OS X :: Files Automatically Renaming Themselves

May 30, 2010

I've been having this problem for a while now on my iMac (OSX 10.6.3) where a file would just rename itself into something like "FULLM~20.MKV" after I rename a different file within the same folder.

It's occurred in several folders and is really annoying because I don't know what the original filenames are and messes up my organization.

I took note of some occurrences below. If I recall correctly, trying to fix the messed up filename sometimes works but it eventually gets messed up again. It's not limited to video files only, I've seen it happen to a jpg at least once.

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OS X :: Renaming Files In ITunes?

Apr 18, 2009

I've been removing a bunch of bloat from the iTunes library, and one of the things I did was transcode my 10 GB or so of lossless audio to 256 kbps VBR, then delete the lossless files. The problem is that since the transcode creates new copies of the audio files, I ended up with

10 The Mariner's Revenge Song.m4a

10 The Mariner's Revenge Song 1.m4a

Once the transcode was complete, I deleted all of the original lossless files from library and my computer, but I can't get rid of the 1 on the end of the remaining filenames. I seem to remember File -> Library -> Consolidate Library to have worked on an earlier version of iTunes, but it doesn't seem to do anything now. My library is set to keep things organized, but that doesn't seem to be working for files already in the library.

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OS X :: Renaming Files Within A RAR / ZIP While Zipped?

Jun 4, 2010

Is there any way to rename files in a RAR/ZIP while it is still zipped? It can be a pain to uncompress, rename and then re-zip. Not sure if there is a way or program that can do this.

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Applications :: Batch Renaming Files In OSX?

Mar 3, 2004

I've got a whole bunch of photos in various subfolders. Some of these photos have the same relative name (ie same file name but in different folders).

I would like to rename all these files like 000001.ext, 000002.ext etc, independently of file location so I can copy all the files back to one single folder (I can handle that bit in Terminal). There are many sub-folders so I need something recursive.

I've tried Renamer4Mac, but it isn't recursive. Does anyone know of a different app that would work, or even a terminal command/script/binary that would do the trick?

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OS X :: Can Automate Renaming Files And How To Stop

Mar 27, 2009

I'm in the process of importing loads of DVDs using HandBrake to have on Apple TV.

But all the files read a bit like this: "FUTURAMA_DISC_1-1" etc etc. and so I'm renaming them "Futurama 1.1, Futurama 1.2" etc. Is there a way of automating this rather dull process?

Also, in finder, if I select a file and hit return to highlight the text, it often deselects itself whilst I'm typing which is becoming infuriating. Sometimes it'll deselect itself half a dozen times before it stays selected and let's me rename the file. It feels like I'm on a Windows PC with such an annoying glitch!

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OS X :: How To Automate Renaming Of Files After Importing

Jan 2, 2010

We got a Flip video camera for Christmas, and I'm trying to find a way to easily import the videos into a specific folder on my MBP.

I'm sure there's an automator action or folder action to do this, but I don't even know where to begin for that.

What I want to do is be able to drop the files from the Flip into a specific folder, but I want those files to be automatically renamed into a sequential order once they are dropped in. As it stands, the files are named VID00001, VID00002, etc., and when those are dragged and dropped into a folder on the HDD, the retain that numbering. They are erased from the camera, and the renaming starts all over again.

What I want to do is to be able to drop those new files from the camera into the same folder, and have the numbering pick up at 00003, 00004, etc.

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Intel Mac :: Renaming Multiple Files?

Apr 29, 2012

I have only been using Macs for a year and loving them, although still learning.  We have an iMac OS 10.7.3 and somehow last night I managed to rename multiple images in a folder which I've never been able to do before on a mac (except when using Bridge).

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Applications :: Renaming Files Sequentially By Containing - Folder's Name

Apr 11, 2009

Dear fellow Applephiles, I'm looking for a fast, efficient way (via an Automator Workflow for example) to do the following: Rename sequentially several files in certain folders so that their names end up being: "folder_name xx" e.g. I have 2 folders called Anne's Birthday, Berlin Vacation, and 2008 Prom with several JPEGs called "DSCxxxxxx" within them.

I want the files within each folder to be named: "Anne's Birthday 1", "Anne's Birthday 2", "Anne's Birthday 3", etc. instead of "DSCxxxxxx","Berlin Vacation 1", "Berlin Vacation 2", "Berlin Vacation 3", etc. and "2008 Prom 1", "2008 Prom 2", "2008 Prom 3", etc. and thus for each respective folder. By using a workflow.I truly hope it's just my being slow with Automator (or Mac OS X in general) the obstacle for accomplishing this.

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OS X :: Creating Shortcuts And Renaming Folders / Files?

May 9, 2009

New to Mac, how do you create desktop shortcuts and rename folders? Also is there a way to add/remove items from the taskbar launcher thing on the bottom?

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OS X :: Auto Renaming Files When Duplicate Exists?

May 23, 2009

I use Windows at work and something I really like about it is that Windows will automatically rename a file if another one exists with the same name. For example if there is a file on your desktop called somefile.doc and you download or copy another file with the same name to your desktop it will automatically rename the new file to somefile(1).doc, allowing the 2 files to co-exist without you having to manually change either name. Is there a way to make OSX do this automatically?

