OS X Mavericks :: When Searching A File In Computer It Doesn't Show Location Of Folder
Dec 9, 2014
When I search for a file in my computer (command + f) the results appear in a window. If I click on a FILE among the results, the detailed location of that file is shown at the bottom of the window. If I click on a FOLDER, however, no such location information appears. Before Mavericks, locations of folders was also given. Is this a Mavericks bug? Can it be fixed?
how to search for jpegs from a folder or file and copy them to another file.In windows you highlight the file or folder and select search 'jpeg' then copy and paste the results to another file.Im not sure how to do this the mac way.
How can I make spotlight show the directory location of a found file?Â
Previous Mac search engines would show the directory location of a found file. This feature seems to be missing from spotlight in Lion. Am I using it correctly?
My laptop is partitioned, and the startup partition is starting to fill up. I'm trying to figure out what (if anything) I can move to the non-startup partition. My user folder is large due to mobile apps. Can I move the user folder? If not, can I move the mobile apps folder within it?
Info: OS X 10.9.3, Macbook Pro with 2.2 GHZ Intel Core i7 processor
I have a mid 2011 iMac running latest version of Mavericks. I recently purchased an external thunderbolt SSD and cloned my boot HD to it, excluding the user folders as these are too big for the SSD and will remain on the internal HDD, and made it the start disk. Then, once booted with the SSD, I went into users settings and mapped my user to the user folder location on the internal HDD. I then rebooted.Â
After the reboot everything is working just fine with the exception of Dropbox which first asks for my Mac user account password and then returns the following error and closes the app:Â Couldn't start DropboxThis is usually because of permissions error. Errors can also be caused by your home folder being stored on a network share.
I see involve going into the preferences in the Dropbox application and clicking the button to repair permissions, but I can't get to that because the application just quits. If I reboot using the internal HDD again I can get the application to load just fine.Â
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I'm trying to use iCloud and the instructions tell me to go to the Apple icon>system preferences>iCloud. This does not appear in my preferences. MobileMe does but says it's no longer available and to use iCloud. This is one big circle that gets me nowhere.
I am trying to find a quick and direct way of displaying the file location of a file I am looking at using Preview.Â
For example, in Mac Word, I can use File > Properties > General and see the full file location but I can't see how to do this on Preview. Clicking on the name as shown below, does not show the file location, only the folder it's in (or the desktop) - i.e. the next level up. So if I have filexxx.pdf in folder1>folder2>folder3, clicking on the filename in Preview shows folder3.Â
Using spotlight isn't an option because I get a display like this
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8)
I recently upgraded to Snow Leopard and found that a function I used to use isn't available anymore, but not sure if I just need to configure it or something.
What I'd like to be able to do is when I drag a file over an external hard drive disk image, I like for that to open so I can choose the sub-directory where I'd like to place the file. How can I set up 10.6.x to allow me to do this?
I downloaded and installed the OS Maverick's recent 10.9.3 update on my 15" Retina Macbook Pro. However since then I am unable to use certain features, like when I right-click on the Desktop, the menu bar shows only two possible options. I cannot "clean up" the icons on my Desktop anymore. Futhermore, I cannot right-click on some places at all - in Finder for example, nothing happens when I right-click on blank space. Only when I right-click on the icons itself does the menu bar pop up, and that only if the viewing mode is in list, columns, or cover flow (basically not in the "icons" viewing mode).Â
If I understand correctly instead of showing the possible actions that you can't do in grey, it's simply not showing them at all? Either way it's really ugly, and the usefull clean up application is gone!Â
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
A few day ago I startup up my iMac and only a folder with a question mark was shown in the screen.Â
I boot from the Lion DVD, run disk utility but the only drive I get was the DVD and disk1/Mac OS X Base System.Â
I turned off the computer and next morning I turned on agian and this time with no problems, I use it for a few days with no problems but yesterday it happens again...Â
I do run disk utility again onlu turn it off, and this morning I tried to turn it on again, but the same foder appears...I run disk utility (get the DVD and disk1) and turn it off for a few hours.Â
What I should do ? Is there any 3rd party tools that I can try do use to solve this issue ? Â
PS: when the iMac started up with no problems I run disk utility and made a repair disk to the mac HD...
