ITunes :: Import MP3 From Desktop Automatically As AAC File
Jun 22, 2012
If it is possible to import MP3 files from the desktop to the iTunes library and automatically convert them to AAC files?Right now I always have doubles after converting them into AAC files by hand with iTunes.There might be a short cut key to press while dragging the files to the iTunes library?
Can I import a WMA file (audio) to itunes (or how do I change the file name to mp3) ? I ultimately want to download it to my ipod. Or is there another app that I can work with (WMA player(?)
Have tried basic "add file to library", also "import playlist", also starting in Finder and trying to drag to a playlist, and also right clicking 2x in Finder and looking for the window that gives me the option of saving or importing to itunes (???)
Do anyone knows why this massage pops when I'm trying to import file to the library? "Attempting to copy to the disk "Data1" Failed. You do not have enough access privileges for this operation."
I had to restore my library a while problem, dragged it onto the desktop, iTunes rebuilt it from the .xml file and everything was fine...only problem is now I'm trying to tidy up my desktop and those two pesky library files won't stay deleted from the desktop no matter how man times I trash them...Now, I understand the library file needs to update itself and all, but why can't it keep it's business confined to the iTunes folder?
I recently purchased an MP3 album from Amazon, which downloaded fine. Unlike previous times, however, the Amazon Downloader app didn't load the music into my iTunes library. I tried to manually add the album to my iTunes Library, with no luck. I was able to load the album into my iPhone Music app by dragging and dropping on my iPhone device in iTunes (after turning off iTunes Match).. If I double-click on the songs on my hard drive, they will play in iTunes, but do not import.
I am running Mac OS 10.7.3, iTunes 10.6.1 (7) and have iTunes Match active on my computer.
i have a macbook pro. i've looked through a lot of tutorials on youtube and apple support but i wasn't able to find the answer i was looking for.
my question is
how do i import a video on my desktop to the application imovie 09?
i started to work on my killer intro vid and the rest of the vid happen to be on my desktop. however, when i attempt to drag the video to imovie09, it bounce right off.
if there is nothing i can do, would it be possible to use the isight cam from imovie09 to make a video? i am not talking about making a video about myself. it actually pertains to an object ill be holding and talking about it. the only struggle is turning the object and holding it up. i know it can be better done with an actually camcorder but is there another way with the isight app on my computer?
I'm a recent PC convert, and I'm trying to convert my Palm Desktop for Windows version 4.1.4 calendar to iCal. But iCal looks to import vcal files, and Palm only exports .dba files. Is that the end of story, or is there a way of doing this?
I have a number of folders on my desktop that contain movie files, jpeg files, you name it. When I try to import from the desktop, the import media window only shows the files and not the folders they are in! I have included a screen shot of what my window looks like when I select the desktop to import media. Again, I have a number of folders that don't show up, only the files in them. This is maddening when trying to import files! I know i can move the files to my hard drive but i am used to desktop work flow.
Suddenly everytime I open Safari, it opens along with a new desktop. So I can't put an application on top of it since the app would appear on the first desktop, get what I mean? So I can't chat with iChat while watching youtube, for example. How to open Safari on the first desktop instead?
Just found this and it works really well even on snow leopard. And best of all it's free. [URL:....] I just donwloaded some free patterns to try it out here. [URL:...] Import zip file and activate. Takes 2 seconds. Now if I can only have my old rainbow back that would be nice. I guess that will be the next test to make my own and see if it works. If I extract a pattern and right click and say compress. It also imports. So it works just as the original. So it shouldn't be too hard to make my own designs and rezip them. I just don't remember what info.plist does or how to edit that if I use my own design.
I have a G4, dual 450, 1G Ram running 10.4.11. Recently after downloading and opening an .rar file, a file named .DS_Store appeared on the desktop. I have since deleted the .rar file, but cannot delete the .DS file. It is appearing now in all of my programs, including my camera when I plug it in. I've tried ClamXav, MacScan, and DnsChangerRemovaltool, also What'sKeepingMe, but nothing can remove it. Info says it's a document, 16 KB, and it reads as date created the last time I turned the machine on. Can anyone tell me what this is and how I can get rid of it?
I am relatively new to the Mac. I have a Macbook Pro 2.2GHz. Today, a file keeps popping up on my desktop. It is named .DS_Store. The icon looks like a text document. I won't open it cuz I'm afraid of what it is, lol (Windows still clogging my brain). Anyway, I can drag it to the trash and delete the trash, but after a bit, it reappears.
I've been using Macs for awhile, and am growing to love them for sure. I'm starting to dabble with Applescript, and things like that... just delving into the magic of Apple products, and I'm coming up with a few questions, one of which I'm posting here!
I'm interested in leaving three icons on the desktop at all times. My "Macintosh HD" icon, a "Lost&Found" folder and a alias to a server I use consistently. All other files I want moved into the Lost&Found Folder on a consistent basis, and I want to delete these files weekly, or bi-weekly. I'm unsure as to if I should make an Applescript for this, or if there's a utility out there to do this. I have looked around a bit already, and haven't found much.
I am doing a project for my new website where I need to show select clips from movies I have downloaded. The movies are in .avi format and I use VLC to watch them. iMovie will not let me import these videos, how can I work around this? So I can edit them in Imovie.
Is there a limit on the size or length of an audio file that Garageband can import?
I have an Apple Lossless file over five hours long in iTunes. When I try to drag it into Garageband, it acts as though it is importing, but then tells me the ".aiff file is empty". But if I play the file in Quicktime, iTunes and in the iTunes section of Garageband, it plays fine.
My problem its pretty simple. When I choose "Desktop folder" as destination to import/export in my applications, the entire app freezes.
For example: If i want to open a photo which are in "desktop" with photoshop with the "Open..." option, the "choose destination" pop-up window that appear freezes and I have to Force Quit. If i choose another folder, nothing happens.
For two weeks my screen will go blue and then any data on the screen will come back, either to normal or expanded in scale. In the desktop preferences it will offer desktop and VGA options. Over the last two days it will resize smaller with black edges and display the last wallpaper I used not the current one. Any help in correcting this would be great it's an iMac and runs Mac OSX Version 10.4.11
I sent my files from my PC to a MAC in mp4 format. However, I cannot open the files with quicktime (only with VLC) and I cannot figure out how to edit the videos using iMovie because iMovie will not let my import them.
I was told that if I wanted to edit my DVD I had to convert it first with Handbrake, so I used Handbrake to convert my DVD and it became an .m4v file. But in Imovie I can't import that file, nor can I drag it from my deskboard into iMovie.
I have got an email with an attached zip file. When I downloaded it to my computer it became a text ed file. This file contacts lots of names and addresses that I would like to make mailing labels for.To do that, I must merge it to excel.
An issue arose today with our new MacPro/FCPX/SNS EVO SAN combo.
When importing media from a portable drive using FCPX in “copy files” mode, with the Library’s media folder residing on the SAN, FCPX imports but does not copy the media. The clip appearing in the browser is still linked to the original file.
If the clip is of a codec that can be optimized and the option in the import window is ticked, only the optimized media is copied to the SAN volume.
Renders work, writing to a dedicated NAS volume, Exports work too, writing to another dedicated Exports NAS volume.
I am stumped. I have never seen FCPX behave this way. The strange thing is that at no time does it indicate any problem with the copying process not succeeding…
Because the optimized media is created on the volume I would imagine this is probably more of an OS/FCPX issue but I don’t know enough about the processes in the mac to be sure of that.
OBTW: Trashed the prefs, with both Pref Manager and alt+cmd at launch.
Info: Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 64 GB RAM Dual 700s gfx cards