Software :: Everything Is Taking Minutes To Open?
Feb 11, 2009
I have a new macbook that was working fine yesterday and today its like its about to die.
Everything is taking minutes to open. Safari is not responding. Little spinny icon is just spinning and spinning.
I have a brandnew macbook 13'. OS X software. 2 weeks old
I installed 4GB Ram and a 500gb HD a couple of days ago. Everything was running perfectly, no problems.
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May 18, 2010
Apparently it takes forever to load youtube or anything else were you would stream video's. She use's her PC which loads them instantly and her mac takes 10-15 mins to watch a youtube video?
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Oct 27, 2009
Ive just recently bought a 27 inch imac and having problems with the sound. when i want to play something like music or a dvd it takes about 15 minutes before the built in speakers will kick in.
Has this happened to anyone else? if so have you found the solution to get around it? as apple technical support cant seem to help me with the general settings and audio MIDI set up
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Feb 13, 2012
My Imac is less than a year old and in the past month it has been taking at least twenty minutes on the pale blue screen before you get to log my password and the computer to start.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 14, 2012
My Macbook over the last month has been running slower than usual. I first started experiencing problems after I installed and uninstalled parallels. When I went to uninstall parallels I got an error during the installation, and I removed that files manually.My macbook started responding slower than usual and I repaired the disk permissions and that fixed the problem temporarily.I then downloaded MacKeeper and to clean my MacBook up and that seemed to fix the problem for the short term.Then the other night I shut down my MacBook and I just noticed my time machine backup was still running.Ever since then it has taken an excess of 10 minutes to start up if not longer.When I say start up I am refering from the white screen with the apple logo to the login menu. I have tried the reset PRAM, and I'm running out of ideas, the only thing I have left in my mind is to try and remove the battery and put it in again.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 2009 MacBook Pro
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May 27, 2012
I am having problems loading websites. Takes about 5 min to load.
Mac mini Server (Mid 2011), iOS 5.1
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Nov 6, 2010
Yesterday, I had some issues with my MacBook Pro, the keyboard and trackpad were unresponsive (I tried a USB Keyboard/Mouse, didn't fix the problem), it took 10+ minutes to boot up, and it refused to wake from sleep. So I did some hunting, found out if I removed the FireWire kexts, then that would solve the issue. I removed the kexts, and rebooted it, and everything works perfectly fine, with one exception. Both FireWire ports are undetected and inoperable. Would a OS reinstall fix this, or is it some deeper issue that may require a logicboard/hardware component replacement?
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Mar 24, 2012
My mac is very slow, to start it takes about 7 minutes and it freezes all the time for hours.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 3, 2012
I have a problem with my iMac. I have on a second partition lion installed. Everything worked great, but since I updated to 10.7.4 booting needs about 5 minutes. Already checked the partition and the access rights.
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Mar 2, 2008
I keep my time machine HD unplugged from my laptop to reduce the clutter, when i plug it in, time machine starts automatically backing up. It says "Preparing Backup..." and it stays like that for a while. I've had it like that for about 15 minutes.
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Apr 18, 2012
Running Lion on a Core 2 Duo 2 GB MacBook. It is taking about 3 and a half minutes to start-up. This is happening only recently.
MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 24, 2014
I have a mid 2011 27" iMac that is taking longer than 3 minutes to boot. I've tried turning off everything in the start up menu, but that hasn't worked. In one of the other questions like this, Linc, I believe said to go to terminal and post to questions the output showed up in Text edit, and I have posted them below:
Step 1:
Loaded kernel extensions:
com.logmein.driver.LogMeInSoundDriver (1.0.3)Â Â
Loaded user agents:
[Code] ....
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
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May 15, 2012
A few days ago, I found my macbook running slow. The starting time used to be 2+ min but slow down to 10+ min. I tried to reinstal by installation DVD but the time bar showed 5+ hours required. I restarted the macbook and tried to format the HD, after proper steps taken, the time bar showed 17 days. Instead booting from the system, I tried to boot direct from my installation DVD.
After formatted the HD and re-instal the system, the MacBook seems running smooth again. But after installation of other programs, the same problem recurred. The system was getting slow. Re-starting it required waiting over 10 minutes. I tried to re-format the HD and installed the system again but still doesn't work. Under the disk utility "first aid" scanning through the HD, it showed "Invalid key length." and "The volume Macintosh HD could not be verified completely."
