Software :: Files From Desktop Folder Suddenly Missing
Mar 28, 2009
I did a reboot and suddenly realized that half of my icons on the Desktop are missing. I had a look into the folder and they were missing there, too. I looked into Trash, nothing. Being completely puzzled I rebooted again, with the result that now the Desktop is completely empty! It shows only the HD icons. None of my files are in the Trash. Nothing in the Desktop folder in Finder. ls -al doesn't show anything, only an empty file '.localized'. No other folder in my home directory seems affected. And no, I did not play with 'rm *'. I didn't install any fancy software recently (except Byki Express, not sure if that's important). I'm on a new unibody MBP 15", Leopard. Any ideas what I could do? And how to recover the files? I thought I should add that I also also searched the HD, just in case I accidentally moved the files.
After installing OS X Lion, all of my files are gone from My Documents and my desktop has been wiped clean. I also installed this on my laptop and that seems to be fine.
OS 10.7.2 drop down arrows missing by folder files. Used to be there. did I mess up a setting somewhere? Still new to this OS so I'm sure it's something simple I'm overlooking.
I've been using Macs for awhile, and am growing to love them for sure. I'm starting to dabble with Applescript, and things like that... just delving into the magic of Apple products, and I'm coming up with a few questions, one of which I'm posting here!
I'm interested in leaving three icons on the desktop at all times. My "Macintosh HD" icon, a "Lost&Found" folder and a alias to a server I use consistently. All other files I want moved into the Lost&Found Folder on a consistent basis, and I want to delete these files weekly, or bi-weekly. I'm unsure as to if I should make an Applescript for this, or if there's a utility out there to do this. I have looked around a bit already, and haven't found much.
I recently used Migration Assistant to move my desktop computer's files to my MacBook Pro. All is well, besides the fact that I now have three users on my MacBook Pro ; my original account, my transferred account, and a test account (but that's not the issue). I cannot save files to my desktop anymore, in the account that was migrated over from my desktop to my Macbook. I get an error that says the following: /Users/Desktop/(filename) could not be saved, because you do cannot change the contents of that folder. Change folder properties and try again, or try saving in a different location.
How do I copy images from a photo memory card to my Mac Book Pro (Os x) ? I tried earlier and apparently removed the images from the memory card. I don't want to remove them from the card, only copy to my MacBook.
My Aluminium IMac keyboard has suddenly begun to miss keys, the E,P,D,C and both the back and spacebar keys are completely dead. I wasn't using it at the time but each key supposedly went one after each other in under thirty minutes, I've checked mouse keys and speech settings as well as removing keys to clean underneath but they weren't sticky to begin with. Sorry for the lack of detail using the onscreen keyboard takes quite a while to type coherently.
Im looking for feed back as to reason why my safari menu bar and dock are suddenly hidden from the screen and how to correct this. Has this happened to anyone else and were you able to fix it. I'm a bit confused since it has never done this before and I didn't make any changes in settings.Â
Info: iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.7.3), Safari menu bar & dock missing
I have an iBookG4 with Leopard. This morning I may have had too many applications going at once--camera applications plus listening to a talk using RealPlayer. Suddenly everything froze, but I got it all going again. However, now the little balls that appear under an application icon to show that the app. is open are missing. Also, when I click the icon, e.g., for Firefox which I'm using right now, the pop-up menu gives me the option to "Open" it, when, obviously, it's already open. There is no "Close" option in the menu anymore. I AM able to quit applications by clicking their name in the menu bar at the top of the screen. But I'm disturbed that this weirdness has happened. Things I've tried already, without effect:
1. Restarted computer. The computer won't shut down. Everything on my desktop disappears except for the wallpaper and the Dock.
2. Shut down computer (chose "Shut Down" as opposed to "Restart"). Same as #1. Won't shut down.
3. "Force Quit"--clicking on the Apple icon > Force Quit > clicking on the name of the application in the little window. Note: I haven't used Word this morning, but Apple icon > Force Quit > [little window] brought up a whole list of applications I haven't used, inc. Word.
So I was just using my computer normally when I was suddenly having an issue where I could not click on anything. I was forced to hard restart but it did not help. I am still able to navigate with the trackpad or my mighty mouse (wireless) but clicking with either does nothing.
After some searching I have reset the pram multiple times and have also done command+S at boot and run fsck. Resetting the pram worked once, but only for maybe 5 minutes. During that time I ran a permissions test, it corrected 2-3 things but that is it. I have tried booting from the leopard cd but it spits the cd out.
I have no idea what happened, but a lot of small stuff on my mac either disappeared or changed. I took my macbook off the charger after a nights charging, and I noticed: all my icons on my desktop were no longer there, my widgets were all gone, and all my programs gave me a setup up screen when I tried to use them. I'm not too upset because everything on the hard drive is still there, but still I'd like if anyone has a clue to as what the heck I did to cause this?
The icon below suddenly appeared on my desktop. I think it is something to do with Excel but I can't get rid of it. If I try to delete I get the message: "The item 5E333700 can't be moved to the Trash because it can't be deleted."Does anyone know what this is and how I can delete it?
