App Store :: Transfer French Account's Purchases To USA's Account ?
Apr 8, 2012
I recently moved from France to the USA. So, I modified my Apple account to USA, but I losted all my purchases. Is there a way to recover them ? Or is it still on the French store, so I just have to re-change my country to found my precedent purchases ?
my iTunes store is registered under an old email address and I wanted to change this address to my MobileMe address.iTunes would not let me change the address to an existing MobileMe account, but I was successful in creating my .me account seperately. Ok.
Now my problem/question: I no longer wish to use my old @rogers account and only want to use my @me. iTunes will not recognize my previous purchases made from the @rogers when logged in using my new @me. Fair enough... so now I would like to transfer all my purchases from the old account to my new MobileMe.
Can this be done?? I certainly am unable to do this from my side.
I purchased quite a few apps on my husband's iTune because we synched on the same computer. Now that I am using the iCloud I want my own iTune account so that my husband's devices don't synch with my devices. Do I have to purchase the apps again in my new account or can I transfer them from my husband's account?
I figure I'm not the only one who is going through this, but I am hoping there is a way to merge my iTunes account purchases into 1 account. When I was single I had my personal account and bought music, tv shows, & movies under that iTunes ID. At the same time my future wife was doing the same. Now that we are married and have multiple devices including an iPhone, iPad, & Apple TV I'm looking for a way to merge each of our "pre-relationship", personal purchases into our family account.
I already made the "family" iTunes account that all of our devices use, allowing all store purchases from here-on-out to be able to be utilized on all devices. iTunes Match has helped in the music department because I downloaded all of our music from all account onto my computer and uploaded them to iTunes Match, thus making one large stock pile of collaborated account music which is able to be heard on any device linked to our iTunes Match account.
The problem I'm running into is that there isn't a similar option for TV shows & Movies. Right now they are downloadable from iCloud but only when logged in under the particular account. I have downloaded them all onto my Mac but I can't transfer them to my devices unless I plug them into the Mac or I "Home Share" to my Apple TV. Is there a way for me to open my Apple TV, iPhone, or iPad under my family account and be able to access purchases from our other accounts.
I am unable to get into my account info on the iTunes store to check my account info. I keep getting a message that it is unavailable and try later, but this has been going on for weeks.
I went to run some updates and found a copy of Angry Birds, bought with an ID attached to a Russian email address. I didn't recognise it, so it looks pretty dodgy.Â
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I open App Store application and it shows that I have 1 update available for an app I never purchased. I try clicking the update button and get the message "You have updates available for other accounts: Sign in to [url]... to update applications for that account." -- I have no clue what this account is or where it came from but it's not mine. MY updates seem to be working OK but I can't get rid of this 1 update available message.
Is it possible to transfer an app for my account to my wife's account so she can use it on her phone. Tom Tom is the App and as I don't use it anymore it seems silly to have it and for it not to be used.
Info: iMac 24/Mac Book Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Iphone 4S, iPad 16GB
I have an iPod classic and my iTunes account was on my old pc. How do I transfer my account to my Mac and sync my iPod without loosing all my playlists?
I just started a new account for my wife on our iMac. Before that all our music, photos, contacts, etc were on my account. My question is, how can I transfer the music over to her account and also how can I get her contacts on her phone over to itunes?
Just downloaded the new update thought this would fix my ebanking problem. I can pay bills however cannot transfer funds from one account to another. Can anyone help or know when this will be fixed?
My Daughters computer has just died she had her itunes account on it. I have signed her into itunes on my mac if I connect her ipod will it transfer all of her songs and apps or will she lose them?
I have an account on my imac and so does my wife. I recently downloaded office on my account and I would like to load the app on my wife's account, but I do not know how to do that. I have the product key available.Â
So I took an account photo when i recently installed leopard at the start up...when it's creating the account and all of that stuff...
I was messing around with Photo Booth, and clicked the account photo button, and it replaced the old one that i like with a new one...
How can i get my old one back? where was it located? I have made time machine backups, so maybe if i knew where the old photo is stored at, i could retrive it?
I bought this new MacBook Pro a month ago. When I try logging into my guest account, it froze. I had no other alternative but to get out of it by pressing the power button. Then I tried open a new user account to see if it also has the same problem. Unfortunately it did have the same problem - froze after I logged in. I had done a harddisk check, there seemed to be no problem.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Every time I put itunes music files into my shared folder from the administrator's account then try to drop it into my itunes library on my other account, it says I do not have write access and should check my music folders. Well, I gave every music folder and itunes write access privileges, but I still get the same message when I try to transfer the music.
I am looking to sell my old 2006 Macbook Pro. Currently it is being used as my wife's iPhone itunes platform/backup. Is there an easy way to transfer this info to a new user account on my new Macbook pro?
Today is the day i'd like to create a new user account and transfer all my files to that account. The problem? i've never tried this before! I will need step by step instuctions please.
I have a new mini mac and used migration assistant to transfer my iTunes library to it. However even though they are "on" the mini mac, they are in the transferred account. How do I transfer them to the new account on the mini mac?