Applications :: Can No Longer Drag Files From OS X Itunes Library Directly To Trash
Feb 13, 2010
up until a few days ago...maybe after 9.0.3 update...on my macbook pro under snow leopard, im certain i could drag files from itunes library or a playlist into the trash.
if i drug the file from the library to the trash, you would here the trash can "eating sound" and it would be gone from the library (one step). if it was from a playlist, it would delete that file from the playlist but not from the library as expected. now, i cant do either. now i have to right click and delete the file/s and then click move to trash.
I freaking hate iTunes. Programs for simple tasks like uploading music onto devices should be efficently coded, not resource hogs that are incredibly unintuitive and needlessly complicated. Why can't we just drag and drop music and videos directly onto our phone like we can with just about every other media player? I already have all of my music organized just as I want it on my computer. Just let me drag the folders I want directly into the iPhone without having to bother with a 100mb download that runs like crap.
There's absolutely no excuse why such a simple function needs such a complicated program. Quote:..................
If I'm playing some music from a playlist, and I decide I want to delete it from my entire collection, I can't don't it easily. Deleting it right from the playlist doesn't remove it from my library. I have to go hunt it down in the main "Music" folder which is a pain in the ass, especially with multiple tracks. Is there some way, when looking at a track in a playlist, that I can delete it from my entire library and put it in the Trash?
I have a brand new MBP. I have a 1tb external drive with 250gb's of music. I have it attached to my mac via USB. I CANNOT GET ITUNES TO CREATE A NEW LIBRARY ON THE EXTERNAL DRIVE. I CANNOT DRAG AND DROP OR ADD FILE/FOLDER.
But get this, I hook it up to my old Dell and I can do whatever I want. I am friggin pissed that I spent all this money on Mac equip and can't get it going. You may have seen my other post where I posed my issue of: 1tb ethernet drive hooked to airport extreme. Above mentioned 1tb hooked up to back of it via usb. I am completely unable to copy, move, or add files using my mac. But guess what. my pc handles it easily and quickly.
just recently, as of 2 or 3 days ago, I suddenly cannot drag songs in itunes anymore. More specifically, I can't add songs to playlists, and I can't manage songs in the playlists. anyone else having this problem, or is this something new in itunes? (I should say that I haven't used itunes in a few weeks, and the only thing I've done is download the latest updates
I was in the middle of dragging music into a folder and in the midst of it all it would no longer let me drag any file, photo, song or any folder around.
When I used to delete a song from my iTunes library it would ask me if I wanted to also remove it completely from my computer. Now it no longer does and I cannot find a option to get that back. Can someone tell me where I can get iTunes to do this again?
My son has a 4th gen iTouch and was using the family PC Windows desktop iTunes. The PC got infected and the hard drive was wiped out. Needless to say we are converting to the "Mac" side!!!! My son purchased a secondhand MacBook which he LOVES. He now needs to figure out how to get his complete iTouch library (purchased and other sourced music) to the MacBook iTunes.
We cannot access the PC hard drive to make a backup and the last backup he did only has about half of what is on it now.....( I know, back up bad!) I have read and heard so many things about NOT being able to do this and "no prob". I guess our concern is losing everything on his iTouch if he connects it to the MacBook.
Just like the title says Throughout the life of iTunes, I have been able to do this. Now, I cannot. It's super annoying, as I now have to go and sync each individual file. I've got thousands of files. It would drive me crazy to individually check each one to sync. Drag 'n' drop is much easier.
The only difference has been that I stopped using a mouse and began to use the Apple Magic Trackpad. I'm not sure if this has had any deleterious effect.
I downloaded a beta test recently, now it's finished I have the folder sitting in my Applications folder, but it won't let me drag it out into the trash. I've logged in as an Administrator, changed my regular ID to have Admin status, none of it works. I've got the CCleaner app from the App Store, same issue. It tells me I need to be an Admin to uninstall files, but even when I log in as the Admin, it gives me the same message.
One day when i opened my mac all the pictures in Iphoto was gone! I don't know what to do and i really want my pictures back. I had some on a external hard drive... but i have lost the pictures that wasn't on that... I have also checked the trash..notting there..
finding my preference files in the library. Now that I have found them, I notice that they are different than they were under Snow Leopard. Do I still trash some of them if I think they might be corrupted because the app is not working well or is that no longer necessary?
