Applications :: ICal Month Events View - No Dots Shown
Sep 14, 2008
Is it me or did you never see a "dot" in the mini month view within Ical when you had an event on a day? I have it on the iphone on month view but I could have sword that I had this on my Mac?
If I have an event, starting on Friday, going on Saturday and and finishing Sunday, is it not possible to get this to show in the month view? I know it shows up in the weekly view, but it would be more helpful for me to have it up show up like this so I can get an overview of the month's forthcoming events. Or if it, are there any mods/addons etc that can enable this?
I belong to a club and shortly they are moving to Google Calendar as a way of publishing their events on-line. From what I have read else where, it is possible for them to publish their events publicly, so that they are searchable and anyone can add them to their own Google calendar.
Would it then be possible for me to view their public Google calendar in iCal? If not, could I achieve the same out come by setting up my own intermediate Google Calendar, which took the clubs feed, and then use iCal to view that? I don't wish to share information back, just add their info to my own calendar automatically. So that if an event is added/deleted or changed, my calendar is automatically updated when I view it.
Am I totally dense, or is there no way to edit AM/PM for an event from the "Month" view pop-up in iCal? And also no option in iCal to use a 24-hour clock? Doesn't this make the month view mostly useless, since you never know if the times are AM or PM?
For some reason, the time of my events stopped showing in iCal. I get the event, but the time doesn't show unless I click on the event. The time does show in week view, but I prefer to use month view. This has not been an issue in the past, so I don't know what happened or if I clicked on something accidentally. I tried going to iCal preferences, but I don't see anything that allows me to select "show time in month view" which has been suggested by other usI'm using OS X Yosemite.Â
I have to clean up my calendars in At the moment, there are around 10 different calendars mixed from fragments of an Outlook import, mobile phone import, Entourage fragments, new ICal calendars. Can I display all events of a calendar at once in a list, to mark and delete unimportant or double events? Is there a easier way, to edit multiple events from one calendar to another (I have to export a calendar, delete it after export in ical and import it in the calendar, I want it to live in)?
Trying to get them to talk to each other - I've input the Google account into iCal preferences, and it shows up fine. But I seem only able to sync one way - if I add an appointment in Google Calendar - then sync - it shows up fine in iCal. But if I add an event in iCal and then sync - it doesn't show up on the Google Calandar.
My homeroom teacher's 14 inch G3 iBook's display has started displaying everything grainy. There are little dots everywhere on the display, and it is annoying. The head IT person at school is stumped. I am not sure of the exact version of OS X, if it might be a software issue. Could it be a sign of logic board failure?
Earlier tonight I opened iCal, only to find that none of my calendars were there. it was completely empty. However, when I changed the view from "Week" to "Month" all of my events were listed (in the proper color) on the appropriate day, but I still had no list of calendars on the left. Subsequent changes between "Day" "Week" and "Month" view continued to display the events properly, but nothing showed up in the calendar menu on the left.
I repaired permissions same thing happened.I trashed pref (forgot the exact filename)�same behavior. I use .mac to sync between computers, and I use Missing Sync to sync to a Palm T|X.
I'm trying to set up some automated reporting from my computer to my email when I'm out of the office. I've got the applescript set up to run when I send an email, but I'm trying to make it automated every hour or 30 minutes or something. Someone recommended iCal- I've got it able to run the script on each event, but I can't figure out how to make an event recur hourly.
What's the deal? I have the preferences set to delete events 2 days after they pass, yet it's not doing it. Even if I click the "hide" options, it won't even hide them.
I've just switched to mac and have a beginner's question: Although I selected a strong red color for my work calendar, the events are only shown in a transparent red. This actually applies to all calendars. Is there a possibility to see the full colors i.o non-transparent?
I cannot find how to edit events in iCal. I should be able to "double click it" and then click Edit. However, no "edit" button appears. Please note: this is a repeating event - is it not possible to edit them? This is needed for a monthly meeting that occurs at different places, so each individual instance should be editable with particulars for that event. Also, these events were converted from Outlook on Windows.
I have about 3 to 5 events, things I need to do, etc., on each day in iCal. My problem is that I have no way to make them "Complete". I want to be able to put a strike-threw or something showing that I have done it. Currently, there is no way to see on the cal if I did something or not. Is someone going to need to make a add-on for iCal or something?
I've tried to delete events and calendars and they just reappear 5 seconds later. This is so strange it's driving me crazy. Anyone have any idea why this is happening? TIA
I have just updated all of my friends birthdays in iCal. I would like to set it up so that it alerts me 7 days before the date for every birthday. I don't really fancy doing this 60 times, is there anyway to do all of them at once?
I try not to have iCal running because I've got the Dateline app that stays on my desktop. Mousing over that will give me appts and such as I need to have them.
I've found, that opening iCal and messing with the input screen for a new event is kind of cumbersome, and I'm wondering if folks have found a good way to create new iCal events w minimal interaction with iCal itself.
Today 2.5 offers this as a feature, but it's $25. Macworld also had a tip, but running that Automator action opens up iCal in the background.
