Applications :: Graphite Progress Bar For Safari?
Apr 1, 2008
back in Tiger i used Uno to give Safari a graphite progress bar instead of the default aqua blue one.
alas Uno doesnt work in Leopard as its main purpose was to make Tiger have a unified interface which Leopard already has.
so for all you graphite users out there i made a graphite progress bar for Safari which is much better than Uno's. to apply it follow these instructions. download the attached zip file and unzip it quit Safari click "Go to Folder..." in Finder's Go menu or press "command-shift-G" while in the Finder and copy and paste this directory "/Applications/" in backup &/or trash the three .tif files by the same name as the attached files drag the 3 .tif files from the folder you just unzipped into Safari's Resources folder open Safari and the graphite progress bar should appear.
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Sep 18, 2009
Is there a way to restore Safari 4 (4.0.3) to the old blue progress bar through Terminal?
I've found a few different ways to do it but apparently, they only work for the beta version of Safari 4. This is one of the ways I've found:
I may get used to it one day but I don't like not knowing how far along a page is loading.
I'm using OS X 10.4.11 if that matters.
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Jun 12, 2012
Time machine failed in progress as my hard drive failed. I have an "in progress" file on my external harddrive that is about 160 GB. I would like to try and load this back onto a new harddrive. Migration assistant is not responsive nor does Time Machine recognize the external drive when connected.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 9, 2009
Has anyone figured out how to get the Blue Progress Bar for the newly released Safari 4.0 (not Beta)? Once again Apple took it away.
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May 18, 2012
Safari still stalls when loading many pages with load progress bar about 30%. If I hit stop and reload it loads fine.
imac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.4 g sys, 4 g memory
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Mar 18, 2012
Is there a way to show time remaining on download progress bar when downloading something via safari outside the app store?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 22, 2010
I just updated my MBP to 10.6.3 after it restarted I can only have the Graphite theme. I ve changed it to blue in the system preferences but it didn't change anything.It's not important but oh well, has it happened to anyone else?
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Dec 19, 2010
I have a feeling this is probably due to insufficient RAM or overheating, but some input would be nice. My iMac has a 60GB HDD, 256MB PC133 module, 700MHz G3 CPU. It is currently running MacOS X 10.3.9. When I am in Safari, it seems that if I visit some sites (heavy data ones), Safari seems to "unexpectedly quit." When running SNES9X emulator, I can play for a while, then the iMac freezes or tells me to restart it.
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Jul 19, 2007
I have an old imac G3 /500 mhz graphite from my old work sitting around just for my little one to play cd games. I use PC now to do my emailing and net-surfing, but gotta admit I used to love this machine, and though it's old it still looks cool. I didn't get around to connet it to go on-line, because of compatibility problem with PC(main cable modem is connected to a PC) but now thinking about upgrading it to go on-line for my kids to use. It has OS 9.0.4, 128MB of RAM with speed of 500 mhz w/front slot loading. I'm not computer savvy and don't know much about it, but was told before that system has to be upgraded to OS 9.1 or later first, in order for wireless card to be installed. Can anyone help me with exactly what I need to go on-line with this imac? since it's going to be mainly for my kids, I do not plan to purchase any additional application software, but willing to spend some to upgrade system, memory, and on wireless card. I'm thinking I might not even need newest system as long as it can go on-line, but which OS system(or should go higher?) would make more sense? How much more memory?Is it really possible to install a wireless card on this machine? Would there be a problem because main cable is connected to a PC in which wireless router is installed(for another window laptop)? Or is it even worth trying?
Appreciate any advice you computer genius out there could give me.
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Jan 24, 2009
I have a PowerMac G4 Gigabit Ethernet Dual 450 MHz and I had the following memory installed:
(3) 128K PC-133
(1) 512k PC-100
This has worked for me for years but thought it was time to upgrade to the max at 2GB. So I went online and bought (3) 512k PC-133's from ebay (see spec on new memory below). When I installed the memory, in System Profiler the 3 new chips are showing empty. I know they are seated properly in the slots. The configurations of the chips are:
Original 512k PC-100 in DIMM0/J21 (shows fine in profiler)
New 512k PC-133 in DIMM1/J22 (shows empty in profiler)
New 512K PC-133 in DIMM2/J23 (shows empty in profiler)
New 512k PC-133 in DIMM3/J24 (shows empty in profiler)
Is there something I am missing? Below are the specs for the new memory chips I bought:
Gold Pin 168PIN 6Layer memory
Capacity: 512MB DIMM
Speed: PC 133 133FSB / 133MHz
Density: Low Density
Pins: 168 Pin
ECC/Registered: No/No
Volt: 3.3V
CAS Latency: CL3
Unbuffered, DIMM 1 Bank
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Aug 9, 2010
I was switching between Blue and Graphite and now I think my apple icon in the menu bar is stuck in graphite. Though I'm not sure if that was just the way it always was. Everything else seems to be in the blue theme. Here is a screen shot of the specific area...
