ITunes For Mac :: Album Artwork Shows Up On Songs But Not On Albums?
Aug 22, 2014
I thought my album artwork was disappearing. Turns out the problem is a bit different (and weirder) than I thought it was.Â
When I look at the Album view in iTunes and see all the albums in a tile/grid layout, there are some albums that show no artwork. These just have the default gray cover with thingy on it. But when I click on one of these album covers and see the songs, all of them *do* have artwork. When I play these songs, I also see the artwork. It's only at the album level that I don't.Â
How do I stop iTunes from breaking out all the songs in one album into multiple albums when the artist has many collaborators on the different songs, for example Timbaland? I want to just listen to the full album with all the songs, instead of having to play every song separately.
I copied a lot of songs to my cell phone so I can here them wherever I go. However, i noticed that because of the album artwork, I couldn't copy as much songs as I wanted. Is there away I can remove the artwork embedded in the mp3 files WITHOUT reimporting them back to iTunes? I don't want to remove the artwork from the iTunes library, just from the phone card. Is there a separate application that can batch-handle ID3 tags and artwork? i copied the songs from my macbook to the m2 memory stick using a usb adapter so i can use the songs on my ericsson. I think it is really annoying that iTunes requires songs to be in the library to handle them. I could really use a separate application or a script/folder action that would do the trick - freeware or shareware
Downloading songs from cd's. One will go in as one album, shows a single artwork for the set.   Volume 2 loads like separate songs with the same album name AND with the sequence number, i.e., No. 4 of 15, On my iPad it appears as 15 albums with 1 song on them. Volume 1 appears as one album with 15 songs on it. Looks messy on the iPad. . .I have 16 albums with the same name. How to get albums together??
I keep my large music collection on an external drive connected to an Airport Extreme in my home. I've embedded all my album artwork in the music files, and previously all the album artwork was displaying perfectly in iTunes. After upgrading to iTunes 10.5, however, most of my albums are missing the album art in the album list and Cover Flow. I know that the art is still in the file because it shows up in the "Now Playing" box in the lower left corner of the screen. The only way I have found to get the album art to show up again in the album list and Cover Flow is to go through the following steps: Â Control-click the first track of an album for which the cover art is not displaying correctly. From the context menu that appears, select Get Info.Click on the Artwork tab, then click Cancel.Â
Now the artwork shows up in iTunes in all views. I called Apple Support and asked if there's a faster way to fix the issue with the database. Manually fixing each album for hundreds of albums is no fun. Telling iTunes to Get Album Artwork doesn't work because most of my music was not purchased from iTunes but was ripped from CDs I already own. It's very frustrating because I already spent hours finding and embedding the hi-res album art in my files. I paid extra for Apple products because I expect them to at least avoid corrupting my databases.
Usually a CD comes with more artwork than just the cover. It has a CD cover w/ lyrics and other artwork. Is it possible to download this via itunes? If not, who?
Info: Macbook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.2), 2.2 ghz intel duo core processor
For some reason, when I download the album artwork from iTunes for "Music from and Inspired by Spider-Man," it instead shows artwork for "Ethnicali: Music Inspired by the Golden State." I don't even have that album. There was another album of mine that iTunes applied the wrong artwork to as well, but I can't remember it off-hand. In any case, does anybody have any suggestions as to what I could do to fix this issue. I already submitted feedback to Apple about the problem as well.Â
Hardware and Software Info.:Early 2011 MacBook Pro running Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3iTunes version 10.6.1 (7)Â
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iTunes 10.6.1 (7)
How do you easily import album artwork for multi-disc albums on iTunes? My Allman Brothers concert CD's are 3-discs each, and the cover (and back) artwork is the same for each disc, but it seems as though I have to manually add the artwork for each of the three discs.Â
How do you add artwork to a whole album? When I select an album in grid view and choose Get Info, the Get Info window does not show the artwork tab, like what shows when I select a single song. There is a tiny little Artwork window in the Info tab, but I want to add multiple artwork to this (dragged in from the Finder), front, back and inside album art. If I select a single song in that album and choose Get Info, then I see the artwork tab, but the artwork I drag in applies only to that song (the album art appears in the Now Playing pane only when that song is playing). How do you add artwork to a whole album?
