Applications :: Acrobat Crashing - What Pref Not Deleting?

Apr 2, 2009

I'm trying to get a copy of Acrobat Pro (CS3 version--I think it's 8) to stop crashing on an Intel iMac and I cannot for the life of me figure out where the corrupt pref is.

The crashes started after upgrading to 10.5, and happen about 20 seconds after opening it, regardless of what you're doing; the report appears to point to the update checker causing the crash, which would make sense based on the timing.

Now, if I create a clean account on the same machine, Acrobat runs fine, so it's got to be a pref issue of some sort. The Adobe Updater run manually also works, as do the other CS3 apps installed. I did also try completely reinstalling CS3, which didn't fix it.

Thing is, I've searched for every single user pref with "Adobe" or "Acrobat" in the filename, visible or invisible, folders and files both, and deleted ALL of them, regardless of the app they specify. Caches, plists, user Library application support files (not the root /Library ones, of course), and even after a restart it STILL crashes in exactly the same way.

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Applications :: Install Secrets Pref Pane And TinkerTool On Same System?

Dec 8, 2010

Since the Secrets preference pane and TinkerTool programs both unearth many of the same hidden OSX settings, is it safe to install both on the same system?

There are some configurable settings unique to both, so it would be beneficial to have both. However, I wonder, would there be any conflict: for example, if you choose to display hidden/system files in TinkerTool, but forget to also enable that setting in Secrets, what would happen?

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Applications :: Is It Safe To Install Both Secrets Pref Pane And TinkerTool On The Same System

Apr 4, 2010

Since the Secrets preference pane and TinkerTool programs both unearth many of the same hidden OSX settings, is it safe to install both on the same system?There are some configurable settings unique to both, so it would be beneficial to have both. However, I wonder, would there be any conflict: for example, if you choose to display hidden/system files in TinkerTool, but forget to also enable that setting in Secrets, what would happen?

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OS X Yosemite :: Mail Crashing When Deleting (kernel Invalid Address)

Dec 1, 2014

After opening the Mail app in Yosemite, and trying to remove some mails, I get a crash with the following crash report, it always crashes at the same address 0x0000000000000010.

It is in the last month of warranty so if it is a hardware issue is time to go to the genius bar.

Process:               Mail [408]
Path:                  /Applications/
Version:               8.1 (1993)
Build Info:            Mail-1993000000000000~1

[Code] .....

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MacBook :: Applications Crashing While Working / Applications In IPhoto09 Crashing

Jun 21, 2009

Recently, in the middle of working with applications in iPhoto09 they simply crash. I get a message stating no harm was done but it's getting annoying as it's happening more often than not. I am new to mac, have had it now for maybe two weeks, but wouldnt expect apps to crash this often. Any thoughts?

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Applications :: Which Version Acrobat Professional For 10.4.11

Oct 31, 2010

What version of Adobe Acrobat [not reader] would I need so I could run it on a G4 1.25 ghz MDD running 10.4.11, that would also run on 10.5, in case I install that? I am going to look for some legitimate, used software, but want to buy the right version. Version 6 says it will requires 10.2.2. Would that run on 4, and maybe 5?

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Applications :: Can Someone Send Me Acrobat Pro X Icon?

Nov 1, 2010

I have bought Adobe Creative Suite 5 recently. It contains Acrobat Pro 9, instead of the newly released version X. That's okay with me, although I was a little disappointed when us CS5 buyers couldn't get a discount on Acrobat Pro X. No, the reason I'm calling out is because Acrobat's new icon is perfectly in line with the icons of the style of the main CS5 applications. They look like little books, while the Acrobat Pro 9 icon still has that flat style of CS4. Could somebody send me the new Acrobat icon? Doing so would be really simple. Copying and pasting the icon onto an empty folder, zipping said folder and uploading the resulting ZIP file.

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Applications :: How To Disable Acrobat Nagging

Mar 10, 2008

how to prevent Acrobat (Professional 8) from asking to be the default PDF reader EVERYTIME it starts? You'd think there would be a preference setting somewhere but no.

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Applications :: Preview Or Adobe Acrobat Pro

Mar 6, 2010

I am just wondering if Preview can do everything that Acrobat can do? And if Preview is more efficient and less CPU-intensive than Acrobat?

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Applications :: Acrobat Pro 9 Spinning Beach Ball

Oct 5, 2010

When moving check boxes in Acrobat Pro 9, the spinning beach ball comes up and stays up for 10 minutes. Not sure if this is a snow leopard issue or cs4. Computer is new. Running x.6, unibody macbook pro.

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Applications :: Safe To Delete Acrobat Distiller?

