Applications :: How To Find The Skype Sounds Location On Computer
Nov 17, 2009i'm trying to locate the original ringer to my skype app on my computer. not the "modern ring" but the original ring. i want to use it as my phone ringer.
View 2 Repliesi'm trying to locate the original ringer to my skype app on my computer. not the "modern ring" but the original ring. i want to use it as my phone ringer.
View 2 RepliesI can not deselect mute all computer sounds on my Imac with Lion I went into preference and for output the only thing I can select is headphones is there away to get the built in speakers back on this drop down list?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Does anyone know where to find the actual sound files for Apple sound effects like Tink, Sosumi, Pop, Submarine, Purr, etc.?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWas looking in the folder structure to know the location of the cache for Safari. All I could find was a folder named com.Apple.Safari at ~/Library/Caches. But this folder was empty and I could not find the corresponding cache.db file in it!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just bought a macbook and wanted to copy over all my firefox settings. I found this site which explains how. I did most of the steps like using mozbackup and making it's exported files into a zip but when it came to replacing the folder they said on the mac I can't seem to find a firefox folder. Even the mozilla folder I found doesn't have anything in. I tried finding it by doing a search for the addons I have installed into firefox thinking I might locate it that way but no luck. Another webpage said I could find the location of the folder through fiefox itself but the way it told me also didn't seem to exist on my mac. How can I find my firefox folder?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI noticed that my system stopped making system (i.e. Mac OS X) sounds for some reason. Sounds from applications are fine. I checked and unchecked the "play user interface sound effects" check box in the preference panes to no effect.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to use a different sound when messages are rec'd. Can I add a sound file to wherever the app stores its sounds and then select it through preferences?
MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 16Gb RAM, 500 SSD
Where can I find the skype app to dowload to my new mac book pro?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat are the random bleeping sounds on my computer?
Info:iMac, 10.7
the hardware of my computer makes pretty loud air sounds... is that normal? i just bought my computer on the 11th of february.
Mac Pro
Today, I got home and turned on my iMac 21.5 inch. On a typical day, I'd here the "BONG" and then everything would be normal. Today, my fans, or something inside the computer, sounded like it was going crazy. I have no idea what's wrong.
im not sure if i installed something, or tinkered with some setting but within the last few days when i wake my computer from sleep it announces my location. it says welcome to , Ca. i have no idea why its doing this. how can i find out. i have tried everything, to no avail. activity monitor, etc
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhat can i use location service for find my lost macbookAir
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to find the location of an item (app_ that is in launchpad but I cannot locate.
iMac, iOS 5.1.1
After upgrading to Yosemite, I cannot find where to permanently set the Scan To location in Image Capture, to the Desktop, BY DEFAULT, every time I open Image Capture.
iMac (27-inch Late 2009), OS X Yosemite (10.10)
I've just received my new MacBook Air (I'm loving it!) and as it's blank I'm taking the opportunity to assess my iTunes library and previous purchases. I have downloaded a total of 20 tracks, so there are only 20 tracks stored on the harddrive, all other tracks are in iCloud. I've set up a smart playlist with the criteria, Location - is - on this computer, I fully expected this smart playlist to show me the 20 tracks that I've downloaded, but it remains blank.
I'm wanting to see these tracks, but for some reason the smart playlist isn't working. Is this because the settings for the smart playlist are wrong, ie. this won't show what's on the hard drive? or is something going wrong with my playlist?
Everytime I start skype while in windows, the computer crashes and I get the blue screen... I think it has to do with the sound drivers, because when I'm using msn messenger also in windows suddenly the microphone mutes itself.
I tryed updating the realtek drivers with no help, updated skype, no help, I uninstalled the realtek drivers and the laptop did not crash anymore but I had no sound, any advice like for example how to get the microsoft drivers to work on the laptop without using realtek??
For whatever reason with the microsoft drivers,I think the sound is trying to come out of the digital outlet, I can see the ligth inside the jack, but nothing comes out of the laptop's speakers...
By the way, the vista version is Home basic.
I was playing a game with my Mac, and the sticky keys indicator disappeared. I've moved it before, and this game has caused it to move before, but I don't know where it is. How do I fix this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThis is my first post and I hope you guys can help me. I know what I'm about to ask has been asked numerouse times, but I still can't find an answer that satisfies me. So, I was using the screen-sharing feature of Skype and my girlfriend wanted me to show her The Sims 3 game. I was running Safari, MSN Messenger, Skype and a full screen instance of The Sims 3. My Macbook Pro crashed in the loading screen of the game and the fans turned on at full screen.Since that happened, I'm hearing the fans more constantly.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I search for a file in my computer (command + f) the results appear in a window. If I click on a FILE among the results, the detailed location of that file is shown at the bottom of the window. If I click on a FOLDER, however, no such location information appears. Before Mavericks, locations of folders was also given. Is this a Mavericks bug? Can it be fixed?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
I decided to get a USB cable for the Canon MP650 I bought yesterday. I connected it, aligned the head and printed out a test page and it looks ok.