I've been trying to figure out how to add album cover to .flac and .aiff files for a while. When I try to add it to .flac, it just shows "Album cover not modifiable" and when I try to add it to .aiff files, it does it, but then when I quit iTunes and restart it, it's gone again.
Is this a bug or it just not possible to add album cover to them?
Btw: Audiophile, would prefer .flac or .aiff over .mp3
I'm in the process of writing, recording, and producing an album, and I've run into a little snag in iTunes:Â I have one song finished and in iTunes so far, and it's under the name of my album. I put my name, the date, all other album information, but it won't let me change the album artwork. Under "get info" for both the album and the song, the "artwork" pane is grayed out and I can't change it. I have the artwork on my computer and just want to put it in there so I can see the cover next to the songs,
In the list of albums, some of the album art is not showing, but when I click to view the song list, it is there. See screenshot which explains it much better. Â
I recently made some edits to the genres of about 30 of my songs. Once it synced up, I checked back at the songs. The album artwork for the songs is now gone, I can't change it because the artwork tab in "Get Info" is now gone, and I can't play the songs.
The issue I am having is with iTunes. It is fully updated to the latest version and so is my laptop software updates. All I do is rip the music off of my purchased CD from any retail store, but the problem I'm having is when it finishes, all the songs are single and only 1 of the songs will get the album information. How can I combine or sort them all together under one(the one with the album artwork)?
I can click on the album artwork in iTunes (8.0.2) and it will display the larger version of an album cover, but I can't right click and copy it, or display the actual file in the finder. Sometimes I want to copy the artwork for an email, forum, etc. and don't want to always use Grab to make a screenshot. Where are the album files stored on my Mac?
Is there a way to stop iTunes from embedding artwork into every file(track), and instead store 1 copy per album?
From what I remember thats the way cover flow used to work. Why the switch to embedding artwork in every file? A extra 20+MB per album is just ridiculous(Using a 800x800 PNG).
I know its possible to store the album artwork without embedding it in the file. Because I have a few older albums that still use the old method (storing only a single copy of the artwork in /iTunes/Album Artwork/).
I have seen that several people have experienced this, and one 'solution' is to delete the album from the iPad and then move it back from iTunes. However iTunes will not let me move the album again onto my iPad. Why not? (I am having to use manual moving rather than syncing because I have another iTunes on a PC, and the iPad seems to have attached itself to that.)
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I noticed this about a year ago. So, there are some songs that I cannot play in iTunes, on either my laptop or home computer. However, I can play them on my iPhone 3GS and my 3rd Generation iPod after being sync'd. A friend thought that it was perhaps these songs/albums were not "official" Apple iTunes downloads or not direct downloads from CDs. This is not correct, random songs from random mp3 sources including iTunes (Apple iTunes Store), and even complete albums (from CDs) are affected. Why is this? how can I correct this?
I did some searches in google as well as this forum and it looks like there are quite a few options out there for users interested having a program automatically grab missing album artwork from places like amazon if you are running iTunes on Windows.
Users have also reported that some of these tools are great at screwing up the existing album artwork in your iTunes library.
I am looking for a batch tool since I have missing artwork on 1000s of songs (note that this album artwork is not present in itunes store). Does anyone know of a good, reliable program or script that can import missing album artwork on iTunes 8 in OS X 10.5?
When inserting an audio cd to import into my itunes library the audio cd is labeled only as track 1, track 2, etc. there is no album info, artist name, artwork.
I am running Lion and iTunes 10.6.3 - and used the iTunes Album Artwork screensaver without problems. Until today, when screensaver suddenly couldn't find any album artworks anymore.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I recently upgraded from iMac OS 10.4.11 to OS 10.6 and transferred my iTune songs to my new computer--Intel Core 2 Duo. Now, I have 8,870 songs in one big list. I can play them, but I also want to make them into albums. Is there some way to do that instead of adding a new album title in the playlist and then copying songs from the music list those songs that belong in that particular album title?