OS X :: Transfer Full Itunes Library & Pics / Home Movies
Dec 3, 2009
My brother has told me its simple to switch over itunes library but sure he isnt gonna tell me, he is like that! My iMac desktop is tiger 10.4.11 & i want to transfer my itunes library, including apps/films/tv shows etc to my macbook laptop which is 10.5. I have uploaded most of my pics to mobile me so that they are safe but I have home movies also & want to secure them. I was gonna upgrade the imac tiger to snow leopard as Im probably getting a time capsule as a gift & would need to be 10.5 or higher to use it I believe but i decided against that. I will just use the desktop for general browsing etc & not keep anything of sentimental value on it.
I want to add a category of Home Movies to go along with the movies and TV Shows categories on iTunes. Can this be done? I want it to show up on Apple TV as a option also.
I have just bought a new macbook pro and im looking to transfer my itunes libary (all movies, podcasts, songs, etc), from my old macbook air to my new macbook pro. I will be selling my macbook air, so I dont think the home sharing would work - however, Im not too sure how this works - if the home share is initially done, does it then save all the data to the new computer ?Â
1)Â can I save the itunes library file to my time capsule then install the itunes library to my new MBP from time capsule?
2)  or can it be done between laptop to laptop?  I dont want to do a full migration, as I want to start from scratch with my new MBP - there is a lot of data on my Air that i dont want.Â
I would like to transfer old home movies on vhs onto my macbook...I was told that a tv tuner would be the way to go. I found one and it is the ATI TV Wonder HD 650 Combo. Now my question is since it records in mpeg2 am i going to have to get something to convert the files from mpeg2 to mpeg4 so that imovie will be able to read and edit the clips...
am new to this and have a new iPhone I was wonder if I can get a simple question answer i tried Google and there seems to be a bunch of ways to do what I?m looking for.So I want to take my friends iTunes library (5300+ songs) and transfer them to my library ( 2000+ songs ) and then once that is done I want to be able to put them on my iPhone / ipod 32g ( 32g 3gs black can anyone tell me how and keep in mind I want to kiss (keep it simple st#$id )
In itunes on my iMac, most, but not all, of my home videos and homemade slide shows have been saved in the TV shows directory rather than the movies directory. I've tried to move them to the movies directory in iTunes, but they won't be moved. How can I move them, and then have the moves reflected on my iPad?Â
Info: iMac (20-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have spent the last hour attempting to add some movies to my ITunes library. These files are all in mp4 format.I have never had trouble before today, but whether I try to add them to the library through the menu, or drag and drop, nothing happens.I have the most recent ITunes software and am using a MacBook Pro with Lion.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
When I try to play some episodes that previously worked (I havent played them for a year or so) they fail to open in Quicktime X (with perian 1.2 installed)
When I open the files in VLC they play as an mp3 would and I can hear tracks from my library that I recognise...
PS: my music and video libraries are on different physical disks and the videos are not in iTunes.
The one i would use is an episode of Robot Chicken, but I have at least 100 episodes doing this thing, although not all of my collection.
I have a directory of H.264/M4V files on an external HDD that I use in iTunes.I do this - without copying the files themselves - by simply dragging and dropping the contents of the directory into iTunes Movies.
What I'm wondering however is - Can I get iTunes/Movies to AUTOMATICALLY update, when new items are added to this external folder on HDD/H.264? It hasn't been autoupdating thus far.Simply selecting ALL again HDD/H.264/(select all) and drag copying to iTunes/Movies DOES however add the new titles. Of course this has to be done every time I add something new.Â
iTunes freezes up when I select movies in my Library. I just downloaded a few new movies and now I cannot scroll to where they are without a freeze up. I have restarted numerous times, and have not opened any other programs while trying to access my list of movies.
I have an Intel iMac and wish to move the movies and music I have in ITunes to a WD 2TB MyBook Studio External Hard Drive, free up my hard drive and still use iTunes. What is the easiest way to move movies to the external drive and then wipe them off my computer to free up space.
