Applications :: Mail Keeps Deleting Gmail Email On Server

Dec 10, 2009

i know what by default, the mail downloaded through IMAP let you to keep it on the server marked as read. MAIL, when it recieves emails from gmail, deletes it definitively from server (it's not even in trash!). How do i stop that?

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OS X :: Deleting Mail From Mail App But Not From Gmail Server

Apr 30, 2010

Ive set up my Mail app with my gmail account and its downloaded all my old email. I want to delete alot of these messages to save space but if i delete it in Mail it also deletes it on the server - and its gone forever!!

Anyone know how I can change this. Ive looked through the settings but cant find anything.

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Applications :: Deleting From Mail Does Not Delete Message From Gmail

May 10, 2009

When I open my mail app and delete a message, it deletes it from my mail app inbox. When I log on to gmail, I see the mail still there. Is there anyway to delete from mail, and have it remove the message from gmail altogether?

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Applications :: Store Gmail Emails On Server With

Mar 6, 2010

I am trying to use Mac for my Gmail account, a paid account holding about 10GB of mail. I have no trouble setting up the account in, but I gather IMAP set ups store all the Inbox locally? Certainly set up of the gmail account in mail consumes over 10G of my precious MBP HD space.

So, is it possible to set up Mac mail with webmail so it that it more or less acts as a UI for the webmail account? I know I could easily use an app like Mailplane (nice but constantly crashes for me) or just a browser, but I am frustrated by the fact that OSX defaults to mail when an email link is clicked (maybe there is a fix for this) and I do like drag and drop file attaching, as well as the integration with iPhone, mobileme etc.

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Applications :: Mac Mail - Removing Messages From The Gmail Server

Mar 23, 2010

I have my Gmail account set up through Mail,but I cannot figure out how to keep it from removing my messages from the Gmail server. Everytime Mail downloads a message its gone from my web based Gmail. Is there anyway to disable this?

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Applications :: Gmail Overwrite Other Outgoing Email Address In Mac Mail?

Oct 22, 2010

My prob is that I have directed my gmail and my office mail address both to my mac mail. I get all the messages and my office account exists as well, but when I respond to a mail that came into my office account and I reply to it, my gmail address is seen as a sender address, not my office one. What can I do? I have already put my office email in the outgoing add. and the smtp field.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Deleting Gmail Account From Mail

Apr 3, 2012

if i set up a gmail account (my main one) with mac mail and now want to delete that account because im not too thrilled with the mac client can i do so without deleting any of my gmail? in other words will my gmail account remain unaffected if i delete the account through mail preferences? i just dont want to run into any issue where all of a sudden all my mail is gone from gmail. i know he prompt says it wont affect mail on the server but i have a knack for messing these types of things up.

iPad 2, iOS 5, 16GB Wi-Fi

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Applications :: GMail Error "There May Be Problem With Mail Server Or Network - Please Check Settings"

Jan 12, 2009

I've been using my Gmail account just fine with the standard mail account provided by OSX and all of the sudden today its giving me this error "There may be a problem with the mail server or network. Please check your settings". Its been working just fine for the past few months and my iPhone still gets new messages along wih my online GMail account. Any help?

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OS X :: Deleting Old Email Address In Mac Mail?

Apr 17, 2010

does anybody know how i can delete old addresses in my mac mail. for instance, when i type a name in the "to:" box i get a row of names appearing from which to choose from. however, i'd like to delete some of these addresses as they are no longer valid. how can i do that?

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OS X :: Deleting Email Account In Mail Application?

May 14, 2009

Next week I am dropping one of my email accounts and I want to delete the account in Mail. The Edit menu grays out the Delete option and right-clicking on the account does the same.

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OS X Mavericks :: Mail App Won't Empty Trash On Gmail Server

Jun 30, 2014

I'm having a new problem with Mail in Mavericks that seems to have just started around a month ago.  When I have emails in the trash in Mail and choose Erase Deleted Items to empty the trash it seems to fully delete them all within the Mail app.  But as I just discovered yesterday by going to the gmail website (for the first time in awhile) they are apparently not being deleted from the server.  The emails are properly being moved into trash within gmail but when emptying trash in Mail they do not empty within gmail. 

As I said, this is a recent problem that never happened with Mavericks Mail for me before a month ago.  I just updated to 10.9.4 today and its still happening.   

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OS X Mavericks :: Mac Mail Will Only Send From One Google Gmail Server

Jun 6, 2014

macmail mail will only load one outgoing GMAIL mail server. So I can load as many accounts as I want, receive mail in mac mail, but when i send mail it only comes from one of the outgoing gmail mail servers. The rest of the gmail mail servers show as being "offline." 

MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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Software :: Send Email From Gmail - Always Sent To Mail Window

May 5, 2009

I am having a problem with my mail and gmail issues. I set up a gmail account a couple year ago, I recently bought a mac and set up my mail account with it. The problem i am having is the following When i send an email from gmail (on safari) i always get it sent to my mail window also It's not the end of the world but its really annoying Does any one know how to get rid of this?

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MacBook :: Stop Sent Email From Gmail From Appearing In Mac Mail?

