Applications :: How To Disable Safari Auto Complete URL Feature
Nov 6, 2009Anyway to disable this? I can in Firefox but can't figure it out in Safari. They're taking them from the bookmarks, not the history, FYI
View 2 RepliesAnyway to disable this? I can in Firefox but can't figure it out in Safari. They're taking them from the bookmarks, not the history, FYI
View 2 RepliesI upgraded to Safari 5 yesterday, and I am finding the new URL autocomplete to be the most obnoxious thing I have ever dealt with. Is there any way to disable URL autocomplete all together, or revert it to its old behavior?
View 24 Replies View RelatedWhen I search for something in the Google-toolbar in Safari (5.0.1), it does not autocomplete the words anymore. I'm guessing I turned the auto-complete feature off by accident. I have no idea how to turn it back on. I'm on 10.6.4
View 4 Replies View RelatedLately, whenever i put let's say "macrumors" in the address bar of Safari without putting the www or the .com it will not resolve to the actual website. This happens with any URL i put without the www or .com
View 14 Replies View RelatedEach time auto-fill completes a form with my data it uses my work email address and not my personal email address. How do I change this default?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAfter realizing how much faster Safari is than Firefox at just about everything, I've decided to make the switch. However, along with mouse gestures, the thing that is really holding me back is that there doesn't seem to be auto-scrolling. The little icon that pops up when you press the middle mouse button and scrolls the page automatically. Is there really no auto-scroll or am I missing something?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI don't know if this is properly autofill or autocomplete - the two overlap too much anyway so I'm not wasting brain cells trying to come up with a distinction that makes sense to non-engineers. ANYWAY. Here's the point.Â
I'm on my bank website. My login is xtnjohnson -- just like here. Only I mistyped it once, so in autofill/autocomplete (whichever it is), I get a little drop-down showing two options: xtnjohnson or xtnjohson. Â
I want to delete only the second option. I recall at sometime finding a very simple way that involved highlighting the offending entry and hitting either control-delete, shift-delete, command-delete, or function-delete, only I can't seem to get any of those combinations to work. And of course I can't find the thread anymore.Â
The solution did *not* involve dealing with the autofill preferences in *any* way -- I've seen that option and it doesn't help (a) because there's no quick way to find the website where the problem is occurring (my list is long), (b) even when I go through my list, I don't see my bank's url, (c) the place for entering my login appears to be in something like JavaScript, so I'm not sure it'd be tracked in one of those lists, and (d) I don't know that this is properly an "autofill" problem anyway.Â
Safari 5, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have noticed this little program called auto-complete pro that is now on my computer on Safari. Anytime I search for something on the internet, the auto-complete bar that is normally there is covered up by a separate one by autocomplete pro. It is a known malware program, that I found in my research, but most people have asked how to get rid of it on Firefox or windows, now Safari. I am running OS X snow leopard, I believe. I have looked under extensions, there is nothing there.Â
MacBook Pro
I love safari. Its fast, looks great, and does everything I want it to. Outside of poor flash support (I hear macs in general are just bad for flash) everything works. What I don't like in safari is the top sites feature. I don't mind that it keeps track of which websites i visit most often, but I hate how it takes a little snapshot of every website and saves it in the website preview folder in the cache.
I didn't know you had to manually delete it and when I did it was taking up over 1.5 gb of space (/user/library/caches/ previews). I don't understand why apple couldn't have just made top sites show your most commonly visited website (like chrome or opera) and instead had to take on the website previews. Is there a way to disable top sites or at least prevent it from saving previews of websites everytime I use it?
I have always used Firefox, but I am finally getting used to Safari. There are a lot if cool features that Firefox doesn't have. In Firefox, I could start typing my usernames and it would automatically fill it in. How do I get Safari to do this? I don't want Safari to remember my passwords, just the usernames so I don't have to type them each time I log in.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI find the auto refresh of websites irritating. Sites even refresh while viewing an imbedded video, forcing you to restart the vid.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
dose anyone know where the auto complete list is stored for mac mail?
So i can copy all the email address, ones i have typed into mail, across to my new setup. I have copied the and the mail folder/mail downloads into the right places. But i when i type a email it doesn't fill out the address for me.