Nov 30, 2010

So in my 'Adobe Acrobat X Pro' folder I have this app called 'Acrobat Distiller'. Google says that its used when you work with postscripts files and want to convert them to pdf. Does anyone know if Distiller is used for something else? I only work with pdf files, so I was wondering if it was safe to delete Distiller. And if I delete it, does anyone know if I will have problems when there is an update for Acrobat, maybe it will complain about missing files?

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Applications :: How To Edit Acrobat File Permanently

Nov 10, 2009

How would one go about editing a PDF. Also, if I edit it, I don't want anyone to be able to "undo" my changes and reveal the old content. It would also be nice if possible, if there is a way to "lock" the file such that it cannot be edited further.

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Applications :: Moving Scanned Images In Acrobat Pro

May 2, 2010

My annual accounts are due and I'm scanning all of my receipts. I have obviously put in scanner so they tessellate and fit neatly; only I keep coming across some that are in-correct in their dates (I've arranged the folders by months). I scan the mentioned receipt/receipts then I want to move them so they fit into a page with space and tessellate with the others (wasteful and not an option to have pages with only one receipt). Already tried using the 'touch up object tool' to try to move it; which looks like will work but image is behind/ disappears. It has gotta be possible to move things onto a page, does not have capabilities/ made for purpose of photoshop but only want to move something onto a page-not unreasonable request .

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Applications :: Disable Adobe Acrobat Plugin In Safari?

Dec 11, 2005

I recently purchased and installed Adobe CS2. With Acrobat Professional comes a Safari plugin that automatically views PDFs in the browser. However, I much prefer the standard Tiger PDF viewer as Acrobat takes forever to load. I've looked everywhere and can't figure out how to disable this feature.

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Applications :: Stop Reading PDF's In Safari - Open With Acrobat?

Sep 22, 2006

Is there a way to stop PDF's from opening inside of Safari? I figure there is some type of solution to this but I can't be bothered to figure it out myself as I have wasted too much too much time on it already.

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Applications :: How To Change The Default Pdf Reader In Safari From Preview To Acrobat

Mar 8, 2010

I'm trying to change the default program that opens PDF files in safari from preview to Adobe acrobat reader. I'm trying to do this because I prepare taxes and preview doesn't seem to fill in fields properly on forms such as


In Adobe reader->Preferences->internet Display PDF in browser using Adobe Reader (9.3.1) is checked and beyond this I'm not sure what to do to change from preview to reader.

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OS X :: Accidentally Deleted Ink Pref Pane?

Oct 9, 2010

I don't use a graphics tablet, so I don't need the functionality, but all the same it bothers me when I do something like this. Any way to make Ink work again short of reinstalling OS X?

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OS X :: Damaged System Pref File

May 22, 2010

i was attempting to change the icon of my system pref. the way I have in past OS. This was the first time I had attempted to do it in Snow Lep. Well my method is make a copy duplicate of the system pref application change the icon delete the original remove the word copy from the new one and viola it works perfect. However this time it did not work and now my system pref application will not open at all it says "it is damaged or incomplete"

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OS X :: Finding Auto App To Clean Uninstalled App Pref

Jan 3, 2009

Is there an app that cleans up old uninstalled apps preferences from the system and User Library's? I already use OnyX, MainMenu, XSlimmer and other various apps to keep my MAC running at best performance. But when I browse my Library's I see preferences for apps I don't have anymore. Instead of manually going through them all is there an automated app that looks in my Applications folder and then my Library and figures out what should stay and what should go. Also looking in /Library/Receipts/ there are also pkg files left by uninstalled apps. I know CCleaner does something similar with the Windows Registry. What MAC App will clean these left behind files?

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OS X :: Function Keys Not Working / Sound Sys Pref Are Grayed Out?

Sep 11, 2007

I just bought a 2.4 MBP model a1260. When I got home i noticed the volume keys were not working, and then i noticed none of the function keys were working properly. (example, f12 shows an eject CD symbol). So, the keys are working but not doing the standard functions such as volume and brightness. I have check and unchecked (and restarted) the "use all f1, f2 as standard function keys" to no result.Some other wierd things that seem to be related are:

1. In the SOUND window in SYS PREFS all sound effects are greyed out. Under OUTPUT and INPUT it says no devices found.

2. When i go to the itunes store in itunes and i double click on a song, it wont play. Not only is there no volume, but song wont play. Its the same with my own music from my cds.

3. When i insert a DVD no volume control shows up.

And the last superwierd thing (haha) is that I reloaded leopard and when the computer restarted up after install there was no OSX music that normally plays as the video flys thru the starfield.

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Software :: Can't Stop MySQL From The Pref Pane? - It Restarts After 30 Sec

Nov 19, 2009

Every time i stop MySQL from the pref pane it restarts after 30 sec. I don't have a clue why. Anybody who can help me how to find why?

