Applications :: ITunes 10.0.1 Strange High CPU Usage?

Oct 11, 2010

I have white macbook c2duo 2GHz.After last iTunes update it still consumes about 60% of CPU whe running. If I say running i mean that it's not playing any music. Library Sharing is off. I was trying to find out something but i had no luck. Only I can say is that the same thing is occuring on my friend "Old" Macbook Pro (intel c2duo) but not on any iMac or Unibody Macbook i have seen.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: ITunes High Usage Of CPU?

Jun 24, 2012

iTunes high usage of CPU

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Applications :: RAM Usage 1.25gb High - Is This Normal

Jun 11, 2010

I was checking the activity monitor and looking at the RAM and reading Apple's doc and the Activity Monitor RAM section.

At this moment, all I have is Firefox, Activity Monitor open and that's it, obviously there's system stuff going on as well. I took a pic and attached it.

Though is USED 1.25GB high, as it sounds real high to me. Is it too high, if so how can I lower it?

The Mac works fine.

I've been thinking to increase the RAM recently, and purchasing an extra 4 or 8 GBs

I have Intego's Virus Barrier too, any need for this?

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OS X :: Why Is Hdd Usage Always So High

Apr 24, 2009

There is some type of problem with my System.

My computer has been running incredibly slow lately. I think it has to do with the disk usage as every time it has to access the disk, it slows to a crawl. I've had a huge amount of beach balling, especially when loading a new App or a new page in Safari.

Here is a picture of the disk usage. Does this look normal? Does anyone know what the problem could be?

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Mac Pro :: VM Usage High - Is It Normal

Oct 15, 2008

Just wondering if this is normal? Almost 30gb of VM in use? I'm encoding one of my DVDs and Handbrake is only using about 90mb of real memory while a bunch of background apps are using about 600-800mb of VM memory. Yesterday I encoded a DVD in like 20 minutes. I did a restart to refresh my memory but it's taken like over 2 hours of encoding and it's not done yet.

Attached is a picture of my Activity Monitor.

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OS X :: High CPU Usage With Video

Feb 26, 2009

I've searched all over the internet but have yet to come across an answer. I love my Mac, but why is it that when I play a video in a web browser on my MacBook, (be it Flash, QuickTime, etc.) my CPU usage is anywhere from 60-80%, yet when I play the same video on a laptop running Windows, the CPU usage is always in the single digits?

I realize that video takes a toll on the CPU with integrated video cards, but it doesn't seem to have the same effect on Windows based laptops with integrated video cards. Is the CPU usage possibly just calculated differently, or is the Mac architecture somehow just really inefficient at this?

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OS X :: IChat CPU Usage Very High?

Mar 7, 2009

Whenever I start iChat on my new mini, it instantly spikes up the CPU usage and just sits there high. Activity Monitor says it's around 97%. I'm not doing anything in it; just starting the app gets it up there, and the only way to get it to go down again is to close the app. It doesn't seem to make a difference whether I'm online or off.

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OS X :: High CPU Usage For No Apparent Reason?

Oct 7, 2009

A few days ago I found that launchd was constantly using around 14% of my CPU (via iStat), which drastically lowered my battery life and caused my CPU to reach 75 degrees Celsius and higher. Initially I thought that SL just needed to do something, so I ignored it. But it has persisted for a few days now, so I decided to do something about it.

I checked the Console and nothing appeared to be repeating itself, so what I did was use MainMenu to perform a batch of system maintenance tasks, and then left my Mac on overnight to see what Console would report. Besides hourly instances of "kernel" running "iCalHelper" and "SubmitDiagInfo", there was nothing else.

However, launchd lowered its CPU usage to about 3%, but it is still constant and my CPU is still at a constant 40-50%. Activity Monitor says the following processes are (constantly) taking only 1-4% of the CPU:
...and others
The CPU is reported as 35% User and 20% System. But I am not running anything besides Activity Monitor.

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MacBook Air :: Kernel_task At 130 Cpu Usage Too High?

Apr 8, 2009

My MBA (Ver A 1.6) just started getting the "sluggish" symptoms. Started noticing that my CPU gets stuck at 90~100% after about 30 min of use, since about a week ago. I keep restarting the computer and after about 30 min, my MBA becomes very sluggish and iStat shows both CPU bars all the way to about 100%.

When this happens, the activity monitor shows the kernel_task at 125~130. This is too high, right? If it is, what's causing this? I can't imagine that any of the programs that I regularly use will cause this.

Here's the screen shot of the activity monitor.

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OS X :: CPU Usage Is High When Playing A Game?

Jun 23, 2009

I've had my unibody Macbook since October. Recently I installed a few game apps including Sims 3. The problem is that when I try to play a game, it shows that my CPU usage is around the 100 range, the temperature is around 150 degrees, and the fan is around an average of 4000 rpm. It gets annoying cause you can hear the fan making a loud noise, I'm not sure if its my laptop or some other problem.