I have restarted my computer and everything. I'm running Mac OS 10.6.4. My menu bar is currently set to translucent but it seems to be just darker when it isn't anyway.
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Feb 16, 2007
I have a charcoal iMac DV SE 500 which won't complete a proper start. The machine chimes and begins to start, and then clicks off again before anything can show on the screen. It won't start in Target Disk mode, and zapping the PRAM (starting with alt/apple/P/R, right?) has no effect. Does this sound like a dead PRAM battery, a dead 'Power/Analog' board, or a dead hard drive? Can anyone give me an idea of how much it would cost to fix, and recommend good, reliable, cheap UK repairers It's not worth much, but I have a friend who'd love it if it can be restored to life, and I'd like to get some of the files off it if it's not the drive.
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Oct 25, 2009
Is there a way, to use the "Graphite" theme but have the minimize/zoom/close buttons coloured as in the "Blue" theme? I prefer the more simple Graphite theme but with occasional apps have to think twice, which button to click, to minimise but not close.
These are apps, that show the three buttons inconveniently vertical instead of horizontal (Speed Download or the iTunes miniplayer.
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Apr 6, 2012
I called in and asked about a slowly running computer and Applecare suggested holding Option+Control+Shift+Power Button for 5-10 seconds and then releasing and then hold the shift button while powering on to go into safe mode. I did this on my macbook pro as he told me and decided to go ahead and do it on my IMac and mac pro as well. It worked on the MBP and IMac but on the Mac Pro the computer came on when I held the first key combo and is taking a really long time (hours) to start up. I need the computer to work, for work. I tried just restarting the computer, unplugging it, etc but each time it has the gray progress bar and takes a really long time. Of course I downloaded and updated to the newest operating system through mac app store so I don't have a start up disc...
Mac Pro 8 Core / 16GB DDR3 / 3 x 2.0TB + 500GB HDD / 2 x NVIDIA GT 120, Mac OS X (10.7.1), 2 x 23' Samsung Syncmaster 2494 / Bella Pro 3.0 / Apple Magic Mo
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Nov 14, 2010
I shut the computer off like i normally do. It was fine and well. Went to turn it on, and saw a bar. Whats it for? Its been moving, but very slowly. It never does this. Is there malware or something causing it? I had a movie on the DVD slot, it that caused it. It wasn't spinning though.
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Dec 2, 2010
today I just upgraded my stock Macbook hard drive to a Seagate Momentus XT Hybrid 500GB 7200 RPM drive, and I upgraded the stock RAM to 8GB of DDR3 1333. After the upgrade, everything worked smoothly. And freaking screamed out frames on Wolfenstein and Devil May Cry 4 in Boot Camp! Barely dropped under 50 FPS on high settings. It was a beautiful thing When I quit Wolfenstein, and rebooted using the Windows menu, OSX was starting up normally. Then a grey progress bar loaded up and took about five minutes to fill. I should also mention that the Wolenstein disc was still in the drive when this happened, in case that's in any way relevant. I wondered what was wrong, so I restarted from the Apple Menu and got it again. And then a third time. So now I'm making a full backup onto my external drive. In case it's a failing hard drive like most of the stuff I found from googling and searching on here said it was, if the progress bar showed up numerous times. And I'm writing this question in the hope that someone highly competent answers. I really know my hardware stuff, I have my A+ certification for my job and a computer science and engineering degree from CMU i honestly barely use, this is just a problem I haven't ever encountered before. Could anyone shed some light on exactly why the bar is showing up for me, and how I can fix it?
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Mar 30, 2010
I just restarted my MacPro2,1 (8 core 3 GHz, snow leopard) and well... I saw this bar that I haven't seen before
I was wondering what the hell this is because it also took longer to restart (the progress bar thingy)
I took a picture of it with my phone: Picture!
