ITunes For Mac :: Opens When IPhone Is Connected Even If Auto Sync Is Disabled?
Jun 19, 2014
I use my iMac (10.9.3) at home to Sync with my iPhone (7.1.1) to keep a full backup copy. I have the setting "Automatically Sync when this iPhone is connected" active, and up to recently this worked nicely. However, I think since the update to iTunes 11.2.x there seems to be a problem:
- when I am not at home, I use my MBP (also 10.9.3 and iTune 11.2.2) to charge the iPhone.
- in contrast to earlier versions of iTunes, connecting the iPhone to the MBP causes iTunes to open. It is NOT possible to sync because the iPhone is connected to the iTunes library on the iMac.
- when I disable the iTunes option "Automatically Sync when this iPhone is connected" on the MBP, the next time I connect the iPhone to the iMac iTunes does not open. And when I open it manually and "mount" the iPhone, the iTunes option "Automatically Sync when this iPhone is connected" is disabled. It seems that the iTunes option "Automatically Sync when this iPhone is connected" is now stored on the iPhone?
I'm using iTunes 10.5.3 (3) on Mac OS X 10.7.3 When I drag and drop music from my iTunes library onto the iPad the iPad will first start to 'sync' but I'll notice that it immediately starts to try and sync up all of my music (I have more music than I have space on my iPad so that would just fail eventually but it starts the slow wi-fi sync of all my music). I check the settings for the iPad (via iTunes) and I notice that the Music tab's "sync" option has suddenly been enabled again (when I've previously turned it off).Â
This is very strange and annoying as all I want to do is copy music from iTunes onto my iPad. I can do this no problem with my iPhone (has the same sync settings turned off and that doesn't re-enable the sync setting when I drag and drop music from iTunes to it? The only difference from my iPad is that i have the apps tab 'sync' option turned on - see P.s below for more on that)Â
if I turn off syncing of apps for my iPad I get a message that tells me 22 apps will be deleted and that all data will be lost as well. I'm assuming because some apps I've paid for and some are free I'll be able to re-download them no problem, it's just that some apps have extra settings/configurations on them that I'd rather not lose and I just don't see how turning off the 'sync' option would affect them? Just leave them on the iPad device and stop trying to sync them with iTunes??
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.2), Processor 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo ~ Memory 8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
I've downloaded a few movies from iTunes, and one was able to be put on my iPhone, but the other two will not. I never looked too far into it- just figured it was a bug- but I recently have purchased a movie I want on my phone and found out I can use the "Create iPod or iPhone" capability in the advanced menu. The only problem is... I can't use it. It's un-clickable. My iTunes is up-to-date and I made sure i'm selecting the movie I want to convert, but it still won't make itself an option to click.
I unfortunately lost my whole itunes library that was on an external hard drive. I was able to download my music and apps stored in icloud. I want to sync my iphone and ipad to itunes for mac without erasing everything on these devices. can this be done keeping all my apps, music, folders intact on these devices.
1. There are albums on my iPhone that don't appear in iTunes after sync. I want to delete them.Â
2. The album in question has a song that is alphabetically at the top of my All Songs list and plays automatically every time I plug my phone into the USB in my car.Â
3. I want to stop the auto play and delete albums I don't want on my iPhone before I go INSANE!!!!Â
I've tried deauthorizing and reauthorizing the computer, deleting the file, restarting, connecting at different times... nothing seems to work. I've got the most recent updates on both iTunes and iphone. iTunes works fine on its own, but just gives me the spinning ball whenever I connect my iphone.
