Applications :: .tmp Files In ITunes Folder
Nov 30, 2010
In my iTunes folder User/Music/Itunes (I'm running Windows if that matters..*ducks*) I have tons of It .tmp files. Each one has a number next to the It - ex. It 5.tmp....I have 570 of these to be exact. it's safe to delete them?
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Jan 17, 2009
I'm trying to bring all my music files from my Windows computer so I copied all my music files from my Windows computer to my external hard drive, and then copied from the external hard drive to my iTunes music folder in my new iMac. When I compared the info between my iTunes music folder, and the music files on my external hard drive, the iTunes music folder had more files. By looking through the files it looks like two extra files were added to each album folder....a "folder.jpg" file and a "AlbumArtSmall.jpg" file was created. I know that these are only pic files, but I didn't have those files when all my music files were on my Windows machine, how come they show up now? Are those two files necessary? Can I just delete those?
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Nov 3, 2009
How to make sense out of the clutter that has become of my iTunes Music Folder? Please see the screenshot below. I am quite certain that there is abunch of archival /legacy files within this folder, as well as a bunch of stuff that doesn't really need to be in this folder any longer, and I would like to know what is what so that I can begin cleaning things up a bit. Also when I make backups of my iTunes Library (minus the audio/video files) which files are the ones that need to be backed up? and the expanded view:
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Dec 29, 2010
When you consolidate your itunes library does it actually move all your files to one folder or does it just make a copy or reference them? Because my itunes media is scattered throughout my computer and an external hard drive and I'd like to move it all to one spot.
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Oct 2, 2010
I have a WD external hard drive that I got for the holiday's last year.Here lately I've been using it as my iTunes library. A great way to free up some space on my Powerbook g4. Question is, why does iTunes keep changing my library folder after I'd already changed it when I initially set up the hard drive as my iTunes library destination?
Another question is how do I make sure that all my music files automatically go to the folder on the external hard drive when I download music. For example I may snag a free song from a website and will double click it after downloading and it plays in itunes. I want that file to be saved on my external hard drive as well (yes it's plugged up and plugged in).
I only have an 8g ipod so I have to constantly check and uncheck songs that I want to hear, so I want to be sure they are all in the same locale. And one way I know that certain files are on my internal and not external is when i unplug my external those files still play when they shouldn't unless it's plugged up.
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Dec 22, 2009
When importing songs into iTunes, the software by default is set to copy the music files to the iTunes media folder and convert them to .m4a format. This, of course, results in having two copies of each song after the import is done. Before I disable this option I'd like to know what you think are the pros and cons of having this option enabled/disabled.
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Aug 11, 2010
I'd like to move the "apps" folder for itunes out of the main hard drive, and into an external. Can I do that???!
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Apr 18, 2012
I have tried moving them to the trash, as well as using the move to trash button. They seam to go to the trash can but when I delete the trash they are still in the file. I am trying to clear out some old files so that I can have room on my start up disk. My Disk is full and it is making it hard for me to open more then one file. I am getting an external hard drive soon but don't want these files on it.
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Nov 13, 2010
i have a lovely imac g5 but when i switched on 90% of my files in itunes were 'unable to find...' when i looked for them in finder i couldnt find them either. i do not use 'itunes copy to library' but i have my files located internally and havent moved anything, ive tried repair disk and still no avail. is it itunes or something worse that has done this? im pretty miffed as you could imagine any solutions/ explanations?
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Apr 14, 2012
I've downloaded mp3 files from various websites that give away free music. They download as zip files and once I unzip them, I move the folder to the "Music" folder. Then I import them into iTunes (File ---> Add to Library). Â I'd like to make the "Music" folder more organized. Right now I have the "iTunes" folder within the "Music" folder, in addition to SEVERAL folders I've added from the free music I've downloaded. Â Even though I've already added this music to iTunes, if I delete the folders within the "Music" folder, iTunes will no longer be able to play it because it will say it cannot find the source. I get this, but was hoping there was a way to get it into the iTunes folder (the way it gets loaded when you import a CD or buy a song online- it automatically goes there). Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 6, 2012
I have all my TV Shows on an external drive. Sometimes, when I disconnect and then reconnect the external hard drive to my computer I have to drag and drop the files for them to show in my iTunes library and then Apple TV. However, when I drag and drop the TV shows into iTunes, they somehow always seem to default to the Movies folder, I then have to edit them manually for them to only to show in the TV show folder. how I only get these files to appear in the TV show folder and not the movie one?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jun 6, 2012
Since I subscribed the iTunes Match service I have a very annoying issue: a lot of temp files on my iTunes folder. My library is pretty big (24989 songs) and my temp file iTunes Music Library.xml is 42mb. Well, I never counted how many but I think that in one week I have to delete more than 100 temp files, all located in the iTunes folder and with the same size of the iTunes Music Library.xml (42mb). That's really annoying and give me also another problem with Native Instrument Traktor, sometimes the program can't recognize the ITunes Library file. That's really bad for a professional DJ. Another problem, the HD was corrupted, two times in 2 weeks, never happened before. It seems that iTunes Match service still have some problems or maybe is just my setup?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jun 28, 2012
I recently had an external 500 gig Western Digital that stopped working. I took to store and had them transfer the data onto a new external portable hard drive (1.5 gig). At store they hooked up to Mac Book and showed me the files in the itunes folder, however when I connect the drive at home to my imac running tiger 10.4.6 none of the files are visible in the itunes folder.
