Applications :: Won't Get Preview Pane BACK In IMail

Jul 29, 2008

Somehow, I accidentally removed the Preview Pane in iMail. How do I get it back?

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Applications :: ITunes Artwork Not Embed In Preview Pane

Nov 1, 2010

Why is it that sometimes when I go to finder that all my music will have artwork but it will not embed in the preview pane. Or sometimes it won't show up in the little icon next to the file. I use column view in finder. There are times when album cover art doesn't show next to the song but I do in fact have album art for those files. Does it only work in the preview pane if it was actually added by itunes? I add some from iTunes and some of it manually. I would really like the cover art to be encoded and embedded as part of the file.

I have been spending a lot of time going over my music collection trying to get things in order. It will happen in windows also. I have been managing all my music on the mac (because it's much easier than doing it on the windows machine) and finding correct artwork and making all the id3 tags correct. When I transfer those files to the windows machine there will still be some songs that don't show the cover art on the icons when I do in fact have cover art for those files. Most of them show up correctly, but maybe 10-20% don't show the associated artwork.

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OS X :: Reestablishing Preview Pane In Mail 2.1.3

Feb 12, 2010

I use Mail 2.1.3 on Mac 10.4.11. I clicked on it today and accidentally erased the preview pane. Now all I have is the numerous e-mails themselves.

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OS X Mavericks :: Change Font In Preview Pane In Mail?

Sep 12, 2014

how do i change the font in preview pane in Mail?

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MacBook Pro :: Deleted IPhone USB From Network Preference Pane - How To Get It Back

Mar 9, 2012

When I tried to connect to the Internet via my iPhone on my MacBook, it didn't want to connect.I turned off the Personal Hotspot and rebooted the iPhone. This didn't solve the problem.Then I deleted the iPhone USB network interface from my Network Preference Pane, in the hope that if I would add it again, the problems would have been solved. There's only one new problem now, I can't add the iPhone USB network interface anymore.Is there a way to get my iPhone USB network interface back in the Network Preference Pane so I can use my iPhone as a Personal Hotspot via the USB? 

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Applications :: Imail Data Remove?

Jan 10, 2010

just simply can anyone tell me how to remove this data from imail when viewing my emails

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Applications :: Won't Find Features That Are Missing In IMail

Nov 13, 2010

I switched to a MacBook Pro 3 months ago from using WXP with Outlook 2003.

I need to be able to hold my outgoing mail rather then sending it immediately. In Outlook I could set it to stay in the outbox until I was ready to send it.

I'd also like to have the "capitalize the first word of each sentence" feature that Word edit would do in Outlook.

I am presuming neither of these features are in iMail so my question is: Do I need to buy Outlook for Mac or Office for Mac to get these 2 features?

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Applications :: Won't Work With IMail / Can't Make Account

May 2, 2009

So im about 3 and 1/2 months new to my Macbook. I tried to get a .mac email address in iMail. And it just wont let me make one. I followed all the instructions and nothing happened.

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Applications :: Restoring Email Messages In IMail

Feb 28, 2010

I have experienced some problems with my email account recently which I think it is a spam attack. I've been receiving lots of spam messages and got my all messages in my inbox deleted. Sent items luckily are still there.

I wonder if there is anyway that iMail keeps copies of incoming messages so I can restore them. I would appreciate if anyone can tell me how to do that if its available.

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Applications :: Won't Work With Imail 4.2 / Can't Find Settings

Mar 12, 2010

Does anyone know the (URL) IMAP settings for mail 4.2. Can't get it to work.

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Applications :: Downloaded OmniSweep And IMail Deleted

Jul 30, 2010

I'm new to this blog, and hope I've found the right threat to post my question. I downloaded OmniSweep and yes, accidentally deleted iMail, and probably a few other files that I thought were indicated "unnecessary" files. I inserted my OS X disc, but iMail isn't on there. I also downloaded Postbox from Apple, but it's only a demo. Any idea how I can get iMail back?

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Applications :: Why Doesn't OSX Preview Work As Well As Windows' Preview Feature?

May 10, 2009

In Windows XP/Vista, if you are navigating in a folder containing pictures, and you click any picture, it opens up Windows built in preview program. Much like OSX. However, in Windows, you can click "Next/Previous" within that program to quickly flip through those photos. Why do the up & down arrows in OSX not work? I still prefer my iMac to any PC I have owned, but this one little thing bugs me to no end. Is there a setting I can change somewhere to make that work like in Windows?

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Applications :: Won't Work To Delete Mails In Imail / Can't Find Settings

May 19, 2009

I have recently given up on anything PC and moved to Mac. Mostly I am very happy with my decision but a couple of things niggle me and I don't seem to be able to change them.

In imail when delete an email from any of my mail accounts or the inbox, imail automatically selects the next newest email. I would like it to select the next oldest email. Is there anyway of changing this?

I know this is quite petty! but I'm just used to it working that way in outlook and keep deleting email I want to keep.

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OS X :: Accidentally Deleted Preview - Need It Back

Aug 13, 2008

Relatively new to Mac. Accidentally deleted Preview from my Macbook Pro. Sorta a bummer in terms of viewing PDFs and other image files. Have searched but haven't been able to find a place to download the program and reinstall.

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Get Preview App Back On System?

Jun 28, 2012

I accidently removed the app and emptied the trashcan now i have no preview app and i can't do the disk to restart things over because my CD/DVD combo player won't eject the CD i already have stuck in there. Long story short my cousin accidently knocked over my coffee which then went all over my keyboard on my macbook pro and he tried his hardest to clean up the mess but couldn't clean up the in

Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Applications :: Picture Looks Different In Finder Preview Than In Preview App?