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MacBook Pro :: Time Machine Backing Up When Pref Is Turned Off?

Mar 7, 2012

I noticed yesterday and today, after replacing my TimeMachine with a new one, that even though I had temporarily turned off the Time Machine backup in my system prefs because I didn't want it running while I was editing a video, it will still backing up. And backing up a huge amount of data. A Google search using "time machine backs up when turned off" as the search phrase led me to:[URL] in which I learned that TM is doing local backups to my laptops' hard drive. Don't want this, but as usual Apple is assuming most people would welcome this safety feature and so don't offer (a) information on it or (b) the option in system prefs to turn it off. Anyway, on that page there is a command for the Terminal which will turn off this feature:  

sudo tmutil disablelocal 

One could easily be fooled into thinking your computer had less disc space than you actually have due to this feature. Pretty well everytime there is a "smart" application within the ever expanding OS, there is a downside to it. If only there was an "I'm no dummy" mode which would allow users to tailor various features without mucking about in the Terminal, which I know little about and try to stay away from, except for the occasional "fsck -fy" command at startup.

MacBook Pro 13-inch, 2.26 GHz, Mac OS X (10.6.3)

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Software :: Adding New Sounds To System Pref Sound Effects?

Apr 19, 2008

I downloaded some wave sounds that I like to a folder on my HD, but can't figure out how to add them to the 'sound effects' folder in my System Preferences. What's the procedure or am I going about this all wrong.

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Applications :: Deleting Multiple Mirrors Of Applications Folders?

Feb 3, 2009

When I open my Finder, inside my Applications folder I Applications folder. And an "Applications copy" folder. All full of the same applications. Am I just seeing multiple mirrors of one Applications folder, or did I actually somehow duplicate all my applications?

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Applications :: Time Machine Reinstall - Applications Crashing On Mac

Oct 23, 2009

I recently reinstalled OSX 10.5.8 on my penryn MBP so I could make a larger XP bootcamp partition. After reinstalling leopard and restoring my whole system through time machine my computer is acting weird. First, "the file "itunes library" cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of itunes". It didn't upgrade itunes to 9 till after I had done all the TM restoring. should be older, no? Second, adobe applications crashed. I was in AI working on a 500 mb file and BOOM, beach ball>crash. All other CS3 unable to open. I have 4 gigs of ram and some of the applications that would not open were not even in use at the time of the AI crash, could this be something with the TM backup? CS3 was all installed together.

Third. While this epic crash is happening on my desktop disappears. Just a blank desktop image. but wait, If I click were things used to be, Bam they appear out of no where, but only if I click where it is supposed to be. It's there in the desktop folder but not showing up as icons on my desktop. I think this has happened to me before the reinstall too, though never all at once, usually when I use the "pinchy" to resize icons one or two will disappear. Fourth. Cisco clean access agent beach balls and requires hard reset. the login window was floating on screen all the way till the screen turned off. These all happened in the same day, now It is working some what like normal, though my itunes is broke. Any ideas on how to fix this itunes? If I only need one application and it's plug-ins (SU and Podium beta) restored through TM ( i have a disk for all the others) is there a way to just restore the one. Would this give me a more stable system over all? should I go ahead and reinstall and restore the one app and do the rest manually?

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Applications :: ITunes Keeps Deleting Songs On Ext HD

Jan 4, 2009

iTunes keeps deleting my songs! I had this problem with iTunes 7, and the problem went away with the update to 8.0.1. But with the 8.0.2, the problem came back. It deleted one album so far, and I have no way to retrieve this file. My iTunes folder is in my external HD, and I don't back that up regularly.

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Applications :: ITunes Deleting Music?

Mar 21, 2009

i've noticed lately that itunes has been deleting music from the hard drive.I have a pretty big music collection(about 80gb)This has been happening for the past few days now.My itunes library is on an airport disk but for some reason itunes deletes them from the hard drive.I have no idea why, i've tried looking through preferences but nothing.

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Applications :: Deleting Album Art In ITunes?

May 5, 2009

I have all the latest Mac and iTunes software and can't figure out how to delete incorrect album art work in iTunes. I've downloaded the correct art work but it adds it to the file and doesn't delete the incorrect one. The incorrect one still shows in iTunes and on my ATV's. I'm new to the Mac as well.

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Applications :: Install Textedit Again After Deleting?

May 11, 2009

I think i deleted it, how can i install it again?

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Applications :: Deleting Apple Mail Archive?

Jan 10, 2011

I'm running low on hard-drive space on my Macbook Pro and have decided that my Apple Mail e-mail archive can go and I can just check my Gmail on-line.

My question is, where can I find my messages so that I can clear up all that space?

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