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Apr 5, 2012
Strange things happening with the progress bar when playing mp3 files in iTunes (v 10.6.1 (7)) on MacBook Pro with 10.6.8. The great majority of the tracks I've added since Feb 28th have the following problem: They play fine all the way through the whole track, but if I try to move the progress bar position to somewhere near the end, it will only go to a certain point. For example, I have a track that is 7:39 long. If I click the progress bar to 0:15, it goes to 0:15. If I click to 0:45, it goes to 0:45. But If I click to 1:15, it goes to 0:55. In fact, If I click anywhere after 0:55, it will go to 0:55 and play from there. i cannot skip to anywhere beyond 0:55. If I play from the beginning, and use the fastforward button instead, I can FF until 0:55, and then it hits a wall and won't go beyond. As soon as I let go, it will continue onwards past 0:55 to the end. This is happening on a variety of tracks from completely different sources. Â
Some points:Â
- All the tracks that have this problem in iTunes do not have this problem on my Touch. I can jump around just fine there.
- The time to which it jumps is different for each track, and can be anywhere in the song.
- None of the tracks imported before 2/28/12 have this trouble, that I've found
- Happens to VBR and CBR equally, and bit rate is not a factor
- Track length is not a factor
- Start and end times in the options are set to 0 and track end time.
- The few tracks that do let me scroll to anywhere say "Encoded with: iTunes 10.x.x"
BUT, some that are encoded with iTunes are also not letting me skip around. Still, this might be something? A problem with LAME encoding?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 16, 2012
How can you monitor the progress of a backup? I use time machine and an external drive to do my backups on my 09 Macbook pro. I want to be able to see the amount of files transferred and time remaining or any other pertinent info. Not just a spinning wheel.
macbook pro, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
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May 17, 2012
Occasionally I see a Download screen showing a download strip/meter of files being downloaded. Other times I'm downloading,for example a yousendit file, but can't recall where to go to see % complete. I'm on Lion OS. I did go to Downloads but not there. I'm downloading to a Folder within a Folder on my desktop.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 4, 2012
I purchased Lion at the App Store. I hit Download, it goes grey for about 3 seconds, then "Download" shows again. I get no progress bar. It appears to be locked up for some reason and won't start the download. Lion is listed in my Purchases, so the purchase appears to have gone OK. It just won't start the download. I am running OS 10.6.8, on a 2x2.4GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon.
I dragged the following to the trash:
Maybe it thinks I have already downloaded but I can't find it in my Downloads, and the "Download" button would not be there if it thought this.
Final Cut Pro X, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 14, 2012
I've just purchased a game in the app store, but it's been a bit weird as I had to confirm some details, and now I can't actually work out whether the game is downloading or whatever. Can anyone advise me as to how I can see the progress of the download or whatever?
MacBook Pro
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Jun 30, 2012
I was at the genius bar today and was told to do a recovery of lion. To hold down option key while starting and then pick the recovery drive and follow instructions after a few hours it went back to the start of asking for my apple id info again the computer didnt ever show the progress bar moving i exited and atempted to start and just sat at the white apple screen and never moved i then have started the process again... How long should this take before seeing any progess on the progress bar? When computer does restart will it come up he usual log in screen or not?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Nov 27, 2008
For some reason, iPhoto now launches whenever I start my iMac. How on earth do I stop it? Also, since checking out the international character palette, there's a little British flag on my menu bar which I cannot get rid of. Also (while I'm here!) why does the blue progress bar never complete on my mosaic screen-saver: it's always there in the middle of the mosaic, about 95% complete?
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Apr 22, 2009
I bought & returned one...but I was curious if anyone had any new experiences with the displayport to dual link dvi adapter. I'd like to pick one up again -
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Sep 24, 2009
I booted up my MacBook this morning and a grey progress bar appeared at the bottom along with the normal spinner. Well after this update installed (thats what Im thinking it was) it warned me I had no disk space left. A had 57% last night! What ever that progress bar did ate up 38.7GBs of space! If anyone has help to get back my disk space it would be nice. I only have 500MBs left.
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Mar 14, 2012
I can't restart or shut down the mini, due to "operations still in progress." How do I workaround this problem? It seems to occur after I've done a Software Update. The only way I can shut down is with the power switch.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Mar 26, 2012
I'm reinstalling Lion, and I get to "less than a minute," then all of a sudden the progress bar jumps backwards to "21 minutes left!"
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 21, 2012
i just bought the darkness and the progress bar wont fill up, i just bought the darkness and the progress bar wont fill up..
MacBook Air, iOS 5.1.1, intelcore 7
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Jun 1, 2012
why wont the mac app store show me the download progress bar anymore? im using Version 1.1.2 (92.8) which seems to be the newest. i today bought a game on the app store which is 15gb. and in the mac app store under "purchased" it wont give me a download progress bar. even in the help file of the app it is said to be there next to the app just bought in the list. however. lauchnpad does give me a progress bar. which is just rather sloppy because it indicates nothing on speed or time remaining.   how come mac app store removed the status bar?Â
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