ITunes :: Can't Move Progress Bar Beyond A Certain Point

Apr 5, 2012

Strange things happening with the progress bar when playing mp3 files in iTunes (v 10.6.1 (7)) on MacBook Pro with 10.6.8.  The great majority of the tracks I've added since Feb 28th have the following problem:  They play fine all the way through the whole track, but if I try to move the progress bar position to somewhere near the end, it will only go to a certain point.  For example, I have a track that is 7:39 long.  If I click the progress bar to 0:15, it goes to 0:15.  If I click to 0:45, it goes to 0:45.  But If I click to 1:15, it goes to 0:55.  In fact, If I click anywhere after 0:55, it will go to 0:55 and play from there.  i cannot skip to anywhere beyond 0:55.  If I play from the beginning, and use the fastforward button instead, I can FF until 0:55, and then it hits a wall and won't go beyond.  As soon as I let go, it will continue onwards past 0:55 to the end. This is happening on a variety of tracks from completely different sources.   

Some points: 

- All the tracks that have this problem in iTunes do not have this problem on my Touch.  I can jump around just fine there.

- The time to which it jumps is different for each track, and can be anywhere in the song.

- None of the tracks imported before 2/28/12 have this trouble, that I've found

- Happens to VBR and CBR equally, and bit rate is not a factor

- Track length is not a factor

- Start and end times in the options are set to 0 and track end time.

- The few tracks that do let me scroll to anywhere say "Encoded with: iTunes 10.x.x"

BUT, some that are encoded with iTunes are also not letting me skip around.  Still, this might be something?  A problem with LAME encoding?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Time Machine Back Up Stopped In Progress - How To Retrieve A Backup File In Progress

Jun 12, 2012

Time machine failed in progress as my hard drive failed.  I have an "in progress" file on my external harddrive that is about 160 GB.  I would like to try and load this back onto a new harddrive. Migration assistant is not responsive nor does Time Machine recognize the external drive when connected.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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ITunes :: Snap To Point On Scrollbar

Mar 21, 2012

As of iTunes 10, I have noticed my scrollbar no longer snaps to the point I click on. I have to drag the indicator to the point I am looking for. I'm refering to my music catalogue and in the view as "album list" and sorted by artist. Anyone else have this issue? I really liked being able to snap to a point when looking for artists and radio station links.

Mac OS X (10.3.9)

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ITunes :: Point New Mac At External Library?

Apr 24, 2012

it's a replaced hard drive in my old iMac, but I'm setting it up as new to keep it as trim as possible. Pre-replacement I had my iTunes Media library set up on an external hard drive; the iTunes folder and it's inhabitants (Extras, Genius, Library.itl, etc) all resided on the iMac in the Music folder, but I'd moved the Media over to the external drive. 

What's the method for telling my 'new' copy of iTunes that I already have a media library, and it's 'over there' on the external drive? I know iTunes can be funny about this sort of thing so I don't want to get it wrong! I considered changing the location using the Preferences, but I wasn't sure if that was going to wipe out anything. Also, given that I do have a complete backup of the original iMac drive (I just don't want to clone it back to the new one, junk and all), is there any way of doing this in such a way that I can preserve the playlists, play counts, etc? Can I copy over old preferences or library files?

iMac (24-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ITunes :: Cannot Find Any Menu Or Contact Point

Apr 10, 2012

I would like to get refund (iMac App.), but I cannot find any menu or contact point.Where do I have to send an email?

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ITunes :: Possible To Change Top Panel Back To Display Song Title / Progress?

Apr 18, 2012

I recently updated iTunes to the newest version and it changed the top middle yellowish panel to the bars that show the type of sound being produced. I was wondering if it was possible to change this area back to displaying the song progress and the song artist?

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ITunes :: How To Move Ringtones On ITunes

Feb 7, 2012

I have created ringtones using i tunes. I had no problem creating them, they play well and appear under music in iTunes. One thing that I am unable to solve, is that i can't move the ringtone from music to ringtone tab on the right. I tried dragging it, didn't work. And I also made sure the tones were checked in preferrences.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), I tunes 10.5.3(3)

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OS X :: Best Way To Move DVD Collection To ITunes?