Ical Time Settings. I want to print a weekly view BUT with the times of the daily meetings adjacent to the actual event....NOT all the way on the left hand side of the view.
Is there a way to have the meeting times next to the event? It is awkward to try and see 15 minute increments, etc.
I swear I did this before, but I cannot figure out how to repeat. Is there a way I can get a list (of historical) items that were included on a calendar I created?
I have like 4 calendars that I would like to delete, but want to make sure I don't any tasks in the future on them, or anything historical I would need to keep a record of.
I have a problem where I can't get rid of unnecessary events. The problem is with events which are repeated every period of time. When, I don't need them anymore, they refuse to disappear. I click delete, and get even the reminder: Deleting all future events. And when I confirm, and click OK, nothing happened. What should I do to erased these events definitely.
I am subscribed to a calendar on iCal, so iCal will not let me modify any of the events that I am subscribed to (states that it is "read-only"). Is there a way that I can change the settings so that I may able to modify it? Is there something I need to download in order to make this work?
I know this may sound a bit stupid, but i noticed whenever i see a picture of iCal or something, some dates and what not are colored ( see below ) yet my iCal is all white, i dont see options anywhere to set a certain color for a invent or anything?
I can change the text ( under get info ) but i cant have that whole date a certain color?
Went to go look up an event and it's not there anymore or any past events! I had at least 4 years of appointments that I can't look up anymore. I use MobileMe, so it erased it there too, no I don't have a backup. I did upgrade to the MobileMe iCal. Anyone else having this problem? I've got a hold of MobileMe chat support and there looking into it, suppose to get back to me when they find a solution.
My ical has broken. The dock icon is as the picture until you click it, then it loads the correct image. Also it does not load any of the events until I click the to do items button in the left hand corner.
I googled but nothing struck me, so i thought id ask the clever people here. Is there a Site, Program that will automatically add big events into Ical, so I know there coming up? For example these events 01 Jan 2010 New Year's DayBank Holiday 25 Jan 2010 Robert Burns Night (Burns Night)Notable Date 27 Jan 2010 Holocaust Memorial DayNotable Date 14 Feb 2010 Valentines DayNotable Date 16 Feb 2010 Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day)Notable Date 17 Feb 2010 Ash WednesdayReligious Date 01 Mar 2010 St David's DayNotable Date 14 Mar 2010 Mothering Sunday (Mothers Day)Notable Date 17 Mar 2010 St Patricks DayReligious Date 28 Mar 2010 British Summertime (BST) BeginsNotable Date 01 Apr 2010 Maundy ThursdayReligious Date 01 Apr 2010 April Fool's DayNotable Date 02 Apr 2010 Good FridayBank Holiday 04 Apr 2010 Palm SundayReligious Date 04 Apr 2010 Easter SundayReligious Date 05 Apr 2010 Easter MondayBank Holiday 21 Apr 2010 Queen Elizabeth's BirthdayNotable Date 23 Apr 2010 St George's DayReligious Date 03 May 2010 May Day (Early May Bank Holiday)Bank Holiday 31 May 2010 Spring Bank HolidayBank Holiday 14 Jun 2010 Trooping the ColourNotable Date 20 Jun 2010 Father's DayNotable Date 14 Jul 2010 Emmeline Pankhurst DayNotable Date 15 Jul 2010 St.Swithun's Day (aka St. Swithin's)Religious Date 30 Aug 2010 Summer Bank HolidayBank Holiday 31 Oct 2010 British Summertime (BST) EndsNotable Date 31 Oct 2010 HalloweenNotable Date 01 Nov 2010 All Saints DayReligious Date 05 Nov 2010 Guy Fawkes NightNotable Date 14 Nov 2010 Remembrance Day (Remembrance Sunday)Notable Date 30 Nov 2010 St Andrew's DayReligious Date 27 Dec 2010 Boxing DayBank Holiday 28 Dec 2010 ChristmasBank Holiday
I was looking for an old appointment in iCal and have realised that since I started using iCloud, all my previous events are missing from my Mac.  I have tried opening Time Machine but it doesn't seem to want to open iCal.If I untick all the iCloud calendars in iCal leaving only "On My Mac" ticked I end up with no events at all.
All of a sudden iCal from my Macbook Pro has stopped syncing up to iCloud, though events added on my iPhone and iPad are showing up fine on iCal. After poking around a bit I found the following (clicking on the little "alert" icon in the Calendars dropdown popped up the error).
The syncing stopped a few days ago and I don't remember making any major changes to my setup that might have triggered this. Restarting iCal and rebooting the computer didn't help.
We (the wife and I) both use our iphones to enter events on our calendar. We've set it up so that it should sync with mobile me (thus updating our mac and iphones). The problem is that things are getting deleted A lot! When I open ical on my mac, there are at least 20 "calendars" in the far left column (I didn't know we were creating a "new" calendar every time we used a new color for an event). Anytime we plug our iphones in the ical comes up saying that there are duplicates that need to be resolved. I hit ok. I thought I was doing the right thing.