I can't for the life of me figure out how to do this. When I fill something in on the internet when I start putting my name in the fields it put's my address and all my other info in the blanks. How do I change the info that should go there. That is my old address and I want to update it for my new one.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn a previous contact software program I have used for years, the first letter of names, streets, and cities, were automatically capitalized as I typed them in. Unfortunately, that software does not work under Lion and the developer is out of business. Because of that, I am trying to convert to Address Book. I can't find the ability to have that same thing happen in Address Book. Is there something I can turn on in Preferences or some other obscure window? My old contact software also automatically filled in cities, names, or states that I previously entered. Great time saver but doesn't seem to exist in Address Book.
Macbook Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.10)
I have been using the encrypted image making for sensitive files, but I am looking for something as separate iOs (yes I know it's not the right subforum but since the mods in their infinite wisdom have split the software subforums...) or OS X software that will also allow for an autodestruct feature to be feasible after a set number of failed password attempts, because there is no use really of an encrypted image if one can run brute force ad infinitum. Sure non lexicografical passwords will fair better but how well it's anyone's guess.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI use Apple Mail with gmail IMAP, everything works fine, except that when I start typing an e-mail address I don't get auto-complete. It's driving me insane, so I heard there was this thing called LDAP, that could be able to achieve this ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I disable the system feature which automatically restarts applications i had open during a previous session ?
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
How do I use the "auto text" feature in this application? I've entered my auto text boilerplate data and cannot find how to bring it back into the word document. I know it's correctly entered. With MS Word I used to access using the F3 key.
View 5 Replies View RelatedAnyone know how to disable the new feature in Hotmail? I hate that when I login to check email it automatically signs onto MSN messenger and everyone can contact me when all I want to do is check my email. Is this the right area to post?
View 15 Replies View RelatedWhen filling in online forms with my name and address, pressing tab auto completes my address & phone number, which saves me about 15 seconds of typing once every few weeks. However I recently moved and would like to update this feature to the new address. Does anybody know how I can do this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI don't know how this happened but my Skype program starts automatically on my machine and I don't want that. I looked in the program settings and I couldn't find any way to disable it from auto start.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy favorite aspect of the browser so far. Really makes many articles to read a pleasure with a smooth font and layout.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am running FCP 10.1.3. I just started a new project and the auto backup feature continuously cycles every second or two. I can see this in the Background Tasks window. I do not know where to change this setting.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
Safari Reader: Apple's Weapon of Mass Destruction. Steve Jobs gave his usual keynote address at WWDC today. The iPhone took center stage, as expected. But there was another announcement that web publishers should take note of and should dread: Safari 5. The release of Safari 5 constitutes an absolutely vicious attack by Apple on web publishers. Specifically, the inclusion of a feature called 'Safari Reader' may ultimately prove financially devastating for many web publishers.
View 24 Replies View RelatedWhere does Mail keep its hidden cache of auto-complete email addresses. I am plagued with an incorrect email address I can't get rid of. Have made sure it's deleted from Contacts and made sure it's deleted from "Previous Recipients" list in Mail. But it still keeps reappearing ... obviously a secret cache file hidden somewhere?
iMac with Retina 5K display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
Was wondering if there is some way to disable the auto-open cursor hover feature? (Not sure what else to call it). It's driving me nuts.It's most disfunctional with Safari--for example when I'm trying to find a specific webpage in the Histor-- if I don't keep moving the cursor constantly, whatever URL the cursor happens to be over will just open and load.Then I have to start over again. This seems to happen sometimes on the desktop as well.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6)
How do I disable this feature? It was automatically enabled when I attempted to sort my icons. I cannot undo it as the option is now greyed out.
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I'm new to mac, having used microsoft word before. The letter-heading template I used on Word updated the date every time I opened it, so I always had the right date showing. How can I get my new letter-heading template do that in Pages? When I select date and time from the Insert menu it's fine, but the next day it still shows yesterday's date.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I turn on my computer, I am automatically logged-in to Apple mail. I want to be asked to enter my password before new emails appear. How do I stop the auto login feature?
Info:Mac OS X (10.7.1)
I am a new MBP user. I was wondering if there was an auto-correct and predictive text feature for iMessage on the macbook. Also, the double space for a period would be nice as well.
MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)