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jan 17, 2011
I am running a MacPro 2.66 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon with 8 GB RAM and OS 10.6.6 that is connected to an AirPort Extreme connected to a Westell DSL modem. Lately I have been experiencing strange behavior that I can not solve. When I first start up, Safari and Mail generally launch and work properly. But after a while, from 10 minutes to an hour, I get strange behavior. In Safari, pages take a long time to load- with a spinning beach ball for several minutes. Or they don't load at all. In Mail, I can't get new mail- a get a message that I'm not connected to the internet. When I go to System Preferences and check the Network, it says I am connected.
Rebooting usually solves the problem, but I am forced to reboot once an hour or so. Also, other programs show strange behavior- either failing to launch or crashing. This happens frequently with Photoshop Elements 9 and occasionally with Pages. I am also running a PowerPC Dual 2.3 GHz using OS 10.5.8 off the AirPort Extreme that runs fine and experiences none of these problems. Both machines are connected by ethernet cables to the AirPort Extreme.
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Oct 9, 2008
i've just bought my new mac pro, i'm very happy with it's performance, but there is 1 small little tiny problem, i've ordered my mac pro with wireless card, but my wireless connection is very slow , every web page i open it take minutes to open, before i had an imac, the wireless connenction was super fast, then i've sold it to my dad , but my new mac pro is very slow, mention that it's in the same room and in the same place my imac was.
i've check my bluetooth, i've send and receive some files with my bluetooth to my moblie, it was great, but when i copy files from my brothers computer it was slow and then it stucks , with my imac this never happens.i opened my mac pro to check the wireless card and i found this:-
antenna 1 was in the bluetooth card.
antenna 2 was in the upper wireless card.
antenna 3 was in the lower wireless card.
the weird thing i've found is that my speed connection it goes fast and then is goes slow then fast then slow, it's not stable, another weird thing is that my wireless speed is slow then when i press the wireless bars it goes fast then it returns slow again.this is a really lousy service from apple to make the wireless card as optional , it's really unfair i mean it is the most powerfull mac ever and wireless is not included one more question, is there a difference between the wireless card in the imac and in the mac pro?
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Mar 12, 2012
My imac has slowed down overnight - it takes ne 2 mins just to open safari.Ive run a virus check and all that.
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Jun 27, 2009
I've switched to mac around December and everything was working so fine till 5 days ago. First I can say I have the 24'' 3.06 processor 4 gb of ram and 500 gb hdd from which 40 gb free space.
5 days ago I've noticed that when I was watching movies with vlc the program was pausing, chocking and I was soLving the issue by ff a few seconds. The next couple of days was the same and I've noticed as well that mac os x v.10.5.7 was loading slower and slower. Last night I've restarted and the startup screen came up with the apple logo and the little dots circle that was showing it's loading. Waited more than one hour and nothing happened. Restarted with the mac os install disc and went to disk utility. Done the disk verify - all ok, no problems. Did the permissions verify and found some of them but after I did the repair permissions I did another verify and was finding the same problems. Anyway shut down everything got upset. Restarted this morning and I took like 10 min to load up and finally the icons showing up. But now evrything I do the beachball is keep spinning and when it stop and I try to click something it's spinning again. For ex I've deleted an icon from dock in 3 min, i've openned a finder window in 5 min, I'm trying to install onyx.dmg and I've clicked like 10 min ago and it's still loading. (( Btw I have the windows as well in another partition and everything is working fine there as it supossed to work. Was thinking to reinstall mac os from the disk but I don't have anything backed up! On the cd install says that I can reinstall mac os as duplicate and will put the old one in a separate folder or something but I still don't know if will erase all my data.
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Mar 5, 2012
My macbook has become very slow, especially my Preview. I have a Mackbook (early 2009), all software is up to date and I still have about a third of my disk storage free.Â
MacBook (13-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 13, 2012
After installing 10.6.8 my mac book pro takes ages to open.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 13, 2012
my MBP got really slow.I'm on a grpahic design school, and when i open illustrator/photoshop it takes so long for it to open.Yet maybe a week ago (for example) he opened every programme super fast. OSX Lion 10.7 Disk partition: Windows 7, only 70GB. Â
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Nov 5, 2009
Using OS X 10.3.9,
When I open the local hard disk in Finder, the computer gets stuck for several minutes, until Finder opens the hard disk.
