ITunes :: How To Merge Multiple Account Purchases Into One
Apr 1, 2012
I figure I'm not the only one who is going through this, but I am hoping there is a way to merge my iTunes account purchases into 1 account. When I was single I had my personal account and bought music, tv shows, & movies under that iTunes ID. At the same time my future wife was doing the same. Now that we are married and have multiple devices including an iPhone, iPad, & Apple TV I'm looking for a way to merge each of our "pre-relationship", personal purchases into our family account.
I already made the "family" iTunes account that all of our devices use, allowing all store purchases from here-on-out to be able to be utilized on all devices. iTunes Match has helped in the music department because I downloaded all of our music from all account onto my computer and uploaded them to iTunes Match, thus making one large stock pile of collaborated account music which is able to be heard on any device linked to our iTunes Match account.
The problem I'm running into is that there isn't a similar option for TV shows & Movies. Right now they are downloadable from iCloud but only when logged in under the particular account. I have downloaded them all onto my Mac but I can't transfer them to my devices unless I plug them into the Mac or I "Home Share" to my Apple TV. Is there a way for me to open my Apple TV, iPhone, or iPad under my family account and be able to access purchases from our other accounts.
Our family has 2 i-phones, an i-pad, an i-mac, and 2 touches. We use the same Apple account. We currently have a positve balance on our i-tunes account.Some purchases are deducted from this account while others are put on my credit card.
I have a Macbook Pro and a desktop PC with iTunes installed on each with the same account. However, my iTunes purchases are not reflected the same on each computer. For example, my Macbook has two tv seasons of The Wire that does not appear on my PC iTunes. Also, there are a number of apps on my PC that I don't have on my Mac notebook. This is especially annoying as I sync my iPhone 4 most frequently with my desktop.
I used one computer to back up my Iphone, then when I got a new Iphone I used another computer. I would like to use the second computer from now on. They both have different information from the phones. I would like to merge the two accounts on the second computer so that all the information is put back onto the new phone.Â
I do not want to erase and replace. The two computers are not connected in any way. I do not have sharing turned on at this time. how to get the information from the first computer to the second computer. Step by step. and also how to merge the two accounts without losing any information.Â
Can I merge multiple files, and multiple file types, into a single PDF with my MacBook Pro?, Can I merger multiple files, and multiple file types, into a single PDF with my MacBook Pro?Â
I need to combine word docs, .jpgs, .PDFs, .pptx files from multiple sources into a single PDF. In the past I've used software such as Nuance but I'm wondering if there's something in the MacBook Pro OS or applications that support this function.Â
I recently moved from France to the USA. So, I modified my Apple account to USA, but I losted all my purchases. Is there a way to recover them ? Or is it still on the French store, so I just have to re-change my country to found my precedent purchases ?
So here is what I'm trying to do, I've got a 160 gb of music in itunes on my macbook pro, but I need to decrease that number, b/c my I'm running out of hard drive space and my library is only getting larger. I want to have it set up so that I've got my entire library on my external hard drive (1 TB, space is not an issue), and while I'm at home I can access the entire library. However, while I'm out of the house, I'd like to only have about half of my current collection with me on my macbook pro..
I tried to set it up using the 'itunes manage multiple libraries' method, but this didn't transfer any of my ratings or playlists. Then I realized that with having these two libraries completely separate, this will be a re-occurring theme. The playlist and ratings between the two separate libraries in two separate locations, would continue to get more and more askew from each other depending on which library I'm accessing when I import new music, change ratings, or modify playlists...........
I transferred my old mac to a new mac using migration assistant and it created another user account on the new machine. Is there a way to merge the two accounts into one on the new machine?
I bought an imac 24" 4 months ago and set up individual access accounts on the mac for me and my daughters. I then set up an itunes account for each and I started to pay into their accounts for them to purchase some music and all was fine after syncing each nano with their access account and itunes account.
However, it quickly became apparent that they could not share their music between account even though they are on the same computer. I have tried various searches but to be honest some of the methods suggested I just dont understand hence my appearance here.
Can I now save the music they have purchased etc and take it all to one account and then sync them again with the one itunes account or would i be better to keep the different accounts and change the set-up so that they can see and sync with each others music.
I have multiples files (type PDF) that is mostly singled page and want to "combine" or "merge" into one file that contains all the single PDF file. Instead of opening up and drag-move one at a time, is there a quicker, efficient way?
my iTunes store is registered under an old email address and I wanted to change this address to my MobileMe address.iTunes would not let me change the address to an existing MobileMe account, but I was successful in creating my .me account seperately. Ok.
Now my problem/question: I no longer wish to use my old @rogers account and only want to use my @me. iTunes will not recognize my previous purchases made from the @rogers when logged in using my new @me. Fair enough... so now I would like to transfer all my purchases from the old account to my new MobileMe.
Can this be done?? I certainly am unable to do this from my side.
I just went through the process of buying an app as a gift to be delivered via email. Typed my personal message to the recipient, confirmed the delivery address. Got the review screen. Then when I clocked to purchase the app, I got a security screen asking me to select 3 security questions and an alternate email address. Got immediate emails from Apple noting the changes to my account. But I never got an email confirming the gift purchase. How do I tell if it went through? The item is not listed in my purchases, but maybe that's by design?  Did the security question dialog hijack the purchase process?Â
(Also checked my credit card website, and it doesn't look like there's a pending charge yet. But I'd hate to purchase this app twice.)
I've Googled for apps to do this but all of the ones I've found are out of date. I realize there isn't much of a need for this anymore but I've just discovered about 20 tracks in my library are still protected. This means I can't use them in iMovie for the iPhone. Only about half of them are listed in iTunes as having iTunes Plus upgrades so I'm trying to figure out what to do with the rest.
I get this error message when I try to check for purchases: "Unable to check for available downloads. The iTunes store is temporarily unavailable. please try again later." This has been going on for months. Upgrading to snow leopard didnt change it. Various iTunes upgrades haven't changed it. What can I do? I'm running iTunes 9.0.2, OS X 10.6.2 on a Unibody Macbook.
I recently purchases an IMac and want to transfer my itunes playlists from my macbook to the Imac.I tried sharing but it only lists all my songs. I would like to also have the playlists.How can I to that?