I wish Apple would develop (buy or steal) a good word processor. How about just reengineering Pages to LOOK like MS Word? The familiarity would be a big selling point. I bought iwork... and Pages just baffles me how strange it is.
I need a database of names and addresses that can be exported into a word processor for output of paper letters, with envelopes. Would anyone know of the best way to effect this? Anymore I use email, but in this instance that will not work. The standard Address Book would work fine for the data, but I find no way of importing each name and address to a word processor, such as Text Edit. The closest I've come is exporting a vCard from Address Book, which then can be opened by Text Edit, however not only several steps required, but also a profusion of needless data entwining the name and address. If not wishing to pay for all the many features of iWork, I'm not even sure if this suite of programs would answer this task, either. If preferring to use the Address Book, what would be the best solution, possibly software, to do this?
Can anyone tell me if there is a word processor available for the Mac with a spellchecker interface similar to the one used in WordPerfect? I have recently purchased a Mac and would like to install a word processor on it. I am dyslexic and I have found the WordPerfect spellchecker interface to be the best one I've come across for my needs, far better than MS Word. This also includes being better than Text Help System's Read & Write, the spellchecking application designed and recommended for dyslexics! In WordPerfect, if you don't spell a word correctly, you can retype the spelling. Instead of having to hit suggest, it automatically makes suggestions as you retype.
This way, after only typing part of the word, you may see the correct spelling come up. If your new suggestion is wrong you can then simply retype the word until you get a suggestion which works. Much quicker than hitting suggest 4-5 times and it takes into account the original misspelt word when making the new suggestions. In comparison the version of Read and Write I have, which was released in 2006, didn't even have a suggest option. So much for specialist software. In fact it didn't even have the word dyslexic in it's dictionary, until I point out this omission to them! If there isn't such a word processor available for the Mac, I might consider buying and installing WordPerfect X4 in my virtual Windows 7. However having purchased a Mac, I would prefer where possible to use Mac based software.
I need a word processor for Snow Leopard that will read and write to the .doc and .rtf formats. I had NeoOffice but it is basically far from ready for prime time. It will not format picture inserts properly and dropped two out of three pages of my document when I saved it. Yes, I did have the Snow Leopard upgrade for it.
i'm looking at moving over to the Mac in a couple days and i just need to know the best free Word Processor that can open .doc files. 99% of my docs made in Word are of the 97-2003 variety and not 2007's .docx.
These question my sound kind of silly, because I have not used a digital scanner in 20 years. Can I scan and edit a typed piece of paper onto a word processor?
this is really strange, and potentially a big irritant. so i started working with OOo Writer today on my MBP. and while everything is fine, i soon noticed that there seems to no shortcut to the right click! which means that every time the dictionary suggests a word correction, or i want to quickly access the right click menu, i am forced to move to the touchpad and use 2 fingers to right click! in windows there is the Alt key that quickly brings up the list of spelling corrections in 1 key stroke. so i must say i am rather surprised that this is not the case with mac os! i hope i am missing something out, otherwise my word processing work just became that much more tedious
I want to buy a MacBook air and an iMac, but since there is no Hebrew option for making documents, I will not buy them. Does anyone know when a RTL (Right to left) word processor for OS will come out?
So any discussion of why Apple would remove the most common function of all word processors in the world, is not permitted. Let's be NICE then.... this is a common fuction that has been removed and it is costing my company lost time in productivity. We can't find files, we can't sort through "duplicates" and "versions". Common practicies our employees have used on all computers are now not compatible with three of our office systems. We upgrade to Lion 10.7.4 to get icloud for phones and ipads, and lose productivity in our office due to lost functions in a word processor. Apparently Apple doesn't want us to think for ourselves. Is there as way to restore this common function to Pages???
