Applications :: MS Entourage Exchange Account Has Stopped Pushing New Emails?
Mar 26, 2010
I have a user running Entourage Web Services Edition with an Exchange 2007 email account. Two days ago, email messages stopped automatically arriving in the user's inbox. The only way to get new messages was to manually click the send/receive button or quit and re-open Entourage.
We have re-set the user's caches and rebuilt the database but the issue keep re-occurring.
I'm a switcher so sorry if this is a dumb Q (and yes I searched first) but Entourage keeps getting the same emails from my POP account. I have it set to leave messages on the server for a few days (3 I think) before deleting b/c my Blackberry pings the account for emails and if I leave for a weekend I want the BB to find the emails.
But whether I sort the emails into folders, delete them from Entourage, or leave them in the inbox, Entourage retrieves them - again. And I then have to delete them all.
ALso somewhat strangely, it doesn't retrieve them every time it checks the POP account (which it does every minute), only every once in a while.
A while back, after closing my business I canceled my account with Intermedia where my company email accounts were hosted.
Ever since, when using Entourage with my personal email accounts, Entourage kept prompting me that it was not able to connect to my business account. I usually ignored these warnings, but a few days ago, they became so annoying, that I went into Preferences and deleted the account- without thinking.
This was the last placed that these emails were stored and I desperately need them as evidence in a lawsuit that I am currently involved in.
I have not been backing up my computer anywhere, but I know they have to be here somewhere, right?
I'm willing to pay for any recovery software or hardware that anyone recommends
I have the Student ed of Mac Office 2008. The only thing I can't do with Entourage is Exchange right? Every time I try to send an attachments. It lets me pick the file(s), no problem here. Then I tell it to send it. Once the mail has been sent, the attachments don't open on the original or the sent copy. If I try to open it though Entourage I get "Entourage Error Unknown". If I save the file and try to open it that way. It will launch the right app to open the file correctly. But the App will tell me this file is corrupted or incomplete. Now it's not allowing my to save the attachments. I get some "Entourage Error Unknown". I get this on both sides with the original post and with the sent file.
I am looking for some guidance. Work were terribly nice to me last week and bought me a macbook pro 13". I have owned apple products for years and finally bent their ears. I am now becoming stuck though. In entourage I have set up my account through the LAN at my workplace, but when looking to update my emails at home over my wifi network, it wont connect. Also I would like to access my documents and root folders from my profile on the XP work network, without running Parrealells or bootcamp (as I dont want to install XP on this machine). Basically I would like my mac to do everything my profile does at work, but on the OSX platform...
I am receiving my .me email on my ipad and iphone - both upgraded to ios 5.1, but suddenly stopped receiving .me email on my Macbook Pro (10.6.8). The processor on my laptop will not allow me to upgrade to Lion. I have been receiving .me email on my Macbook for the past month after moving to icloud.
I have Office 2008 Home and Student installed on my MBP. I recently upgraded to a hosted Exchange solution and they offer a download of Entourage 2008 that will allow Exchange Server interaction.
When I loaded that version over top of my install, Entourage will not open. It gives me an error about the identity not being able to open the item.
over my Entourage outgoing mail can no longer update Exchange server 2003.
Entourage 12.2.0 was working fine on my OSX 10.6.2. I believe after upgraded Entourage to version 12.2.3, all my outgoing mail were not updated to exchanges server.
All mail reaches it intended recipients and a copy keep in local folder. other function like calender and contact are able to sync with exchange without problem.
I recently purchased a MacBook Pro and Office for Mac 2008 (Student Edition). I am trying to setup my university email (web based) on Entourage and it says I cannot have an exchange email (or something along these lines). I was told to download "EWS-1304-EN.dmg", but when I get to "Select a Destination", the following message is displayed: "Entourage 2008, Web Services Edition can't be installed on this disk. A version of the software required to install this update was not found on this volume."
When I tried to set up account with Mail I was not able to locate settings automatically like one would on iPhone. Anyhow, I set it up manually using the IMAP settings. It works great but the only problem is that it does not push emails instantly. It checks for email in set intervals. How can I set this to push emails?
I have been on Microsoft Exchange for 6 years. Migrated from PC to Mac about a year ago. I started using Microsoft Entourage 8 because it supported Microsoft Exchange Server.
I was working, although periodically Entourage would lock up and I would have to re-sync the inbox. After finally getting fed up, I've decided to move to Mac Mail.
After some initial pains to setup the Exchange account settings, I finally have it "working". The only problem is that not all my email messages are sent to the Mac Mail client.
If I'm online with my Mac when the email hits the Exchange Server, I get the message. But if Mac Mail is not open, I won't get the message. I can confirm that the email hits the exchange server because I can see it in Outlook Web Access, and on my BlackBerry.
The only way I know how to get the emails into Mac Mail is by going into my blackberry, marking the emails as read, or un-read, while the Mac Mail client is open. If I do that, then Mac Mail will discover that these messages are in my Inbox and pull them into the Mac Mail client.
This is very frustrating as I have to keep track of which emails I received when Mac Mail was closed. If I walk between meetings for 2 minutes and I receive an email, I'll miss it in my client.
I'm using Mac Mail version 3.6 (935/935.3), on Mac OS X - 10.5.7.
I'm not sure what version of Microsoft Exchange I'm on as that is managed by my company IT department.