Apr 11, 2012

I use my Mac Mail to send my personal emails... However I also use it to monitor my work email. However, when I use my work Gmail account to send multiple messages either on my phone or on my computer through Gmail, whenever I go into mac Mail I have 40+ copies of the emails I sent. I tried to look in the setting if there's something that disables this.

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Cannot Log Into Mail After Accidentally Deleting Account

Mar 20, 2012

I was logged into my Workgroup Manager remotely and lag caused me to accidentally delete the wrong account, which is used primarily for email. When I re-created the account, I found I could no longer log into the email account regardless of repeatedly re-entering the proper password into Workgroup Manager thinking that I had somehow typed it in wrong. From Apple Mail, it tells me the credentials are wrong. But from the Mail Server's logs, I see these entries in the log substituting <xxxx> for the actual user account name:

Cache lookup for user <xxxx>

mail SACL is not enabled; error = 2

found user <xxxx> in cache as <xxxx>

Credential verification failed because account is inactive.

I don't see any settings that indicate an active or inactive account. Anyone know what could be causing this error and how to fix it? It sounds like it's treating the new account with the same name as a completely different account but is still trying to access the deleted account, but I'm not sure if I'm right. If the old account is still in the cache, how do I clear that cache so that the newly created account is unique?

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IMac (Intel) :: Mail Keeps Deleting New Email Accounts?

Jun 3, 2014

I am working in an office that has numerous old email accounts on the computer from past temp employees that we keep so that I can reference their communications.   Since updating to Mavericks, when I add or delete accounts from Mail, the changes are restored when I restart mail or reboot the computer.  How do I permenently delete or add a new account.  I have done this serveral times on other computers, but this one isn't responding as it should.  It was running Snow Leopard before the upgrade. 

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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OS X Mavericks :: Delete Emails On Mail App But Remain On Gmail Server

Jun 23, 2014

I have 128 GB HDD and many emails syncing by Gmail IMAP. Thousands of emails are stored on my HDD and most of them I will never use in the future. Despite this I'd like to keep them in gmail server, just for case... 

I was trying to reduce size of my for very long time and nothing works correctly.  

Ideal situation would be something like this:

E-mails older than 2 months will automatically delete from but not from server. Or it doesn't have to be automatic, but I have to keep them on I'm not sure if it is possible with IMAP. 

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Create Email Profile On Mail To Access Gmail

Sep 1, 2014

I know how to create a email profile on OSX Mail to access GMail. My question is if the GMail mail will be downloaded locally to my machine or will it remain on the Google servers. I WANT it to remain on the servers, ie I only want to access my emails through Mail. Otherwise most of my HDD will fill up with email and also I will not be able to access my emails when I do not have my machine on hand. what happens when I delete an email in Mail? Will it also get deleted in GMail?

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Mail On IMac Doesn't Download Emails From The Gmail Server

Apr 14, 2012

Since yesterday the mail programme on my iMac does not download e-mails from the gmail server, but luckily I still can send e-mails. On the iPhone I still receive e-mails and I can send e-mails. The iPhone is connected to the internet either via 3G or the same router I am using for the iMac.

Via the Safari browser I do have access to all my e-mails on the gmail server. Mail: Version 4.5 (1084)

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.2), 4 GB

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Applications :: Gmail On All Mail In Folders Has Been Duplicated To Inbox?

May 22, 2009

I use gmail as my main email account. I have it synched to my iphone (IMAP) and (IMAP). This was all running smoothly until about a week ago when I turned on my mac and opened mail. It started downloading hundreds of emails.

I looked over them and it seems that all the mails that I have moved to sub folders have been copied to my inbox again and marked as unread.

I have not knowingly changed any settings on my iphone, mac or web based gmail.

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Applications :: How To Export Mail From Apple Mail Program To Gmail

Aug 13, 2010

I have decided to start using gmail and keeping my email online instead of stored locally in the Mail program.

I have all my old mail and sent mail downloaded locally in the Mail program.

Is there an easy way to export all of that into gmail? I see I can import mail into gmail from other mail accounts, but here I am talking about importing mail that is now stored locally.

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Applications :: Deleting Dud Entourage Email Addresses?

Jun 7, 2009

I think I posted this in the wrong place - community - as I am new to all this. However I am hoping someone can tell me how to get rid of old or inaccurate email addresses that come up in Entourage (Office 2004) when you begin to type in the first name of an addressee in a new email.

Sometimes you get things wrong, and the wretched thing never seems to go away! I don't know where the Entourage system gets it from, because I have attempted to delete the dud email addresses from all the obvious places.

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Applications :: How To Stop Download Of 3yrs Of Email From Gmail

Oct 18, 2008

I was wondering if there is a way to stop Mail from download 3 years worth of mail from my Gmail account, and just get the last few weeks or few months. I took the Gmail account offline in mail after the first 1000 messages or so. I went through all the Preferences options and menu option, but maybe I missed that setting.