May 23, 2009

Whats up. I have a picture which someone has edited to make funny. The edited picture shows up in Preview the application with a text box saying something. But in Finder's preview I see the raw picture. Whats going on there and how do i see the full picture the way Finder's Preview sees it.

Yes it's a picture a lady friend sent me

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OS X :: Deleted Preview (Leopard Version) - How To Get It Back

Jan 26, 2008

I must have deleted Preview from my macbook because I cannot find it in spotlight or anywhere! My macbook came with tiger, so I tried to get it from those disks with no luck, then tried the leopard upgrade disc, with no luck. How can I get preview (leopard version) back?

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Applications :: GarageBand 09 - Nothing Show Up In Pane

Mar 25, 2009

Isn't there meant to be something in this pane? Icons for Example Ringtone, loops and Voice? I've reinstalled Garageband twice and on not one of the three installs did anything show up in this pane. Each time I've installed everything like the loops and extras. I don't get it.

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Software :: Photoshop Preview Icons Suddenly Go Back To Generic?

Apr 18, 2005

in all my finder windows, randomly mind you, as not all PS file icons went to that faceless (graphic) green shaded generic icon of Photoshop CS? It's rather annoying when looking through files. Double click in the finder (list) and they all show the proper larger thumbnail preview, but many of smaller icons are again, generic, but weirdly not all. I tried reinstall of PS and it did nothing. It seems to have made no difference if the jpegs were created in PS 7 or PS CS. Seems random Btw, I'm 85% sure this happened after updating to (OS X) 10.3.9. DiskWarrior, Applejack, Permissions all been run. I've looked under Finder prefs and file handling prefs in PS all say to show the icon.

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Applications :: Secrets OS X Tweaking Pane - Hidden Options

Mar 1, 2008

Secrets is a Blacktree developed preference pane with tons of hidden options (you usually needed Terminal) for OSX and some apps [URL]. Its been really good for me, and I've changed a few things.

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Applications :: IMovie Editing Pane Stopped Working?

Sep 17, 2009

I have been editing a movie for hours, now, and iMovie has decided to stop working. I am able to skim the raw video that is displayed on the bottom, but my edited video on top does nothing. I can't play it back in the preview window, either while skimming or selecting whole clips to play. It will not open in full screen, either. I have restarted my computer, and I have repaired disk permissions. This is a very important movie, and I do not want to start over. What steps can I take to fix this problem and, more importantly, make sure that it doesn't happen again?

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Mac Mini :: Preview Window Takes Up Whole Screen Want Original Size Back

May 6, 2012

preview window takes up the entire screen. What did I do and how can I get the origianl size back?

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Applications :: Install Secrets Pref Pane And TinkerTool On Same System?

Dec 8, 2010

Since the Secrets preference pane and TinkerTool programs both unearth many of the same hidden OSX settings, is it safe to install both on the same system?

There are some configurable settings unique to both, so it would be beneficial to have both. However, I wonder, would there be any conflict: for example, if you choose to display hidden/system files in TinkerTool, but forget to also enable that setting in Secrets, what would happen?

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Applications :: Devices Item On Left Pane Not Displayed In IPhoto 09

Oct 30, 2009

I have iPhoto 09 running on Snow Leopard and a Canon 50D DSLR. When I connect it to the computer using the USB cable, it does not show up under the devices item on the left side pane of iPhoto. I've tried changing USB cables as well as the USB slot to which the cable is plugged, but to no effect. The funny thing is if I select the option to automatically start iPhoto when a camera is connected, then iPhoto starts automatically when I connect the camera, but still the camera does not show up under devices. Occasionally, it does show up when I connect it, usually taking a long time to appear.

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Applications :: Is It Safe To Install Both Secrets Pref Pane And TinkerTool On The Same System

Apr 4, 2010

Since the Secrets preference pane and TinkerTool programs both unearth many of the same hidden OSX settings, is it safe to install both on the same system?There are some configurable settings unique to both, so it would be beneficial to have both. However, I wonder, would there be any conflict: for example, if you choose to display hidden/system files in TinkerTool, but forget to also enable that setting in Secrets, what would happen?

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Applications :: Won't Work To Delete IMail Email / Can't Delete From Gmail

Feb 3, 2010

Whenever I delete an email using iMail, it doesn't delete from my gmail account when I would just use the regular browser to check my mail. Is there a way to delete emails both off of iMail AND from Gmail so it does not appear when using a browser to check my mail or on another computer?

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MacBook Air :: Erase Mountain Lion Developer Preview And Go Back To Lion 10.7?

Mar 26, 2012

How do I erase mountain lion developer preview and go back to Lion 10.7? I do not have lion or data backed up on my Air 

I need a step by step instructions since I have never done this before, willing to set up partition if needed.

MacBook Air, Mountain Lion

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OS X :: Won't Work With IMail Vs Gmail

Feb 8, 2009

I am very confused as to whether or not I should use the iMail that came with my MacBook.

1) Is it always free?
2) Is it SAFE? Even though I hear people cannot hack or get into Apples I have to ask
3) What type of file does it download the mail as and is it compatible with PC?
4) Is there any impact on the online Gmail account?

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OS X :: Won't Use IMail Over Public Networks

Jul 15, 2009

iMail is able to download messages just fine in my home network however, when ever I am over a public network, eg library, sb, etc, it doesn't load. I still have access to the mail within iMail but can't download or send anything?

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Software :: My IMail Keeps Asking For My Password?

Jun 23, 2008

My iMail keeps asking for my password. What do I need to do to fix this?

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