Applications :: Difference Between IWork And IWork Family Pack?
Apr 1, 2009Indeed, is there a difference? I notice that Family costs more than the other one, but I can't make out what difference there is in the description.
View 7 RepliesIndeed, is there a difference? I notice that Family costs more than the other one, but I can't make out what difference there is in the description.
View 7 RepliesI'm thinking to buy the iWork family pack with some friends so that we can install it on our macs and divide the price up, it's a lot cheaper!
But, in the apple site they say this:
Install the iWork Family Pack* on up to five Mac computers in your household.
So my question is:
Can you only install it in your household? Is there any way the software knows the 5 computers are not in the same place?
Or can you install them in just any 5 computers?
AND- Do you think it's a good idea to buy it now? I don't know if there's a new version coming soon
EDIT- I read that the only difference between the normal and the family version of iWork is the licence. So if I buy the cheaper one, can I still install it in more computers and never get cought? Or will it stop working after I install it once?
I previously purchased iWork 09 with the Family Pack license. I did so by first downloading the trial version, then purchasing the license through the app. So, I never had a DVD for the app to use for installing it. I added it to my second mac by downloading the trial version to it, and then entering my license number. I never added it to my 3rd mac. I have now upgraded all 3 macs to Lion, and need to add iWork 09 to the third. How can I get iWork 09 on my Mac with Lion without buying it from the Mac App store? They have taken down / disabled the trial link and now point everyone to the App store so the old option is no longer available to me.Â
View 1 Replies View Relatedpersonally I thought that the family pack was for if you had 2+ Macs to install Snow Leopard on. I didn't really care for upgrading my mac mini so i just bought the regular Snow Leopard for my Macbook Pro. Out of curiosity i tried installing SL on both and it worked.
So what are the differences between the regular Snow Leopard and the family pack?
I have a:
Macbook Pro running Mac OSX 10.5.8
(Office 2008) Word, Exel, PowerPoint, (Iwork 2009) Numbers, Pages will not save:.
I tossed the Word Plist file and that did not work.
I have run Virus Barrier X5 and found a about 10 files with Virus 'W97M/Pinky.B' "Quarantened" them and still have the problem.
The problem started -- I think -- when I was doing heavy editing between Numbers and Word. But I don't think it is related (though who knows at this point). Without these programs I'm rendered pretty useless.
props to Stuipdboy1000 on the heads up
under Quick Links
you can see iWork '11
Quote: Originally Posted by Stuipdboy1000
It's an official photo from the App Store page on Apple's website, not from the store itself. seems like Apple might have an iWork 11 release soon Apple edited the picture on the website to take out the '11 but it was there earlier
I need to update iWork on my Mac cos iWork 08 docs don't work on my new iPad. But iWork 09 is about 18 months old now so surely will be updated soon. Would anyone who is learned in the product cycle of Mac apps care to hazard an educated guess on an update?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there any talk of an update of iwork '08 during Macworld '09? I am a switcher to Mac as of last month and I really like pages instead of word. I've been using a trial version and I'm going to buy it, but I was wondering if I should stick it out by using google docs in the event that they release iwork '09. By the way, in case any admins are reading this post, why don't they include Apple software in the Buyers Guide?
View 8 Replies View RelatedWhy is save as an iWork 08 file an option in the new iWork 09 programs? Does iWork 08 use a different extension that cannot open iWork 09 documents?
View 5 Replies View RelatedSo I used the iWork '09 trial for 30 days now and now I have a box version and I want to simply use the buy function from the trial to upgrade to the full non-trial version. It has: Quote: If you've purchased an iWork '09 box, you'll find the serial number on the Installing iWork '09 booklet. There's only one problem, there's no serial number on the booklet! How do I install using the buy function or do I have to install the full iWork suite again on my computer? Seems kind of silly. If so, do I need to then uninstalling one of my versions of iWork '09? And if so, which one? How do I tell the difference at that point?
Some of you might be wondering and about to comment on the fact that I should have just bought the online version and saved the hassle. The reason why I bought the box is because I could get it for $39 at my girlfriend's campus computer store.
with leopard, you could take the install CD and install it on a billion computers, because it never asked you for a serial number...
is this the same case with snow leopard?
or does it really come with a serial number?
what's the different between I download iwork on app stores and buy iwork software?and one more question about Pages in iwork is that can Microsoft office word open the document create by Pages ?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I know this probably has been answered elsewhere on this forum...but I can't find it. I already own iWorks 08. Is there enough of a difference/improvement between 08 and the 09 that would make it worth getting (I am a cheap Presbyterian you know)? From what I have read it seems that most really love the 09 Keynote.