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MacBook Pro :: High Ram Usage - What Is Consumption

Jul 23, 2010

I've noticed that my macbook pro has been using a lot of RAM. I haven't really witnessed a slowdown on my computer b/c of any sort of shortage of RAM but I was just curious if this was typical (since this is my first mac). I have 4 GB of RAM and I often find myself with around 1-1.5 GB of free + inactive RAM. I had a linux system with 3 GB RAM before and it used between 1-1.8 GB of RAM and it seems like this system is using around 2.5-3 GB (active + wired). However, various OS X laptops in the past have functioned really well in the past with 2 GB and even 1 GB of RAM right? Is OS X just putting more processes in my RAM to speed up my system because more RAM is available OR does snow leopard just have high memory consumption?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Cpu Usage After Standby Very High?

Apr 21, 2012

After standby mode my iMac 2011 with 10.7.3 seems to run corrupt with the kernel and activitymonitord tasks. CPU usage on one core runs to 100% only by scrolling fast in a window (finder, firefox, activity window). It happend without any system adjustment nor on any update or new software. Had the same issue months ago. Helped to went back to 10.7.2 and upraded again to 7.3 via combo update. System is after standby not usable, have to start system new as work around. Found same issue with other users on the web, but no solution.  

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X Mavericks :: Crashed Then High CPU Usage

Jun 5, 2014

Out of the blue, my MBP Retina crashed, went to a grey screen. I restarted it and noticed the bottom was getting warm. I ran Activity Monitor and it show perl5.16 was using 97-98% of the CPU.

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9), I met Steve in 1976. He used my Kloss NovaBeam projector.

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OS X :: Strange Noises Coming From System / High Pitched Noise Near The Keyboard

Mar 27, 2009

I have a Macbrook Pro, one generation old. In the past week, it started making a high pitched noise from the upper left hand corner, near the keyboard. When I pick the computer up and change the angle, I can eliminate the noise.

Just in the past day I noticed that in addition to this high pitched noise, periodically a much louder, different noise comes from the same area, which again, if I move the computer around, I can minimize the noise.

My guess is that there is something loose in the computer, maybe a fan? Should I bring it to apple? My computer has been running pretty slow lately, could this have anything to do with it?

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MacBook Pro :: Using Photoshop Up To 15MB - CPU Usage Very High

Sep 7, 2010

I believe there might be something wrong with my MacBook Pro-It's a late 2008 one, mid configuration. Intel C2D 2.4 Ghz, 2 graphics card, 2GB RAM, ... (Using SL)

I usually find myself using up most of the RAM, with 96MB of RAM left right now, and sometimes when using Photoshop, up to 15MB. My CPU usage is quite high, with Chrome using 17% + other Chrome processes.

I'm only opening up 13 active tabs with 12 pinned and disabled tabs; Is the CPU usage too high?

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MacBook :: CPU Usage Very High Just Using Safari/firefox?

Mar 6, 2009

The HD crashed about 2 years ago, and since the replacement (TOSHIBA MK6034GSX 60GB) the CPU will go very hot 80+C and the fan going to 6200rpm if visiting some internet pages. Normally a problem if (when) the kids are playing free online games or visiting youtube or similar. Made a screenshot, notice CPU usage around 112%, smartfan showing 70C and 6200rpm. I have taken the mac physically apart and cleaned the cooling duct and applyed new thermal paste. Didn't help. It drives me crazy, I hate noisy computers.

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MacBook :: Stuck At High CPU Usage Rate

Apr 20, 2009

I will be running MS Excel, preview, firefox, and activity monitor. All of a sudden my Activity monitor says that there is about % User of 50% and the fan will start running. I cannot find what program is making it run this high. I quit every program and it gets stuck on this until I restart the computer. I have done this about 3 times and it always comes back. None of the programs are registering high CPU usage. My last computer had an overheating problem where the fan was always on and that was part of the reason I switched to Macs - really hoping that issues doesn't follow me from Windows to Mac.

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MacBook :: Electricity Usage On Standby Is High

Jul 8, 2009

I bought one of these: [URL] and decided to do an experiment, now on standby (Laptop cover closed) it consumes 1.432 per night (8 hours). Laptop on standby, Cover Open but Display in Sleep mode for 8 hours costs 4.731 per day. So that means per month on standby at night, my Macbook costs 44.392. This can't be right? Because if it is, I might have to turn it off at night from now on.

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MacBook Pro :: High System Memory Usage?

Jun 19, 2010

I just bought my first mac (2010 13 inch base model) and i was looking in Activity Monitor when i noticed that my free system memory is around 15-20mb. Is this normal? The only things i have running is chrome, itunes, and steam. Would these programs eat up memory? if this is a stupid question please forgive me!!!!

