ITunes For Mac :: Trying To Download New U2 Album And Have Been Told It Is In Library?
Sep 9, 2014
I have been trying to download the new U2 album without success. The store site saysit has been downloaded to my library, but unfortunately it is not there. How to resolve this problem?
According to iTunes it's already been submitted to my account through the cloud, yet when I go to download in my library it's not there. When I go to iTunes it won't let me download as it says it's already been purchased. How do I get this to work?
I accidentally erased a music album that I purchased on iTunes. How can I get the iTunes store to recognize that it is no longer in my iTunes library and download it again?
Usually a CD comes with more artwork than just the cover. It has a CD cover w/ lyrics and other artwork. Is it possible to download this via itunes? If not, who?
Info: Macbook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.2), 2.2 ghz intel duo core processor
Can you point me to where the solutions are?, which are:
1. Whenever I try to play music and videos through Front Row, it says, direct quote: "there are no items in your iTunes library", when in fact I have 5000+ songs, dozens of TV shows and movies, all of which work fine in iTunes. I made sure a) all media files are CHECKED (Selected) in my library, b) the Consolidate Library function has always been ON, c) iTunes is open and d) my iTunes library is in the default location, i.e. user/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music. 2. Photos appear correctly in Front Row and DVDs play, I just can't see my videos and music. 3. One interesting thing: the Album Art screen saver also says that "Your iTunes library does not contain any songs with artwork", while most of my iTunes music have album art embedded and they display correctly in iTunes.
I even tried re-installing OS X, but it still does not work! Here is the computer I am using: 17-inch 2.0 gHz Intel Core 2 Duo Mac OS X (10.4.10) iMac from October, 2006 with iTunes 7.3.1 installed and working. I have had this problem since (I think) iTunes 6.
I accidentally deleted a whole album off of my iTunes. It contained over a hundred songs from multiple albums. How do I get the album back? Can I use TimeMachine? If so, how? It keeps saying "searching for AirPort"
I can't find the album in my files on my laptop either.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), I have iTunes 11.1.5 (5)
I can see that I have "purchased" the Songs of Innocence album, but I cannot find a way to actually play the album. The email and iTunes Store page mentions that it can be found in my Purchased music and in my Music Playlists but it is not in either.
How can you copy a song to an additional album within the library. I have a couple of song in one album and I want them also to appear in an another album. How can I do that?
bought an album but 1 song just can't fully be downloaded and told the file is corrupted. how can i download that 1 last song?all songs in the album is downloaded except that 1 song. what can i do?
When I perform the "retrieve album artwork" function, a number of my CD's do not retrieve any artwork. Is there a website other than ITunes that I go to retrieve album art?
When I select any song from this one, specific album in my library, iTunes will hesitate for a second, and the Quicktime-esque player window will automatically appear too. This happens only with this one album, and it's very frustrating. I will attach a screenshot of the problem. And also, if I go to close this player window, the song stops.
I copied a lot of songs to my cell phone so I can here them wherever I go. However, i noticed that because of the album artwork, I couldn't copy as much songs as I wanted. Is there away I can remove the artwork embedded in the mp3 files WITHOUT reimporting them back to iTunes? I don't want to remove the artwork from the iTunes library, just from the phone card. Is there a separate application that can batch-handle ID3 tags and artwork? i copied the songs from my macbook to the m2 memory stick using a usb adapter so i can use the songs on my ericsson. I think it is really annoying that iTunes requires songs to be in the library to handle them. I could really use a separate application or a script/folder action that would do the trick - freeware or shareware
I recently moved my itunes library from PC to a NAS to use with my new Mac. With the exception of a couple hiccups everything was fine. I then asked iTunes to copy all the music to my ipod and convert the tracks to 256mb (I have re-ripped my cd collection as lossless and chosen the option to replace existing copies of the songs which were lossy).
I have 264GB of music in my iTunes library but when I looked at my NAS just now I saw 540GB of music backed up!! I then looked in one folder and saw every song had been duplicated so songs were named things like "Song.m4a" and "Song1.m4a", but this hasn't happened in every album folder - of course I have way too many to go through them individually.
How I can stop it from continuing and most importantly how to clear all the duplicates from the folders on my NAS so it only holds the 264GB of music that the iTunes library displays.
When inserting an audio cd to import into my itunes library the audio cd is labeled only as track 1, track 2, etc. there is no album info, artist name, artwork.
I had purchaser the single of the Payphone from iTunes and when the album was released I did a "Complete my Album" purchase of the same Album. iTunes won't play the single when palying the album. It is not shown as being in the album at all, even the track number is omited. How can I get that single to play in order when selecting the Album without creating a special playlist just for this album. I thought when you did a "Complete my album" it would do just that not omit it from the album and keep the single as a separate track.
I recently purchased on album on iTunes and two of the songs did not completely download. The track skips the last 20-30 seconds of the song. How do I fix this
I run a college internet-only radio station. The system we use works from the iTunes library. Each week, I download music from several music distributors, an average of 20 albums per week. Some of these downloads do not come with album artwork attached. Of those, some have artwork available through the iTunes store.
