I have Mac os x 10.6 and whevever i do undate it,it works fine but then halfway through it says error report. It says kept doing this for about 5 months now and nothing ever seems to work.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.4)
i brought my mbp in aug 2011 from the usa without apple care. i am currently living in saudi arabia.i bought apple care from amazon usa and they shipped it to me ,, since apple store doesnt accept foreign credit cards and doesnt ship international.apple store saudia arabia doesnot have apple care.
on trying to activate apple care on my computer it sayss that it cannot be activated from this region
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1), 500 GB HDD 8GB RAM
when i get sent an email with picture attachments mail often fails to download all the pictures fully. some of them only show half the picture, then the rest is grey.is there anyway to tell it to redownload the email?im using os 10.4.11 and its AOL email.
I was wondering if somebody knows which is the best way to download streaming flash videos, I have been using Skysoft itube, but ask for a serial, Videobox doesnt work quite well for me...and keep it it is not working these days..
I have recently upgraded from 10.4 to 10.5, everything has been fine apart from I now cannot seem to be able to download anything. When I click on a link to download, the page loads for a second and then gets stuck on a grey screen and the download window doesn't open. I have tried different browsers and all of my updates are current but still nothing.
I am trying to set up a HP PSC 2355 that is on the network shared from a pc. There are two macbooks that will be using it. They are both running 10.5 software and don't have snow leopard on them. The one set up and works fine, but the other I can't seem to get a good driver for when setting up the printer. The download from HPs site doesn't just have the driver, it's an entire package that you have to install. I found info on Apples site about a printer update :Mac OS X 10.5.3: Printer drivers included in the HP Printer Driver Update v1.1.1
which shows my printer as one of the ones that would be updated, but I can't find the link to download the update.
The "App store" is telling me there is an update for my "Aperture" software, however when I try to download it this message appears "The product distribution file could not be verified. It may be damaged or was not signed."
Yesterday, June 12 in the morning (Europe), i have downloaded a automatic Apple update, after that my MacBook Pro 13'' is going in Panic, noway to deblock it... a am a unique case or there is a general problem?
I attempted to download a "critical" update for Excel, however, it failed.I shut down the computer. Now I am not able to access docs in excel either ones I have already created or create new ones.I continue to get an error message.
I recently migrated from MacBook pro to iMac. Now neither will update nor print. They see the printers on network but say I need to download software to print! When I try to download it gives me Network Diagnostics problem although it is connected! The same error appears when trying to update either computer!
"You need to restart your computer. Hold down the power button for several seconds or press the Restart button."
I get this message everytime I turn on my MacBook Air and cannot get past it.
When i turn the power off, it hang for quite a long time and this screen appears,
Macbook Air OS x 10.5.
Before this happened, i went on skype and firefox. But then it hanged, so i had to hold the power button to shut it down. I meant to restart it back but then i couldnt. This problem appears.
Just before it happened, i dont have any start up application. But before, they were adium, skype and transmission. And my 'HUAWEI mobile connect broadband internet' connect automatically. and i dont use time machine.
While trying to restart after downloading an iTunes update, my computer won't go past the grey screen with the apple and loading bar. When I hit command+s it says my system bootstrapper crashed. I've repaired the disk and disk permissions and it still won't load.
this is my third macbook pro and the headphone jack doesnt seem to be as 'tight' as the other ones I have owned. The headphone jack goes into the socket with minimal pressure but I do hear a click. While the other I owned I had to apply a little bit of pressure.
Ive got my MBpro since May. The first thing is noticed is when the computer is using or charging the battery, that the left side gets hot and feels different then the right side. on the edges. Someone has this to? I have it on my 13'' aswell
Just wondering if someone could please help me. My Macbook wont turn on, when I connect the charger to the Macbook, a faded green light appears on the charger (not as bright as it usually is) but still the Mac will not turn on. I have tried someone else's charger and the light on that charger also went a faded green colour. So i believe it is something to do with the Macbook and not the charger.
My university has a Wifi all other the grounds but i can only use it occasionally with my macbook for some reason. It sometimes loads things like google reader or google searches but i cant look at google images or anything. Everyone else just loads safari or the equivalent and enters an email address and they can browse. Mine does that but then stops and starts working every so often.
I was looking around the big web recently, and saw liquid mac. I downloaded and installed it on my 2011 13 inch macbook pro but it said it couldnt find a sudden motion sensor. So i checked system information, and it confirmed this... I didnt have a sudden motion sensor. Should i go and get this fixed somehow?? can they fix it or will they replace my laptop? Also, the hdd is factory installed if that makes a difference. I have applecare
nyone know why why the isight doesnt work eventhough the green light goes on everytym i sue an application using isight. when i open the photobooth all i see is black screen on the photobooth, still the camera light goes on. it was fine at first but aftr not using it for a while..it just doesnt work.
Im new to MAC and i was wondering if I could pre-download the MAC update in my windows desktop then save it in my portable HD then copy it over to my MBP.
If so, can you point me to the link where i can get 10.6.2. My MBP has 10.6.1 right now.
The OSX 10.5.5 Software Update won't download or install to my MacBookPro. The error message tells me that it can't be saved and that I 'do not have appropriate access privileges. The Installer package has been moved to the Trash. To try again, open the package from the Finder.'
The access privileges point is a bit odd as I am the owner and sole user of this MacBook. There is no sign of the Installer in the Trash so I can't get it from there.
I get the error, The application could not be downloaded. The installation could not be started. However, my internet connection is fine. I tried deleting my safari, iTunes and app store caches to no effect.