I have the vast majority of my iTunes library on a NAS device. When I first got my MBP I set the library's location to the folder that I had moved off one of the desktops to the NAS. Everything works fine.
However, it seems that the library location will reset itself to the local location on the MBP (possibly whenever I run iTunes when I'm not on this network). So, if I add files to the iTunes when I'm not on this network, they get placed into the local library.
I have my iTunes library set to an external drive. The boxes in Pref/advanced are check. I have checked my internal drive in the old iTunes location and see new podcasts and music living there. I need to perform a organize library to move the files.
This seems to have happened in iTunes 9 and 10.
The iTunes Music library does point to an external.
I'm using OS X 10.4.11 and iTunes 8.1.1. I'm not very computer literate. When I started iTunes today, I went straight to copy some files into it from another folder. I got an error message about the .xml file and then told files were damaged (I think). I think iTunes started rebuilding the folders but I stopped it and ended up with only 30-something gb of tunes instead of almost 100 gb. All my music is still there in the iTunes/Music folder (I also have 30 back-up DVDs of the library), but I really, really want to be able to keep the Date Added information as this is how I view the music, as well as all the artwork I've manually added. The iTunes Library (Damaged) file is there, as are several Previous iTunes Libraries file.
After a web search, I did the following: i. Quit iTunes and copied the most recent "Previous iTunes Library" file to the desktop. ii. I trashed the iTunes Library.xml and iTunes Library (with the logo) files at the top of the folder structure. iii. I then dragged the copied Previous iTunes Library file into the iTunes/iTunes Music folder and launched iTunes. Should it be dragged into the top-level iTunes folder or where?
It opens, but with absolutely nothing in it. I've tried dragging the Previous iTunes Library file everywhere I can think of (trashing the existing .xml and Library file each time), but still no joy. This latest Previous iTunes Library file is only a couple of months old and I'd much, much rather re-do the last two months music than lose the Date Added and all Playlists etc.
this seems like a really simple thing i want to do but i cant seem to figure it out. All i'm trying to do is put a shortcut of the trash can onto the desktop. I have my dock hidden and it can be a pain to try and make it appear to delete something. i searched spotlight for trash and there are no hits. i try to drag the trashcan from the dock and nothing happens. There has to be a solution???
For some reason, now when I delete or try to drag files/folders to trash, I get warning message 'This item will be deleted immediately. You can't undo this action.' And the files do NOT go into trash. Same if I CMD delete. I noticed this when I emptied the Aperture trash, got a warning something about permissions and cannot empty some files. They disappeared from Aperture, but the referenced master files were still in the original folder on my HD.(So I relocated the masters I was keeping, then deleted the remaining, they did not go into the trash but were permanently deleted). I don't recall changing any settings!I checked in Finder > Preferences > Advanced > 'Empty trash securely' is NOT selected.
Over the years, I have amassed GBs worth of music, spread over many different iTunes libraries, as a result of having desktops, laptops, replacement machines etc. When I first started my collection, I stupidly "let iTunes manage my library" which has resulted in all my tracks being put into thousands of different folders because iTunes likes to create a separate folder for each artist. I was wondering if there was any way of exporting all my music in the iTunes database to a new location, organized by album. eg. A State of Trance 2010 Yearmix being exported to a folder called that, not each of the 80 tracks going into a separate artist folder.
If this can be done, I'm hoping to consolidate my music collection into one library, once and for all! It's probably worth noting that I'm now on Windows, but I thought I would ask here as iTunes is an Apple product. I have access to a Mac should I need to do anything "Mac-specific" to make this happen. Tune up looks like a promising piece of software. However, it only seems to clean up the music files themselves, not their organization within my music folder. Does anyone have any experience with it? Sorted! I'm sure there are loads of people out there that would like me reorganize the file structure of their music after iTunes obliterates here's what I did.
1) Downloaded Songbird. What a great application! It has addons! 2) Went into the applications options. (Tools >> Options) 3) Selected the 'Manage Files' tab. 4) Ticked the box to 'Allow Songbird to manage files'. In the 'Structure Folders' section underneath I changed it to 'Album/Song Files'. 5) Clicked OK at the bottom to save changes and Songbird then wizzed through my collection and put all my music into Album folders! 6) Uninstall iTunes.