I had a certain "on my mac" folder and it suddenly disappeared when I was reading my mail. When I search my hard drive, this folder is still listed under the library. Does anyone know how I can get this folder back into my mailbox and with the other "on my mac" folders?
This doesn't happen all the time, but frequently enough to create a thread about it to find out what's going on.
I usually keep my desktop empty and use it to store stuff I'm going to process in the next hour anyway. Sometimes my desktop is absolutely empty, but when I navigate to the following path: UserDesktop, the files do show up.
What does it mean when an icon "goes missing from the desktop" for a file. The name of the file is still there, but the icon itself has gone "invisible."
I am including a screen shot. A short while ago you would have been able to see a folder icon above the name. Now you only see the desktop background.
I am a total noob. Somehow, my disk drive icon has gone missing. How do I go about getting it back on my desktop? I looked in the trash and its not there. I've been searching, but obviously using the wrong search terms. I'm sure this question must have been asked before, so if someone could link me to another thread,
This only happens when she copies files between internal hard drives. After copying the files, she verifies that files exist in both locations. She then deletes the files in the old location. Then, newly copied files are missing from the new location.
I've never heard of this happening before, except for with improperly unmounted external drives. I have run disk utility and verified that there are no problems with either drive.
On several separate occasions, one of our users has had trouble with files "disappearing."
This only happens when she copies files between internal hard drives. After copying the files, she verifies that files exist in both locations. She then deletes the files in the old location. Then, newly copied files are missing from the new location.
I've never heard of this happening before, except for with improperly unmounted external drives. I have run disk utility and verified that there are no problems with either drive.
Could anyone help explain why this is happening or how to prevent it?
I am helping a friend out with her mac. She by accidentally removed her desktop icon under devices and needs to get it back. The best way for me to elaborate is to explain, you know when you are in a program...and you want to open a document on your desktop, so you use that programs open function and you look on the left for your desktop icon which falls under Devices at the top left...well that desktop icon is missing.
I tried searching for devices folder on the mac but was unable to find it, I was just going to drag a desktop shortcut into this folder...
The oddest thing happened after I unplugged my monitor and other peripherals from my MBP. When I went to look at the desktop, my background image had been replaced by another image! When I went to the Desktop & Screensaver settings, the image had disappeared from there, too! Has anyone else experienced this?
In the meantime, if someone with Leopard could forward this background image to me, it would be much appreciated. It is the background with a picture of what looks like morning dew on grass that was featured at WWDC 2007 and in many of the Leopard ads [URL]
yesterday I wasn't able to click on my desktop icon in finder so I thought its just something silly. I turned off the computer and went to work. When I came back, I turned it back on, to realize that all icons are gone except my HDD, TM HDD and Windows HDD. Everything else is gone.
I entered the time machine and all back ups are gone too except today's and yesterday's. On yesterday's back up I do have the desktop folders and icon untouched but not on todays.
I tried permission, PRM reset, Onyx maintenance and cleaning but nothing is working. When I put a file name in the finder to find it it doesn't find it.
Using 10.5.1, no problem up until now (new 2.8 iMac). Working all day with Adobe Lightroom 1.3.1, again, no prior problems.The computer froze, which I noted when the screensaver when I left to go eat dinner stayed static without fading out to a new picture. After force quitting and restarting, I went to the System Prefs and when I went to the Desktop/Screensaver section, I got a blank window. I confirmed all the other System Prefs icons work fine. It's as if the Desktop/Screensaver settings are erased/gone/whatever.
i woke up this morning and my western digital external HDD icon is not showing up on the desktop. I currently use this as a time machine and it has been working for about a year. This has happened before and just a simple re-plug of the usb does the trick, but i have been working on this for hours and for some reason it is not showing up. I have unplugged everything and re plugged them back in and nothing is working. i have checked the disk utility and the disk utility recognizes it. but i still dont know why it doesn't have an icon. i am running a repair disk on the external HDD now and it and it has been "repairing" for about 30 min now. i have tried to backup but it is not working either.
I currently have a macbook which I've had since December. A problem has now occurred, my screen keeps randomly disappearing after the first time it done it the mac took 3 or 4 minutes to show the screen again then when it loaded up again there was no icon for the HD folder. Any ideas what is causing this and how to get it fixed? Is it the hard drive? That's what I maybe thought.
I bought my MacBook Pro in 2009. My desktop and screensaver preferences were working and then all of a sudden disappeared (after a year or so).I've read a lot about re-installing Mac OS X and a lot of other tricks. Can someone tell me which one is the most reliable and least risky? I'm not very tech-savy and worried that somehow some of my other applications or options will disappear.
Until now I have been changing my desktop pictures using iPhoto or by right-clicking on a picture in the internet.
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I have only had my iamc about a month and i was busy emptying trash, but when i looked my desk top stack of documents had gone, i can still get to them other ways but id like the stack back on the desk top where is it ?