ITunes :: Downloaded Lots Of Files From It - Now MacBook Pro And IPod Is Full?
Apr 29, 2012
I have downloaded too much stuff from iTunes - mostly movies and tv shows - , and now my macbook pro and iPad are full. i would like to save tv shows etc locally on an external drive but I dont know how to do it and how to ensure that they will be recoverable. I have purchased some 25GB iCloud in the hope that things would be saved anyway
iPad 2 Wi-Fi
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Apr 1, 2012
I just had a pop-up tell me my SSD is full. But I have lots of RAM available. Computer does seem slow and delicate tho. What's up? Could my machine be spending SSD space and not RAM? I just had a pop-up tell me my SSD is full. I have tons of RAM available. Computer does seem slow and delicate tho. What's up?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), re SSD
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Apr 1, 2012
will it delete my music?
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Apr 10, 2012
Itunes keeps downloading apps that i had downloaded on my iPod Touch how can I stop it from doing that ?
Info:iPod touch, iOS 5
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Feb 15, 2012
iTunes 10.5.3 (3). The last group of songs I downloaded and encoded to mp3 continue to duplicate and show up in itunes everytime I sync my iPhone or iPod. I keep the library stored on an external hard drive and always change "iTunes media folder location" to the EHD, which is also annoying. I've deleted the default folder in Lion but the songs keep showing up in m4a format. I then have to start all over. (tags, info etc.) This is the first time I've had this problem and I'd like it to stop.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 7, 2010
I have downloaded music from solarseek, the files are "completly downloaded" never the less the files stay in the folder "uncomplete", the info details says "itunes Document" for each file, example of a files name , "02 brothers on the slide.mp3 - Hagafarta.solarseek".
I want them to play or to open, but they dont work on itunes, i downloaded manny files (songs) from different users on solarseek, so its not a problem of corrupted files.
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Dec 27, 2010
I am running out of space on my laptop so I am moving all my music to an external hard drive. If I keep my file directory structure and naming the same, can I simply "re-point" iTunes to this new storage location and all my songs (etc...) will keep working in iTunes? Will storing the music on an external hard drive effect the performance (speed) of iTunes and/or iPod syncing?
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Apr 28, 2010
About a month ago, a friend who had just purchased his first Mac emailed me and asked why his Dock DownLoad file disappeared. I had no idea why. He still hasn't been able to reestablish it.
Yesterday, I downloaded something and my Dock DownLoad file vanished. I have tried rebooting, using (useless) Help, Spotlight, Search, and several other things. NO JOY. NO DownLoad file.
1. Does anyone know where to find DownLoad or how to bring it back?
I have experienced several idiosyncrasies with Snow Leopard, but when I call Apple support, they are very nice, but haven't a clue as to why it's happening.
2. Another problem is that the Highlight gets anchored on something in Mail, Word, and some other Apps. When I click somewhere else, the whole area between the "anchor" and what I click on is lit up. Apple doesn't know what causes it. I have to go through multiple machinations to shake it loose. I don't know what it is that causes it or specifically how to "shake it loose". Neither does Apple.
3. When typing in Word or an editor, there are times when the type changes to UpperCase and won;t let go.
Another problem is that, at times, when I click on a file, it fills the screen. Apple is aware of this problem and is trying to find an answer. Nothing, to date.
Apple support can't tell me why the MacMail Inbox spinner disappeared or how to get it back.
There are times when I can't access the hidden Dock. After rebooting and trying other things, the Dock finally shows up but any additions that I have put on the Dock are no longer there.
When I put a DVD in the slot, for the first few seconds, it grinds but does smooth out.
I thought that SL was supposed to get rid of the "foibles". "What happened on the way to the Forum"?
Is anyone finding other SL idiosyncrasies? What are they?
If anyone can help with items 1., 2, and/or 3. I'd be grateful.
BTW, Apple says that items 2 and 3 MAY be caused by the wireless Magic Mouse and/or the wireless keyboard; however, when I use alternates, it still happens.
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Apr 22, 2012
I have an old macbook that has all my songs on, as well as my iPod. I have recently got an iMa which currently has no music on, how would I transfer the music from the iPod to the new iMac, or alternatively from the old Macbook to the iMac?
