Applications :: ITunes Store HAS Cover Art BUT Won't Download
Dec 25, 2007
this album is on iTunes. so there is cover art. i put in my CD and get an incorrect picture and CD listing. i fix this, i then try to import the correct picture and get nothing. i USED to be able to fix this by making sure that the album name, artist, and song name were the exact same as iTunes dice now. the iTunes art is clearer than any Jpeg i will find...i would prefer it..but HOW? if i could just GRAB the art or point iTunes at the listing in the store, i would be appeased.
Every time i try to download an app. to my Touch, log in, or even try to create a new account, i keep getting the same error: "We could not complete your iTunes store request. An unknown error has occured (-9809)" Has anybody else had this error?
I just got a new hard drive and did a clean install. I also installed iTunes, but when I launch it, I can't see any option that allows me to download previously made purchases from the iTunes store. Any ideas how to get it to do this?.......
I reside in Spain and I've recently opened a joint account with a US resident here in Los Angeles at Charles Schwab bank.The financial consultant told us it's possible to deposit checks into schwab account through an app for iphone [URL]I've tried to download but it appears the following window: "your application has not been able to complete" and "The article you requested is not available at this time in Spanish Store, but is available in the U.S. Store. Click Change Store to view this article". If I click to change the Store from the Spanish to the American store, I have to fill the data but my ID apple is not working on the "foreign" store. What can I do? Is there a way to buy / download items from a different Itunes stores?
Usually a CD comes with more artwork than just the cover. It has a CD cover w/ lyrics and other artwork. Is it possible to download this via itunes? If not, who?
Info: Macbook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.2), 2.2 ghz intel duo core processor
I find that I swipe on my macbook pro to go through the cover flow, I find that it lags or freezes then flies by as if to catch up. But then it freezes again, flies by, irritating. Has anyone else experienced this?
Recently the songs I puchase from Itunes store will not download to my computer. I keep getting an error message... something about check my internet connection. I can download purchased songs on my other Apple devices on the same network. So I think there is something wrong with my settings.
Info: iMovie '11, Mac OS X (10.7.2), iMac 2.8GHz core 2 duo
After upgrading to the most latest i Tunes version, the cover flow view has gone all screwy, with no covers appearing, just the list of songs, which covers up the volume control etc at the top.
I have tried resizing but all it what's to do is move songs; I have uninstalled and reinstalled latest version, uninstalled and installed older version and even reinstalled OSX. NOTHING works.
Is there an app (preferably free) that will automatically add cover art and metadata like artist and album name by song title? I've got a bunch of music that has only the song title, but is not categorized by anything. I remember seeing something like this before, but can't remember what it was. Is there anything that can do this?
Okay, so for two of my albums (both by the same artist) there are three pictures of each album as if they are each their own album. Every song is tagged the exact same, nothing's different, artist name and album name are the same throughout. Screenshot attached. I've tried clearing album art, deleting and reimporting, nothing seems to fix this.
Also, on that same album, half the songs don't play on my iPhone/iPod. They play perfectly fine on my Mac, and they are encoded the same as all of my other songs, but when I go to play them on my iPhone, the song never starts. Nothing freezes, the song just never plays. I have to restart the iPod app for any other song to play. I've tried restarts, restores, firmware upgrades, nothing. This problem has existed since 1.1.4. Why?
So I just did a clean install of XP on my laptop, downloaded the latest version of iTunes, and re-imported my music library from my external drive. Suddenly, random albums are showing multiple album art on Cover Flow. I'm sorting cover flow by "Album Artist", I've checked the "Part of a Compilation" box when appropriate, and made sure the "Sort Album Artist" field is correct.
I wanna buy a movie in iTunes Store. But when i clicked it, it said "must connect to Wi-Fi or have to download it on your computer" But the Wi-Fi connect is excellent. I shut the iTunes and reopen it, still doesn't work.
I cannot download anything from the ITunes Store to my IMac.
"Tells me there was an error with storing authorization information on this computer. Required file not found or has a permissions error. I have authorized the computer but it hasn't worked. "
I've bought a few audiobooks from [URL] to listen to during my travels, but the cover art is extremely low resolution. I've tried the usual ways of importing a higher-res version but it appears that I'm not allowed to change it.
Since the latest Itunes update 10.6 I've been experiencing extremely slow download from the store. Set up is as follows (with all the latest firmware and software upgrades done on everything)
Info:MAC Pro 8 Core 3 GHz Xeon 12GB Ram, Mac OS X (10.6)
When I perform the "retrieve album artwork" function, a number of my CD's do not retrieve any artwork. Is there a website other than ITunes that I go to retrieve album art?
When every I click install in iTunes Store for an app for my iphone it says downloading [apps name] but does not downloads it. This is happening for all apps I want to download.
I have a Mid-2011, 21.5" iMac running Yosemite v10.10.1. I upgraded from 4 to 8 GB of RAM about a year ago, but I don't think that's an issue with this problem.
I can no longer download movie or tv show purchases from the iTunes Store to iTunes v12.0.1 on my iMac. The download starts and lists in the Downloads pane in iTunes. However, once the download has completed and the Download progress bar message changes to "Processing..." iTunes crashes. When I start iTunes back up again, the downloaded movie is not present in my iTunes Movie library. However, if I navigate to the iTunesMovies folder, I can see a folder for the movie and a file instance of the movie (in m4v format) for every attempted download. Something seems to be going wrong with iTunes ability to add the link to the movie file into my iTunes library.
I tried adding the movie folder and file manually to iTunes using the iTunes->File->Add to Library... menu option, but iTunes instantly crashes the moment I click the "Open" button in the Add to Library... dialog window.
I have several movie purchases and gifts that I'd like to add to my local iTunes library, but this error is blocking me from doing that.
Some weird things about my iTunes library on my iMac:
My iMac does not have a large enough built-in harddrive (only 500 GB) to store my iTunes library. In a prior version of iTunes, I located the library on an external 3 TB USB-3.0 harddrive. I'm wondering if there's a bug in iTunes 12.0.1 that occurs when adding content to the iTunes library when that content is located on an external harddrive, i.e. in a folder other than User{my username}MusiciTunes Media. Perhaps I need to change the iTunes folder structure on the external harddrive to mirror the new folder structure in my User{my username}Music folder. I'm a little leery about doing this as I do not want to break all the links in my iTunes library to existing songs, movies, etc.
i want to start itunes in full screen cover mode, not all of the time, maybe from a shortcut in windows but not sure if its possible. anyone know how to do this?
I accidentally erased a music album that I purchased on iTunes. How can I get the iTunes store to recognize that it is no longer in my iTunes library and download it again?
I have purchased OS X Lion from OS X 10.6.8 and all requirements. No action after clicking download.., I have purchased OS X Lion from OS X 10.6.8 and all requirements. No action after clicking download..
I have a batch of HD video downloads in my iTunes Store queue that I can't delete. Before it was annoying, having to purchase both the regular video and HD video, then delete the unwanted HD download from my queue list, but now it's a problem. I can't empty the unwanted HD downloads, and for me to download them all will tie up my connection for a week or more.