Why Does MBP Boot Up With File On Desktop

Feb 6, 2012

I swapped out the original 320GB internal HDD in my MBP for a 500GB Hitachi Travelstar today, and copied the contents of the original to the new drive with Superduper.The original 320GB drive is now in an enclosure, and both the MBP and the external appear to be fine.However, both drives have a file on the desktop on booting, which is automatically opened by TextEdit.The file is called 'QResouce' and the text reads as follows: #include "qresource.h"I have closed the file and rebooted several times. Each time it reappears on the desktop.

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OS X :: After Downloading And Opening An .rar File A File Named .DS_Store Appeared On Desktop?

Sep 8, 2009

I have a G4, dual 450, 1G Ram running 10.4.11. Recently after downloading and opening an .rar file, a file named .DS_Store appeared on the desktop. I have since deleted the .rar file, but cannot delete the .DS file. It is appearing now in all of my programs, including my camera when I plug it in. I've tried ClamXav, MacScan, and DnsChangerRemovaltool, also What'sKeepingMe, but nothing can remove it. Info says it's a document, 16 KB, and it reads as date created the last time I turned the machine on. Can anyone tell me what this is and how I can get rid of it?

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Delete DS_Store File / File Keeps Popping Up On My Desktop

Nov 29, 2007

I am relatively new to the Mac. I have a Macbook Pro 2.2GHz. Today, a file keeps popping up on my desktop. It is named .DS_Store. The icon looks like a text document. I won't open it cuz I'm afraid of what it is, lol (Windows still clogging my brain). Anyway, I can drag it to the trash and delete the trash, but after a bit, it reappears.

Any idea how to get rid of it?

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OS X :: Can't Delete A File From The Desktop

Jan 20, 2009

There's a file on my desktop that was being copied from an external SD card but was interrupted. Now I cannot delete the freaking thing....what's going on? I've tried rebooting and then deleting, but that didn't work.

I get an error message that says "Some of the items you are moving are in use by another application. Moving the items can cause problems with the application using them. Are you sure you want to move these items?"

Clicking "Continue" doesn't actually delete the file....dragging and dropping the file into the trash also does nothing.

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OS X :: External Drives Not On Desktop When Boot Up

Oct 20, 2009

When I boot up, my external drives are not on the desktop. I discovered that if the Finder is relaunched, they show up and all is well. Another issue that may be related: When powering down, the computer needs a force-quit most of the time. It hangs on the spinning gear

OSX 10.4.11
PowerPC G5 dual 2.7
Finder 10.4.7
2 internal drives
1 LaCie 1TB Raid (formated JBOD)
1 CalDigit 1TB Raid
250 GB External
150 GB External

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Mac Pro :: SSD As Boot Drive - Make Desktop In Bay 2?

Jul 5, 2010

So I am contemplating getting an SSD as my boot drive. I read a huge article on anandtech talking about how SSD degradation works. So I would only want the OS and Applications I have to be on the SSD. I know how to change my downloads to go to a different drive and set up my iTunes music folder somewhere else too. However, how could I make the desktop be on a drive in bay 2? Or photo booth pictures to go to the drive in bay 2? Or an iPhone backup? Basically, how can I get everything to not go on the SSD besides just the necessary files for the OS and my applications? I just don't want a bunch of random files being written to the SSD.

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OS X :: Cannot Drag File From Desktop To Any Folder

Nov 6, 2010

When I drag a file from my desktop to another folder it stays on the desktop.

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OS X :: Desktop Wallpaper File Recovery?

Oct 19, 2007

I have a guest account on my Mac with a background image I really like. The problem is that it looks like someone deleted the actual background image, because I can't find it anymore. When I login to the account, the image is still being shown.

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OS X :: How To Use / Open Remote Desktop File

Jan 9, 2009

I have an older MacBook with OS X which is used for school, the other day an administrator took over my computer through remote desktop so I immediately took my battery out later I went looking for this Remote Desktop program on my computer and found the following in /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement
In this folder I found what appeared to be a remote desktop file...
Icon: remote desktop icon
Name: ARDAgent
Kind: Application
Size: 2.9 MB
I tried opening this wondering if I could use it to gain access to friends laptops but when I double-clicked nothing occurred. I am wondering if this file can be used as a remote desktop file and how I could open it.

