Applications :: IMovie Publish Movie To MobileMe Gallery - "non Supported" G4 Processor
Jan 31, 2009
I'm currently running iMovie '09 on my Powerbook G4 and everything is running fine except the export to MobileMe gallery. When ever I create a movie and click the publish to MobileMe, it checks with MobileMe for a second then takes me to a sign-in or try free for 60 days even though I am signed-in in system preferences. Even when I logout and log back in the sys. prefs. it still doesn't recognize that I am logged in to MobileMe.
I'm thinking that when It "checks with MobileMe", it detects I am running on the "non supported" G4 processor and won't let me proceed to upload.
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Jul 1, 2012
I recorded mvi movies using my Canon Powershot camera a few years ago. They seemed to upload fine and show a thumbnail image, but won't play and won't download. With the iCloud switch coming, I'd really like to download the files.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 28, 2009
Many years back, I used to have a website on freewebs (now known as web dot com). I would pay a monthly fee to host it and publish directly through their website by accessing my account online. Recently, I visited the site and found it still exists. Only that it has lots of advertisements on it since I don't pay a monthly fee anymore. Now that I have a Mac, I wanted to use iWebs to create a new website. It says I can use MobileMe to publish the website I create with iWebs. So my questions are:
(1) Will MobileMe act as my new host to which I pay the yearly subscription fee?
(2) My previous host had a charge for the amount of gigabytes I published , site traffic (bandwidth), etc., what are my limits for MobileMe?
(3) The main reason I was considering to purchase a MobileMe account is so I can use it as my host for a website published through iWebs '09 since they say thats the easiest way to publish. I would use the other MobileMe non-website features if I bought a subscription, but really would not purchase it unless it was for this website publishing tool. Do you think its worth it?
(4) Is there anything different about using MobileMe as a website host than my previous host (i.e. freewebs)?
(5) I had purchased a website name on GoDaddy which I still own. I used to redirect my freewebs site to this website name I had purchased on GoDaddy. Can I redirect my MobileMe hosted website to this website name I purchased on GoDaddy just like I used to do with my old Freewebs site?
(6) I don't see anything on the MobileMe page at Apple Store giving information about hosting charges, maximum limits, bandwidth, etc. It mostly just talks about publishing photo albums, e-mail, contacts, calendars, etc. Is there anything important I need to know about using MobileMe as my sole host for publishing a website?
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Sep 18, 2008
Just wondering if I'm missing the place where iPhoto is actually giving a status of a "pending" item as far as if it's processing it somehow or, uploading it or what...
I've got a few vids that I shot while on my honeymoon in a gallery of pics in iPhoto and they seem to be taking FOREVER to upload to my mobileme galleries.
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May 6, 2009
editing my iWeb page and the "mobileme gallery" widget isn't loading onto the page. It says that I can't display any albums or movies. I've read that it's because either I'm not connected to the internet (not true) or that I don't have any albums published to mobileme. This isn't true because I do have albums that are published. Does anyone have the same problem and know how to get it to work?
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May 22, 2012
How can I publish my iWeb page?
iMac, iOS 5.1
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Jun 21, 2012
Can you publish via FTP using other programs rather then iWeb?
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5
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Mar 7, 2009
I have a video that I am trying to import into iMovie '09. Its it a .MOV file. The file shows up in iPhoto, but when I go to iPhoto movies in iMovie, the file does not show up. What type of formats does iMovie let you import? Perhaps I can't import because its the wrong type of file? If so, is there a (free) way to convert the .MOV file into a file that can be imported into iMovie?
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Jul 4, 2012
Following this discussion (url..) and after contacting my web host, I still could not publish my former website.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5
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Jun 26, 2012
there is no replacement for MobileMe Gallery, and all of the albums that we have uploaded over the years will just go away. It is even more maddening as we have been paying customers for several years. I know we can redownload the pictures, but what the point? We uploaded the to share with loved ones. Â How can iCloud not have a gallery function? Why is there not a way to migrate photos in MobileMe Gallery to iCloud?
MobileMe migration to iCloud
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May 5, 2012
Will the albums still be available to the groups that I have identified to be uploaded & downloaded via "Web" in I-Photo? Gallery was Mac's answer to Shutterfly & I am confused as to whether this aspect is still available under "Web" in I-Photo.
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May 11, 2012
With Mobile Me Gallery going away June 30th, how can you share your photos with friends and family like you did with Mobile Me Gallery?
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Jun 11, 2012
I've been paying for my Mobile Me account and use My Gallery to store movies for business, but now I need to 'move' everything to my iCloud. I have several Apple devices: my Mac [OS 10.7.4], my iPhone and my iPad. All seem to have iCloud on them, but I can't access my movies in iCloud. However, I can still see them in My Gallery, which I presume will 'go away' soon. So I need a place to put them to be able to link customers to them. It takes forever to put one into my 'dropbox' app. I thought they would automatically transition to iCloud? But they don't seem to be doing that?
iMac (24-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 12, 2012
Each of my MobileMe Gallery albums have been synced to my Mac, I see all of them in my iPhoto v8.1.2 (Snow Leopard). I'm not clear if they will still be on my Mac when MobileMe expires on June 30 so I want to move the albums to Photos in my iPhoto. The instructions I found in Apple's Support area say once photos are downloaded I can drag & drop them to Photos in the left hand column to ensure they are in my main iPhoto library. I can't seem to make that happen. Tried clicking on one album and dragging it to Photos - didn't work. Tried selecting all photos in one album and dragging the group to Photos - didn't work. I'm sure this is basic stuff to most but I am still fairly new to Mac.  will the contacts & calendar in my iPhone & iPad continue to sync using iTunes after MobileMe expires? Presently not going to upgrade to iCloud or Lion.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 27, 2012
we have an iMac, but i purchased a seagate external hard drive that i would also like to save/back up the mobile me galleries?