I had to move around my files recently so needed to change the location iTunes looked for them. I ran across a hack whereby you edit the iTunes Music Library.xml file and then intentionally corrupt the iTunes Library.itl file so that it reimports the next time you restart iTunes (I'm sure many of you may already be familiar with this hack).
It almost works. Problem is that it doesn't import all my files. I have over 10000 files but it only imports 6445 of them. I noticed that the original xml filesize is 16MB. After importing, it gets chopped down to 10MB. What the heck is happening here?
in my itunes file in Windows directory, there is a compilations file. this file has albums in it that should not be there, but with other albums by the same bands. i have tried relocating the albums, but then itunes cannot play them, and when i locate the file it is automatically placed in a new compilations folder.
in short i am asking how i can change the location of a file in the itunes library. Any ideas?
When you consolidate your itunes library does it actually move all your files to one folder or does it just make a copy or reference them? Because my itunes media is scattered throughout my computer and an external hard drive and I'd like to move it all to one spot.
Well subsequnt a recent upgrade to iTunes 10.6, my Library is not recognized. I have tried various ways of loading the xml file, and it just comes up as a blank/ new Library. The other day, for no reason I could tell, I launched iTunes and it created a new Library and will not open my usual Library. This problem did not exactly coincide neatly with updating to 10.6 either, so frankly I have no idea what happened. So, maybe I could restore using iTunes 10.5. But I can't find any download links for 10.5. Is there somewhere to download previous versions of iTunes? Or do they remove anything and everything for previous versions with each update?
Im new to the Mac operating system. I am proficient on a PC, but Macs have always captivated my attention. I finally gave into the Macbook. Anyways ---
The Automator application seems phenomenal in theory I just haven't learned all the ins and outs yet, but i see the concept that it was designed for (Jobs = Genius). Long story short I was streaming all of my music over from my PC and it got interrupted twice. I kept streaming to the same folder but it never prompted me to replace existing files of the same name. So I figured it would do it automatically. To my dismay that wasn't the case at all. I now have 9,000 songs and at least 4,000 of which are duplicates/Triplets. I wanted to know if there was some way to streamline the process of deleting and purging all these files out of my Music Folder/Itunes Library, Via the Automator program or any other program you know of.
Followed instructions to the letter, had media folder in the trash, opened and closed iTunes without any warning windows, emptied trash, re-opened iTunes and it says it can't find any of my files. The "media" folder on my external HD is empty.
Info: iMac 2.0Ghz/20", Mac OS X (10.5.7), iPhone 3G-S PowerBook G4 17" SD
I have a WD external hard drive that I got for the holiday's last year.Here lately I've been using it as my iTunes library. A great way to free up some space on my Powerbook g4. Question is, why does iTunes keep changing my library folder after I'd already changed it when I initially set up the hard drive as my iTunes library destination?
Another question is how do I make sure that all my music files automatically go to the folder on the external hard drive when I download music. For example I may snag a free song from a website and will double click it after downloading and it plays in itunes. I want that file to be saved on my external hard drive as well (yes it's plugged up and plugged in).
I only have an 8g ipod so I have to constantly check and uncheck songs that I want to hear, so I want to be sure they are all in the same locale. And one way I know that certain files are on my internal and not external is when i unplug my external those files still play when they shouldn't unless it's plugged up.
I have accidentally moved my whole music library to trash is there a way of moving it all back to iTunes, so far i seem to have to individually pull out each track from trash?
I work in a cross platform environment (windows/mac) where we typically save common files to a shared network drive. I've found when I save a file directly from excel (as opposed to saving it locally, then copying it over) it created an invisible ._filename file in the same directory. I know it's a property/resource file for the file that I just created, but it's a little confusing for some windows users and just clutters up the share directory. Is there any way to prevent the creation of the ._filename file while still saving directly from excel?
(I'd prefer not to save locally, then move to network drive - it's cleaner for me if I can just save directly) So far, I've found that this only happens with MS Office. I've opened a sql file in textwrangler and komodo, edited it, and saved it to the network and no invisible files are created.
NOTE: this is different the the fix that apple had published regarding not creating DS_Store files - that refers to copying files from the finder to a network drive and I don't have any problems with that.
I accidentally erased a music album that I purchased on iTunes. How can I get the iTunes store to recognize that it is no longer in my iTunes library and download it again?