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MacBook :: Memory And CPU Usage Rates Very High?

Aug 21, 2010

At the moment I'm only running iTunes, HelTweetica and Safari, but my memory/CPU graphs are really high and jumpy. Is it supposed to do this or am I just being too paranoid?

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MacBook Air :: System Making A Strange Noise / Loud High Pitch Whine

Jun 18, 2008

Hey guys, got a little issue here. I have had a MBA since about march of this year. Just recently I on two occasions the computer has all of a sudden had this loud high pitch whine. It has only happened twice and at both times (if I remember the 1st time correctly) I wasn't really doing anything on the computer. Today specifically it was just sitting idle on my desk. Not sure where its coming from maybe speakers? Any idea to what this is? Should I be setting up an appointment to see a Mac Genius?

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IMac :: Optical Drive And CPU Fan High Speed On Little Usage

Sep 23, 2010

I bought one of the new-gen iMacs last month--my first Mac! My computer will often start making a low-droning noise, and it sounds like a fan. I have iStat, and usually during this time it will say that my Optical Drive and CPU Fan are both running at around 4000rpm. This happens when there is very little CPU usage too. It's happening right now, and I only have firefox running.

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Windows On Mac :: High Idle CPU Usage In Boot Camp?

Mar 2, 2010

I just noticed that my CPU usage in windows 7 running in boot camp on my i5 iMac i newer lower than 30%... One core is almost at max, one is at a third of max, and the two last cores are idle. I've cleaned out in the "processes" tab in Task Manager, so that only the vital functions are running. Does it really take up so much juice to run Windows in boot camp?

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MacBook Pro :: CPU Usage So High When Watching Video On Windows 7

May 2, 2012

I just installed windows 7 onto my mac with bootcamp. And I noticed that I have high CPU usage everytime when I watch a video from youtube or nba. My cpu usage would jump from 30% to 98% momentarily. What is the cause of this?

macbookpro, Mac OS X (10.6.3)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: 10.6.8 Incredibly High Memory Usage?

May 25, 2012

Currently, I have a 13" late 2011 MacBook Pro with 4gb of RAM. Right now, I only have 15mb of RAM free, and for some reason the rest is being used by an unknown process. I'll include a screenshot below

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X Mavericks :: Kernel Task Massive Upload (no High CPU Usage)

Jun 22, 2014

Noticed i was uploading at high speed (8MB/s) constantly. So i check activity monitor, and kernel_task is uploading huge amount of data, so far 20+gb this morning...

I'm not getting a massive CPU usage (10-15%). 

Tried restarting, just starts up again after a couple of minutes.

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: High Virtual Memory Usage - Low Startup Disk Space Warning

May 27, 2012

My wife has an Intel Core 2 Duo Macbook with Leopard 10.5.8. We've run the software update. We've run repair disk permissions. We've restarted the computer. But despite all of that, her virtual memory usage is really high compared to my computer. Each process is using from approximately 600 - 1100 MB of virtual memory. She has 12 GB of free space on her hard drive, but her computer has been running slower lately and has had the low startup disk space warning.

MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Mac :: Constant CPU Usage & High Fans Speed Temp On Black Santa Rosa MacBook

Mar 11, 2010

I only started noticing my fan running a bit on the fast side this evening after installing the new Safari 4.0.5 update. I looked at iStat Menus for temp and CPU. And I was seeing about 190 degrees F for CPU temp with lid closed running ext display. Also there was a constant usage of the cpu (about 30% User and 20% System). There's not one particular process I can see in Activity Monitor that acting out of the ordinary and using a lot of CPU. Just stuff like coreservicesd, WindowServer, launchd that are shuffling around and using about 1-4% of CPU.I ran repair disk permissions and verify disk. Verify Disk found errors and said I need to repair my Macintosh HD, which I have now done successfully.

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Applications :: Genius Feature In ITunes - Exact Usage?

Mar 20, 2010

I've never even turned on the genius feature in iTunes, because I was put off by the link to the store. I have no intention whatsoever of buying anything from the iTunes store, though I do have an account cause I had to buy something else online. Here's my strong suspicion about Genius - that it's really there just to sell you crappy tracks from iTunes. And I have no use for that noise.

But, I like to keep an open mind. What if I'm wrong, and what if it's actually a cool feature? I remember not being sure about the shuffle function, since I like to listen to albums, so for the longest time I didn't use it. But one day I gave it a go, and what do you know. I liked it, for the most part! Here's one additional complication - I got like 50,000 songs in my library and I listen to all kinds of genres. Tell me about Genius - how do you use it?

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Applications :: Buying Music In ITunes 10 - High Quality Stuff?

Sep 9, 2010

How can I tell the audio quality of the music I'm downloading. Didn't they have higher quality stuff available earlier? Do they still? How do I know?

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