Applications :: How To Get Safari 4 And Processor Usage
Mar 3, 2009
Right now my processors are pinned at 99 and 100% and a look at Activity Monitor shows 6 processes, relating to my safari boot page.. you know with the small web shot pages... Strange thing is that the temp and fans are not going up... The processes are called Safari Webpage Preview.
I was wondering if there is an application available that will allow you measure how much a running application is tasking your RAM and processor. (I ask because I recently downloaded a programme called DarkAdapter. It allows me to make my display even dimmer than the default dimming device on the new unibody Macbook. When I run the programme, however, my machine noticeably slows down.)
I have seen some images posted of the cores being monitored to show their usage but I don't know what people use to see this activity. Are there any free apps that you can install on the Mac Pro to monitor usage of the cores?
I'm sure you've all read about the Firefox memory leak brouhaha. Firefox 1.5+ is supposed to suck down memory like there is no tomorrow.
Someone made this challenge:
"If you keep opening tabs in Firefox � say, more than 10 or 15 � the browser starts to slow to a crawl. See how many tabs you can open, but participate at your own risk! Oh, and uh... be sure to save all of your work first."
Well I ran that test. I opened 33 tabs in FF 1.5.01 on my iBook (see sig). FF doesn't bat an eyelash, no slowdown whatsoever.
My mac keeps crashing druing both safari and mail usage. Help I cant do anything unless im in firefox.Â
Process:Â Â Â Â Safari [2101]Path:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â /Applications/ÂÂ Â Â Â 5.0.6 (5533.22.3)Build Info:Â WebBrowser-75332203~3 Code Type:Â Â X86 (Native) Parent Process:Â launchd [106]Â Interval Since Last Report:Â Â Â Â Â 5222 secCrashes Since Last Report:Â Â Â Â Â Â 8
I'm using Safari Version 7.0.4 (9537.76.4) with Mavericks on MacBook Pro 13" late 2011. Has 4 GB RAM. The problem is Safari consume 787 MB of ram with ONLY 1 tab open! "Facebook"..When I clean my ram with memory cleaner, it goes down to 300 MB, 5 secs or less and it goes up again.Â
The HD crashed about 2 years ago, and since the replacement (TOSHIBA MK6034GSX 60GB) the CPU will go very hot 80+C and the fan going to 6200rpm if visiting some internet pages. Normally a problem if (when) the kids are playing free online games or visiting youtube or similar. Made a screenshot, notice CPU usage around 112%, smartfan showing 70C and 6200rpm. I have taken the mac physically apart and cleaned the cooling duct and applyed new thermal paste. Didn't help. It drives me crazy, I hate noisy computers.
I have about 200 Tabs open and a DSL line. Safari Web Content frequently uses near or more than 100% of my CPU time, and the computer runs dead slow.
How can I modify Web Content so that it does not refresh tabs in the background?
Maybe I can at least get a "toggle" to control when it tries to access that huge junk server at "url..." ?Right now its taking over 30 seconds to respond to clicks, and then the same sort of delay before drawing the new screen.
I looked in iStat Pro, at then saw that Safari was eating up one entire core of my processor. I am running one window with 3 tabs, another web archive, another Google search, a Google Image search, a window with a Youtube HD video running+a tab with a Google Video search. Is this to be expected with this much running? I am using Spaces.
I wish Apple would develop (buy or steal) a good word processor. How about just reengineering Pages to LOOK like MS Word? The familiarity would be a big selling point. I bought iwork... and Pages just baffles me how strange it is.
So the latest beta is apparently 64-bit to begin with. I've also noticed that it uses more RAM than the previous (beta) versions, which is quite disappointing. It now uses up even more RAM than Safari!! Has anyone else noticed that?
I also don't like the the new "page loading" status because it doesn't tell much - seems like a copy of Chrome's too. I preferred how it was in the previous beta version.
there is a application that lets me track the applications I use and log them to a file with the time I start using it? Or a way to build said app if it doesn't exist? I just want to know the time I switch to each application I use.
I use to have about 20 tabs open all the time, but this is not the case in c2d cpu, I think.
So, when so many things (osx, addons versions, ff versions) changes, I really do not know what else to search for, in order to make my firefox have a normal cpu usage.
I have white macbook c2duo 2GHz.After last iTunes update it still consumes about 60% of CPU whe running. If I say running i mean that it's not playing any music. Library Sharing is off. I was trying to find out something but i had no luck. Only I can say is that the same thing is occuring on my friend "Old" Macbook Pro (intel c2duo) but not on any iMac or Unibody Macbook i have seen.
what i want is to be able to limit skype to use 20kbps or something like that, if its even possible. there are no guides on google, nor any programs that i can use.
