i bought a song on itunes the other day and i realized that only the beginning half of the song will play and then it will stop for the other half and no sound will be coming out but it will still be playiny. how do i get a refund or how can i redownload the song on itunes?
I'm running the most current version of iTunes with iTunes Match turned on with my main library on my MacBook Air. About 2 months ago, I decided that since all of my music was in the cloud, I no longer needed to use that space on my MBA (I know, I know...). So fast forward and every time I try and play music in iTunes on my MBA, I get the charming "X song could not be found. WOuld you like iTunes to try and locate it." There is no option to play the music from iCloud on my mac nor is there an option to download the song from the iCloud onto my mac. I have turned on the "iCloud" status column and have almost 5000 songs that are "matched" or "uploaded." Everything I've read leads me to believe that, similar to my iPhone, I should be seeing a cloud with a download arrow in it next to all of those songs. I can see all of my songs and download them just fine to my iphone and ipad. Thoughts? THe goal here is to download everything I have in iTunes Match to my mac, BACK UP those files BEFORE I delete them this time, then re-delete a portion of the ones I don't listen to that often.
I have song compilation albums in itunes. I prefer to seach by Artist, not album. Compilation albums often assign a different artist for each song. I don't like this, as I end up with thousands of artists, each with only one song! Here's an example:
I copy "Classical Chillout" compilation album to itunes. 30 songs show up, each with their own (new) artist name, song name, and all within the album "Classical Chillout.
Instead of having:
SONG Adagio for Strings
ARTIST Samuel Barber
ALBUM Classical Chillout
I want to batch rename all songs so that the Album name becomes the Artist and each "Artist" name is inserted into the "Song" name
I know you can use iTunes dj to "play song next" or whatever but I don't like iTunes DJ for the fact that you don't have 100% control over what songs are playing if you want to pinpoint certain songs, etc..
Is there any way that I can line up a song to play after the current song without interrupting the current song and immediately playing the song I want next?
When I download some of my music, it shows up in the User's download file in the Finder, can I delete file in the Finder folder without losing the music file on iTunes?
When selecting a song to play from iTunes library, I continually get an error message indicating the original file could not be found. Then asks, would you like to locate it?I'm not even able to play the songs I purchased due to this error message.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), iTunes Error Message
I purchased a song on itunes but only half the song downloaded. When I go to quick links and select purchase, I see the song as purchased but it wont download. It is behaving like a song you would listen to on itunes. It has the arrow with blue back round still. What can I do to get my song completely downloaded.
This is SO frustrating. I bring in my new iMac for the techs to move my iTunes over, I bring it home and have not been able to listen to one song. I double click on it and it says "Cannot find file, locate?" I say yes, it brings me to the album artwork. I am not at all comfortable yet with the iMac environment so need step by step instructions!Â
I cannot play a song on itunes by double clicking the song. I can only play a song by fast forwarding or fast backing from the original song played to the next song I want to play. I can then hit play and the song will play. what is my problem other than general ineptitude?
I have a decent size music library(40+gig) on my late MB and i find that iTunes is slow to load when I open it and sometimes when im clicking around songs there is a half second pause before the song is highlighted and then starts to play. Since the program is pulling the info off the HD im thinking that if i got a higher capacity 7200 rpm drive that this would help (currently my stock 150gig only has 50gigs left) with this stutter or would upgrading to 4gig ram?
When I went to BestBuy, the Apple section of the store had an iMac, that would announce the name of the song before it played. I asked the Apple rep there and he didn't know how it did that, he told me it came with the computer. How would I make iTunes do that?
From one moment to another my itunes turned silent while playing a song. It still shows that the songs are playing, however there is no sound. it is not my macbook which is on mute because music on youtube etc still works..
I touched a certain setting and can't get the setting to go away. Now when I play a new song, movie, podcast, etc... a 3d box pops up with the artist picture, song title and rating.
Ok, a few months ago, I posted a problem concerning songs from my ipod that, when played in my car through the car's integrated cable, would suddenly stop playing, even though the song's title and counter were still showing on the dashboard screen. This happened with a 3 year old ipod. After taking the car into the dealer, they found no problem. Subsequently, when driving a loaner or rental, the same thing would happen when the ipod was hooked up with a Belkin cable. So, I bought a new ipod. Guess what? It still happened, AND in other cars. So then I bought a new car (not for this reason; it was just time!), and it still happened, BUT...now it's doing it when I have my iphone bluetoothed!! The songs playing are coming from my iphone, which is connected to the car through bluetooth. So, my thoughts are leaning toward something wrong with my songs, in itunes. This happens inconsistently, and not necessarily with the same songs.Â
I've already spoken to 2 different people at Apple, spending hours on the phone.
Suddenly, all of my music in iTunes has a little exclamation point next to the track, and it can't locate the song. They are all there. Is there a fast way to get iTunes to find ALL my music, without having to go back manually and click on each track to find?
Just got an email from Apple saying they cannot help me with this, even if i pay their service charge! Great customer service apple. My library crashed during the fix so i am attempting to rebuild my library from my hard drive and transfer it to itunes all on the one same computer, but its not working.I followed the instructions on Apples website:[URL]But when i got to:
7. Choose *File > Library > Import Playlist.*
8. Navigate to the "iTunes Library.xml" file on the Desktop.
- *Mac users:* Click Choose.
I open the file and it says "some of the songs in the file "itunes Music library.xml were not imported because they could not be found".So, THEN I tried copying all my music files into a folder on the desktop,and then going:
THEN it WILL transfer to itunes library but only ONE SONG AT A TIME and is not letting me "select all" and am having to import my songs one at a time! Seeing as though I have 4,000 songs, this will take me forever!
I have all my music on my home computer. I now have a new MacBook Air, and I want to be able to share my music library, just like I do with my calendars, contacts, email, etc. I'm using iCloud for all those things, but can't figiure out the iTunes part.Â
Info: iMac 2.46 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.6.4), iPhone 4, MacBook Air
With Itunes 9, every song I play gets added to the Itunes library, even if I don't want it there. I have Itunes as my default music player on a Windows 7 (64-bit) computer. For example, if in windows explorer, I click on an MP3 file that is not in the Itunes library, Itunes starts up and plays the song (which is fine), but also it adds the song to the itunes library (which I don't want). I don't see any options to change this behavior.
How can you copy a song to an additional album within the library. I have a couple of song in one album and I want them also to appear in an another album. How can I do that?
I recently upgraded to iTunes 11.2.2(3) and all of the content has disappeared from my iTunes library aside from what I've purchased from the iTunes store (this seems to be syned to the online store, which would explain it). I can still see all of the song files when I go to username/music/iTunes/Library on my hard drive and it's frustrating because I've tried to link it back to these files several times under iTunes/Preferences and it still won't update the songs in the iTunes application.Â