I used the disk that came with the printer and it said everything was installed successfully. Do I need a driver? That should be on the disk, right?
I'm using an iMac OS X v 10.5.8
I wanted to print a test photo, so I clicked on One-Click Photo Print and received an error message: The operation cannot be continued because a printer supporting Photo Print is not installed.
I clicked on System Preferences-Print & Fax, and there's nothing there. I clicked the + sign and in the window that opened, there's nothing listed there either. Why is installing a printer like operating the space shuttle?
I have reached this website after scrawling to find a solution on the internet. I hope someone can help me with this problem.I have a 4 years old G4 ibook (OS 10.3.7), and have been using it for internet, skype and foto-storage mainly.Situtation:Yesterday I tried to use the internet (Firefox browser) and skype, but the skype didn't work at all. Since firefox was not working properly either, I did force quit and restarted the computer. I attempted this several times until I could use both applications (never had any problems before). However, Skype didn't work, and in the end, I could not quit firefox at all. At last I did force quit again, and saw white screen with apple icon at the centre when restarting. No time-spinning mark, the apple just sits there.
Troubleshooting that I have done:
I called up support center, and they told me that it's very likey that the computer is stopping at "'carnel" stage (I'm sorry but I don't know what this is). The possibility that it's got something to do with HD is 50/50, so I may have to send it to repairing service in the worst case. They told me to try using Disc Install CD1 to check/repair something wrong in my computer. So I followed the instructions and inserted the install CD and restart the computer with "c" key. The computer read the CD and Installer window showed up. As instructed in a manual, I used First Aid in Disc Utility, and tried "repairing disc". After a while it said "1 HFS has been repaired". It also said that Macintosh HD doesn't seem to have a problem", so I quit the disc utility and restarted the computer.
Against my expectation, the same white screen with apple came up on the screen and sits there with no other movements.I'm afraid of trying somethinig without further so I hope I can get the same story or ideas that someone here might have.
I punch my iTunes music through an Airport Express to a remote set of speakers in the kitchen, which works wonderfully, but I'd like to know if there's a way to run the system sounds through the AE as well. In particular, I listen to Pandora (through a browser) on my laptop, but would love to listen in the kitchen. Any way to do this? System 10.4 I believe...
View 4 Replies View RelatedOn the right hand side of my desktop when I download a program it seems to put an icon or doc on the right hand side. Like right now I have a skype dmg file I can't delete as it says Skype is in use, then right above that is a seperate skype icon that even if I drag to dock it still stays on the right hand side (like a copy), then I downloaded open office again and it put the install icon there (like when you open and you drag your program to teh applications folder)
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a iMac g5 and have problems with MSN messenger. Since about 1 week, the sound alert when a contact in my list comes online, doesn't sound any longer. All the other sound alerts still work normally and all the alerts in MSN preference are activated and work when trying them out. I just did a complete reinstall of Leopard and only did the system update and installing the msn messenger and still, that same problem is there. Why is this happening? Is this a bug in msn that started recently?
View 1 Replies View RelatedTried searching for this but no result yet!
Is it possible to change the "New Mail Sound" for different mailboxes? I mean one sound for my work email and another for my personal?
It might be just a minor problem, but Mail stopped making sounds. No new mail sound, no reassuring jetplane sound when a mail is sent, no blip when there's nothing going on. I've checked the preferences, and they should still be turned on.
Also, I've got the impression something hapened to either my keychain or my cookies in Safari, since I had to login to a bunch of forums and other sites that I can normally just check. Firefox doesn't seem to have this problem, but I prefer Safari as my primary internet browser.
MacBook Pro OS X 10.8.5 date and time set automatically to use a network time server (domain controller). After a few weeks of the end-user utilitizing it on their home network, the time reverts back to January 6, 2012. How can I set a secondary location if the first location is unreachable?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI moved my iTunes media folder to an external hard drive to free up space on my iMac's hard drive. The new one is located on a hard drive attached to my Airport Express. Since then, I keep getting messages stating that certain items weren't copied to my iPhone because the originals couldn't be found. When I check, the iTunes media folder has reverted to the location on my iMac's main hard drive.
How can I prevent this? At best this is annoying, but it also is using up hard drive space unnecessarily. Is this behavior avoidable, or is it something that goes with the territory when you move your media folder to an external hard drive?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
When using Garage Band I accidently asked it to download the sound files that does not come installed from standard. I do not want these sounds at the moment but now they keep popping up in when searching for software updates.
Is there any way to remove this update gain?
Best regards,
Simon B. St�vring