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OS X :: How To Make A .wmv File As A Desktop Wallpaper?

Oct 15, 2009

I want to make a wmv file as my desktop wallpaper, is there a way?

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MacBook Pro :: Hidden File On Desktop?

May 30, 2010

Today when I booted up make 2010 MBP(See signature if details matter) I noticed icon on my Desktop named ".DS_Store" and when I opened it with textedit it was a bunch of random characters. When I move it to my trash and click "Empty" it just re-apperas on my desktop.

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MacBook Pro :: Unzipping File On Desktop

Mar 15, 2012

When I try to unzip a file, I get a message: "Unable to unarchive "name of file" into "Desktop". (Error 1 - Operation not permitted.)". The file is 9.3 Gb, but I have opened files exactly like this in the recent past. I am using mac os 10.6.8.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.5)

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MacBook Pro :: PSD File Has Disappeared From Desktop?

May 7, 2012

I saved a file 2 hours ago onto my USB from photoshop called 'finallayout'. the file was pretty large however it has totally disappeared. It is not in my trash and I have search for it on my finder bar. I had saved the psd a week/ two weeks ago as the same final name on my desktop but with less work but that has also disappeared.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Cannot Remove PDF File From Desktop

May 31, 2012

I have been offered update on Adobe Reader appx 12 times now and it has been accepted and closed other programs to install. It 9.5.1 version. Now I have two pdf files on my desktop 28bea10-8739248572913388.pdf and a similar one which cannot be trashed or removed from the desktop. A sign comes up cannot be deleted therefore cannot be removed from the desktop.

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Intel Mac :: Deleting A File From Desktop?

Jun 5, 2012

I downloaded a .part file and now I can't delete it from my desktop!  I've tried everything, I think.  When I try, I get the dialog box that says it is a file that can't be deleted!

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OS X Yosemite :: How To Rebuild Desktop File

Dec 7, 2014

How do I rebuild my desktop file?

iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10)

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Power Mac G5 :: Desktop Icons Not Loading After Boot Up

Nov 20, 2007

I boot up, go through all the start up ok, the desktop background loads but none of the icons for the HD or folders, etc. Tried booting from the DVD and repairing, and booting in Safe Mode, but no change.

intel iMac
Mac OS X (10.4.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Boot Camp And Parallel Desktop 5.0

Jun 28, 2010

I installed Wnidows 7 using boot camp and it is working fine. Now if I install Parallel destop 5.0, do I have reinstall Windows 7 all over again or is there a way that I can use the existing partition by boot camp without having to create a new virtual machine by Parallel desktop ?

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OS X Mavericks :: Boot Disk Not Displaying On Desktop?

Aug 23, 2014

Is there a setting that allow me to view the boot disk icon on the desktop like the older system software used to do?

iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X :: Desktop Folders/All Disappeared Along With All File Names

Jan 28, 2009

I restarted my macbook pro (10.5.6) last night after really slow internet speeds, and when it booted back up all my desktop folders disappeared. I can't even find a single file name anymore anywhere on the harddrive.

Apple support said they've seen the desktop directory glitch with the finder, but we could not reverse whatever happend and they suggested I spend $100 bucks on Disc Warrior.

How am I going to find about 1700 files????? My time machine drive stopped backing up two months ago, ggggrrrrrrr -right when I needed it eh?!

Does anyone have any ideas what I can try to get back the file names and folders?

I know the data is still on the drive, just with no allocations.

I've repaired all disc permissions 3 times-it keeps having to repair them everytime I reboot.Terry

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Applications :: Using Transmission - Not Creating The File On My Desktop

Dec 9, 2007

Ive noticed today, when i went to torrent some movies that when i add them, its not creating the file on my desktop, or anywhere on my mac But it still says its downloading? at the moment ive downloaded 62mb of a torrent and still no file has been created for it?