Oct 6, 2010

I want to digitize my DVD collection, first to get everything in one spot and two, to stop my kids from wrecking all the DVD's we have. Hopefully the end result will be to move all our DVD's (maybe 50 or so) onto our MacBook Pro, into iTunes and be able to access them through Home Sharing on the new Apple TV.

Researching this for a while, it seems like a I need to download Mac The Ripper and/or Handbrake. I'm not sure if I need both of them or just one to do this. I can't seem to find something that addresses this for a newbie like myself.

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ITunes :: Move Movies To Another Pc?

Feb 22, 2012

I have recently bought a new laptop to use whilst travelling. I have downloaded iTunes to it and bought some new bits. But I have a lot of films on my iMac and would like to copy or move those over to my laptop, but I'm not sure how to do it. I've tried plugging in an external hard drive and clicking and dragging to it, but it hasn't worked.

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ITunes :: How To Move Authorization To Another Mac

Mar 31, 2012

My PowerPC IMac is slowly dying and I need to move authorization of ITunes to another mac. How is this done?

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ITunes :: Move Its Library To New MBA?

Jun 15, 2012

Using migration assistant (via ethernet) to transfer files, some apps, and most importantly my itunes music library. Old system is 2010 MacBook with SL, new MBA with Lion. All transferred that I wanted except no itunes library. Support help says (after long discussion and level up person got involved) if I have ripped music from CDs library will not transfer using migration assistant.

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ITunes :: How To Move Files From MBP To MBA

Jun 30, 2012

I have an older MPB (mid-2009) and an new MBA (late-2010). Planning on getting a new MBA after Mountain Lion comes out sometime in July. That means moving files from the MPB and the MBA over to the new MBA at some point. In preparation of that I want to get all my iTunes files onto the current MBA. Trouble is that I have used both the MBP & MBA to import music or videos as well as purchases into iTunes on both.

Without totally screwing things up what is the best way to get iTunes files (purchased or imported) from one Mac to the other without losing or corrupting things? I already have a problem that there are movies on my iPhone4 that will not remove even though they are not checked when I sync. How do you join iTunes from 2 Mac's? Do you have to deauthorise one?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 256GB | 4GB RAM | late 2010

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Applications :: Cannot Move Videos Into ITunes

Sep 13, 2010

How do I get itunes to import video? I'm on itunes 9.2. When I click on Library/Movies in the upper left, I'm taken to a page that wants to connect me to the itunes store. I don't want the itunes store. I want itunes to find and recognize my own movies folder. I want to import into itunes video content that's already on my imac, so that I can transfer it to the iphone. I tried pressing the apple key + O to add media to the Library.

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OS X :: Cannot Move Folder My Music - How Can I Get Itunes ?

Oct 30, 2010

whenever i'm in finder and i double-click on a song to play it, when itunes opens the song it removes it from the folder it's in and puts it in a new one called music...this is getting VERY frustrating, as i have all my music neatly organized the way i want can i get itunes to stop this? other than that, i'm very happy with my macbook pro, and definitely glad i switched over from pc...but this is an absolute killer

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Applications :: How To Move Itunes Library From PC To MAC

May 18, 2008

I'm just got my new iMac and started moving my iTunes library from my PC to Mac.

This is how I did it.

My iTunes library is already organised in my PC, i.e. all music in the iTunes folder.

So I just copied the my entire iTunes folder onto an external hard drive and then to my mac.

Then I use the "add to library" function on itunes so my mac can organise all my music.

The "keep itunes music folder organised" and "copy files to itunes music folder when adding to library" check boxes are ticked on both my PC and Mac.

I look at my itunes library on my mac. Everything is good with artists and albums and song names looking good and organised. My playlists and other data is missing - no big deal, since I can make new playlists (BUT if anyone can tell me how I can get my old playlists and data on to Mac iTunes that would be great). However, the biggest problem is that all the .wav files have lost their artist and album names! How can I get these back?

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OS X :: Move Movies To Another Version Of Itunes?

Feb 25, 2009

If I purchase a movie on iTunes, it loads into my movie section of iTunes and I can load it onto my iphone. Now Since I own the movie, can I move the movie to my wife's version of itunes (residing on a difference computer) so she can load it and watch it on her iphone? the only work around is see for this it to buy the DVD at a store, and use something like DVD-to-iPhone to make a copy.