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Applications :: Gmail - Multiple Copies Of The Sent Email In Trash

Sep 16, 2009

I have gmail set up on my mac & iphone as IMAP. Works great, except for a weird deal whenever I send mail. After the email has been sent, if I go to trash, I'll find multiple copies of the sent email sitting there. I.E.- today I sent a single email(not a reply), and there were 16, yes 16 copies of that sent email in my trash. There was only one copy in the sent mail folder. It's a pain deleting all this stuff.

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Applications :: Missing Attachment In Email - Gmail IMAP Account

Mar 10, 2008

I'm using Mail with a gmail IMAP account. Recently a friend sent me an email with an Excel workbook attached, but the attachment didn't show up in Mail (no attachment in the message, no paperclip icon indicating an attachment in the Inbox). The really strange part is that if I go into my gmail account using a browser, the attachment is there. I received several other similar attachments from other people, and all those attachments showed up in Mail.

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OS X :: Can't Send Email On Outgoing Mail Server

Aug 31, 2009

I'm having such a hard time syncing Gmail with Apple Mail now that I've done a fresh install of SL. First of all, in Gmail Settings, the instructions for setting up Apple Mail are for Apple Mail 3.0. But the Apple Mail with SL is 4.0. The instructions say to "Check the box next to Automatically set up your account." Pic of what I'm talking about: But my Apple Mail does not have that check box: Once it's setup it says it's supposed to look like this: Notice that it's POP and not IMAP? And in mine, once it's "automatically setup" it's IMAP and not POP: When I leave the settings as is, and try to send and receive mail I keep getting an error that says something like "Can't send mail on outgoing mail server". And when I change the outgoing server to POP I get the same error. I've tried everything, I've setup and deleted this e-mail account from Apple Mail at least 4 times now and I keep getting the same error.

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Applications :: Mail From Gmail / Spam In Sent Mail?

Feb 28, 2010

Don't know if this was addressed yet, but "Spam" mail from my gmail (spam folder - duh!) keeps popping up in my "Sent Mail" folder in Mac mail. I found this post online, but am not tech savvy enough to know what they're talking about.


Okay. I know what's going on there. You are correct this is spam that does not originate from you. The issue is that it is not your gmail address that is being forged, but your other address that forwards to gmail. You have also configured your forwarding server as a valid mail originator for your address in SPF. So the mail looks completely legitimate to gmail: it arrives at gmail from a server that you have configured as a valid server to send from your email address, therefore gmail thinks it really is from your email address.

If you control your own domain and you use gmail's smtp server for outgoing mail, you should remove the SPF entry that marks the forwarding server (URL) as a valid originator for your domain. Then gmail will be able to figure out that this is forged. This will likely cause gmail to put this stuff properly in Spam and to avoid showing you the images.(URL)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Very Slow Email Connection On One Mail-server Only?

Mar 7, 2012

I have suddenly, since Friday 2 March, experienced very slow connection to one of my ISP's mailservers. Emails without attachments work ok'ish (a little "hesitantly"), emails with attachments of moderate sizes (eg. +/- 500 KB) download/upload extremely slowly and most of the time fail. I have asked my ISP, who are generally helpful, and they have tested the mailserver and can find nothing wrong. So, here we go: The problem is both for ethernet and wireless.The problem is for one account only. I have a different account with the same ISP, but on a different mailserver, which works absolutely fine.Two different Macs have the same problem. The other PCs with different ISP's accounts work fine.Router is working fine with good internet connection and email via one of the two accounts works fine.It is not a problem on my computer (since it is the same issue for two machines). Both run OSX 10.6.8I have tried both Entourage and Outlook on both machines; same problem everywhere - one account works, the other doesn't (properly).I have tried  with my iPhone, using the same wireless connection and same account details, and it downloads emails with attachments speedily - emails that failed to download on the MBP/Outlook.I have tried one of the machines (a MacBook Pro) at home with a different wireless connection but to the same mailserver and it works fine there!This happened last Friday and no settings have been changed locally for months. My conclusion is (but may be wrong): The router is fineThe macs are fineThe email clients are fineGeneral connection to internet and mail is fineThe mailserver is probably fine But a connection between one mailserver account and the two macs has suddenly gone wrong. It is almost as if there is a setting on either the mailserver saying "I don't like that connection to that place, I will slow it down." or somewhere in this place saying "I don't like that account on that mailserver, I will slow it down."  The question then is:Which network setting is so specific that it can be this selective?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Email Transferred From Hotmail Server To Local Mail?

Mar 25, 2012

I setup my hotmail in Mail some time ago. And I guess I forgot some setting, because what happend was that ALL my email was transfered from the hotmail server to my local Mail on OSX. How do I transfer them back to the hotmail server, without loosing date stamp?

I am thinking of i.e:
1. Create some pst file (or alike) that can be uploaded to Hotmail.
2. Find some setting that will sync the emails back to hotmail.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)

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Applications :: Mac Mail And Gmail

Sep 1, 2010

I am having problems with my mac mail and gmail. It was consistent across my iphone, imac and macbook. Only with one gmail account, the other is fine. It tells me there is a username or password error. I know this isnt the case because I have tested it by logging into the web version of gmail. I have tried deleting and recreating the account - still the same problem. On my iphone the problem was fixed by using exchange.

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