MacBook Air :: Attempted To Download 'critical' Update For Excel
Apr 23, 2012
I attempted to download a "critical" update for Excel, however, it failed.I shut down the computer. Now I am not able to access docs in excel either ones I have already created or create new ones.I continue to get an error message.
NVIDIA has released a critical Mac OS X driver update for the GeForce GTX 285 and Quadro FX 4800. It is recommended that the new drivers be installed immediately. Users must install the new drivers PRIOR to the next Mac OS X update after 10.5.7 in order to avoid system compatibility issues. The driver update is needed to prevent Mac OS X system issues and will affect users who plan to update to the next Mac OS X update after 10.5.7. Built into this driver is also improved graphics performance for both the GeForce GTX 285 and Quadro FX 4800. The latest NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285 drivers are located at: [URL]. The latest NVIDIA Quadro FX 4800 drivers are located at: [URL]
Installation Instructions: For Safari users: Click download link above. Once the download is finished, the installer package will automatically start. Please follow the installer package instructions to complete. For Firefox users: Click download link above. Choose "Open with (default)." Once the download is finished, the installer package will automatically start. Please follow the installer package instructions to complete.
Installed MSOffice on my MBP with SL already installed. Office immediately wants to be updated with a "critical update" which is 200+ MB. Nearing the end of the update I get a message that says the update had a technical error, and it then shuts down. After this nothing in Office works.
Then I tried to post a message on MS's Mactopia forum and it won't let me log in. So I can't post, and I can't create a new account.I dragged the corrupted Office to the trash (their uninstall program wouldn't work either). Reinstalled Office and everything works. But it's not updated.
I have a later 2012 iMac 27". The computer was running slow for the past week or so. I decided to update to Yosemite today. The installation stated it had a critical error and the downloaded file was corrupted. It asked to re-download the file, and then the iMac froze. It went to a gray screen without a restart. I forced the iMac to restart. After the restart, a progress bar with the Apple symbol would come up and then the iMac would shut down. I have attempted to restart using Internet Recovery; however, the OSX will not show a drive to install to. I did another Internet Recovery and had Disk Utility come up, but it only sees a partition with approximately 2 gigs of the 3 terabytes I actually have. It seems as if iMac is not properly mounting the drive. I have two questions.
1) Is there some way to have the bios remount the drive and 2) if 1 is not possible, is it possible to recover the data off the drive?
A couple weeks ago, I attempted to download an extension for Safari (unfortunately, I can't remember the name), and there wasn't any indication that it was being downloaded. Upon quitting Safari immediately afterward, when I opened up Safari's preference window, I noticed that some of the preference icons were missing. How to restore these icons?
I'm downloading different files into excel (some tab delimited, some csv, some xls) from different places and they all open in excel with incredibly weird formatting. Basically the separation of each column makes no sense. When other people download the same exact files, their files appear normally, with each category in a different column. So there's something going on with my excel.
When I download a credit card statement, for example, it comes out like this:
"02/03/2010$18""82USPS 35960795520803QPS NEW YORK XXXXXXXXXXXXXX48(Standard Purch)"
With the quotes showing the columns... so the date and half of the price are in one column and the cents from the price and the vendor and the last four digits in the second column.
I find it slow to edit data in iTunes (e.g., changing to last name first, filling in data when missing from old CDs). This would be very easy to type, copy/paste, copy down, etc. in Excel. Is there a fast way to edit data in iTunes? (faster than clicking on a song, waiting for it to know you're changing data, typing the data and not being able to copy/paste)
So, I had read a few posts from various sites about how a problematic iSight (one that didn't show up in system profiler) could be possibly caused by a loose cable. The guides reported finding a loose connection in the iSight cable behind the bezel. They reported opening up their MBs and successfully getting behind there for the fix.
I thought I'd be okay opening up my 15" MBP to see if my iSight dilemma could be cured in the same way. I used this guide:
to get to the cable. I did skip a number of steps immediately following the detachment of the bezel; going directly to the upper iSight area simply disconnecting and then reconnecting the cable. This seems OK because the guide is for replacing the entire cable itself; whereas I just wanted to check the top connection.
I noticed that this box pops up everytime I go to close iPhoto and it's an extremely slow process. Each time I have closed iPhoto, it takes about 5 to 10 minutes to "save this critical information." Before I upgraded to my new 27" iMac, it would never do this and iPhoto would close right away. Is this standard now? Why does it take so long to do its thing and close?
