ITunes :: No Longer Change Equalizer Presets In Options
Mar 21, 2012In Tunes 10.6 (40)has anyone noticed you can no longer change the equalizer presets in options?
Info:iTunes, Mac OS X (10.7)
In Tunes 10.6 (40)has anyone noticed you can no longer change the equalizer presets in options?
Info:iTunes, Mac OS X (10.7)
I want all of the songs in a playlist to have the equalizer set to "Dance". I find changing each song individally to be time consuming and tedious. Is there a way to do it all at once.. like Command-A does for selecting all in other applications?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI go to view and i don't see no show equalizer option. I would like to know where i can find the equalizer since i would like to change the settings.
View 5 Replies View Relatedso, i'm sure all of you know that the sound quality on macbooks suck. when i try to play anything at a loud volume it just sounds awful. i was wondering if there was a way to adjust the equalizer in itunes, or in volume controls that would make it sound better?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI opened the iTunes equalizer and it wasn't showing on the desktop. I tried using Expose (show all windows) and I see the equalizer "open". But when I exit Expose I see my Equalizer flies up and behind (or possibly over) the toolbar on top. I tried everything I could, but to no prevail. There was no way that I could possibly click behind the toolbar, I tried to bring all the windows up front and that didn't work. Tried clicking on the equalizer from Expose and it flies up again. Is there any other way to bring the little window back?
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View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way through a third-party app that I can have display presets? I have three 17" Apple Displays and a 52" Sharp LCD. When I'm sitting at my desk I'd like to have my monitors setup one way but when I'm sitting in front of the 52" LCD I'd like things to be setup different. For instance, when at my desk, the middle monitor of the three Apple displays get my dock and Apple bar. I have spaces enabled and certain apps reside on certain monitors and spaces.
When I move in front of the 52" LCD, I'd like to kick in a preset that moves things around without having to manually do it each time in the System Settings. One idea I had was to create another user. Not bad on the surface but it's kind of hassle not having the same routing to my other user's documents folder. Plus my software starts getting wonky.
I printed out some slides on Keynote. I put 4 slides to a page and they printed out fuzzy. Is it because I put 4 slides per page or some other option I need to change?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI can't seem to get DVD Player to retain and use saved zoom settings for all disks. I have a Standard Def TV and don't like large bars at the top and bottom of the screen, so I use "Standard Display - Widescreen Mode" so I tried to Save the opreset and clicking the "Use for All Disks" check box. When I insert another disk, the zoom reverts to "Normal" (unzoomed) mode. I've tried deleting the DVD Player plist file, but that has no effect. I also tried unchecking the "Video Zoom" box under DVD Player Prefs (Previously viewed tab/Always use Disk settings), but that doesn't let the preset be used for all disks. Basically, the Save Preset option seems useless unless you view the same disk again.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am getting ready to buy a new mbp. I currently have a mbp that I purchased 2 years ago. I did not create a backup to the factory setup when I first purchased the mbp. Would love some advice from more experienced members of the form on the following:
- is there still a way to restore my mbp to the factory presets?
- what programs do you recommend to wipe the sensitive data from your mbp before selling it on ebay? And how significant are the risks of selling your mpb on ebay after using the software?
- what should I do when I initially purchase my new mbp in anticipation of 2012 when I will likely want to purchase a new mbp and sell the old one? (ie, to make it easier to erase all of my data and restore it back to the factory presets)
if this has already been covered adequately, I apologize for re-posting, but I couldn't seem to find what I was looking for in my search.
I seem to be having a major brain fart this morning. I can't find the equalizer in iTunes 9.2 on Mac OS 10.6.4.
The only way of using the equalizer is to select songs and than type command+i. Then under the 'options' tab you can select an equalizer preset.
Didn't there used to be an equalizer that played the entire music library using one preset? And couldn't you specify your own values for the different frequency bands?
How to Change Boot options with Terminal, or Startup Disk.
