ITunes :: Downloaded And Encoded Mp3 Files - Getting Duplicated In It?
Feb 15, 2012
iTunes 10.5.3 (3). The last group of songs I downloaded and encoded to mp3 continue to duplicate and show up in itunes everytime I sync my iPhone or iPod. I keep the library stored on an external hard drive and always change "iTunes media folder location" to the EHD, which is also annoying. I've deleted the default folder in Lion but the songs keep showing up in m4a format. I then have to start all over. (tags, info etc.) This is the first time I've had this problem and I'd like it to stop.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 15, 2009
I tunes imported vid files that I had on my hd last year, now, I decided that I didn't want these in ITunes, so I deleted them from ITunes. I then burned all of these files to a DVD and then deleted them from my downloads folder where they were always kept. Today I noticed that deep within ITunes, there is a folder called ITunes music and in that folder there is a sub folder called movies, where I discovered duplicates of the vid files I had previously deleted from my downloads folder which were imported by ITunes last year. I didn't know this could happen in ITunes!
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Aug 20, 2014
I recently moved my itunes library from PC to a NAS to use with my new Mac. With the exception of a couple hiccups everything was fine. I then asked iTunes to copy all the music to my ipod and convert the tracks to 256mb (I have re-ripped my cd collection as lossless and chosen the option to replace existing copies of the songs which were lossy).
I have 264GB of music in my iTunes library but when I looked at my NAS just now I saw 540GB of music backed up!! I then looked in one folder and saw every song had been duplicated so songs were named things like "Song.m4a" and "Song1.m4a", but this hasn't happened in every album folder - of course I have way too many to go through them individually.
How I can stop it from continuing and most importantly how to clear all the duplicates from the folders on my NAS so it only holds the 264GB of music that the iTunes library displays.
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Feb 17, 2009
I am running Toast Titanium v. 8.1 (112). When I burn a DVD from standard files, such as an AVI, it encodes the file and then burns it to disk. The last time I was doing this, I checked the disk space on my HDD before and after burning; the difference was more than 3 GBs. Where does Toast store the files the result from the encoding? Having burned a couple dozen DVDs, I have reason to suspect that there are tens of gigabytes on my hard drive taken up by these encoded files which I will no longer use.
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May 3, 2010
How come when i double click a music file to listen to, it makes a copy of it? Here is a screen recording of what's happening [URL]
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Mar 7, 2010
I have downloaded music from solarseek, the files are "completly downloaded" never the less the files stay in the folder "uncomplete", the info details says "itunes Document" for each file, example of a files name , "02 brothers on the slide.mp3 - Hagafarta.solarseek".
I want them to play or to open, but they dont work on itunes, i downloaded manny files (songs) from different users on solarseek, so its not a problem of corrupted files.
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Apr 2, 2012
I have a new MBP (running Lion) and an older MacBook (running Leopard). I'd like both to run Time Machine to a shared external hard drive which I think I've worked out. My question is whether or not TM will store duplicate versions of the same files (particularly photos, videos, etc.) on the external hard drive, thus using up the EHD capacity more quickly, or will one file be saved and just recognized as being on both computers by TM.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011)
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Apr 29, 2012
I have downloaded too much stuff from iTunes - mostly movies and tv shows - , and now my macbook pro and iPad are full. i would like to save tv shows etc locally on an external drive but I dont know how to do it and how to ensure that they will be recoverable. I have purchased some 25GB iCloud in the hope that things would be saved anyway
iPad 2 Wi-Fi
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Apr 28, 2010
About a month ago, a friend who had just purchased his first Mac emailed me and asked why his Dock DownLoad file disappeared. I had no idea why. He still hasn't been able to reestablish it.
Yesterday, I downloaded something and my Dock DownLoad file vanished. I have tried rebooting, using (useless) Help, Spotlight, Search, and several other things. NO JOY. NO DownLoad file.
1. Does anyone know where to find DownLoad or how to bring it back?
I have experienced several idiosyncrasies with Snow Leopard, but when I call Apple support, they are very nice, but haven't a clue as to why it's happening.
