Applications :: Save As Iwork 09 File In 06
Nov 16, 2009I have iWork '09. College have iWork '06. I need my work in iWork '06 format and I see no way of doing that in '09. I'm not bothered about data loss.
View 3 RepliesI have iWork '09. College have iWork '06. I need my work in iWork '06 format and I see no way of doing that in '09. I'm not bothered about data loss.
View 3 RepliesWhy is save as an iWork 08 file an option in the new iWork 09 programs? Does iWork 08 use a different extension that cannot open iWork 09 documents?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a:
Macbook Pro running Mac OSX 10.5.8
(Office 2008) Word, Exel, PowerPoint, (Iwork 2009) Numbers, Pages will not save:.
I tossed the Word Plist file and that did not work.
I have run Virus Barrier X5 and found a about 10 files with Virus 'W97M/Pinky.B' "Quarantened" them and still have the problem.
The problem started -- I think -- when I was doing heavy editing between Numbers and Word. But I don't think it is related (though who knows at this point). Without these programs I'm rendered pretty useless.
I'm using Pages in iWork 09. I want a save button on top in the toolbar. I tried to customize it, but it doesn't look like I have that option. Is there seriously no way to create a save button?
View 13 Replies View RelatedI don't mind iWork, but one thing that bugs me is having to specify all the time that i'd like to save the document as the microsoft version (ppt, doc, excel etc) instead of the apple formats. It also isn't that fun to then have to navigate to where the original file is and overwrite it. Any way to just have the apps default save your documents (whether new or old) as microsoft versions?
View 4 Replies View Related...File sharing over network with iWork documents?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am new to MAC. I want to use PackageMaker to install certain files.I have made the settings but I cant understand where to save it. Also when I want set the components to allow relocation it shows no response.
View 1 Replies View Relatedprops to Stuipdboy1000 on the heads up
under Quick Links
you can see iWork '11
Quote: Originally Posted by Stuipdboy1000
It's an official photo from the App Store page on Apple's website, not from the store itself. seems like Apple might have an iWork 11 release soon Apple edited the picture on the website to take out the '11 but it was there earlier
I need to update iWork on my Mac cos iWork 08 docs don't work on my new iPad. But iWork 09 is about 18 months old now so surely will be updated soon. Would anyone who is learned in the product cycle of Mac apps care to hazard an educated guess on an update?
View 2 Replies View RelatedOn my iMac and MacBookPro I cannot save .pages documents to iCloud iWork. They appear on the iWork screen, but I cannot retrieve them.
However, from my iPad it is no problem!. After editing in iPad and save the documents to iCloud back it is possible to download these on my iMac or MacBookPro without problem.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), iMac, iPad2
I want to save my first garageband file as an mp3. When I click share -> send song to iTunes, a tube appears, showing that the operation is occurring, but it never arrives. I've tried different names of playlists, but no luck. Either the operation doesn't happen or the file's title changes. I looked in all the folders where newly created mp3's go and no luck. I've searched iTunes and can't find any new files.
View 2 Replies View Relatedme and my friend are starting to make a small site and want to try out iweb. The one problem I found is where does this file save to, I mean if my friend wants to work on the site where do i find the file to send it to him.
View 10 Replies View RelatedIndeed, is there a difference? I notice that Family costs more than the other one, but I can't make out what difference there is in the description.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have a question regarding Microsoft power point. I have microsoft powerpoint 2007 on my PC, but sadly don't have the microsoft 2008 or iworks on my mac. I have a report I have to present so I have to do it on my PC. Problem is that they have MACs that have microsoft office 2008. Question is if i save a file on the MS PP 2007 for PC would it work on MS PP 2008 on a mac? Or would I have to save it as a 97-03 PP file that would be an extension of .ppt. I believe the extension for the 2007 PP is .pptx.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan you save numbers workbooks as xlsx (the 2007 format)? Same question for pages and docx.
