I gave my parents my old iMac to use so they can start browsing the web. However, every time they start to type in a web address and safari butts in with its autocomplete history, it confuses the heck out of them and they don't know what to do. So basically I want to completely disable Safari's history, or at the very least, its autocomplete feature. I've looked everywhere and can't find the option for this.
My little brother just got a mac and I suspect he's been looking at some adult sites... I would just like to know if there is a way I can check his history/ logs from my Airport extreme network or from my computer?
I'm using Safari 3.2.2 and it will not record any history. I have tried to fix it every possible way I could think off: 1. Checking if Private Browsing is on. [It wasn't] 2. Resetting Safari. [Still won't record] 3. Uninstalling and Reinstalling [No effect] Is it possibly because of a missing file?
I work in a very small school so we do not have an IT department that is top notch. Anyways, We had a student google something and went to the images part of the search. Well he got porn and he printed some stuff out. He then cleared the history. Is there any way we can recover that history? We have one actual image that he printed, but we can't prove that it came from the computer that he was working on at the time. What we were told was from another student and we can not just go on that for disciplinary reasons.
Has anyone else noticed that if you clear your history, past sites (based on your history) still show up in Top Sites? Anyone else think this kinda blows the whole idea of "clearing your history" if you do it for privacy reasons. Anyone know how to clear out your top sites?
I've been searching for the missing link in Safari - the one thing that I need to stop using Firefox. I'd like to duplicate the functionality of the Awesome Bar in Firefox, which searches browsing history when a phrase is typed into the address bar. For example, if I want to listen to a youtube song, I could just type "Radiohead Paranoid Android" into the address bar, and assuming I had listened to it before, the link would pop up. Very handy. Unfortunately, in Safari, you have to type in "youtu..." and hope that you've listened to the song enough for it to appear in your few history links. Not very intuitive.
Are there any plugins to simulate this functionality? I tried Glims, and while it's completely awesome, it unfortunately doesn't help me here. I also tried the Quicksilver Safari Plugin, and while it technically does the job, it's just a tad clunky, and also has the annoying habit of opening a new browser window.
Suddenly after crashing my safari's history seems to be vanished. I've looked into the folder ~/Library/Safari and noticed that History.plist got wiped. I have historyindex.sk (it's about 9mb) file though. Is it possible to recover my history somehow? To decode that index file or something? (I haven't made manual backups).
I'm not sure if this was asked before but I couldn't find it in a search. I use Safari 4.0.3. When I clear the browser history, the folder library/caches/metadata/safari/history still has a log of the pages I visit. Is there anyway to clear this besides manually. Would clearing this folder change anything on my mac?
is there a easy way to switch off flash in safari? ideally i want to switch off safari on a case by case basis. meaning it's off most of the time. but when i think i need it for a special site i want to easily switch it on without any installation.
i want this mainly because i don't like flash and it slows everything down.
I've searched MacRumors and Google, but haven't found anything, so I'm wondering if I'm the only one annoyed by this mouseover that pops up when visiting many news sites, that allows you to share the article on Digg, Del.icio.us, Reddit, Stumbleupon, Yahoo! Buzz, Mixx!, Twitter, etc.:I have SafariBlock, Safari AdBlock and ClickToFlash, but none of them block this mouseover. After looking at the "View Source" data, it appears to be a class called "socialTools" Quote:
<div class="socialTools">
but I haven't found a way to block a class on a website.
The problem is that the menu pops up when you move your mouse over the "Share" link, but then it doesn't always go away when you move your mouse away from it. I'd prefer it never pops up at all, but haven't found a method to accomplish this.
I Installed Safari 4.0.3 but for some reason the Google Suggestions drop down menu is no longer disabled and appears on top of Inquisitor. This is annoying because I prefer to use Google UK.
Does anyone know how to disable Google suggestions in Safari 4.0.3 or as a work around make Safaris default search engine Google UK?
I want to disable private browsing in Safari 4. I already managed to do it in Safari 3 following Mac Guide instructions (http://guides.macrumors.com/Safari#D...ivate_Browsing).
Now I want to do the same in Safari 4. I also downloaded the newest XCode. However, again following the above mentioned instructions I only get an error message saying that it can't open "nibs".
I'd appreciate any help!
[please don't start a general discussion about private browsing. Doing it in Safari 3 was the perfect solution for me. I really love this forum!]
I recently purchased and installed Adobe CS2. With Acrobat Professional comes a Safari plugin that automatically views PDFs in the browser. However, I much prefer the standard Tiger PDF viewer as Acrobat takes forever to load. I've looked everywhere and can't figure out how to disable this feature.
I guess it's a change with Snow Leopard, but now when I download a .nzb file and try to open it I get the warning message that it's 'an unknown application downloaded from the Internet' (which, of course, it is not) and I have to manually open that. A .nzb file is not an app, but an executable file (launches NZB Drop, for me). The fact is I don't think I've ever had the message fire and not want to open it. I'd prefer to just disable it all together.
First of all, my history does not save. I don't have any private browsing thing on.Also, if I add bookmarks, they dont save. If I try and delete existing ones, they dont delete. They just... regenerate
Is there any way to password protect my web history in Safari? In other words, I would like it if the computer required the user to enter a password in order to access the Safari browsing history.
It appears as though there may be some suspicious activity occurring on the family computer. Firstly, "private browsing", "reset safari" and "empty cache" all appear under the edit menu in safari. I don't recall having seen them earlier, does this mean they have been recently used or is it part of the standard menu? Also, in the internet history whilst no webpages can be found there are some obscene jpegs. Images found in the internet history, have they been deliberately viewed or is it possible that they find their way there behind the scenes?
Safari History Location - where does Safari store its history? (unfortunately I deleted it when running CCleaner...) Now I would like to restore it via Time Machine?