2. Another problem is that the Highlight gets anchored on something in Mail, Word, and some other Apps. When I click somewhere else, the whole area between the "anchor" and what I click on is lit up. Apple doesn't know what causes it. I have to go through multiple machinations to shake it loose. I don't know what it is that causes it or specifically how to "shake it loose". Neither does Apple.
3. When typing in Word or an editor, there are times when the type changes to UpperCase and won;t let go.
Another problem is that, at times, when I click on a file, it fills the screen. Apple is aware of this problem and is trying to find an answer. Nothing, to date.
Apple support can't tell me why the MacMail Inbox spinner disappeared or how to get it back.
There are times when I can't access the hidden Dock. After rebooting and trying other things, the Dock finally shows up but any additions that I have put on the Dock are no longer there.
When I put a DVD in the slot, for the first few seconds, it grinds but does smooth out.
I thought that SL was supposed to get rid of the "foibles". "What happened on the way to the Forum"?
Is anyone finding other SL idiosyncrasies? What are they?
If anyone can help with items 1., 2, and/or 3. I'd be grateful.
BTW, Apple says that items 2 and 3 MAY be caused by the wireless Magic Mouse and/or the wireless keyboard; however, when I use alternates, it still happens.
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Dec 12, 2009
Every so often I have iTunes tell me that it can't save because the volume has changed. In /volumes I see that I have Drobo, Drobo 1, Drobo 2, Drobo 3, Drobo 4, Drobo 5. How can I not have my computer create more of these alias that cause me issues. This also gives me issues with Final Cut Express.
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Jun 23, 2010
While getting iTunes ready for my new iPhone tonight I found something strange. I have duplicates showing up in playlists that ARE NOT duplicates in my Music library.
For example, in my Library I show to have 9 albums, 104 items and 892.4MB of Bruce Springsteen.
I created a new Playlist called iPhone 4. This playlist will of course be used for my new device. I'm moving from 16GB to 32GB so I can double the amount of music on my iPhone. Well in that iPhone 4 playlist Bruce Springsteen shows to have 9 albums and 149 songs and 1.22GB. There are several duplicates in there of songs. There are also several others artists with similiar results.
I guess my question is, how can there be duplicates in the playlist, if they are not showing as duplicates in my Library?
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Sep 4, 2010
Does anyone know how to change the "Encoded with:" on iTunes to my own customized message.This is what mine currently says:But when I get songs from OnSmash and open them in iTunes, they look this:As you can see, it says "Team OnSMASH".
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Jan 4, 2011
When I go to tag a movie encoded with 0.9.4 x86_64 with any program it does not work. For a while MetaX would corrupt the file. Through searching I found that if I checked the 'Large file size 64bit' check box it would play the video, but no audio. If I open the .m4v file in VLC everything works fine, audio and video. I tried Vindalin (or whatever) and iFlicks with the same results. Actually when I ran the script with iFlicks it didn't add the album art of anything in iTunes, but same, but no audio. 95% of the movies I have are encoded with Handbrake and from what I have searched this seems to be the common link.
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Apr 4, 2008
I have an iMac G5. Running Leopard 10.5.2. It's working just swimmingly... except that it won't play back h264 video. I have the latest versions of both Quicktime and VLC. Each app handles the video files differently. Quicktime will give me this message: "The movie could not be opened. An invalid sample description was found in the movie." VLC will play the audio, but not the video. My computer can handle HD playback just fine (I watch most of my movies in 720p AVI files,) so that can't be the problem. This is just driving me insane. Does anyone have a solution for me?
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Apr 22, 2012
I have recorded a lot of videos with my Samsung HD video cam. I chose 1280x720 H.264 as video format. When I want to watch the videos on my mac (Snow Leopard, Quicktime Player 10) the height of the videos is too low. According to Quicktime the format is H.264, 1280 x 720 , 16.7m colors with 50 fps, but the current size is 1388 x 440 pixels. How can I watch my videos with the real size of 1280 x 720 pixels? Up to now I need another video player, e.g. VLC.
