Applications :: IMac OS X Leopard (Firefox) Saves Files Automatically?
Oct 31, 2010
I use mozilla firefox and when I click on a pdf or word file and click open instead of save file the iMac automatically saves to the desktop. How can I change this? When I click on open I don't want it to save the file.
All data saved on my iMac is saved at 10:23. This means when I go to get info to check when something was saved it says 10:23. The same goes for any instant messages. All logs report a save time of 10:23 regardless of what time it was actually saved.
I am having a very troubling issue on two different computers. Both run the latest Snow Leopard and Microsoft Word 2008. The problem is the following: Every single time I save a .doc file I end up with a corrupt doc: I can open it only with the computer that created it, and only with Word. No other software (even QL on the same computer) can open it. I have to re-open the doc with Word, SAVE AS, do a compatibility check, ignore all the issues or fix them, then save it with a different name. Then it works. The only difference between the two computers is that with Word 2008 at times I cannot even save it with the workaround I explained above: I have to save as DOCX with compatibility check in order for it to work. This is getting really annoying, as every time I have to send a .doc for work reasons (several times a day), I end up having to triple check it and save it.
Firefox won't open .torrent files automatically; instead you need to (OK) confirm-click and following that the torrent is loaded (in my case) in uTorrent.
When I open the program, I get this: [URL] My favorites are gone, the buttons are faded, and I can no longer reference my history. The passwords are still stored, but the links don't come up when I start typing them and also, I have to physically type in a website to get there, nothing loads automatically. I've tried restarting in safe mode - get the same routine.
I've noticed that finder, automatically saves unnecessary spam images and mixes them in with my important images, is there someway of either adding a spam label, to them, so they end up in another folder, or completely stopping the saving process entirely?
Safari no longer exports and saves .pdf files. And Safari has slowed down significantly. I have reset and reinstalled it without being able to resolve these problems. Chrome works flawlessly and it is now my default browser.
I'm a new MacOSX user and have been a Hardcore Windows XP user since whenever it was released.
I've been trying out mac for some weeks now and one thing is just pissing me off is.. whenever I download a file with Safari.. Lets say a Zip or RaR file.. it will unzip this files, and then place the original zipfile into the Trash!
How do I disable this lunacy? seriously there is no order in my download folder when the OS starts to act on its own like this.. It's just annoying because it even starts unpacking large 2GB files which I DONT want.
After upgrading my reader, when I'm in Safari and hit links to pdf files, they don't open (I get blank pages). I can only see them if I download them and then open.
I have a smaller SSD drive in my Mac Pro. I have other disks, but I like the small SSD as my main drive. I have a program (Daylite) that needs to backup its database every day. The program refuses to save these backups anywhere except the main drive. Therefore, my SSD fills up quickly and when I forget the delete old backups, my drive gets full and the system stops.
I need to be able to automatically delete older files from that folder when my drive is getting full. For instance, I could have any files older than 3 days be deleted from that folder whenever the disk is low.
I cannot get my imac to stop automatically searching for updates. I set preferences to monthly, or turn it off - it doesn't matter I cannot change it from checking for updates constantly. Furthermore, once it's checked for updates I cannot dismiss the ones I do not need or want. It constantly asks me to install the updates even though I would have no use for them.
Apple wants cash to solve the problem. Since it began occurring after my last paid OS update, that's BS.
Is there a safari extension that auto saves sessions? Automatically gives you all your past tabs back on your next launch. Such a simple thing, where is it?
I am new to Automator, and even though I have been tinkering around with it for about an hour, I can't seem to create an action.
What I want to do is have Automator automatically take the contents of a specific folder on my hard drive, print the contents of the folder (usually PDFs), then delete the files. I use dropbox, so when I place a pdf into this folder from my laptop on the go, it would be nice to come home to it printed, and no longer in the folder taking up space.
Every time someone sends me a file, usually jpg, i 'accept' and the file doesn't automatically download. I tried to put it into the pictures file. Where do yahoo messenger file transfers normally save on your Mac?
my safari and firefox wouldnt start download some links automatically. for examples some megaupload links and some website like this one [URL]. when u click on 'UNSUPPORTED TETHERED REDSN0W - REDSN0W LITE' firefox or safari should start the download automatically, put mine wouldnt. i have to right click and choose 'save file as' to download the file. i have a friend, she's using the same spec macbook as me and she also uses the same wifi as me, when i gave her the megaupload link which i can't download and also the website [URL], she didnt have any problem downloading them.