Whenever I connect my iPhone 4S (iOS 5.1.1) to iTunes (10.6.3) on my Mac (OS 10.7.3) it always freezes, always for about 30 seconds and then it will work again. But let me note, this only happens on the first time I connect my iPhone for the first time I turn on my Mac. I'm not sure if that makes sense. So, when I turn on my Mac and I open iTunes and connect my iPhone, it will freezes but after 30 seconds it will work. But let's say I am done syncing my iPhone and I unplug it but a few minutes later I want to sync it again, if I connect it, it won't freeze. But let's say I restart or turn off my Mac, but after I open iTunes for the first time after I've booted and I connect my iPhone, it will freeze.I've had the same issue with my last iPhone so I know it's not isolated to my iPhone. I have deleted iTunes from the Terminal app and downloaded iTunes from the Apple website, but the issue will persist.Also, I don't have any podcasts synced on my iPhone. I've read that sometimes causes it. I ONLY have music and apps synced.
This would be more for the technical side of the house, but why would the system try to update my iPhone and its not connected to the computer? is there a bug in the system?
I'm trying to restore my iPhone 4s and it needs to be connected to iTunes in order to proceed. When I connect my iPhone to my MacBook Pro iTunes 12.0 quits unexpectedly and now my phone is useless!
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), Other OS, OS X Yosemite Beta 10.10
I've been syncing my devices for years, but after I updated to iTunes 10.6 then attempted to sync my iPhone 4, iTunes aborts and does not complete the sync. I tried my iPad as well with exactly the same results. So, I expect that something has begun corrupted in iTunes and I tried to revert to the previous version of iTunes with Time machine, but the Mac reported that I cannot remove iTunes.It could be a library that is corrupt or a cache of some sort, but I can't tell.Â
I have a new-to-me MacBook (running Lion) and I just downloaded all my music into iTunes. I had been sync'd with an old PC laptop previously. If I choose to sync my iPhone (4S) with iTunes on the MacBook, will it delete my apps and data (as the warning in iTunes leads me to believe)? I do use iCloud backup on the iPhone, and I've got all kinds of apps installed (and arranged to my liking). What's the best way to have my music sync with the MacBook without having to reinstall my apps?Â
When I logged in it said there was an update for iTunes software. However the update failed. I quit iTunes. I then plugged in my iphone but iTunes is not seeing it.
My Iphone recently got stolen and I am now using my friends old iPhone. I was wondering how I can sync my friends iPhone to my iTunes so that this iPhone I'm using now gets synced with all my contacts, photos, apps, music etc. I am hesitant to click on 'sync' and 'restore' because my friends old iPhone still has his stuff on it and I don't want to lose my stuff on my iTunes.
I transferred all my music to this computer, and also authorized it. Whenever I hook up my iPhone to my computer, it appears in iTunes and the iPhone sync page opens, but when I push "sync" nothing happens. Why does my phone not sync to my iTunes now?
For some reason some of my iTunes music won't sync to my iPhone 4. All my software is up to date and I have the playlists I want copied over as you would if you wanted to add them to the phone's library. Maybe my settings are wrong or something. A few screenshots are attached for your convenience.
Mac Book Pro 15-inch, Early 2011 Software Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3 (11D50d)iTunes 10.5.3 ( can't update because where I am at the network is too slow)iPhone 4 iOS 5.01 (can't update same as above) HDD corrupted a week ago. Reinstalled fresh copy of Lion and started over. I did not do a complete restore of what I had because I wanted to clean it up anyways.... I have a complete Time Machine backup though.  So now when I go to sync my iPhone it wants to erase it because it says its sync to another computer. I already copied all my media back to iTunes from backups.Â
Just upgraded my computers to Lion 10.7.3. All went well until I tried to sync my iPhone 3GS (iOS 5.1). Sync starts normally, then iTunes crashes during the "Photos" step of sync. Tried rebooting.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.16 GHz; 3GB RAM
I just bought a new Macbook Pro and I cannot get my IPhone 4S to sync with itunes without deleting more than half of my data. I have authorized the computer already and I went through and checked all the boxes for the information I wanted to sync - but the info will not transfer and about half of my Apps were removed from my phone (without being added to itunes on the computer) - I had to go back and reinstall the ones I lost to my phone.
My iPod touch and iPhone cannot be synced with my iTunes. This is not an issue with my USB ports or cord as the computer recognizes the devices are plugged in and begins charging them. I've updated everything and restarted, nothing is working.