Applications :: Amending/changing Audible Audiobook Cover Art In ITunes?
Sep 26, 2007
I've bought a few audiobooks from [URL] to listen to during my travels, but the cover art is extremely low resolution. I've tried the usual ways of importing a higher-res version but it appears that I'm not allowed to change it.
I have imported two different audiobooks into iTunes.I am using itunes 10.3.6 on a macbook pro, mountain lion osx.I do have itunes match, and I turned off match to import the audiobooks so that I could go in and change the "media type" to audiobook. However, now some of the tracks (not all) are grayed out and inaccessible on my iphone.When trying to play the audiobook it just skips the tracks that are gray and moves on to the next black track.I've tried re-syncing and it doesn't help.
Since I upgraded to 9.1 this week, every time I try to sync my iPod iTunes pops up an error message telling me that it can't sync content from Audible b/c the computer isn't authorized for that account. If I click to play an audiobook, a login box appears, I type in my password, and everything is fine. I never had to do this before.
I downloaded an audio book from itunes store and file was kept under book folder. I syncronize my ipad but it doesn't show up in my ibook or under any playlist. has anybody known where i can find the audio book in my ipad.
Bought War and Peace and listened to the first couple hours, and now pressing the play button has no effect. I quit the Music app on my iPad and tried again, but it still doesn't play.
I purchased an audiobook on my office computer, but I use my home computer to sync with my iPhone. Now I can't download the book to my home computer without having to pay again AND I can't sync with the office computer without erasing all of the info and apps from my home computer. ITunes considers my home computer as the master library. I didn't know all of this and, quite frankly, don't understand why it has to be this way.
I find that I swipe on my macbook pro to go through the cover flow, I find that it lags or freezes then flies by as if to catch up. But then it freezes again, flies by, irritating. Has anyone else experienced this?
I am adding audio files to make a audiobook. I can get the files to the audiobook, but I have like 11 sections to a book. How can all I make the 11 chapter go under 1 icon or folder like other audiobooks?
I just purchased 3 audiobooks through iTunes to listen to on my iPhone 3GS (plenty of free memory). When viewing "books" in my Library in iTunes on my Mac, it shows the 3 books I successfully purchased on my Mac. However, when I sync my phone to my Mac, my purchased audiobooks are not syncing nor showing up no matter what I do. All my songs/music purchased always syncs perfectly, and I have everything checked in iTunes to sync properly for audiobooks: sync "audiobooks" is checked (only book showing up on iPhone is one I purchased on my iPhone so it downloaded directly there from iTunes), "purchased" & "audiobooks" playlist checked, etc. I bought these audiobooks directly through iTunes and they downloaded to my iTunes on my Mac properly, but just will NOT sync over to my iPhone for me to listen to them!
I just purchased a new MacBook Pro and had my local apple store transfer my iTunes library from my old iMac to my new MacBook. To look at it on the screen, everything looks fine. But when I try to download my book that I purchased from to my new iPod it's telling me, "Some of the Audible files in the iTunes library were not copied to the iPod because you are not authorized to play them on this computer."
this album is on iTunes. so there is cover art. i put in my CD and get an incorrect picture and CD listing. i fix this, i then try to import the correct picture and get nothing. i USED to be able to fix this by making sure that the album name, artist, and song name were the exact same as iTunes dice now. the iTunes art is clearer than any Jpeg i will find...i would prefer it..but HOW? if i could just GRAB the art or point iTunes at the listing in the store, i would be appeased.
After upgrading to the most latest i Tunes version, the cover flow view has gone all screwy, with no covers appearing, just the list of songs, which covers up the volume control etc at the top.
I have tried resizing but all it what's to do is move songs; I have uninstalled and reinstalled latest version, uninstalled and installed older version and even reinstalled OSX. NOTHING works.
iTunes 10.6.1 crashes on my iMac (10.7.3, 4 GB) whenever I try to open, play or interact in any way with Audible books. This is new in the last 2-3 weeks.
I have tried (Command) O, drag n drop, double click on file and "add to library". Every time it crashes. I have sent reports to Apple. I can add the files to iTunes Library, but they never open in iTunes without crashing it.
Everything in my Audible account looks appropriate so I don't think it's that end?
Anyone with similar issues? Or, better, a solution? I am going to try backing up and re-downloading the app, I think.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5, 4 GB 13333MH
Is there an app (preferably free) that will automatically add cover art and metadata like artist and album name by song title? I've got a bunch of music that has only the song title, but is not categorized by anything. I remember seeing something like this before, but can't remember what it was. Is there anything that can do this?
Okay, so for two of my albums (both by the same artist) there are three pictures of each album as if they are each their own album. Every song is tagged the exact same, nothing's different, artist name and album name are the same throughout. Screenshot attached. I've tried clearing album art, deleting and reimporting, nothing seems to fix this.
Also, on that same album, half the songs don't play on my iPhone/iPod. They play perfectly fine on my Mac, and they are encoded the same as all of my other songs, but when I go to play them on my iPhone, the song never starts. Nothing freezes, the song just never plays. I have to restart the iPod app for any other song to play. I've tried restarts, restores, firmware upgrades, nothing. This problem has existed since 1.1.4. Why?
So I just did a clean install of XP on my laptop, downloaded the latest version of iTunes, and re-imported my music library from my external drive. Suddenly, random albums are showing multiple album art on Cover Flow. I'm sorting cover flow by "Album Artist", I've checked the "Part of a Compilation" box when appropriate, and made sure the "Sort Album Artist" field is correct.
I have like 5 audiobooks in iTunes, but I only want to sync 1 audiobook with my iPhone. But when I try to sync my audiobook, it only allows me to sync ALL the audiobooks, not just one of them.
i want to start itunes in full screen cover mode, not all of the time, maybe from a shortcut in windows but not sure if its possible. anyone know how to do this?
When I get to "Make a copy of the iTunes.rsrc" I'm stuck. I don't get how and y I make a copy of it and how do I install the new skin? I did it somehow before but i don't remember how.
A couple of months ago, my iTunes inexplicably started popping up a small window with track info whenever the song changed.
I've searched the web and these forums and have been unable to find a way to disable this, or even see any record that it exists outside of my machine.
With the new iTunes 9.2.1(5), I seem to have trouble sorting some of my video files. Every video file (converted from .avi to .mp4 with Handbrake, using the "Universal Apple" preset) I throw at iTunes seem to be added to the Movies section. I tried updating the metadata from Get Info, filling out the Video tab with appropriate names, season number, episode number and episode ID. That didn't get anywhere. I tried putting "TV Shows" as a genre but that doesn't do anything either. I even tried making a new folder in the iTunes folder, naming it "TV Shows" and throwing videos in there.
I have a strange problem at least to me. Recently I moved my iTunes library to an external drive and all went fine. I used the consolidation tool to achieve the task and all went just fine. Since doing this every time I open iTunes the location of the library has changed back to my local drive.
For example...
I set it to: volumesmediaiTunes Media
and it is automatically changed to: usersmemusiciTunesiTunes Media
For example I've got an artist on there with several and i mean several songs of his that are under travie, and travis mccoy, and also t pain, and t-pain. lil'wayne, lil wayne is there an app that could change all of this easily for me, because i would like the names to be the same in the songs as well so highlighting and clicking get info won't help to much.
I guess this is a bit trivial, but I want to change the display at the bottom of my iTunes screen. The part that tells you how many albums you have, the total playing time, and size. Currently, this is displayed with the European system of using commas instead of points as the decimal separators. I may be crazy, but I'm pretty sure it used to have points and then a few days ago, it switched on me. I noticed it after I installed an update. Is there a way of changing it back?