I have recently upgraded from 10.4 to 10.5, everything has been fine apart from I now cannot seem to be able to download anything. When I click on a link to download, the page loads for a second and then gets stuck on a grey screen and the download window doesn't open. I have tried different browsers and all of my updates are current but still nothing.
I am trying to set up a HP PSC 2355 that is on the network shared from a pc. There are two macbooks that will be using it. They are both running 10.5 software and don't have snow leopard on them. The one set up and works fine, but the other I can't seem to get a good driver for when setting up the printer. The download from HPs site doesn't just have the driver, it's an entire package that you have to install. I found info on Apples site about a printer update :Mac OS X 10.5.3: Printer drivers included in the HP Printer Driver Update v1.1.1
which shows my printer as one of the ones that would be updated, but I can't find the link to download the update.Â
The "App store" is telling me there is an update for my "Aperture" software, however when I try to download it this message appears "The product distribution file could not be verified. It may be damaged or was not signed."
I have Mac os x 10.6 and whevever i do undate it,it works fine but then halfway through it says error report. It says kept doing this for about 5 months now and nothing ever seems to work.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.4)
Since I updated the latest software on 2/2/12, Office For Mac doesn't work correctly. I can not open Excel or Word documents from Office. I cannot save a newly created document. However, I can open an exsisting document by going to the hard drive and double clicking the document I need. I can't save changes I make to the document once opened.Â
Yesterday, June 12 in the morning (Europe), i have downloaded a automatic Apple update, after that my MacBook Pro 13'' is going in Panic, noway to deblock it... a am a unique case or there is a general problem?
I recently migrated from MacBook pro to iMac. Now neither will update nor print. They see the printers on network but say I need to download software to print! When I try to download it gives me Network Diagnostics problem although it is connected! The same error appears when trying to update either computer!
While trying to restart after downloading an iTunes update, my computer won't go past the grey screen with the apple and loading bar. When I hit command+s it says my system bootstrapper crashed. I've repaired the disk and disk permissions and it still won't load.
I just installed my 2nd Intel Gen2 SSD (80gb) for a win7 installation. I installed it into my 4th drive bay in my '09mac pro quad, but it osx it is not seen at all!isk utilities does not see it, how do i get this ssd usable?
On startup the WiFi connection symbol initially is full and black and then goes grey with in a few seconds. If I click the WiFi symbol the drop down menu shows my WiFi network which I click put in WEP code but then I get a message after a few seconds that the connection has timed out. All other Macs in the house connect to the WiFi fine.
I am searching for a plugin, software or a solution for a situation I have with an Excel/Word Mail Merge.
It's a law firm we specialize in DUI/DWI and Reckless Driving defense. We subscribe to a data collection service that pulls data from various court systems around the state. We are then given this data by jurisdiction. The Excel files we receive come with 2 workbooks in one file for Traffic and Criminal arrests data with name, address, reason for arrest, etc, etc.
What I have been doing is opening each Excel file and copying and pasting into a new worksheet only grabbing the DUI and Reckless driving arrests because tis is all I am needing from the various files. I then save the new workbook and do a mail merge with Word from this newly created workbook.
Now my question is there such a plugin or software that will combine all the Excel files I receive from the Data collection house and then be able to filter out only the DUI and Reckless Driving arrests to a single Excel Workbook?
1. Turned the List Manager on by accident in Excel. Can't figure out how to turn it off now. I am using Excel 2004, and a MAC mouse - so no right-clicking for me...
2. How do I move columns in Excel? I select the column on top, but then try dragging it to a place I'd like it to move, but nothing happens. How do I do that?
3. General Mac Word/Excel question - how do I get to use "Home" and "End" buttons? When I hit them I simply jump somewhere, but not to the beginning or end of the paragraph. I have a MAC keyboard with the "Home" and "End" buttons along with the "Help", "Delete", "Pg Up" and "Pg Dwn" keys - basically it looks a lot like a PC keyboard...
So my mac was acting up, no sound from iChat and Spaces wouldn't function properly.
So i restart, the Mac pro gets o the normal point of turning off the display before the spin up sound, but instead this ticking sound occurred. This had a repetition at about ever 3 seconds.
So i quickly held the power button and shut down the Mac pro. I powered up the system and all seemed fine.