All the other backup files are fine. And when I right click on iTunes folder >Get Info. It says zero kb in the folder. However I know the files are there because itunes is working and playing them fine. And when I search for a band and open the folder of say "pearl jam" folder it then magically shows just those sub folder for that group in the itunes folder. It seems that the files are definitely there I just can't view them.
IMac (intel), Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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Feb 12, 2012
Some imported mp3 files went to the Unknown Artist/Unknown Album folder with itunes 9/10. They don't show up in itunes.
How can I make them show?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 24, 2012
I've downloaded shows from itunes, they are on a hard drive. Before, when I chose to play the file on itunes, it used to simply link (or source) the file from the hard drive, but recently it started copying the file to the iTunes folder (on my computer). This is very frustrating because I simply don't have enough space in my computer to have contain all these HD videos. Is there any way to have it linking to my files rather than having it copy over?
iTunes, Mac OS X (10.6)
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Jul 3, 2012
I have music files in both media folder and on another drive, not copied to media folder. I know I can highlight and delete individual and multiple files in iTunes. Time consuming.What i'd really like to do is tell iTunes I want it to only see the files in my media folder.I want undo what I did when I told it to bring these other files into the library.
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jul 4, 2012
My internal hard drive is FULL so I am planning to relocate the entire iTunes media folder of music and movies to an external hard drive. I found this article which describes the exact process:Â
But here is my problem... Step 11 starts me down the path of organizing the library and consolidating the library. Keep in mind, I have long used the option to keep my media organized by Apple's naming convention and suggested location. But when it comes to consolidating, I am very hesitant. The reason being, I have media files, which I do not want to incorporate into iTunes. Like stuff relating to old jobs, my own crappy mp3 files, home movies of the kids, etc. I fear that consolidation will seek out every possible media file which iTunes is capable of reading and suck it inside. I do not want that. All my media files for iTunes are already inside the iTunes Media folder. I just want to move that external.Â
Another important goal for me is to maintain my precious playlists and the "date added" of all existing media files in the iTunes library... I love sorting music by date of purchase (or date encoded) and would be VERY upset to lose my long history.Â
imac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Aug 28, 2014
I had deleted my files from iTunes media folder, but as luckily I had the same files located in other place I just copied them to the iTunes Media but iTunes rejects to play them (in my iTunes Library). I'm only able to play them if I go through the procedure as followings: Play - "iTunes unable to open this file because the original file not found. Do you want to find it?" (or smith like that) - Find - Open and then it plays, but I have to perform these actions with every file separately and I have quite a lot of them. Oh, and after that first popping-up window the next one appears "Would you like iTunes to find other missing files from the same location as [the file's name]?" But when I click on "Find" it says "iTunes were unable to find other missing files". Why? How do I accomplish the same task but with all my albums at once without necessity to add them one by one? Does there some way exists to tie the tracks from my albums with original files without importing them to my iTunes library?Â
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Dec 31, 2009
As the main title says I am trying to find out why Itunes adds a folder for each new song that I add to Itunes it very nice if you have a few albums but when you intend to add a few thousand songs it could becoming a House Keeping problem.
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Apr 11, 2009
Dear fellow Applephiles, I'm looking for a fast, efficient way (via an Automator Workflow for example) to do the following: Rename sequentially several files in certain folders so that their names end up being: "folder_name xx" e.g. I have 2 folders called Anne's Birthday, Berlin Vacation, and 2008 Prom with several JPEGs called "DSCxxxxxx" within them.