View 12 Replies View RelatedI have a fairly big photo library in iphoto 09 and I am wondering if there is an option to save information like location, description, date etc to the actual picture file. The reason I ask is because when I went to export some pictures it didnt save any of this information whatsoever and with 4000 photos thats a lot of work to go add all that information back to. Anyone else have experience with this?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a Word document (Business Plan with lots of tables and pictures) that i have lots of problems saving as one PDF file as it has multiple sections. I was wondering if �Pages� could integrate this Word document effectively and would I be able to save it as one PDF file.
View 6 Replies View Relatedhow can I save swf file from a flash website in Firefox please?
View 8 Replies View RelatedIs there any talk of an update of iwork '08 during Macworld '09? I am a switcher to Mac as of last month and I really like pages instead of word. I've been using a trial version and I'm going to buy it, but I was wondering if I should stick it out by using google docs in the event that they release iwork '09. By the way, in case any admins are reading this post, why don't they include Apple software in the Buyers Guide?
View 8 Replies View RelatedSo I used the iWork '09 trial for 30 days now and now I have a box version and I want to simply use the buy function from the trial to upgrade to the full non-trial version. It has: Quote: If you've purchased an iWork '09 box, you'll find the serial number on the Installing iWork '09 booklet. There's only one problem, there's no serial number on the booklet! How do I install using the buy function or do I have to install the full iWork suite again on my computer? Seems kind of silly. If so, do I need to then uninstalling one of my versions of iWork '09? And if so, which one? How do I tell the difference at that point?
Some of you might be wondering and about to comment on the fact that I should have just bought the online version and saved the hassle. The reason why I bought the box is because I could get it for $39 at my girlfriend's campus computer store.
So I literally just spent hours putting together a video for school. I exited out of iMovie knowing it was supposed to save the file on its own. I open it back up to check on it and *poof* it's completely gone. I searched my hardrive and the file exists but it will not open with iMovie or Quicktime. Is there any way to recover this video?
View 1 Replies View RelatedJust put together a CV using Open Office, it's currently saved as a .odt. I'll be sending this out to a few companies and I'd like to know what the best file type is to select that will be readable by everyone? When I go to 'save as' I see a long list of options and I'm not sure which one to pick so that PC users can view.
Or can they load the .odt file just fine?
I try to open an Open Office spread sheet and it simply saves the file as another file with the .cpgz extension which does the same thing. This did not happen a couple weeks ago; I think my download for Apple updates may be the culprit. My OS X is now 10.7.3, I believe originally it was 10.7.2 but I could be wrong.Â
The original document is a zip archive but now "saves as" a .cpgz archive. I have tried the "Unarchiver", which I just downloaded, but it only creates another file with subfolders, none of which appear to have my original spread sheet. (To be honest, I never noticed this Open Office spread sheet file was a zip file until a few minutes ago when I tried to unsuccessfully open it).Â
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I work at a college and all they use are PC and I have a mac. I am wondering if I use my iWork 08 and use pages and save the document how can I open it at my work on their Windows XP dell computer. I hope this is clear enough. Do I need to save on my mac as a certain file type or do something special on the PC when I open it?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI can't get my file to convert from IWork to Word, can anyone do it or tell me how?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm a recent switch from PC to a Macbook and I'm still getting used to OSX. I have iWork installed and I have noticed that since some of my professors continue to post documents in Word format, I can't open them on my computer. It will download the file but not allow me to open or view it.I'm sure its a simple download that I haven't heard of yet.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI know this probably has been answered elsewhere on this forum...but I can't find it. I already own iWorks 08. Is there enough of a difference/improvement between 08 and the 09 that would make it worth getting (I am a cheap Presbyterian you know)? From what I have read it seems that most really love the 09 Keynote.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to modify a config file, from the game No One Lives Forever to be exact. This file is the NOLF folder, and that file, and everything in the NOLF folder is set to read and write premissions to everyone. Yet when I try to modify any of the cfg files in the directory, I can't save. It comes up with a message simply saying it cannot save.
View 2 Replies View RelatedEvery time i try to save a file as .php in textedit, it says: "You cannot save this document with extension ?.php? at the end of the name. The required extension is ?.rtf?." How can I make it so that it alows me to save a file as .php?
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhat's the different between I download iwork on app stores and buy iwork software?and one more question about Pages in iwork is that can Microsoft office word open the document create by Pages ?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)