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Mar 16, 2012
How do I save my iWeb and Gallery from Mobile Me before June 30 ???
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Apr 9, 2012
How do I decompress zip files that are downloaded from MobileMe Gallery?
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May 24, 2012
If mobileme is ending June 30, how do I move all my pics and movies from there to my icloud? Is it moved automatically?
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jun 26, 2012
If I download my Gallery back to Mac will photo's duplicate if already in Mac?
iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1
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Jun 7, 2012
I´m hesitating moving from mobile me gallery to icloud because I´m afraid of losing my pictures. (I have 30 albums) If mobile me gallery is compressing the pictures? When I tried to download them as zipped files. The picture I opened was only 880 KB. How do I make a backup without reducing the quality of the pictures? Will I find my pictures in icloud if I move to icloud without having backup?
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Apr 28, 2010
I've download a 1080p movie and I've used imovie to make a subtitle, but after I put it out ,I've found that the quality of the new one is very bad although it is 1080p
what can I do to make it be better?
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Jun 19, 2008
I have been trying to add music to a movie in iMovie. However, when I click the music button, it just presses and releases, and no music list appears. It used to, but now it doesn't. So no way to add music.
Also, after doing the most basic things, such as creating one slide with just text, iMovie decides to crash, and the spinning colour wheel appears.
Both of these issues have only recently started happening. It is running on the latest 2.4GHz iMac with 3GB RAM, and only safari and messenger running in the background. It is very annoying, and I don't know how to resolve it.
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Jan 18, 2010
I have lots of DV cassettes I want to load and eventually get to DVD.
In iMovie I have taken the first cassette and did my montage the way I want it. Now, I want to export this movie (as a single file if possible) so that when I will have a few of them, I will use iDVD to do DVD menus and add all my movies.
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Jan 20, 2010
I've been working with iMovie 5.0.2 lately to splice together clips of historical shows that I have on my computer. It is great for cropping them to the right moments, but I find that it takes forever to import film and then to share a movie, not to mention the unwieldy size of the final product. I learned the trick of dragging the clips directly into the media folder of a project, but I still have a problem with exporting the final product. It takes forever, and unless I choose a format exceeding a gigabyte, the quality is rather poor.
On to my question: in the package contents of an iMovie project, there is a folder called Shared Movies, then a subfolder named iDVD. I have found a high quality format of my movie there, and it is much smaller in size. While I have noticed that it relies on the individual clips in the Media folder, I can't help but think that its size would be much smaller overall if I were to somehow free it from relying on the clips, as the size of the entire project is under 300 mb. Any suggestions on how to get this movie free of the other clips?
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Dec 22, 2010
Whenever I import clips into iMovie HD I get a black rectangle on the left side of the clip that only shows up when I import it, the actual file does not have this (as shown in the attachments).
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May 2, 2010
I tried doing several things such as flattening the images, changing the resolution, using different file formats. I tried making the images exactly 1920 by 1080 which someone mentioned was the px dimensions that imovie uses and that didn't work.
The only time the image seems clearer is when I go to show photo settings, which is weird.
These images were originally raws so I can make them whatever size is needed for imovie. I just need to know what it likes best!
I was thinking I might not be rendering them properly. I imported it into idvd and it rendered it that way. Is there another way I can do it maybe?
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Mar 31, 2010
I have a Mac Pro (1,1) on which I'm running Snow Leopard and Windows 7 Pro in boot camp.
I recently upgraded my Mac to 10GB of RAM, and have noticed when I boot into Windows (currently the 32-bit version), it's telling me I have 1.99GB usable.
I figure this is requiring me to install the 64-bit version. This is where I'm stuck.
If I try to run the BootCamp64 installer off of the Snow Leopard disk, I get a message saying "This installation package is not supported by this processor type. Contact your product vendor".
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Nov 12, 2010
So i finished my first ten-minute long short film, i'm really proud of it. I wanted to share the whole thing in 1080p HD and then import it into after effects for some finishing touches. I did sharing < media sharing < 1080p hd.
1. Where did my movie go? it doesn't show up in iMovie anymore, and I found a big file over 1GB which appears to be my movie (but no way is it in 1080p, and I filmed with a sony HDR xr520v). I cant put that back into iMovie nor after effects.
2. Can I import this file into after effects cs4 and then re-export it in an equal quality?
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May 17, 2012
I have just rented a movie thru iTunes, yet it wont play, iTunes is giving an error message saying it is not supported. I hve tried using Quickplayer and VLC directly but neither works as they require an authoristation code I'm running the latest version of iTunes
iOS 5.0.1
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Aug 23, 2014
I am using ITunes 11.3.1 on a MacBookPro (OSX 10.9.4) and am getting the following message when I click on a Trailer: This movie requires QuickTime, which is not supported by this version of iTunes. I have QuickTime 10.3.Â
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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