I want the files within each folder to be named: "Anne's Birthday 1", "Anne's Birthday 2", "Anne's Birthday 3", etc. instead of "DSCxxxxxx","Berlin Vacation 1", "Berlin Vacation 2", "Berlin Vacation 3", etc. and "2008 Prom 1", "2008 Prom 2", "2008 Prom 3", etc. and thus for each respective folder. By using a workflow.I truly hope it's just my being slow with Automator (or Mac OS X in general) the obstacle for accomplishing this.
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Apr 22, 2010
i have to send my mac in service, but before i have to save my data. i will receive a external hdd and thought to use time machine with it and my mac. after that i will send my mac in service. if they dont fix it or dont return it and i will buy a new mac, also with 10.6, will time machine make the new mac the same as old one, with all my folders and files? or do i have not to use time machine and backup file by file?
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Sep 24, 2010
I recently installed ilife 09 into my imac but I cant take advantage of the face detection feature. I deleted my jpg files in the data folder because I thought it was a duplicate file. I didn't know when downloading pictures from a digital camera, iphoto creates two jpg files. One in data folder and other in original folder. I tried copying the jpg files from original folder into the data folder but I'm still having issues. Is there any way I can recover my jpg files from data folder?
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Dec 28, 2009
Is it possible to write a workflow that can select files that are contained inside a folder package?
I am trying to automate a file copy of VMWare fusion 3 files to a windows machine on the network but I cannot seem to get any of the finder actions to give me an option to get inside the package.
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Nov 12, 2008
I'm a longtime PC user who just got a macbook. I copied all my picture files to my macbook and opened up iPhoto. I used the "Import to Library" option to load all my pictures. I noticed that iPhoto copied all my photos to a Photo Library file under the Pictures folder.
Why does iPhoto make copies of the pictures and store them in a separate "file"? This makes it confusing because I have all the pictures that I originally copied but then when I'm in iPhoto, the program is actually accessing the pictures from this separate location.
- Is iPhoto not able to just read files from a normal folder structure?
- How do I manage/organize individual picture files if I'm not within iPhoto?
- How do I burn picture files to a CD/DVD if I can't see the individual pictures when not in iPhoto?
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Oct 1, 2009
I am new to Automator, and even though I have been tinkering around with it for about an hour, I can't seem to create an action.
What I want to do is have Automator automatically take the contents of a specific folder on my hard drive, print the contents of the folder (usually PDFs), then delete the files. I use dropbox, so when I place a pdf into this folder from my laptop on the go, it would be nice to come home to it printed, and no longer in the folder taking up space.
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Jan 23, 2010
Is the there a way to force iTunes to store my mobile applications on my external drive automatically?I have my library set to an external and all my music, movies, etc goes onto the proper location except the mobile applications. I know I can use the consolidate library command, which will move the apps to the external. But as soon as I d/l another app iTunes begins saving them to the default folder again.
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Jun 27, 2007
I was helping a friend by reformatting his pc and reinstalling windows because it was slow, when I was downloading the drivers for it on my MacBook Pro (didn't have access to the router since it's downstairs and his pc didn't have a wireless card), it downloaded a folder filled with locked files, it comes several folders deep and all of the files are locked, fun. So I tried to delete it using sudo rm -r, but it says I don't have sufficient privileges, anyone know a command I can use to delete it all? I'd rather not do it by hand, that'd take forever.
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Nov 7, 2010
I did a bunch of googling, and couldn't find an answer to this or how to do this except with windows-based mp3tag apps.
I have a collection of .WAV files with no tags or filenames at all, but they are all nested in folders that are named with the album the files are from. All the actual .WAV file names are just Track01, Track02, etc. Obviously if I imported these as-is it would be a disorganized disaster.
I am trying to import them into my iTunes library as ALAC lossless-compressed files.
All I would like to do is have the imported files tagged with the folder as the album name.
I can't seem to find any tag editor that will do this on a Mac. I don't want to sit here for hours in iTunes manually entering the album tag for each imported song, that would take ages. Are there any options, or do I brew a pot of coffee...?
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Nov 4, 2006
I recently moved all my music on my moms computer from the regular iTunes folder to another. Then when I tried to play the music, it couldn't find it. so I went into prefrences, and changed the target folder to the new one. But when I changed it, it still couldnt find the music. I went back into prefrences, and it was still at the old folder! Is there an apply button or something I have to push?
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May 1, 2007
I'm always getting new music, and most of it does NOT come from the iTunes store. I have it all organized in my music folder, but if I add the whole music folder to my library, it duplicates everything. Is there a way around this, or a way to have iTunes check for new music everytime its opened?
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