OS X :: Keynote/how To Change Options?
Jun 3, 2009I printed out some slides on Keynote. I put 4 slides to a page and they printed out fuzzy. Is it because I put 4 slides per page or some other option I need to change?
View 2 RepliesI printed out some slides on Keynote. I put 4 slides to a page and they printed out fuzzy. Is it because I put 4 slides per page or some other option I need to change?
View 2 Repliesusing iWork 09 (keynote 09) on my macbook pro (2,66 GHz, Intel Core 2 duo, 4GB) and when trying to use keynote presenter view connected to a projector I see the presenter view in the wrong screen, I see it in the projector not on my macbook.Using duplicated view all is fine but of course I dont see the presenter view.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI opened a slideshow file, probably made with Powerpoint, and it went full screen and is playing Glenn Miller's in the Mood over and over. Strangely, I can't see any of the images being played and it's just a blank white square in the middle of the fully blacked out screen. What do I press to get this to stop and the program to close?
View 1 Replies View RelatedApple on Monday announced to users of its iWork.com public beta that new features have been added to the Web-based service, including the ability to play Keynote presentations online, as well as new options for public sharing and private online storage.The details came in an "important service message" sent to users by Apple on Monday. The changes require users run the latest version of iWork, 9.0.5, released last week.
View 15 Replies View RelatedI tried to find a tool in "inspector" but couldn't...I just want to change a JPEG file from color to black/white effect.
I know in Powerpoint 2011, I can simply click on the image and there will be several image effect selections on the ribbon. I couldn't find the same feature on Keynote 09.
I have an action sequence in my keynote presentation but I can only change slides after the action is completed. Is there anyway to force change the slide to the next one? (Even if the build is halfway through)
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am pasting a screenshot on each slide and I wan them to fill the entire slide but their size is 70% the hight of a normal slide. I do not want to stretch them vertically because proportions will be a mess. I want to project slides in the size of the screenshots. Is this possible? can I change the size of the slides to accommodate the size of the screenshot?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to Change Boot options with Terminal, or Startup Disk.
Problem I want to Install Boot Camp On my old Macbook Pro, But the "Superdrive" is not super anymore... So I only have the USB option.So I for instance partitioned my Extern HD and installed Lion in hope that it gave me the option to use the USB drive, since Boot Camp 4.0.1 have more options than 3.0.1 But all for nothing the macbook pros s EFI is set to only use the Superdriveport, and not like the Macbook air. I have seen I can use some rEFIt program to go in and change the preferred drive for starup. But I would rather like not to have a to change anything in the EFI with any program.
- So it must be possible to sort of make the Macbook Pro into an Air regarding the drives, if you know any kind of programming, which I dont.
Info:MacbookPro3,1, Mac OS X (10.6.6), Model Number A1226
In Tunes 10.6 (40)has anyone noticed you can no longer change the equalizer presets in options?
Info:iTunes, Mac OS X (10.7)
I want to change the option to, "higher performance," but there is no way to do so. Is there a way to manually change these settings?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have seen a few videos about mastering and gave it a try myself. It can be done by clicking the master tab, then going to the Input 1-2 column setting and then clicking setting - mastering, etc.When I first did this a few weeks ago, there were many options such as hip hop mastering, electronic mastering, etc.Now, when I do so, I have different - much less enticing options and have no idea where the good ones went.
When using pages i noticed that when exporting to word i lose some more advanced formating sometimes... so i`m afraid to lose the formating when doing the same to keynote (effects, pictures, charts and transitions..)
View 5 Replies View Relatedhere's my problem, the 3d graphs in keynote look cool, but the categories at the x axis are unreadable. I want to turn this . I can do this in the 2d version and in the 3D version from powerpoint, but I cant find it in keynote?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am a complete newbie to Keynote. Are there any books or websites that have good indepth literature to teach me how to get the most out of Keynote? I know there are video tutorials but I'd rather have a book that I can have sitting next to me when I am on my Macbook Pro or that I can read when I am out and about.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDo you know of a program that will allow my Mac (Snow Leopard) to play the music included with most Windows PPS slide shows. Keynote (a Mac program) displays the slide shows perfectly but I can never get the Music.