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OS X :: Deleting Or Renaming Files On External Drive

Dec 28, 2009

I have an external hard drive which I used before with my windows-based laptop. If connected to my IMac I noticed that the files can not be deleted or even renamed. It's NTFS formatted drive. What should I do to allow these options/actions on this external drive with my IMac.

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Applications :: ITunes Will Not Find Files After Renaming

Feb 12, 2010

In iTunes I manage my music manually. Sometimes I need to change a song's file name because something was spelled incorrectly. To change a song's file name I rename it in Finder. iTunes is running the background. Now here's the catch: After renaming a file I check whether iTunes detected its new location (CMD+I for "Get Info"). Mostly iTunes DOES recognize the new file path, but sometimes it doesn't. What helps iTunes detecting the new location? I really can't see a pattern in iTunes' behavior.

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Safari :: How To Stop Renaming Download Files

May 16, 2012

If I download a hjsplit file (a file split into multiple, consecutive parts .001, .002, .003, etc for recombination by the hjsplit program) safari tries to be clever, and adds a file extension of the file type, so instead of getting 3 files called: 




I get something like 




Presumably the website tells safari the filetype, but usually a browser allows me to override mime types like this.  In firefox  files are not renamed (so I know it is theoretically possible), whereas in safai they are, and therefore are no use to the hjsplit program until I manually rename them. 

I think this is a webkit thing, since chrome does the same thing, whereas gecko browsers like firefox and camino do not. 

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)

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OS X Technologies :: Renaming Pdf Files Based On Internal Content?

Apr 27, 2012

I work for a company that has thousands of E-tickets coming in daily, weekly, monthly, etc..These tickets come in bafhakfbaifh.pdf and we have to manually rename them or print them all out and then sort through them and put them in order.What I would like to do is:

1. Split any pdf's that have more than one page or "ticket" in my case. I know how to do this with automator easily, but I'd love to keep it all in one program.

2. Search the file for Event Name (i.e. Madonna)

3. Search the file for Date of event (August 12, 2012)

4. Search the file for Section, Row, Seat (124 3 12)

5. Rename the file based on content found (Madonna August 12 2012 124 3 12.pdf)

6. Move from original download folder to organized folders based on artist/team.

7. Automatically print in alphabetical or some sort of designated order.

So far, I found a PC program called A-PDF rename, but it is not automated enough to be practical. Hazel is awesome at OCRing the pdf and moving from folder to folder, but does not do enough. 

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Automatically Copy Certain Files?

Nov 25, 2008

I want to copy certain files (to an external hard drive, but that doesn't matter) to another folder. But i want it to do it automatically with one click (or two, but you get the point). I want it to only copy files that are also in the destination folder from the source folder to the destination folder. (sorry that doesn't make much sense). But my goal is to back up my music into a folder, but not all of, only the folders that are already there. So basically, replacing old with new, but adding no new folders at all.

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OS X :: How To Get Rid Of Automatically Generated Files

Apr 23, 2009

I have a memory stick I use for college and I edit some work at home on my Mac, when I connect it to my Mac and then in college (PC) I get some extra files which are highlighted with a underscore before it such as documents. Anyone know how to get rid of them, I tried deleting them but they get regenerated next time I connect it to my Mac.

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OS X :: How To Automatically Copy All Files From An External HD

Nov 29, 2008

My question is how do I copy all files from an external USB hard drive automatically everytime it's connected

I have two macs one with Tiger and one with leopard answer can be for either OS

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OS X :: Looking For A Program That Will Copy Files Automatically?

Oct 8, 2009

I am looking for a program that will copy a selection of files from my office computer to a server every day. I do not want to use backup, as i want the files to be directly accessible on the server. Snow Leopard killed my direct access to my office computer from the outside.

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OS X :: Mac Trash Bin Deletes Files Automatically?

Jan 26, 2010

If I put a file in the trash, I get a message saying "Are you sure you want to delete (insert file item here)" Then it says it will be deleted and can not be recovered. How can I get it so it won't empty the trash whenever I put an item in it? So that it keeps the files in the trash bin?

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Applications :: Automatically Delete Certain Files When Space Is Low?

Dec 2, 2010

I have a smaller SSD drive in my Mac Pro. I have other disks, but I like the small SSD as my main drive. I have a program (Daylite) that needs to backup its database every day. The program refuses to save these backups anywhere except the main drive. Therefore, my SSD fills up quickly and when I forget the delete old backups, my drive gets full and the system stops.

I need to be able to automatically delete older files from that folder when my drive is getting full. For instance, I could have any files older than 3 days be deleted from that folder whenever the disk is low.

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OS X :: How Would You Stop System From Automatically Unzipping Files

Mar 12, 2009

I use Mac Tiger 10.4.11 When I download .Zip files, they are automatically unzipped by whichever program I have set as my default "(de)compression-program" on Mac.what I should do to stop my .Zip files from automatically being unzipped immediately after I download them.