I have 2 (Apple Mail and Entourage) clients storing 3 months of emails each and I want to merge them into Gmail. The messages no longer exist on the web-based servers and I heard IMAP might be in handy for transfering the messages to an online acct then transfering to gmail.
Any idea of how to do this with Entourage or Apple Mail?
BTW, they're both from the same email address, I just changed providors (hosting/email) during the 6 month period.
I've installed the Facetime beta, but I'm not getting any contacts listed for me to call.
I suspect that this is because I have all of my contacts stored on an Exchange based email account (in order that it can sync between all of my devices, etc), rather than being stored "On My Mac".
Can anyone with a similar configuration confirm that they have the same problem?
This is going to be dead on arrival if I can't call people - I'm certainly not going to duplicate all of my existing contacts in my Address Book to a second copy stored "On My Mac" in Address Book just to be able to dial someone.
What is the "On My Computer" account in Entourage? can i get rid of it? the account i use is using Exchange and appears as a separate account in the side bar menu. can someone explain the difference between my email account and the "On My Computer"?
Specifically, when i try to make a group with my contacts that are located within my Exchange account, it places the group in the address book under "On My Computer" and i can not get it into the contact list where i draw the contacts from.
has anyone been able to set up an exchange account in Outlook for Mac 2011 with Small Business Server SBS 2003? Microsoft claim that Exchange 2007 or later is required but I wondered if there was a work-around.
I'm trying to connect my Macbook pro to our Exchange Server 2003 via Entourage. Entourage is asking me for the "LDAP" information, and cannot complete setup without it. But our server doesn't use LDAP configuration.
Does this work for anyone since upgrading to Safari 4: Try to save any email document from as formatted text to your Desktop. No file ever appears for me... Is this a general bug or a quirk with my system ?
I accidentally deleted my entire exchange calendar. I use entourage to manage my exchange account. I have a back-up of the main identity file from just before the delete. Great, right? Sure, except that when I swap out the current (without calendar data) main identity with the back-up main identity (with calendar data), the data populates the calendar, but then gets wiped when entourage syncs with the exchange server. Specifically, the data disappears when syncing is at the "Updating sync issues" stage (as noted in the lower right hand corner of entourage during sync).
Neither I or my IT girl can sort out how to force entourage to use the local calendar data instead of the blank server calendar data.
I have been getting duplicate emails for a while now (17" powerbook 1.5ghz g4, 10.3.5). Sometimes I get 12 copies of the same email! I tried trashing the prefs and that helped for a few days, but it keeps coming back. I also setup and tested my mail account on another machine and that machine never gets doubles.
I was playing around with Mail and trying out POP3 with hotmail. I discovered that mail downloaded ALL my emails from the last 5 years and deleted it from my hotmail webaccount. So, I tried to find the settings to prevent Mail from downloading and deleting email but couldn't. So I proceeded to delete the account from Mail. To my horror, I found that I've lost all my emails as well!!!
Is there a way to retrieve my emails? Now I can't even find the pop3 setting for free hotmail.
When I send 1 email to 1 recipient from my gmail account on mac mail, the mail activity monitor on the bottom left indicates that I am sending 2, 3 or as many as 5 emails. It takes a long time to send when this happens. It only happens when I send from the gmail account and never from my other accounts. I have no "extra" mail in my sent folder. Is someone else sending email from my computer?
I am using Apple Mail with three Pop3 accounts and I am receiving duplicate emails in one of the three accounts. Each account has a separate email. The account that I am receiving duplicate emails was set up last night. I am leaving the emails on the server, if that has any bearing. I am running OS 10.6.2.
I have an urgent issue with my work email. I have used Apple Mail to read and store my work email right off my work Exchange server - without any problem. All was fine, and for what seems a very long time, I happily used both my win 7 laptop at work and my 2 Apple computers at home and during travel as well as my iPhone - anywhere.
However, now, there is a new policy at work where all email older than 3 months (sigh!!) has been removed to an "online archive" of the "emc SourceOne" - which is a non-crossplattform service - and not accessible from other than a windows PC with supported browser (not including SafarI). (Windows revenge) I have lost all access to these on my iPhone, which is a shame - not Apples fault, though. This is not about blaming Apple. However, I still have all my "older than 3 months" email in theory safely kept on both of my Apple computers - presumably safely stored in Apple Mail.
Here is my question: I have not dared to connect either of these imacs / mbas to Internet - at all - in fear of losing my precoius work emails. I have feared that the exchange server will kill all these "older than 3 months" email kept there - as soon as it gets a chance to do so.
1. Can I safely connect Apple Mail to internet without losing my already downloaded exchange emails?
2. If not - how should I proeceed to get these files safely transferred to my iCloud email?
I'm having trouble viewing entire emails that have pictures etc. All the comes up is a questions mark where the image should be. How do I view the entire email?
I am getting duplicate emails in Entourage. A few times a week, I get old emails (sometimes from a month ago) in my InBox. What do I need to do to stop this?
I have decided to use Entourage over Mail due to it's robustness and more features than I can possibly ever use. Here the question:I am coming from a PC using Outlook 2007. I have done my research on how to get my mail off my Outlook and importing it into Entourage.Fine, great and dandy. I haven't performed it yet but I have a couple of questions before running with this.1. I have MobileMe account. Installing that into Entourage was relatively easy. Done.2. Installing a new "mail" account (POP or IMAP), I'm going to assume is the same way BUT if I install this, will it mix with my MobileME? What I am expecting to see is that it would store separately in it's own section. What is right?