Used to use Microsoft 2000 Word Processor on Dell Laptop. My iMac is 2 weeks old and documents have successfully been transferred from the Dell to Mac via Maxtor external hard drive. How can I open the Word Processing documents - NOT to use, but to read. WPS is the extension. There is plenty of discussion on MS Word, but not MS Word Processor
I am in search for a lightweight, TextEdit-like app that has the handy floating text insert feature. Freeware would be the greatest, but i dont mind paying a modest shareware fee. I have and use Appleworks still, which has the handy feature by Option-Clicking anywhere you want the floating text, but am looking for something a little more future proof.
I downloaded Bean and iText Express, but I could not find that sweet feature in those apps.
Right now my processors are pinned at 99 and 100% and a look at Activity Monitor shows 6 processes, relating to my safari boot page.. you know with the small web shot pages... Strange thing is that the temp and fans are not going up... The processes are called Safari Webpage Preview.
I was wondering if there is an application available that will allow you measure how much a running application is tasking your RAM and processor. (I ask because I recently downloaded a programme called DarkAdapter. It allows me to make my display even dimmer than the default dimming device on the new unibody Macbook. When I run the programme, however, my machine noticeably slows down.)
I'm looking at replacing my ancient G5 tower with a new Mac Pro, and looking at the options, obviously I have to decide between the single CPU quad-core or the 2 CPU "eight-core" solution.
My dad was saving a bunch of Word docs on his Mac - he had one large file that he split up into twenty-some smaller files, which he then saved onto both his desktop and on a flash drive. Somehow along the way (neither he nor I had any clue how) but 4 of those files saved as an alias that point to nowhere. In other words, I can't find the originals anywhere on his computer or flash drives.
Even stranger is that one of those files aliased to the Applications folder. Keep in mind these are all supposed to be word documents. They all still end with .doc, but their type is an alias. I have no clue how they were created as an alias, but they were. It's probably a longshot without knowing where the original is located, but do any of you guys know how to possibly retrieve this?
Macbook Pro (2014) when I work with Microsoft office, Word, and use the "command v" keys the entire Word doc freezes and I need to reboot entire computer. What is this?
I start Microsoft Entourage, the software opens at least 17 windows and sometimes more.When I click on the upper section of a window in Safari, or Word, the window folds to the dock and when I click on a word, the entire word is selected.
I have a Mac OS X version 10.5.7 i am working on Word 2008 for Mac, version 12.0.1 (080305).
My problem, i created one text box in a document, somehow 2 more appeared. I made the mistake of thinking that to delete the extra text boxes, i simply highlight them and delete them. Silly stupid me, nothing that simple exists and i have wasted an hour trying to figure it out. The help button does squat, barely gives you any info on a text box much less trying to delete it. Does anyone know how to delete a text box in a word document?
I'm currently running iMovie '09 on my Powerbook G4 and everything is running fine except the export to MobileMe gallery. When ever I create a movie and click the publish to MobileMe, it checks with MobileMe for a second then takes me to a sign-in or try free for 60 days even though I am signed-in in system preferences. Even when I logout and log back in the sys. prefs. it still doesn't recognize that I am logged in to MobileMe.
I'm thinking that when It "checks with MobileMe", it detects I am running on the "non supported" G4 processor and won't let me proceed to upload.
My university wants us all to use RTF files. As I am sure you all know text edit sucks.But it automatically opens all my RTFs.I have to manually get word to open them which is a pain in the ass.How can I fix this so that all RTF's are automatically opened by WORD?I am still on the old version of word because I have to use ENDNOTE - which has no support for Word 2011 right now. I have a copy of 2011 sitting on my desk and I am itching to use it, but I will loose 200+ citations if I do.
Perhaps this has been answered before but nothing turned up in my search. I'm a Mac convert switching from MS XP, where I was using Word 2007. Over time, I compiled several special dictionaries. If I switch to Office 2008 for Mac will I be able to transfer these from Word 2007?
I understand that Word for Mac does not ahve VBA support, therefore no macros like in Word 2007. Does office 2008 (Word) have some sort of macro capability.
I have a MacBook. Last week I bought Microsoft Office for Mac. I would like to open documents sent in Word to be opened in Word. But my mac converts them to Pages.
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Microsoft Office for Mac