View 3 Replies View Relatedi use two mac (both intel - a macbook & an imac), and want to upgrade them both to leopard, but am unsure on which version to buy.
can people please tell if a) i would be correct in saying that the only difference is the licence agreement, therfore the only diff in buying for me is how compelled i am to user-licence properlyorb) there is proper security features like phoning home etc. so i need to get family pack
Last year, my roommates and I got together and bought the snow leopard family pack for us all to upgrade with. We are now getting ready to move out and go to separate parts of the country. We would all like to have a restore disk. My questions is, what is the legality of making a copy of the snow leopard family pack disk for each one of us?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have replaced may Snow Leopard Family pack and have found that the replacement disk is also faulty. It stalls at around 40 minute mark and does not install. I have confirmed a general problem from two store sources. I also have similar problem with copies i bought from US. There is a noticeable defect along the outside edge of disk and swirling to a coma form of about a centimeter. Seems like a quality control issue at the disk creation instead of information burning. I have had no problems with the single versions of the OS.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I save the contact lists for the different users with a family pack onto my mac. iCloud will no longer support them. Do I lose them all except the primary mobileme account? Is it possible to have more than one contact list like iPhoto and iTunes Libraries?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
how can i change my MobileMe subscription from family pack to individual
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf so, does Numbers now include the Panes feature that Excel has had for yonks (where you can have your header row and/or first column stay visible wherever you scroll within the sheet)?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm currently doing a Physics report on Pages '09, and I plan on using equations in it.
I'm going to type the equations in on Grapher, then drag and drop them into my Pages file.
However, I have a kind of OCD when it comes to college work, and everything has to be in the same font. What font does grapher use?!
I have recently purchased a MacBook, so i'm new to the platform. I believe the main "office" type package is iWork which will open DOC, PPT and XLS files. My question is should iWork come pre-installed or on the Mac Applications DVD? I have just loaded in the Mac Applications DVD and it seems to have "Macintosh HD" on it, which i've now installed. But no iWork.
View 6 Replies View Relatedwhere to find it
View 4 Replies View RelatedWith all the app store teasers, recent release of iLife 11 one might have thought iWork '11 was coming soon. Alas, it does not seem to be so. At least all I see is installed next to the apps. I actually like the new MS Office, so I am not nearly as desperate as I once was for the new Apple products. But we all know Apple often has a unique spin on the common, and I still prefer Keynote to all others and would love to see that pushed to even more development possibilities. Considering the way the web works, the way Hypercard worked, and Keynote, I could imagine making keynotes that are HTML5 ready and have scripting abilities and interactive abilities like Hypercard. That would be an app that rocked, and brought some life back to the MIA web development scene for the Mac.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have iLife '08 and iWork '08 already installed on my iMac and am not planning to upgrade them.
View 3 Replies View Relatedmy husband exported the .pages document wrong - sent it to zip, not .doc from iWork. Now I am in a jam and need to get the documents on my pc.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've been using Safari 5 as my main browser and everything has been great. Yesterday I installed iWork 09 on my computer, and now Safari crashes every two or three minutes for me now. It'll crash randomly, and I'm upset because I don't want to have to use Firefox How can I re-install Safari?
View 2 Replies View RelatedBasically my friend at school doesn't have iWork on her mac and I was wondering if I could install my copy onto her computer.
View 6 Replies View RelatedDo you think it's too much work with the conversions and stuff and possible formatting differences or do you think it wouldn't be a big deal? I'm talking about for like high school or college
View 5 Replies View Relatedi have all my files created in iwork8, i would like to know before purchasing iwork09 if are there any compatibilities issues. let me be more specific and explain what i mean, suppose i have this file in keynote09, can i use it in keynote08, and if so with what drawbacks?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHas anybody found out if the iWork '08 (or earlier comparable) EULA allows one user to install iWork on two Macs, if s/he's the only user of those (like Adobe and others allow to a certain degree: One desktop and one laptop where the license holder are the main user on both).
iWork '08 is sold as a single user license, so I could just assume that I'm allowed, and get one for the (no-yet-bought) work machine and also install it on my home machine, but I'm actually a bit curious if it would be in violation of the EULA...
Now, I know there's a family pack, but that specifically states that "This license does not extend [...] to business or commercial users." And I'm definitively gonna use the work machine for business purposes and I would never get iWork for just private use, which leaves me with the single user license.