Quicktime Player 10, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 23, 2009
Wasn't sure what section to put this in but anyhow. I have been downloading .cab files for my Windows based phone and sometimes they download as .exe files as they should but many times they just download as a .php document and I cant do anything with it. Any guess as to why or how to make it download as a .exe file all the time?
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Aug 18, 2010
I'm wondering if anyone can tell me how to convert downloaded .rar files to .dmg files so I can use them on my G5.
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Mar 13, 2012
Info: Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 3, 2012
I don't usually check my itunes account, but today I actually decided I wanted to buy music. I put a $100 gift card I got from buying a Mac for college in a few months ago, and bought like $9 worth of stuff and just left it idle. It says that about 2 weeks ago there were purchases made to download an app and then some gem **** (in app content) that cost $80 ******* dollars that was bought. I'm not worried about my personal information because i don't use a legitimate adress and only buy gift cards, because I like to live off the apple grid i guess...w/e, WHO DO I EMAIL TO GET THAT MONEY BACK!!!
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 13, 2009
I just got the 09 macbook pro and im more use to a pc so i need a little help on how to keep my computer clean..
How do i clean out my computer on files that are downloaded?
How do i clean out the internet cache and cookies?
Do i need a virus software? if so which is good for a mac?
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Aug 25, 2010
I am downloading something, but it says it is a Windows product. It's an article. Sometimes, after I download things & click on open, it opens up in Text Edit with all messed up there a way around this, without having to install Bootcamp? I attached part of it maybe someone can understand what I'm asking easier with pic.
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Nov 11, 2010
How to copy blu-ray files from mac to HD? From my experience, once i download a blu-ray file, i can't seem to copy it to my external hard disk.
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Feb 5, 2009
I want this option but ill explain it via Leopards downloads folder. So we have the Downloads folder where items we download via the space time continuum are held. I would like to have the items via downloaded date so for other folders, most recently added. NOT created because the item might have been created 2 weeks ago and not modified cause lord knows, me just opening it means ive modified it.
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Jul 3, 2009
Is there any way to save files to an external drive? We receive emails with attachments. When we save these files, the only options given are "desktop" and "our external drive". We need to save them to folders, preferably on our external drive. Even if we create a folder on the desktop, we can't figure out how to save the file in that folder directly. The desktop is a mess because it is littered with images.
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Apr 3, 2012
I have had some trouble lately when downloading DMG files with Safari. In the URL bar I could see it was downloading and then downloaded however nothing happend. Changed to open with DiskUtility didn't do anything. Firewall had no influence. When downloaded with Firefox there was NO problem and everything went fine like it use to do with Safari. So I suspect it is a bug in Safari since this happens with all DMG files of late.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 31, 2012
ive been using my mac to unzip zip arhcive files ive downloaded from the internet and for the past few months ive had to troubles at all. but more recently my mac wouldnt actuallty zip the files. so i started using a free application in the app store called stuffit expander. but now even stuffit expander wont unzip my files. what is happening? the stuffit expander just says it is unable to recognize the file type which makes no sense, and when i use the default unzip application already on my mac it just turns the zip file into a file with the extension .cpgz
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 11, 2012
I cannot read downloaded pdf files. I get a black screen. I updated my Adobe reader and flash to the most current but see no improvement. Any thoughts? I am on an IMAC OS 10.6.8 but cannot upgrade this machine to Lion.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 19, 2014
I downloaded files to
1. My downloads
2. My desktop.
But when I went to find the files I could not find them, even using Finder and Spotlight. I eventually found them using 'EasyFind' but I am still perplexed as to why I cannot see them. I can see other files in my downloads file and on my desktop!
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Feb 11, 2009
Anyway, is there any way to be able to hide all file extensions in OS X 10.4.11? I have the "Always show file extensions" check box *un*checked, but now, on downloaded files most of the time the extensions show. No major problem, I just like everything to be clear and not messed up with .ppt and .dmg.
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Apr 22, 2009
So I would like to have my files open automatically once there downloaded, be it .pdf, .ppt or .doc.
Is there some setting that i need to change of Firefox (though I have looked) to make this happen
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