So I just got a look at the Logic Studio 2 Package and was a really interested in MainStage. I play a Gibson Les Paul 1957 Standard and an ESP Horizon FR-II. I currently only have one guitar effect pedal and a large Crate amp - those I am planning on upgrading until I saw MainStage. I saw some videos that you can select different model amps and effects to use live and for recording.
What would be the ideal device to get so I could plug my guitar in? Is there a pedal board I could use to program and change effects in MainStage?
I live in a hall at a university and they ban anyone who uses more than 5gb of bandwidth in a day. 48h first time. 14 day for the second time, and then forever.... I was banned for the first time 5 min ago and I realized a badly need a software that alerts me when I get to, let's say, 4gb and then stops the network when I get close to the limit. I wasn't able to find such an application for mac os x
I was checking the activity monitor and looking at the RAM and reading Apple's doc and the Activity Monitor RAM section.
At this moment, all I have is Firefox, Activity Monitor open and that's it, obviously there's system stuff going on as well. I took a pic and attached it.
Though is USED 1.25GB high, as it sounds real high to me. Is it too high, if so how can I lower it?
The Mac works fine.
I've been thinking to increase the RAM recently, and purchasing an extra 4 or 8 GBs
I have Intego's Virus Barrier too, any need for this?
I need a database of names and addresses that can be exported into a word processor for output of paper letters, with envelopes. Would anyone know of the best way to effect this? Anymore I use email, but in this instance that will not work. The standard Address Book would work fine for the data, but I find no way of importing each name and address to a word processor, such as Text Edit. The closest I've come is exporting a vCard from Address Book, which then can be opened by Text Edit, however not only several steps required, but also a profusion of needless data entwining the name and address. If not wishing to pay for all the many features of iWork, I'm not even sure if this suite of programs would answer this task, either. If preferring to use the Address Book, what would be the best solution, possibly software, to do this?
I'm looking at replacing my ancient G5 tower with a new Mac Pro, and looking at the options, obviously I have to decide between the single CPU quad-core or the 2 CPU "eight-core" solution.
Can anyone tell me if there is a word processor available for the Mac with a spellchecker interface similar to the one used in WordPerfect? I have recently purchased a Mac and would like to install a word processor on it. I am dyslexic and I have found the WordPerfect spellchecker interface to be the best one I've come across for my needs, far better than MS Word. This also includes being better than Text Help System's Read & Write, the spellchecking application designed and recommended for dyslexics! In WordPerfect, if you don't spell a word correctly, you can retype the spelling. Instead of having to hit suggest, it automatically makes suggestions as you retype.
This way, after only typing part of the word, you may see the correct spelling come up. If your new suggestion is wrong you can then simply retype the word until you get a suggestion which works. Much quicker than hitting suggest 4-5 times and it takes into account the original misspelt word when making the new suggestions. In comparison the version of Read and Write I have, which was released in 2006, didn't even have a suggest option. So much for specialist software. In fact it didn't even have the word dyslexic in it's dictionary, until I point out this omission to them! If there isn't such a word processor available for the Mac, I might consider buying and installing WordPerfect X4 in my virtual Windows 7. However having purchased a Mac, I would prefer where possible to use Mac based software.
Is it possible to reset the total bandwidth used for downloads and uploads in iStat pro via an applescript?
I use it to monitor my internet usage since they cap it at my school to a couple gigabytes a day. Since I went over once and was given a warning, my second offense would be no internets from anywhere from a week to a year.
I would use the application Lingon to automatically run the applescript every day at midnight.
Right now the only way to reset the counter is to restart my computer which is bothersome and time consuming
If anyone could point me in the right direction as to the file it uses to store network usage info I could probably figure out how to write the applescript myself.
I've never even turned on the genius feature in iTunes, because I was put off by the link to the store. I have no intention whatsoever of buying anything from the iTunes store, though I do have an account cause I had to buy something else online. Here's my strong suspicion about Genius - that it's really there just to sell you crappy tracks from iTunes. And I have no use for that noise.
But, I like to keep an open mind. What if I'm wrong, and what if it's actually a cool feature? I remember not being sure about the shuffle function, since I like to listen to albums, so for the longest time I didn't use it. But one day I gave it a go, and what do you know. I liked it, for the most part! Here's one additional complication - I got like 50,000 songs in my library and I listen to all kinds of genres. Tell me about Genius - how do you use it?