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhen Steve Jobs does his presentation he frequently uses a transition whereas a big announcement is being made, say, a price drop or a launch date the announcement is made with a transition that drops down and lands with a 'thud' and there is then smoke rising from the word that dropped down.
Can anyone tell me what transition this is and where I could get it to implement into my presentation?
is there a way to change the language of a keynote? it is currently in portuguese but i would like it in english?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I click "Play" on my keynote presentation, the slides come up, but they only occupy the centre of the screen (eg: much smaller than the size of the screen).
View 2 Replies View RelatedI wanted someone to tell me if this is possible to do in Keynote:
say I have a Keynote presentation with four slides. In the first slide I have hyperlinks to pages 2, 3 and 4. Can I have a different transition effect for each slide so that when I click on hyperlink for slide 2 I have the cube transition, when I click on hyperlink for page 3 I have the flip transition... etc?
What is the best way for someone to save a Windows PPT file (XP version of PPT) that it will play the "most nicely" with Keynote? Does anyone know of any options on the Windows side that will help?
The main issues that I seem to be seeing are that the slides are opened in Keynote at 720x540 instead of 1024x768 and that there are a few font issues. I'm just wondering if there is anyway to "idiot" proof this and cut out any additional steps after opening the project on a Mac.
I think I speak for a lot of people when I ask all users of Keynote '09:
In other words: has any one using the latest version of iWork and Mac OS X experienced a sudden reboot when pressing the play button?
The horrible sight of an unlit black screen and the dreadful noise of your drive spinning up, quickly followed by a hollow chime letting you know that everything you were busy with and hadn't saved is now Verschwunden?
Does anyone know of a site/place where I can dld more Keynote Templates?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAfter I upgraded to Snow Leopard, when opening powerpoint files (PPT) in Keynote,
the program will load 30% (in the progress bar) then Keynote will be non responsive and I will have to force quit the program.
Never had any problems with Keynote before but I use it quite a bit for presentations so you can see the obvious issues here.
I noticed that when I view a keynote presentation that has been exported to a pps, some of the functions don't work the same. For example the fly in effect appears very differently. Is there anything I should be doing?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I transfer Keynote '09 from one eMac to another eMac?
I have purchased Keynote and Pages for my iMac and now need to use the same software on my MacBookAir, I was told that there was a way that I could do get the software on to my MacBook via bluetooth.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have keynote,pages and numbers on my macbook.Do I have to purchase them aga
in or can I transfer these programs to my new mac desktop.These purchases are not showing up in my app store probably because I had them on my mac as a trial and just put a key in to buy them.
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have keynote mainly to create pictures of my tumblr. For example I viewed this video:
to get new ideas, but I can't find how you add new fonts like these. For example 'Lunch'.
Info:Mac Pro, Keynote
My students often like to use a document version of my Keynote presentations. Since most of them are using a PC, I print a PDF document version (the one with 4 slides per page and lines to take notes). Only the lines have disapeared. When I check the appropriate box in the print dialog window, the lines do not appear in the preview, nor do they print in the actual document. My problems have arrised soon after I went from Leopard to Snow Leopard. Does this have to do with Keynote itself or with my recent update with Snow Leopard?
I'm working an a MacBookPro, using OS X 10.6.1 and iLife 09.
I have an avi movie which I have done on Windows 7, pinnacle. However, it has saved it at 416MB, which is fairy large! I want to transfer it to the Mac and play it through keynote.
Does anyone know how I can convert the file (as I am aware Mac will not play avi) but to also reduce the file size WITHOUT losing the quality? I know handbrake can convert, but if I do this will the quality be reduced?