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Aug 24, 2014
I have this MBP 13'' Mac OS X 10.7.5 running a 2.4GHz i5, 4GB RAMs and 500GB storage.The problem started yesterday when I was typing on Word and I copy pasted something from the net (chrome browser) then it froze.I waited for around 5minutes and still frozen with the spinning wheel, then I decided to turn it off by pressing power for 10 seconds restarted my
MBP then now it running so slow on start-up and apps are very slow to open like around 5 minutes. Every action that I try to do like clicking on the apple in the upper left it freezes showing a spinning wheel and it will take time to show the drop down options. I checked disk utility and it said that HD is ok, done verify/permission verify and repair.
I checked the activity monitor noting the ram/CPU usage and its normal it even tells that 2GB of ram is not use.It shows not responding in the activity monitor if you open an app for around 5mins then it opens or it will crash.I already done the 2 kinds of reset and did not work.BUT it opens normally in Safe mode.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
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Mar 28, 2008
San Francisco - It may be the quickest $10,000 Charlie Miller ever earned.He took the first of three laptop computers -- and a $10,000 cash prize -- Thursday after breaking into a MacBook Air at the CanSecWest security conference's PWN 2 OWN hacking contest.Show organizers offered a Sony Vaio, Fujitsu U810, and the MacBook as prizes, saying that they could be won by anybody at the show who could find a way to hack into each of them and read the contents of a file on the system using a previously undisclosed "0day" attack.
Nobody was able to hack into the systems on the first day of the contest when contestants were only allowed to attack the computers over the network, but on Thursday, the rules were relaxed so that attackers could direct contest organizers using the computers to do things like visit Web sites or open e-mail messages.Miller, best known as one of the researchers who first hacked Apple's iPhone last year, didn't take much time. Within 2 minutes, he directed the contest's organizers to visit a Web site that contained his exploit code, which then allowed him to seize control of the computer, as about 20 onlookers cheered him on.
He was the first contestant to attempt an attack on any of the systems.Miller was quickly given a nondisclosure agreement to sign, and he's not allowed to discuss particulars of his bug until the contest's sponsor, TippingPoint, can notify the vendor.Contest rules state that Miller could only take advantage of software that was preinstalled on the Mac, so the flaw he exploited must have been accessible by, or possibly inside, Apple's Safari browser.Last year's contest winner, Dino Dai Zovi, exploited a vulnerability in QuickTime to take home the prize.Dai Zovi, who congratulated Miller after his hack, didn't participate in this year's contest, saying it was time for someone else to win.
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Nov 22, 2010
if its turned on is it going to slow down the computer and ask for passwords every 10 minutes?
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May 12, 2010
My mac keeps freezing for several minutes at a time and I've even had to resort to holding down the power button a few times just to reboot the computer. I really only use iTunes, surf the web, and play World of Warcraft on it and I've never had any issues until about a month ago. I'm pretty computer illiterate so I don't really know how to fix or diagnose whatever the problem is, but come this September I'll have had this particular iMac for 2 years. I've downloaded every update I can, iTunes or otherwise and nothing is working.
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Mar 28, 2012
I've only used it for like 20 mins. It gets really hot! It's not even on power-charging.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 7, 2010
I have checked activity monitor and found a process called awacsd which was using 114% CPU and 2.27GB Memory. I did a search and found it is from MobileMe Back to My mac, (which I have disabled) but the process is still up there.
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Aug 7, 2009
I did search, because I recalled seeing a thread on this in the past, but mostly found threads about upgrading when you run out of space. I have an 80 gig harddrive, but it's almost full. I go through my folders, and see that music is about 7 gigs, photos is about 7 gigs, applications folder is 5 gigs, documents folder is 1 most I can account for perhaps 25 gigs of data. Where is the other 40 gigs coming from? Trash is emptied. Is there some simple way to list folders based on size or something to figure out what is taking up my harddrive space?
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Oct 5, 2007
Starting today my Powermac has shut off suddenly a few times in ~15-20 minute intervals. When I have many applications open simultaneously the computer is especially prone to this.
I have never had this happen before in the 3+ years of using this Powermac, and the only differences I can see are that I've switched to a different ISP (I switched from earthlink DSL to Comcast cable), and I now have 4 computers wired in to my 4 port switch router. After turning on my computer I also noticed that my router requires a reset and the internet doesn't work until I do that.
Powermac G5 2.5 Ghz Dual Proc.
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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Oct 28, 2010
When I click "Play" on my keynote presentation, the slides come up, but they only occupy the centre of the screen (eg: much smaller than the size of the screen).
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