I added a laptop to our home network that'll primarily be used by my wife. Most of our iTunes content is on my system. I wanted to share the library across the network and give her the option of importing tracks off mine. This will let the whole family use either computer to sync their iPods.
I set up the Home Sharing option using verion 9.0.2 on both machines. I didn't use a password. I can see the other computer's libraries under 'Shared' on each system and access their files to play. But when I select the library, I don't get the 'Import' option that is listed in the Help menu instructions. Without being able to import the tracks, we have to go back to the main machine to sync.
I have myself a 2010 macbook. go me. My friend here has an Acer (pc). We both have itunes (go us). I want to share my library with her because I've got like 5,000 songs that she wants. WELL. I can see her library on my mac but she cant see my library on her pc. Did I not do something right here? We're using home sharing. So she's technically on my account but I cant seem to be able to get her to see my library. I've check the firewall on both. I've checked everything. What do I do?
I just home shared from a pc to a mac. I see my library transferred over but how do I get them into their original playlists? Do I have to start all over and do it manually?
How to transfer a full itunes Library from Mac to PC.
iTunes 10.6.1 on old Mac 160GB ipod Transferring to new Windows 7 Laptop
iTunes 10.6.1 does not seem to have the 'File > Library > Back up to Disc' function available
From Apple's site: "Windows operating systems don't recognize Mac OS-formatted disks (HFS or HFS Plus formats), so you can't use a Mac-formatted iPod to move your music to a Windows PC."
Is it possible to move this entire library to the new PC? It is ok if I need to deauthorize the itunes on Mac.
how long it will take roughly to transfer music from mac book to imac via home sharing - I have about 17GB and so far it seems to be transferring one song about every 2-3 mins . is that normal?
I really want to play my music in multiple rooms at the same time. I know I could buy an atv or airport express for my home theater but don't need all the extra functionality. Can I use a laptop hooked up to my sound system which is also connected to my itunes library on my iMac via home sharing to play music at the same time on both computers?
I recently had my Microsoft music media library shared on my Sony tv through some sore of home share.However, My media library is not that up to date and I want to update it fully with my itunes library?How do I do this?
I have a Macbook with about 5,000 songs on it, all of which are burned from actual hard copies of CDs that I own. Rather than re-burning each CD to my new Windows computer, I would like to see if there's a way to transfer all these songs from Mac to PC using an external hard drive.Â
The real question is how can I format my external hard drive to be recognized on both a Macbook running Snow Leopard and a PC running Windows 7?
I am a long time PC user, and my girlfriend has just recently bought me a Macbook Pro. . So being a Pc user my entire life, i, of course have iTunes on my PC. My question is there any way to transfer my itunes library to my new Macbook Pro? Or is my only choice to do it with a Flash Drive?
So a few weeks ago I bought an external hard drive to put all my music (from multiple computers) on, with the plan of making it my itunes library that I would then only access from my macbook pro. Everything was working great. I got all the songs onto my macbook pro, and then began consolidating my library to the external hard drive. My plan was then to go into my macbook pro after everything had been transferred over to the external hard drive, and delete everything in my music folder to free up space.
Well, during the consolidation we must have had a power failure or something, because the computer shut down and thus stopped the transfer. Now, itunes is looking to my external drive for my music (some of which is there), but since the transfer stopped at some point before it was complete, there are a bunch of songs that didnt move, and therefore it can't "find". I havent deleted any of the stuff from my macbook pro music folder, so everything is still all there, but it is not looking there for my music.
I'm thinking of completely uninstalling itunes, reinstalling it, directing it to my macbook pro music folder (which in theory still has all my stuff) and then reconsolidating to the external hard drive.
I understand how to move the whole library onto an external HD, moving the media folder location on itunes preferences etc, but say i wanted to move the library (which is about 60 gigs) to my external HD but keep about 10 gigs on my internal drive? How do I do this, assuming the amount i want to keep is too large to manually drag and drop each song/album fro my external drive onto my internal one.
Also my itunes says my library is about 52 gigs, but in finder it says my songs are about 65 gigs, why is this and how can i delete the extra gigs? I'm in Home/Music/Itunes/Itunes Music incase thats the wrong location.