Alright so I have a problem with iTunes, whenever I try to update or restore any iPhone or iTouch on my computer it will never finish restoring completely. It will get to about 95% progress and then stops and I leave it for hours and it never finishes. I have iTunes 9.2 and have reinstalled it but no luck. I have had to restore my iTouch on a second computer that has no problems.
I have an iphone and ipods. I have tried several times to sync each one and every time I get to step 2 or 3 out of 7 or 8 and then itunes "quits unexpectedly"
I have purchased a magazine subscription throught the iTunes store and I download it. I have checked the wireless network connection and it is good. In the receipt I receveid from Apple for the purchase, when I click on the "report a problem" link, I get a message which says unable to connect to the iTunes store.
I am running a PB g4 with 10.4 When I start Safari, it takes forever to load. I then try typing a letter into google search, or to log into any site or change the site. then it freezes and "unexpectedly closes"
I just bought and installed snow leopard and when i did i restored to factory settings so i could start fresh. However i wanted to restore my itunes back to how it was, but i can seem to work it out. If someone could tell me an easy way to do
I just bought a new MacBook and I'm updating the software (ironic).The issue is that both software update and iTunes are saying there is a new version, but it won't finish the download. "The update could not be verified. It may have been corrupted during downloading. The update will be downloaded and checked again the next time that Software Update runs." There is a note at the bottom that iTunes: Partially Downloaded (22%)I've rebooted twice, and I have looked in the download folder, but I can not find this partially downloaded file
So my itunes randomly changed colours(it's a really dark grey now, can post ss if needed), lags, and closes itself anytime I try to add a song to it or do anything on it.I've tried reinstalling it many times but have had 0 luck with it. I found a few other similar threads to this one and tried the things listed in them but again had no luck with it so I decided to post my own.
At first when it started happening I had songs on it, whenever I tried to make it go to the next song it would close itself. If I didn't try and pick another song it would randomly close itself after playing for a bit.After reinstalling it would not even let me add songs, anytime I try and select movies, or anything other then the main music thing it closes itself.By the way, it's a macbook OS X version 10.4.11
My Itunes works properly, except for everytime i watch movies and I want to try to go to full-screen modus.My Itunes either closes or there is just a black display with sound. The problem is then cannot exit with esc or apple Q,or even pushing the start-button of my macbook.
I have the Australin app called Ninenewsbreak and the app works well on my iphone4 BUT the sound won't work on my iPad.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled it 3 times and still no sound. This app is for the iPhone and iPad according to the advert in the app store. The sound works great on the iPad for other apps downloaded.
I think I've tried all the settings in iPad 2, but my iMac will not connect with the iPad and vice versa using FaceTime. It keeps telling me it cannot connect. What step(s) have I left out?
I have an iPad (4th Gen, 32GB, iOS 7.11) and a MacBook Air (OS X Ver 10.9.3).
My iPad was purchased Feb. 2013, and my MacBook was purchased June 2014.
Here's the low-down:
I just put quite a few albums onto my MacBook that were physical (from a DiskDrive, HardDrive, CD) and in order to put them onto my iPad, I need to plug it in with the cable and sync them over. The problem, however, is that when I plug in the iPad, nothing happens. No connection sound, no iPad charging, nothing. It is as if the cable itself is nonexistent. I can then unplug the USB from my MacBook and stick into the AC Adapter and all is good. What gives? I can plug it into my desktop, too, which is a PC running Windows 7.
Brand new convert to Mac here: After receiving an iPod Touch from my boss when he upgraded to an iPhone, I have fallen in love with the Mac hardware and OS. I just got a new macbook and would like to transfer my iTunes from my old PC laptop. I am also a neophyte to iTunes so forgive me if there is a very simplistic answer to this issue.
The physical music is located on my external drive connected to the PC with the iTunes original music locations pointed to it . My specific question is, if I backup iTunes, restore to the Mac, plug in the external drive to the Mac, will it work seamlessly? I'm not sure if the existing iTunes music locations will re-synch since the music locations on the laptop iTunes are mapped to the "G:" drive. If it won't work that way, what do you recommend as the best way to go about it? I want to make sure I don't waste as much time as when I initially set up my iTunes/iPod touch (simply stuck in "PC" mindset).
MBP dropped connection and now all I get is an exclamation point where it used to show full bars. This happened right during a time I was online using Chrome! I tried restarting the MBP, resetting the router (or whatever that is called), removing and addine AirPort under System Prefs but nothing works. I'm using the iPad 2 to access the Internet and write this, so I know it works. My iPhone also connects just fine. Just the MBP that suddenly dropped and cannot connect.
Calibre enabled me to stop iTunes from opening every time I connected my iPad, but since Yosemite, it's now iPhoto that opens every time we're joined. I don't understand iPhoto, which never wants to do anything I want it to, so I almost never use it. Not only that, it takes an age to fully open while it tries to read photos from my iPad, the Cloud and probably from the Other Side.
I am guessing this might be connected with iCloud, but I want to stop it. I've looked at iPhoto's Preferernces, I've looked at a number of things in System Preferences, but so far I can't stop this automatic opening.
Info: iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4), May only relate to Preview
My wi fi iPad works fine on wireless home network but the Mac will not connect to internet even through airport diagnostics shows connectivity ok, how can I resolve?
I've been syncing my devices for years, but after I updated to iTunes 10.6 then attempted to sync my iPhone 4, iTunes aborts and does not complete the sync. I tried my iPad as well with exactly the same results. So, I expect that something has begun corrupted in iTunes and I tried to revert to the previous version of iTunes with Time machine, but the Mac reported that I cannot remove iTunes.It could be a library that is corrupt or a cache of some sort, but I can't tell.
Well I reloaded my Mac to start fresh, but want to restore certain applications. I want to restore iPhoto, iTunes, and iWeb from my Time Machine. I have everything saved on my Time Machine backup.
I tried "upgrading" my library to make the photos compatible, and it tells me to use a newer version even though I just used software update to update to the newest one. How do I get my photos back?
I have all of my music back, but I want my playlists and play counts back. Is there a file somewhere that would be in the Time Machine backup that would have this?
Where do I start? I want all of my sites back in iWeb. How do I do this?
We got a new hard drive. When restoring from Time Capsule, I needed to eliminate restoring music for space. How do I get music from my iphone to the new hard drive. Or, how do I get music from Time Capsule to new hard drive? I also got an external drive to move files to before doing the music restore.
A day ago, for an unknown reason, hundreds of my songs in my iTunes library lost their link location. I painstakingly got about 10% through refinding the location to each song but I got to thinking. Is there a way through Time Machine to just restore my library the way it was 2 days ago? Are there specific files I can copy over?
My hard drive died yesterday and with it went all my ITunes data as well as all my music and everything else to do with my IPhone. Can I just install a fresh copy of ITunes and hit sync and it will copy all apps/music/videos/contacts/settings/etc... from the phone back into ITunes? If not, Is there any program that can backup the entire phone and reintegrate it back into ITunes so that I can sync my phone normally?