I was searching YouTube for Snow Leopard stuff (I was really bored) and I came across this video showing a new animation supposedly from Mac OS X Snow Leopard?
Does anyone know if it's real or just complete BS?
I'm guessing it's BS because I haven't heard anyone else talk about it but I'm not 100%
A feature I loved on Win7 was the ability to drag a window to the side and have it resized to fit half the screen. I found for Snow Leopard a software called Cinch that does that but I wanted to know if there was any free or built in alternative to it, I googled and searched the forum
I have an Apple RAID card installed with the following configuration:4 x 2TB HD'sRAID 0+1Yielding a 4TB RAID setPartitioned into:Partition 1: 40GB StartupPartition 2: 40GB Backup StartupPartition 3: The remaining available disk space into a Data driveÂ
The idea was I would have a reserve volume I could load another system onto and it would come in handy.Â
The problem is that I didn't know that the startup drive was going to have to have an accounting application running on it that needed to have its data on the same volume. This data is growing rapidly and I am in need of expanding the volume. I have a backup of the whole setup.Â
From what I can gather from my searches, I should be able to resize these partitions but I wanted to know if anyone out there had a similar setup and had tried this. Right now there is no data on Partition 2 so my thought was to delete this partition from the RAID set and then expand Partition 1, doubling the size of my startup. This would get rid of my backup startup but I could achieve that with an external drive.Â
My hesitation is because I can't find any reference to doing this with a RAID 0+1 scheme (I would have preferred 1+0 but the RAID card didn't offer it...).
Info: Apple RAID Card, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Server software
My first Mac just arrived from FedEx. (2.4ghz mbp w/ high res antiglare)
I'm used to windows and trying to get used to OSX. One thing I just noticed is that I can only resize the window from the bottom right corner. In windows you can resize from any corner. I can't seem to find a setting to change this. Is there a way to do it or am I stuck only resizing from bottom right?
I was aware that Spotlight indexed these preferences. I am just commenting on the highlighting portion that I discovered when my mouse stopped working.
i'm trying to use gimp on my new macbook and the toolbox window has moved into a position where the bottom corner is off the bottom of the screen. i therefore cannot resize it! i've been googleing everything i can think of but cannot find an answer on how to resize this (i have tried a few solutions which only seem to apply to regular osx apps). i am more than willing to set the window sizes in some sort of a config file, but i can't find one.
I heard that on Tiger Macs, You are able to upgrade the OS straight to Snow Leopard. But what concerns me is if I upgrade to Snow Leopard from Tiger...would I lose features from the Leopard OS?
Would it also take up more space since your installing another OS to get to Snow Leopard? i just wanted to get a few things straight before my snow leopard arrives in the mail =o
Assign applications to spaces. Assign an application to any space from its icon in the Dock with a click. Quickly spread your work out in different spaces by assigning an application to a space right from the Dock. Just right-click the Dock icon and select a space for the application. I cannot find this feature in the latest build.
As you may already know, in order to reduce the size of Snow Leopard many of the system files are stored compressed. There are some technical details about this new compression in Ars Technica's Snow Leopard review but no details about how to use it for your own files. So I looked through the Snow Leopard command line tools and found this option for ditto:
The search integration of Spotlight with TextEdit: Typing in a search term in Spotlight, then opening one of the resulting files in TextEdit, then choosing Find in TextEdit used to immediately bring up the very same search term from Spotlight, so that you wouldn't have to type the very same (potentially very long) term all over again to go straight to the spot in the file.
I turned on the aforementioned feature and I've been trying to use it. I can do it on my multitouch mac and the character recognition works fine (even the suggested ones) but how do I select it? I'm getting so frustrated with this.
I have had Snow Leopard for a while now but recently I realised that there was one feature I didn't seem to have....and that is put away. It just does not show in the right click menu on any of my items in my trash. Option clicking the file also does not show this menu.
I'm having a problem I think with the internet sharing feature in snow leopard. Here's what I'm trying to do. I have a cable modem plugged into a time capsule in another room, and I use a mac mini to connect to that via wifi. I am trying to share that internet connection with a couple of devices from the mini's ethernet port. I have the mini plugged into a dlink switch along with the other devices, but none of those devices can connect. The mini works fine, and I made sure in sys prefs I have internet sharing checked and it says from airport to ethernet. Can the mini only provide connection to one device? Should I be using something other than a switch?