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Applications :: Move ITunes Library From Mac To Pc?

Mar 11, 2010

My problem-
I've Mroogled, googled, and searched high and low for an answer- and i could only find old info (itunes 7!). Is there a way to move my library (itunes 9.0.3) over to PC (Win 7) without losing anything? I have lots of playlists I would love to keep as well as play counts.

*itunes manages and adds songs to my library when i add a song~*

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OS X :: How To Move Aperture/itunes Libraries

May 14, 2010

Is it possible for me to move my libraries to an external HDD and then move it back to my imac again after a fresh install?

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Applications :: Move Itunes Library To Another PC?

May 20, 2010

my roommate got a new PC and she would like to know what is the best way to move the iTunes library to the new PC. She was on XP and now is on Vista. (didn't listen to me when I said mac) She ripped some of her cd's but mainly bought stuff from the store itself. There are few she got in mp3 form already but not much. So, anyone knows how to transfer this to the new computer and have the library, playlists etc the same?

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OS X :: How To Move ITunes Public Folder On Ext HD

May 25, 2010

Currently my music files are in the public folder however, the itunes library file is in my music folder. I want to move all my itunes media to an external, out of space. How to I handle this situation of multiple locations during move. I don't care to have my actual music files in the public folder anymore either.

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ITunes :: Move Google Music Into It?

Feb 1, 2012

I have searched and not found a suitable answer: I purchased an album at the Android Market, but for the life of me, I cannot figure out where it is on my computer. 1) how to FIND my Google Music; and 2) once I've found it, how to get it/i drag it/ import it into my iTunes Library.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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ITunes :: Move Audiobooks To IPad 2?

Feb 12, 2012

How do I move audiobooks from my iTunes library to my iPad 2?

iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G

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ITunes :: Move A Movie In IPhoto Over To It?

Apr 12, 2012

I have a video I took that I downloaded into IPHoto.  It is mpeg format.  I cannot get it over to ITunes to put it on my IPHone.  I am not able to drag and drop it.  I am not able to import it.

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ITunes :: How To Move Library On External HD

Apr 25, 2012

i moved the librery on external hd. but itunes dosn't reconise it. wath do i have to do?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ITunes :: Move Its Media Folder?

May 15, 2012

I have a new iMac with an SSD and a 1TB second drive. I backup the iMac 2nd hard drive to an portable external drive so I can carry my entire iMac file storage on an extended trip...5 months. What is the easy way of connecting my MBP iTunes app to the iTunes on the portable exernal hard drive so I can access stored movies, music etc.

Info:Mac OS X (10.7.3), Nikon Cameras, 2MacBook Pro, ApTV

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ITunes :: Set Up Two Music Libraries -  How To Move Between The Two

Jun 4, 2012

I've created two music libraries on my MacBook but I don't know how to move between the two.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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ITunes :: Move Iphone From One Computer To Another?

Jun 18, 2012

I need to switch the computer I use for synching my iphone, iPad and iPod to another computer. Is there an automated procedure? If not is there a prescribed procedure for doing this manually?

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ITunes :: Move Its Music To A New Account?

Jul 4, 2012

I need to unsync my iPhone from my spouces iPhone and I understand the only way to do this is to have my own iTunes to move my music to my new iTunes account?

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ITunes :: My Playlist Order Changes When I Move It Out Of It

Jul 5, 2012

I have been working on a playlist and want to send it over to a friend via dropbox. However when I move the playlist to a folder outside of iTunes the order of the songs changes. How do I stop it form doing this?

Info:MacBook (black), Mac OS X (10.5.1)

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ITunes For Mac :: Can't Move Library To New IPhone 5s

Jun 29, 2014

I just upgraded from a iPhone 5 to 5S.  I upgraded the storage and am trying to move all my songs from my iTunes library on my mac to my phone.  When I go to play them on my phone, they're all in there, but have the cloud w/ the down arrow and won't play.  I try to download them, but it says my iTunes match is expired.  I have them stored on my computer, have tried syncing all, checked all the individual songs, albums, and playlists, and tried dragging them over. 

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