The catch is that each time I tell iTunes to get album artwork, it starts at the top of its list and works through the (as of today) 1,817 albums. It meticulously checks albums for which it already has artwork as well as albums for which it has already failed to find artwork on previous occassions. This process takes about 45 minutes. I've searched the options, but haven't found a "Check for album artwork only on recent additions" option.
Downloading songs from cd's. One will go in as one album, shows a single artwork for the set. Volume 2 loads like separate songs with the same album name AND with the sequence number, i.e., No. 4 of 15, On my iPad it appears as 15 albums with 1 song on them. Volume 1 appears as one album with 15 songs on it. Looks messy on the iPad. . .I have 16 albums with the same name. How to get albums together??
I keep my large music collection on an external drive connected to an Airport Extreme in my home. I've embedded all my album artwork in the music files, and previously all the album artwork was displaying perfectly in iTunes. After upgrading to iTunes 10.5, however, most of my albums are missing the album art in the album list and Cover Flow. I know that the art is still in the file because it shows up in the "Now Playing" box in the lower left corner of the screen. The only way I have found to get the album art to show up again in the album list and Cover Flow is to go through the following steps: Control-click the first track of an album for which the cover art is not displaying correctly. From the context menu that appears, select Get Info.Click on the Artwork tab, then click Cancel.
Now the artwork shows up in iTunes in all views. I called Apple Support and asked if there's a faster way to fix the issue with the database. Manually fixing each album for hundreds of albums is no fun. Telling iTunes to Get Album Artwork doesn't work because most of my music was not purchased from iTunes but was ripped from CDs I already own. It's very frustrating because I already spent hours finding and embedding the hi-res album art in my files. I paid extra for Apple products because I expect them to at least avoid corrupting my databases.
When importing multi disc CD albums they will show up as three separate albums, 1,2 & 3 for example.How do I set it up so they show as one, 3 disc album and play through?
For some reason, when I download the album artwork from iTunes for "Music from and Inspired by Spider-Man," it instead shows artwork for "Ethnicali: Music Inspired by the Golden State." I don't even have that album. There was another album of mine that iTunes applied the wrong artwork to as well, but I can't remember it off-hand. In any case, does anybody have any suggestions as to what I could do to fix this issue. I already submitted feedback to Apple about the problem as well.
Hardware and Software Info.:Early 2011 MacBook Pro running Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3iTunes version 10.6.1 (7)
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iTunes 10.6.1 (7)
I've searched through all of the threads pertaining to this issue and i've yet to find a solid, good answer. Basically, I have a macbook pro retina machine with 250 GB. I have over 100 movies purchased in iTunes as well as multiple TV shows that if I were to attempt to download onto my local disk the shear size would make my HDD .
I have a 1TB external drive and am just wanting to make hard copies of all of my videos and music on my external. Is there a specific way to use my external disk to not only backup my computer via time machine, but to also use it to backup all of my videos and music. I don't mind watching all of my content via the iCloud but I'm having difficulties creating a library on my external and then using that to download all of my movies. As I can't download all of them on my local disk and then transfer a copy, I need to figure out a way to set up my library on the external disk and then download everything to the external.Just to clarify my questions to you powers at be:
1. I need to set up a library on my external drive that I can download all of my media to.
2. I want to still be able to use itunes on my macbook and just watch all of my media/music on the icloud
3. Can I still use the same drive that has all of my backed up media as a backup through time machine as well?
I've scoured all of the forums and really all I could find was how to set up libraries on an external disk. None of them ever mention whether or not I can basically use my itunes library locally however I want, knowing that everything I've ever bought is backed up on my external.
I would like to go from looking at the Library and all the albums together to going to just a single album. I used to be able to do this by changing the behavior of the arrows next to the song information for Album to direct to the album in the Library instead of the iTunes store.
However, in iTunes 10, it appears that the arrow links are removed permanently. Is this true? If so, is there a simple way to go from a highlighted song in a playlist or the Library directly to the song's album like you used to be able to, without using the genre/composer/artist/album browser (I have too many albums for that to be efficient, and this is one instance in which I think search is not the right solution).
I just finished an original rock album, registered it with Gracenote, and it is being sold through itunes and many other places via cdbaby. The album is also available to download via Dropcards to people that buy or receive a download crad from us in person. PROBLEM is, when you download the cd, the tracks are in the proper order as on the album when they are in a folder from Dropcards, then you drag them into itunes and they are in ALPHABETICAL order in the RECENTLY ADDED folder! Under the MUSIC tab, they however are in proper album order. ?? It's good that the cd is properly registered and is in the right order in peoples main MUSIC list, but when I download albums, the easiest way to find the new album is under RECENTLY ADDED, which in my case would have people clicking on the wrong song to start listening to our record (not the intended feel we wanted to start the record with)
Info: MacBook (13-inch Early 2008), iTunes Question