Was wondering if there is some way to disable the auto-open cursor hover feature? (Not sure what else to call it). It's driving me nuts.It's most disfunctional with Safari--for example when I'm trying to find a specific webpage in the Histor-- if I don't keep moving the cursor constantly, whatever URL the cursor happens to be over will just open and load.Then I have to start over again. This seems to happen sometimes on the desktop as well.
I work for a small business man and use my old Appleworks drawing program to make certificates and flyers for him because it is so easy to manipulate individual parts of the text and pictures.I want to update my computer so it can communicate with my ipad, but am afraid I will loose the ability to use my files and program. Can I still use my appleworks drawing program if I download Snow Leopard?
I purchased a copy of SL that I want to install on my MBA. I know that Leopard can be installed using the remote disk feature since my MBA doesn't have a DVD drive. problem is that I can't find anywhere saying that SL will support that function. Although I did see that the minimum system requirements require a DVD drive, but it doesn't say anything about a remote drive.
I'm sure it would be stupid if it wasn't supported, but then again you can't installed XP without the SuperDrive.
I have seen some people talking about a new feature in Snow Leopard, where hovering over MP3s or PDFs allowed you to preview the file. I am not seeing this feature on my Snow Leopard machine. How do you enable it?
I have a new MacBook Pro with OS X Lion 10.7.4. The DVD player does not have a feature to store film clips. Why? This is useful for my work and I had it on my older computer? Why the loss of capacity?
Other mail programmes like Thunderbird allow me to request a read receipt so that I know the email has been received and read. I connot find this useful function in Apple's Mail. Am I just missing it?
Simple navigation question as I am new to Mac and suffering from PC withdrawal anxiety. When I expand my browser window fully to expanded, click on the arrows in up right, the three resizing dots on the left side disappear. Any way to keep them in place?
Check this out. Minimize iTunes using the green button to get the mini-player. Then plug in your iPhone. iTunes 8.1.1 no longer expands and pops to the front of your screen! That's really cool! I noticed this in 8.1.1, but it could have been introduced in 8.1, I don't know.
Before I got this new Snow Leopard I would hit f8 to bring up spaces, then move the cursor to say the upper left space, and then hit f8 again to move to that space. Now though, I have to move the cursor to the upper left space and then actually click the mouse button on it to go to this space. If I hit f8 without clicking, I just come back to the space Im already on.
Why this bother me is because first of all I work quicker the other way, no biggy though. BUT before I could also drag a file from one space to another because I could switch space only by using f8 and moving the cursor. Now when I have to click on the damn thing it'll "release" the file Im trying to drag, so I cant drag between spaces in the same cool and quick way.
In a previous contact software program I have used for years, the first letter of names, streets, and cities, were automatically capitalized as I typed them in. Unfortunately, that software does not work under Lion and the developer is out of business. Because of that, I am trying to convert to Address Book. I can't find the ability to have that same thing happen in Address Book. Is there something I can turn on in Preferences or some other obscure window? My old contact software also automatically filled in cities, names, or states that I previously entered. Great time saver but doesn't seem to exist in Address Book.
When I open Word for Mac, the window opens very small and I cannot enlarge it with the bottom corner square. Changing the view does not help as that only affects the text inside the window. How do I get the window to enlarge so that I can work on the document?
I've got this peculiar problem with my MacBook Pro Intel Core i5 running 10.6.8 with all the updates. Whenever I open the computer after logging out, the login window hangs. The insert bar in the username field doesn't blink and I get the spinning beach ball. Sometimes there's no cursor at all. If I close the lid without logging out there's never a problem. But of course that's not an aceptable solution.
I can not reproduce the problem with a fresh account, so I assume there's something wrong with my account. I've had this problem ever since I setup my original account. I've gone through the system.log and I do see some errors during the time the computer goes to sleep after I logout, but I don't know if they are serious or normal warnings.
I'd like to install SL on my macbook air 2.13.... but I have a couple of questions for you, who already did it. Is the "spotlight search window" still flickering during a research? (it seems a problem related with SSD machines in Leopard). Is it now warmer? colder? same? How about the fan? Did you notice changes in the way SL use it? Battery life? This machine with SSD is pretty snappy... is it even faster now?
I'd like to set the screensaver to the loginwindow. But I'm not sure. Is it save? Or are there some risks? And how can I disable the screensaver at the loginwindow? (I haven't got workgroupmanager.)Â