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OS X :: MBP - Cursor Clicking / Dragging Files Automatically?

Mar 30, 2009

I love my 1st generation MacBook Pro 15" very much. She's running the latest Leopard update, and everything was running smoothly up until a couple of days ago. For some reason, the computer seems to think that I'm constantly holding down the mouse button. No matter what application I'm in, the cursor starts acting up - dragging boxes and files in finder, dragging things off the dock instead of hovering over them, etc etc. This doesn't happen all the time, and I'm not sure what triggers it, but it somehow seems to happen more often later in the day. Sometimes it stops within seconds, sometimes it's a couple of minutes before it goes back to normal.

Sometimes clicking the real mouse button a couple of times or pressing escape fixes it, sometimes it doesn't. My first thought was that it was Blender causing a problem, as that's the first place the problem showed up. When I noticed the same thing occuring in Finder, after a fresh reboot, I thought maybe a hack I had recently applied was the culprit, but nothing came to mind. To be on the safe side, I tried making a hack-free account and using it for a while, but to no avail-same problem (less often, however). Now, getting desperate, I switched over to my Boot Camp partition. The problem reared its ugly head there, too - not nearly as often, however...just two or three times in my two hours there.

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OS X :: How To Get Downloaded Files To Automatically Open With Firefox

Apr 22, 2009

So I would like to have my files open automatically once there downloaded, be it .pdf, .ppt or .doc.

Is there some setting that i need to change of Firefox (though I have looked) to make this happen

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OS X :: Changing Multiple Icons Automatically Between Files?

May 24, 2009

Is there an apple script or something that can change icons automatically between files? I have a small movie library, which I created icon files for (with a frame from the movie). I just have to "get info" on each movie individually, and copy the image icon over the movie's generic icon. I can't use poster frames in iTunes/Quicktime because they're not all quicktime compatible, and I didn't want to re-encode everything.

I'm just wondering if it is simple to write a script that will ask for an item (the image), copy it's Icon, then ask for a second item (the movie) and paste the icon to that. If it is possible, the process would go a little faster both now, and for any others I do in the future.

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OS X :: Leopard Unzips And Trashes My Zip Files Automatically?

Jun 26, 2009

I'm a new MacOSX user and have been a Hardcore Windows XP user since whenever it was released.

I've been trying out mac for some weeks now and one thing is just pissing me off is.. whenever I download a file with Safari.. Lets say a Zip or RaR file.. it will unzip this files, and then place the original zipfile into the Trash!

How do I disable this lunacy? seriously there is no order in my download folder when the OS starts to act on its own like this.. It's just annoying because it even starts unpacking large 2GB files which I DONT want.

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OS X :: Automatically Moving New Files On Desktop To Folder?

Feb 22, 2010

I've been using Macs for awhile, and am growing to love them for sure. I'm starting to dabble with Applescript, and things like that... just delving into the magic of Apple products, and I'm coming up with a few questions, one of which I'm posting here!

I'm interested in leaving three icons on the desktop at all times. My "Macintosh HD" icon, a "Lost&Found" folder and a alias to a server I use consistently. All other files I want moved into the Lost&Found Folder on a consistent basis, and I want to delete these files weekly, or bi-weekly. I'm unsure as to if I should make an Applescript for this, or if there's a utility out there to do this. I have looked around a bit already, and haven't found much.

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OS X :: Firefox Won't Open .torrent Files Automatically?

Apr 6, 2010

Firefox won't open .torrent files automatically; instead you need to (OK) confirm-click and following that the torrent is loaded (in my case) in uTorrent.

OSX 10.63
Firefox v.3.63

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OS X :: Can I Set Trash To Completely Delete Certain Old Files Automatically

Jul 26, 2010

I want it to either

Conserve disk space and confine the size of Trash to a certain percentage of the total hard disk space and automatically delete old files to meet that limit; or

Automatically delete files that has been sent to trash for a certain period of time.

Can I do that in Mac OS X?

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Software :: Set .dat Files To Open Automatically With Textfile?

Jul 17, 2009

I have a bunch of .dat files in my computer. How do I set that these files have to be openes automatically with textfile for example? I can do it for one given file, but O would like to do it for the extension...

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ITunes :: Opens And Plays Certain MP3 Files Automatically

Feb 3, 2012

This just started in the last week or two, but my itunes will be completely closed, and suddenly it opens and play a certain mp3 file, then the next then one more. This isn't any particular playlist or anything. The files are probably all in my download folder and it just goes in order. This happens many times per day. Often times my computer was actually asleep and it wakes it to play these files.

Looking at my console log, I get the following two things right when it happens.
2/3/12 8:48:09.366 AM [0x0-0x1f11f1].com.apple.iTunes: Returning 0x0. Advertising wake service for libraryIdentifier "EA6D19640E6DBDE0".
2/3/12 8:48:20.346 AM [0x0-0x1f11f1].com.apple.iTunes: Version from driver for Certificates 1

So I'm assuming whatever is happening has to do with these log items. How to stop this? It's very bothersome when I'm in the middle of a business call, etc. I need to keep my MBP volume up as well because I have various alerts I need to hear.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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