ITunes :: Stop Playing, Even Though The Song's Title And Counter Were Still Showing
Mar 23, 2012
Ok, a few months ago, I posted a problem concerning songs from my ipod that, when played in my car through the car's integrated cable, would suddenly stop playing, even though the song's title and counter were still showing on the dashboard screen. This happened with a 3 year old ipod. After taking the car into the dealer, they found no problem. Subsequently, when driving a loaner or rental, the same thing would happen when the ipod was hooked up with a Belkin cable. So, I bought a new ipod. Guess what? It still happened, AND in other cars. So then I bought a new car (not for this reason; it was just time!), and it still happened, it's doing it when I have my iphone bluetoothed!! The songs playing are coming from my iphone, which is connected to the car through bluetooth. So, my thoughts are leaning toward something wrong with my songs, in itunes. This happens inconsistently, and not necessarily with the same songs.Â
I've already spoken to 2 different people at Apple, spending hours on the phone.
Songs with long titles that belong to the same album are ordered side by side at a fixed width. I cannot view the song title without watching it scroll at the top. Or a way to "correct" this? I have many classical pieces that have long descriptive titles. Takes forever for the marquee to scroll!
I recently updated iTunes to the newest version and it changed the top middle yellowish panel to the bars that show the type of sound being produced. I was wondering if it was possible to change this area back to displaying the song progress and the song artist?
When I went to BestBuy, the Apple section of the store had an iMac, that would announce the name of the song before it played. I asked the Apple rep there and he didn't know how it did that, he told me it came with the computer. How would I make iTunes do that?
From one moment to another my itunes turned silent while playing a song. It still shows that the songs are playing, however there is no sound. it is not my macbook which is on mute because music on youtube etc still works..
I touched a certain setting and can't get the setting to go away. Now when I play a new song, movie, podcast, etc... a 3d box pops up with the artist picture, song title and rating.
When I go to play a song in iTunes (any song at all, and all the files are definitely there) it just won't play. The play/pause button will change to the pause symbol but nothing else will happen. The ticker-thing at the top which tells you what is playing will say that, that song is on but the timer just stays at 0:00.
Currently running Windows 7 and the latest version of iTunes but this happened before when I was on Vista too. Seems to happen every time I open iTunes now...
When I imported a new album that feature different guest artist singing with primary artist, the CD imports as a different album for each song. How do I prevent this?
Is there anyway to prohibit ichat from posting up my current itunes song? It does it even without my asking. I switch my status to available which makes it go away until the next song comes up at which time it changes my status from available to the current itunes song. Any ideas?
I would like to use ical to play bugle calls at scout camp, I have set up several playlists of one bugle call each, but when ical plays that call it then plays the next call in the next playlist.
I the new iTunes all my songs on each album are in the opposide order of the actual album: so each time i play the album it starts from the last song to the first can i make this stop?
The icons for the songs on one of my albums are wrong. How can I correct them to show the correct icons? I've tried the "get album artwork" but it doesn't put the correct icon on the song. (There was a volume 1 and a volume 2 and all the icons are from volume 1).
I have a problem with the song tranfert to my ipad 3 and my iphone. When I add new song to a current transfert list, itunes stop and delete the previous download and restart the sync. I think the problem is new because i haven't noticed it before.Â
Select Shuffle Mode. Pause your music, or make sure nothing is playing, then go to Minimize view.
Now hit FFW or REV. What appears in the track info box? Nothing, right? iTunes doesn't show you what song it has shuffled to. It only works if you are playing, not in pause.
Surely this is wrong? Sometimes you want to select song before playing it, right? This works fine on my Ipod. Everyone else have this problem?
i bought a song on itunes the other day and i realized that only the beginning half of the song will play and then it will stop for the other half and no sound will be coming out but it will still be playiny. how do i get a refund or how can i redownload the song on itunes?
I bought a new Mac pro tower. I transferred music from my old Mac pro to the new via an external hard drive. Now the songs stop playing before the end.
how or why this has started, but iTunes now insists on playing the tracks from every album in totally the wrong order; how to make it play them in the order they are on the album? I tried to see if some kind of 'shuffle' option is switched on but I can't see anything. But every time I click to play an album, when I look in 'up next', it shows me the tracks coming up to play all jumbled up in the wrong order.
1. There are albums on my iPhone that don't appear in iTunes after sync. I want to delete them.Â
2. The album in question has a song that is alphabetically at the top of my All Songs list and plays automatically every time I plug my phone into the USB in my car.Â
3. I want to stop the auto play and delete albums I don't want on my iPhone before I go INSANE!!!!Â
I recently downloaded the new version of iTunes..and now, I play a song, and as it starts playing the next song, it says "Not Responding" which ends in it closing. It never happened before the update now it happens all the time.