Since I installed Snow Leopard I have an annoying bug when I have Growl and Firefox installed. When I start up Firefox, the windows isn't on focus (window is kind of in the background). On Leopard I started Firefox and immeditatly I could press cmd+L to write the homepages. With SL I need to click first into the Firefox window because it wasn't on focus after starting up. This weird behaviour only appears when I have Growl installed, if i deactivate Growl, Firefox starts on focus, but since I need Firefox AND Growl, this annoys me a lot..
Could anybody of you who also uses SL, Firefox and Growl test if the Firefox window is on focus after starting the app, ? I tried it on 3 different Macs and all of them have the same bug. :-( I already wrote to the Growl and the Firefox team, but until now both of them say it's the other apps fault...
Seems to be Firefox related, but I think it simply should not be possible within the Mac OS (10.6.8): I have used Firefox for years, but since I updated to version 13, this is what happens: My son has an account under parental control, and he is allowed to use selected applications one of which is Firefox Now after the update every time he launches Firefox, he gets a message he is not allowed to use it. Even when I enter my name and password to permit Firefox "forever" to launch, the message comes again... And again. If I select "once", Firefox launches.
And no matter what I try, as soon as there was one attempt to launch Firefox on my son's account, the related checkbox in the Parental Controls is unchecked again. So what is going on here? Could this be caused by a corrupted file (maybe containing the list of allowed applications), and how could I repair that?
the Firefox addons on Mozilla's website work on OSX when using Firefox? I just wanted to make sure since I like using all of the apps on my firefox configuration and was thinking about buying a mac. I know a lot of 3rd party apps that aren't specifically made for Mac at times will not work
What I would like to do is to be able to work on my Macpro on a document and be able to see the document in my iMac without having to copy, or connect to the other Mac. How do I do that? I would like to see the same folders in both. I know that that should be possible, shouldn't it?Â
After updates on my iMac OS X 10.6.8 .mov files shot with the JVC HD200 will no longer play! Everything was fine before the updates. I keep getting the error message: invalid public movie atom. I was told it may have been from the iTunes update so I deleted iTunes and both versions of quicktime that I have and reinstalled earlier versions. Still no luck.
For some reason on my i7 iMac I've lost the ability to play audio from Mini Displayport devices like my MacBook Pro/PS3/360 etc when they're connected. It was working up till a few days ago. Regular sound from the iMac works great.
I did a fresh install on an external drive of SL 10.6.2, and audio then works fine over Displayport IN. So, clearly some files changed on 10.6.4/10.6.5, and I'm trying to find out what those files are. I'd rather not have to reinstall my OS for this seemingly minor issue...!
My settings do not allow for sharing of my iMac or its folders and files. Yet, another person's Shared Folder is appearing on my iMac and I cannot remove it. How do I remove it and did it get there by this person hacking in?
I want to copy certain files (to an external hard drive, but that doesn't matter) to another folder. But i want it to do it automatically with one click (or two, but you get the point). I want it to only copy files that are also in the destination folder from the source folder to the destination folder. (sorry that doesn't make much sense). But my goal is to back up my music into a folder, but not all of, only the folders that are already there. So basically, replacing old with new, but adding no new folders at all.
I have a memory stick I use for college and I edit some work at home on my Mac, when I connect it to my Mac and then in college (PC) I get some extra files which are highlighted with a underscore before it such as documents. Anyone know how to get rid of them, I tried deleting them but they get regenerated next time I connect it to my Mac.
I've been having this problem for a while now on my iMac (OSX 10.6.3) where a file would just rename itself into something like "FULLM~20.MKV" after I rename a different file within the same folder.
It's occurred in several folders and is really annoying because I don't know what the original filenames are and messes up my organization.
I took note of some occurrences below. If I recall correctly, trying to fix the messed up filename sometimes works but it eventually gets messed up again. It's not limited to video files only, I've seen it happen to a jpg at least once.