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OS X :: Setting HTML File As Desktop Picture

Feb 20, 2009

Is it possible to have a HTML file as a desktop picture? (on Mac)

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OS X :: Same Upgrade File Can Be Installed On Desktop And Laptop?

Aug 27, 2009

Can I install the $29 upgrade on both my desktop and laptop?

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Software :: Unable To Delete File On Desktop?

Sep 8, 2002

I have an mp3 file on the desktop I am unable to move to trash.

Everytime I attempt to move to trash it says "the file is being used by another task right now". This message occurs even if I close every program I am running.

I opened the process viewer, but I don't see anything that could possibly be using an mp3 file.

the only player i have is iTunes and it is off.

I attempted to duplicate the file on the desktop, but was told that "you do not have sufficient priviledges". But I have rwx for everything!

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Numbers File On Desktop That Does Not Exist?

Mar 8, 2012

I have a newly set up MacBook Pro with Lion 10.7.2.  I have created a numbers file that is NOT saved on the Desktop.  I have an icon of that file on the Desktop and can select it but the file doesn't exist.  I have navigated to the folder as su in Terminal and the file doesn't exist. The icon shows on the Desktop though. The numbers document you can see above the selected is the numbers document that I saved after I had seen what I have described above.  When I saved it there was no prompt to overwrite the file because it doesn't exist

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Strange File On Desktop Can't Be Deleted

Mar 18, 2012

I created a new project in Garageband called QE2.band on my desktop, I imported a midi file into the project, made some changes and saved it.This created two Icons on my desktop. Both with the same exact name of QE2.band. One had the standard document looking icon with the Guitar, and the second which looked like a minni screenshot of my GB tracks.I later moved the one with the "Tracks" icon to my music folder in the "Grarge Band" sub folder. I can still access this project just fine. But the Icon with the document looking Icon with the Guitar still appears on my desktop.If I double click on this desktop Icon, is is highligted with the selection rectangle, but does nothing.If I attempt to drag this Icon to the Trash in the Dock I get the message box saying "The item "QE2.band" can't be moved to the trash because it can't be deleted."If I RIGHT CLICK (CONTROL-CLICK) on this icon and select "Move to Trash", I get the same dialog box as above.If I open a Finder window in my desktop directory, the file does not appear.If I open up the "Terminal" app and cd to my desktop folder and execute the ls -la command, I do not see this file QE2.band.If I include the ls switches to how hidden (beginning with a ".") and including the -i to show the files id/inode number, including a null file spec, an "*" file spec or the actual file name "QE2.band" as the file spec, it still responds with file not found:ix:Desktop jeff$ pwd/Volumes/IX User/Users/jeff/Desktopix:Desktop jeff$ ls -la QE2.bandls: QE2.band: No such file or directory [code]

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: How To See Complete File Names On Desktop

Apr 4, 2012

All the file names with more than 5 or 6 characters are being shortened on my desktop.Example: "Bigthink.png" is being shortened to "bi...ng"..It's only doing it on one of my user desktops.  The other is fine.  Don't know what happened but was a problem before I upgraded to OS X Lion.

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Cannot Delete PDF File From IMac Desktop

May 31, 2012

I am trying to delete a desktop pdf file. I am unable to send to trash. I get the following message:

The item "DepositTicket(1).pdf" can't be moved to the Trash because it can't be deleted.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X Server V10.5 :: Remote Desktop -  Can't Download File

Jun 12, 2012

We have a server mac and we can access at server with remote desktop with a other mac, but we can't download file.

Remote Desktop, Mac OS X (10.5)

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ITunes :: Import MP3 From Desktop Automatically As AAC File

Jun 22, 2012

If it is possible to import MP3 files from the desktop to the iTunes library and automatically convert them to AAC files? Right now I always have doubles after converting them into AAC files by hand with iTunes. There might be a short cut key to press while dragging the files to the iTunes library?

Mac OS X (10.7)

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