I can choose to NOT show the time. How do I get it to print like this?
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Jan 17, 2009
I'm trying to open .doc files, it always opens on TextEdit. How can I change this?
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Feb 1, 2009
ANyone else have this stupid problem? I want to bookmark a sight, and I get this crap:I have to click on each folder to see which one is the folder (Music, Recipes, Funny stuff, etc) that I want to save the site in. What the hell?
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Feb 10, 2009
i just purchased candybar about 2 weeks ago on my imac. love the convenience of the program, but i may be selling the computer soon.i'll definately put a fresh install of leopard on the imac befor selling.if i buy a macbook, can i use my candybar serial..or do i need to purchase it again?
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Apr 11, 2009
that will allow me to install my dvd's into itunes?
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May 14, 2009
Last night I decided to try itunes to burn a cd and I noticed the options you have when starting the burning process, space between songs (1,2,3 �seconds) and some other options.
I left the 2 second spaces which was the default, but my songs are cutoff by 1 or 2 seconds before the end.
Does this have to do with the 2 second I used?
Would someone be so kind and explain these options? I tried to google it by no answer.
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Jun 6, 2009
Bablegum, LiveStreaming? Other??? I am in Europe on a biz trip and would like opinions on which is best service (without subscription). Have macbook black and love it!
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Jul 22, 2009
Need a quick answer, as I'm poised to get an HTC Hero.
My question is what are the support options for iSync?
Will iSync recognise it straight off ( doubt it )?
Are there third part developers offering a fix?
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Sep 10, 2009
Is there a possibility, to have more print options in the OS X print dialog? Specifically, I want to change quickly the layout of E-Mails, I print (font size bigger, smaller, rewrap mail, move attachments, so they print properly on one sheet instead of spreading on 4 sheets, etc.). I was a heavy user of fineprint for Windows back then and loved especially the implemented big print preview.
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