Problem I want to Install Boot Camp On my old Macbook Pro, But the "Superdrive" is not super anymore... So I only have the USB option.So I for instance partitioned my Extern HD and installed Lion in hope that it gave me the option to use the USB drive, since Boot Camp 4.0.1 have more options than 3.0.1 But all for nothing the macbook pros s EFI is set to only use the Superdriveport, and not like the Macbook air. I have seen I can use some rEFIt program to go in and change the preferred drive for starup. But I would rather like not to have a to change anything in the EFI with any program.
- So it must be possible to sort of make the Macbook Pro into an Air regarding the drives, if you know any kind of programming, which I dont.
Info:MacbookPro3,1, Mac OS X (10.6.6), Model Number A1226
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MacPro 2.66, Mac OS X (10.6.7), GB ram.. iLife 08 /Aperture / CS 5
I go into System Preferences, choose a new photo, close System Preferences, the old photo is still there. I have rebooted multiple times, closing all programs first, just in case something open is preventing the switch. I just cant figure this out, I have always been able to change before with no problem. The ScreenSaver is changeable, by the way, that works fine.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Does anyone know of an application which would equalize the volume level of realtime audio on the Mac? I use Eyetv and find that stations use different volume levels for different programming and I am constantly adjusting the volume control. Surely this can be remedied by software.
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Mac mini
Since installing SL I can no longer change the size of my background photos to fit the screen in the desktop system preferences window
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
When I start tunes it always asks me if I want to allow incoming access.When I try and synch to Apple TV it tells me I ned to open port 3689.There are many posts on support forums about these issue with previous OS releases
View 6 Replies View Relatedthat will allow me to install my dvd's into itunes?
View 5 Replies View RelatedLast night I decided to try itunes to burn a cd and I noticed the options you have when starting the burning process, space between songs (1,2,3 �seconds) and some other options.
I left the 2 second spaces which was the default, but my songs are cutoff by 1 or 2 seconds before the end.
Does this have to do with the 2 second I used?
Would someone be so kind and explain these options? I tried to google it by no answer.
Maybe this is simple, but I've searched and cannot find an answer. How can i make all my playlists show the same view options? I want, for example, bit rate and sample rate shown on all playlists - but some have them and some don't.I'd also like whatever options I choose to be in the same order left to right, and new playlists to default to my arrangement.
early 2008 Mac Pro 8 GB ram / white MB 1.5 GB ram, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
All a sudden tonight I tried purchasing an iPad app on iTunes when it instructed me to fix a billing issue with my PayPal account. I checked it and nothing was wrong, but iTunes still won't allow the payment. What the heck is going on?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI saw someone elses itunes and they had a different layout than mine, but did not remember where he changed it at. His had three columns that filled the top half with like artist, genre, album. And then the bottom half had the selection of whatever was highlighted on the top half.
View 5 Replies View Relatedim playing a song in itunes 9, not al the time but enough to be annoying either itunes song jumps and the whole mac will freeze for a split second and do this untill i stop playing the song or the song will play fine and for example safari will freeze for a split second and i can't do anything and it repeats until i stop playing the song again, anyone else had this
View 4 Replies View RelatedFor the past few months, I've been having a few problems with iTunes. This was happening way back in Ver. 8, and since upgrading to iTunes 9, the issue remains. I've also tried re-installing iTunes 9, but no luck.First off, iTunes invokes spaces randomly. Say I'm searching in Safari - Spaces will automatically switch to iTunes, and after switching back - it does it again and again, and then it stops, for about 20 minutes.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm a first timer so forgive if this has been dicussed already.
Can anyone tell me why some TV shows on iTunes which were previously available in HD, are now only available in SD?
Two examples are Legend of the Seeker and season 5 of Lost (the promo content was previously available in HD).
Also when I tried to purchased episode 11 of Fringe in HD and in SD, I recieved a message stating "THE ITEM YOU TRIED TO BUY IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE".
Pandorajam no longer downloading to itunes. It still notifies me of duplicates but will not download new songs.
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iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1