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Apr 23, 2012
I backed up my iPod touch (2nd Gen) and I want to put that onto my iPod Nano(6th Gen).
iPod touch (2nd generation), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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May 23, 2009
My granddaughter has a formated iPod for windows and her computer crashed. The iPod is having problems. She would like to backup her music, but she doesn't have access to a computer. Can I use my iBook running Mac OSX 10.3.9? Is there any software that will let me do this for free? I would like to give her a DVD of her music if possible.
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Jan 11, 2011
Recently my buddy's macbook pro died. When we realized it was on it's way out, we moved his itunes library to an external hard drive. We had to consolidate it a couple times to get everything. We setup his new macbook pro to look at the external drive for his itunes library.
However, the new macbook pro is still storing music files locally (the external drive is always plugged in). I did a consolidation last night and noticed something weird. It's not jsut looking for the files that arent in the itunes library on the external drive and adding them, it is making full copies of the itunes libraries on the external drive. So, that means that my buddy has about 4 of each song in his itunes library folders (only one copy of the song shows up in itunes itself). So his Dave Matthews folder will show the album Crash as it's own folder, but within that folder there will be four copies of each song that is on the album.
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Aug 21, 2014
I am upgrading my mid 2012 MBP with an internal SSD. I have16 RAM. OS is Mavericks.
I edit videos using a mix of photos (imported layers via photoshop), short animations, short video clips. I do some very basic stop animation also. So each media file is not heavy (photos, pics, short videos), but I do a lot of layering and compositing in FCPX. I had a lot of delays and freezes with 5400 rpm HDD… so I decided to upgrade to SSD.
Some people have told me to edit it all on my internal SSD as the media files are not big..
Everywhere else on the web I read that all media / libraries should be on an external while I edit them. But most of these contributors are using huge video files, HD, which is not my case.
So – with small media files but lots of editing and effects / animation, should I spend the extra money on a good external 7200 rpm USB3 to edit from ? Or just use external drive for storage and not editing.
Not going for TB as I read there would not be a difference between USB3 and TB on a 7200 rpm external drive (difference is felt when using RAID, r SSD external) ...
MacBook Pro
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May 1, 2012
I just purchased a Macbook and immediately upgraded to Lion. As a result, my laptop now says that the startup disk is's 95% full of "other." I don't have anything else on this computer yet beside Microsoft Office. How do I get my memory and storage back?
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Apr 13, 2012
I just bought a MacBook Air yesterday due to my PC crashing. I was able to transfer music and pictures from my iPhone 4 onto the computer, but I cant transfer music files from my ipod classic.
iPod Classic
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Nov 11, 2010
How to copy blu-ray files from mac to HD? From my experience, once i download a blu-ray file, i can't seem to copy it to my external hard disk.
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Apr 3, 2012
I have had some trouble lately when downloading DMG files with Safari. In the URL bar I could see it was downloading and then downloaded however nothing happend. Changed to open with DiskUtility didn't do anything. Firewall had no influence. When downloaded with Firefox there was NO problem and everything went fine like it use to do with Safari. So I suspect it is a bug in Safari since this happens with all DMG files of late.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 19, 2014
I downloaded files to
1. My downloads
2. My desktop.
But when I went to find the files I could not find them, even using Finder and Spotlight. I eventually found them using 'EasyFind' but I am still perplexed as to why I cannot see them. I can see other files in my downloads file and on my desktop!
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Mar 9, 2012
I could not find any recent helpful answers via Google, but eventually discovered, by trial and error, that you need to delete the failed downloads in three places namely: /Library/Updates (this is probably unnecessary)
and the *two* files here:- /private/var/folders/<complicated long path>/<name> where <name> ends in .pkg and also in .pkg.resumeData (i.e. the "same name" twice)
I found out where these were being saved by (*immediately* after the update-failure), typing find /private/var/folders -newerct "1 minute ago" -name "*.resumeData" and sure enough, these corresponded to the failed downloads. I removed them with sudo rm /private/var/folders/<complicated long path discovered via find/<name>.pgk sudo rm /private/var/folders/<complicated long path discovered via find/<name>.pgk.resumeData
and then the software update started working again instead of always aborting with e.g. "iTunes: partially downloaded" etc. The reason for the original failure is my poor internet service that constantly breaks halfway through any long-ish downloads.