I moved my iTunes media folder to an external hard drive to free up space on my iMac's hard drive. The new one is located on a hard drive attached to my Airport Express. Since then, I keep getting messages stating that certain items weren't copied to my iPhone because the originals couldn't be found. When I check, the iTunes media folder has reverted to the location on my iMac's main hard drive.Â
How can I prevent this? At best this is annoying, but it also is using up hard drive space unnecessarily. Is this behavior avoidable, or is it something that goes with the territory when you move your media folder to an external hard drive?
I copied some file from one external drive to another and the folders doesn't show an arrow which I could click to show the contents of the folder. When I do get info it doesn't show the size of the folder but the hard drive that I copied from does. How do you make it show the arrow and size?
After the computer has been in sleep mode for a little while, when i try to wake up the computer, it turns to a cray scree, a loading bar appears and then it takes like 5 mins for the icons to appear and for the mouse to work!
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Stock mottle 21.5inch
For some reason when I use finder, I see all related files, but it doesn't have a "pop up" where the path to that file is. I have gone into spotlight preferences and can't seem to find a button or setting that allows me to see paths.Â
Info: Mac Pro, Other OS, early 2009 8 core 2.4Ghz Mavericks
For some reason itunes on my macbook pro doesnt have any of the tabs in the upper left corner like other itunes.The file, edit, view, controls, store, advnced,
After migrating from a computer with Snow Leopard to a computer with Mavericks, photo booth will not even launch.  Trashed photo booth preferences pfile, fixed permissions in disk utilities, still no launch. Not that big a deal, I don't need to save any previous photo captures, but would like to know whats going on given how much I paid to upgrade to this new mac. Â
My computer froze while I was doing homework so I tried to restart it and when I did, It doesn't show the apple logo but rather a File Folder with a ? Symbol! I tried reselecting the hard drive but it didn't show! I CANNOT lose my information on my harddrive cause I have very IMPORTANT work on there! I have mac OS X Lion! So I don't have a start up disk for that and the one i have is stuck in my computer right now!
How do I close an application that won't quit and doesn't show up in the force quit dialogue box? I was trying to open Printer Pro but it doesn't show up in the finder and when I tried to put it in the trash it says it can't throw it away because it's open. The forced quit dialogue box does not list it as open. What do I do?
That was supposed to be APPLICATION
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I'm trying out 10.7 for the first time (was using 10.6). I notice that in Finder, when I do shift-apple-F, to Find files by name, it doesn't seem to be searching system files like it did on 10.6. Is this configurable - how do I make it search and show me EVERY file on the disk matching criteria? I did a terminal command to show "hidden files" and now the Desktop has .localized and .SD_Store files (which I didn't want to see necessarily) but this hasn't seemed to help me find files below /Library and so on.
I have an new external hard disk on which I created 2 partitions. One is for my media files and the other for backing up tu image disks.   I, as a user, have «read and write» privileges to the «media» partition and it's folders. Â
Why modifying a file/folder name still requires authorization ?Â
my internet connection speed is sufficient to handle the largish files I may have to deal with.  I have recently moved house and gone from an area with high speed fibre optic broadband to an area where this isn't available and as such my speeds are significantly lower than before.  Downloading isn't shouldn't be such a problem - I have gone from 30mbs downstream to about 5mbs. In tests I have been able to download fairly large files in an acceptable time.  Uploading finished work is more of a concern as the upstream is severally nobbled. if there is a way to set a folder on my Mac that my client could access and download from without me first having to upload to a server (Dropbox, WeTransfer or FTP)? Is this possible and if so would this make a difference in terms of speed or would the recipient still be restricted by my upload speeds
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9), Mid 2007, 4Gb RAM
Somehow, when installing RealPlayer I managed to get something called RealNetwork (a Folder full of files) installed in my User Library. It was 395.62 GB so must have been some sort of malware. I was able to find it and delete it from my hard drive. BUT I had backed up my hard drive to a non-bootable backup the day before so that file is still in the invisible Library folder on that drive, taking up almost 400 GB there, too. Â
How to delete it from the backup drive since I can't boot that drive?Â
I'm using Mavericks 10.9 on a MacBookPro with a 2T Seagate backup drive.
Info: MacBook Pro, 15.4-inch MacBook Pro 2.7GHz Quad-c
I do not want only the file names of a given folder with its subfolder (mark all and copy to Coda or Text Edit) BUT I also want other attributes like creation date e.g.Â
Info: MacBook Air (11-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), itunes 11.1.4