An example of the actual filepath on my 10.6.8 Mac OSX is:
/private/var/folders/02/027LjtRMGXSZNggzpqLQg++++TI/-Caches-/ pdate/<same amount again in length>
in other words, really long winded and very difficult to find (I have been trying to do this all day and could not find anything via the www) - I hope it helps you!
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 27, 2014
how do i delete files that downloaded on my from my laptop
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Jun 17, 2012
I'm having problems playing .avi files on my macbook pro. Have downloaded DivX and Flip for mac but neither seems to work. .wmv files are fine.
MacBook Pro
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Mar 28, 2012
I have a MacBook. I changed nothing that I know of. Suddenly when I download files they say they're going to the Download folder but when I open the folder to retrieve (or clean out) old files, there's nothing visible. It appears the file is empty. I have no other option to choose from while downloading. They just automatically go to the folder. Yet the folder's empty.
What am I doing wrong? Where are the files? I do NOT have a Download folder in my deck. (Never have.)
How do I fix this? (I need to download files from work and many of them don't allow me to "Save" as.
Macbook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 24, 2012
I have two retina MacBook Pros. Since getting them and trying to download software, I've downloaded multiple .DMGs with invalid checksums. Most recently, I downloaded the MacBook Pro (Mid 2012) Update multiple times from each computer using both Chrome and Safari and it took 8 tries before I got a valid copy (each had a totally different checksum). This has also happened when downloading Adobe CS5.5 and CS6 installers directly from Adobe's site.
Macbook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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Sep 10, 2009
I am looking for a way to synch my iTunes library on my macbook like an iPod. Basically, my main iTunes library on my mac mini is HUGE. Way bigger than will fit on the 250gb drive on my macbook. So I am looking for a way to sync my macbook in the same fashion as an iPod. I want to choose a few playlists to send over and keep synced. Maybe 50gb or so of data so that when I am away from my main computer I can have music with me. The reason I want to do this is my 30GB ipod recently dove off the deep end and I dont have the finances to get a new one yet. But I usually have my laptop with me most places and like to listen to music. I have found ways to keep 2 libraries synced but not be able to partially sync one. Anyone have any ideas on how or if this is even possible?
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Dec 2, 2014
I connected my iPod nano to my MacBook Air, and opened iTunes to put the music I had just bought onto the iPod. Usually an icon appears on the main screen and on the right hand corner of my music list that says"Add to", so you can click that and drag music to your iPod download list. The screen on the iPod should have said "Do not disconnect charger" but nothing happened. The iPod only charged. This happened once before, and it randomly just started working. This time it won't work.
MacBook Air
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Jun 3, 2014
I have a lot of music on my iPad that I'd like to move across to my MacBook. I can't see how to do this. If I sync them, will the small amount of music on my MacBook replace the big library on my iPad?
MacBook Air
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Dec 10, 2010
I was finally converted and have been using my new macbook air for a few days. (13.3" baseline w/ 4GB RAM)Everything is fine (I even installed Windows 7 via bootcamp and no slow down on starts up on both OS) until I connect my 80GB iPod.iTunes said "The iPod is connected to a low-speed USB 1.1 port. For better performace, you should connect it to a high-speed USB 2.0 port, if one is available on your computer."Not only it said it is slow, I have tried copying stuff from my iPod onto the MBA HD and it REALLY is slow. (47 mins estimated time for a 2.6GB file) All softwares are up-to-date coming out of the box.
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Mar 21, 2008
Has anyone put their entire iTunes or iPhoto libraries on Time Capsule to work with their MBAs? When I plug in an iPod to sync, would iTunes automatically find the media folders (both music and photo)? I assume the same could be asked for those who use an external HDD connecting to the AirPort Extreme after the software update.
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Feb 9, 2012
How can I move music from my iPod nano to my MacBook Pro?
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Jul 2, 2012
Yesterday I bought 10 songs from the iTunes store on my iPod Touch. I realized, this was a mistake, and I'd rather listen to them on my Macbook. How can I copy the tunes over?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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